
Chapter Chapter Fifty-Three (Apollo)



"Liz!" Krissy screamed as my beloved Eliza began to fall from the sky.

Not again, I thought.

I summoned my chariot and flew toward her, catching her in midair and pulling her to safety. She was unconscious and fading fast. She looked exactly as Kleia had.

As excessive electricity pulsed through Eliza's body and attacked her, I did the only thing I could think of... I flew the chariot straight to Mount Olympus.

With Altheos down, the pocket realm had begun to shatter, and it was easy to find my way out of the church. I flew as fast as I could, pushing the chariot to its limits.

We were met at the Gates of Olympus by Athena, Aether, and Polyhymnia. "Oh, my sweet girl..." Aether said with tears in his eyes.

"She did what was necessary," Polyhymnia said sadly. "Once again..."

"Where is Zeus?" I asked Athena desperately.

"This way," she replied patiently. She led me down a golden path.

I carried Eliza toward him. "Father..." I said softly.

Zeus looked surprisingly sympathetic. "Apollo... I know why you've come," he said.

"Help me," I said. "Please, help me save her."

Zeus sighed, which wasn't a good sign. "Apollo, I know this girl was Kleia, but she is Eliza now, and Eliza is mortal. Mortals die. It is one of the things which defines their existence. To interfere in that would be wrong."

"I know mortals die!" I snapped. "But not like this, Father! Please don't let me lose her like this again!" I was sobbing now, too heartbroken to care if it made me appear weak.

"The Fates forbade me from interfering," Zeus insisted.

"In the battle, Zeus," Hera said as she joined us. "The battle has ended. This girl has so much electricity flowing through her she could rival you right now. You are the only one who can help her."

"Hera, this isn't our place."

"You don't get to decide my place, Zeus. I choose for myself, and my place is right here, beside my devastated stepson." She gave him the Look that only Hera has ever mastered. It's a look that frightens animals, small children, full-grown deities, and especially Zeus. Trust me, you don't ever want to make Hera angry.

Zeus hesitated as he caught the look in her eyes. "Very well," he conceded. "I can try, Apollo, but the damage may be too much to reverse. You need to prepare yourself for the possibility that history has repeated itself."

"They're consorts now," Hera said. "That makes them both stronger. Kleia stands a better chance of surviving this time."

Dionysus appeared with some of his finest wine. "Have a drink, Apollo," he said. "It will ease your nerves."

"She's dying, Dionysus!" I sobbed. "Nothing will relax me!"

My younger brother took my rage in stride. "I know that," he said. "I'm here, Apollo. I don't show up for just anyone. So have a drink with me."

I sighed, but accepted the beverage. It was a strawberry wine, infused with nectar. It did ease my nerves a bit, but nothing could truly comfort me in that moment.

"Everyone, leave us," Zeus ordered. "This may become dangerous."

"I'm not going anywhere," I said firmly.

"Suit yourself, but you may get hurt."

"Nothing can hurt worse than this already does."

To my great surprise, Hera put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I will stay," she said. "I can call on their consort bond to strengthen Kleia."

"I will remain as well," Athena decided.

"We're her parents," Aether said. "We should be here."

"I will chant for your success, Zeus," Polyhymnia agreed.

"I never miss a party," Dionysus declared.

"You are all stubborn fools," Zeus said with a sigh.

"I beg your pardon?" Hera snapped.

"Not you, my love," he backpedaled quickly. If the circumstances had been different, that might have made me laugh. Now, laughing seemed impossible.

I held Eliza's limp hand as Zeus began pulling electricity from inside of her. It shot around us, flying at trees and grass and deities alike. Somehow, no one got struck.

Finally, Zeus pulled the last of the electricity out of Eliza and into himself. I could tell the effort had taken a lot out of him, but he kept a calm expression on his face.

"Thank you," I said with fresh tears in my eyes.

"Of course, Apollo," Zeus replied. "You are my son, after all." He paused. "She's not in the clear yet. I kept her from doing further harm to herself. She has a chance now, but the damage she did to her mortal body must be healed. I cannot do that for her."

"I can," I said. I held Eliza as everyone watched us in anticipation. Had she been conscious, the attention would have made her blush.

"Don't leave me, my beloved," I said softly. "I only just found you." I kissed her forehead and poured every bit of healing magic I had into her. I felt her brain start to function properly again as her energy responded to mine.

Against all odds, Eliza opened her eyes. I began sobbing in relief as I held her tightly.

"I love you," I told her. "You are my consort, and I'll wait an eternity for you to be ready to marry me, but I love you, and thank you for surviving!" I said very rapidly.

She smiled at me as she looked into my eyes. "I love you, too, Apollo," she replied.

It was a pleasant surprise when she leaned closer and shyly placed her lips against mine. Euphoria does not even begin to describe what I felt in that moment. I returned the kiss cautiously. Our actions remained chaste, our lips simply connecting and moving slowly against each other, but it was more than enough for me.

I remembered we had an audience as Dionysus declared, "I'll drink to that!"

"You'll drink to anything," Athena reminded him with a laugh.

"That's true, so it might as well be in honor of this joyous occasion, right?" Dionysus replied.

Aether and Polyhymnia hugged Eliza between them as I tried to process the fact that she'd truly survived. I hadn't lost her this time.

"Apollo... We should get back," Eliza pointed out. "We need to let everyone know I'm alright. They'll be worried... And we need to make sure Altheos is really gone."

I nodded as I pulled her back into my arms. "Come on, my consort," I said. "We'll take the chariot."

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