Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter Trust your Luna

" Get away from my path, kid, go and look after your babies and let the men handle the serious matters,” Alpha William mocked, staring right at Adele.

" Even if you consider me as a kid, still I’m the Luna, and in the absence of the Alpha, I am responsible for this Pack,” Adele stated. ” The Alpha is not here right now, so I suggest you should go back to your Pack.”

Alpha William didn’t like a woman ordering him. ” How dare you order me?”

Trevor interfered and said to Adele, ” You can go back to the Packhouse; I will handle him.”

This enraged William even more, and he roared, ” Handle me? Don’t forget your place. I am an Alpha.”

" You are not my Alpha,” Trevor retaliated.

" I will soon be. Your Alpha is already dead.”

" He is not dead,” the senior Pack member screamed.

" The members of this Pack have no manners at all. Has your Alpha Chris not taught you how to behave with an Alpha?”

" That’s none of your Business. Get out from here right now, ” Trevor said, gritting his teeth.

" No!! In fact, I am taking over this Pack right now,” Alpha Willaim declared.

" Dream on,” Adele said, stifling a laugh. Even the Pack members found it absurd and were chuckling among themselves.

Alpha William was furious. ” If you don’t submit to me this instant, I will get my warriors and attack on this Pack.”

" Don’t try to threaten us. Even we have warriors here. Your Pack wouldn’t stand a chance,” Trevor stated.

" But your Pack doesn’t have an Alpha,” Alpha William smirked. ” Who is going to beat me?”

" I will,” Adele said in a matter-of-fact tone.

" You?” Alpha William snickered. ” This is not a beauty contest, kid. I am talking about a real fight here.”

" Even I am talking about a one-on-one fight. You and me,” Adele challenged.

At Adele’s words, Willaim laughed loudly as if she had cracked a joke. Even the Pack members were gossiping among themselves that the Luna must have lost her mind due to the shock of her missing mates.

The senior Pack member slowly approached Adele and whispered, ” This is not a matter of joke, Luna. I have known Alpha William for a long time. Not only is he quite strong, but he is also very cunning and never plays fair. He would do just about anything to win.”

" I can handle...” Adele says, but Alpha William interrupts her, ” I don’t want to hit a girl. I am giving you a chance to run away from here. Your pups have already lost their father, and I don’t want them to lose their mother and be orphans.”

Adele was enraged at the mention of her pups being an orphan. ” Shut your filthy mouth!! Another word about my mates’ death, and you will regret coming here today.”

" You will be the one to regret. Don’t say that I didn’t warn you,” Alpha William flexed his muscles and approached Adele. ” If I beat you, then you have to accept me as your Alpha.”

The Pack members were horrified, and Trevor immediately interrupted. ” We do not accept this.”

" Are you defying your Luna then?” Alpha William commented.

" Trust me, Trevor, I will take care of this,” Adele said, but Trevor was not ready to back down. ” How can we trust you? You are just a woman. Please get back to the Pack and let me handle this.”

" What do you mean by ‘just a woman’“? Adele asked, annoyed.

" Women are not meant to interfere in men’s Business,” Trevor said rudely, and Alpha William chuckled and said in a mocking tone, ” See, even your Pack members do not trust you.”

Adele was hurt to see the apprehensive looks on the faces of the Pack members. Even though she didn’t need to justify herself to these people who judged her even before knowing her, she couldn’t let her duties as a Luna slide. If she behaved like an ignorant fool, there would be no difference between her and them.

Adele didn’t want to argue with them anymore as she had more important things to do, such as looking for her mates. She faced Trevor and said, ” Back off!! Let me remind you in the absence of your Alpha; you are bound to obey your Luna. Do not force me to use my Luna tone. ”

Trevor was boiling in anger but couldn’t say anything. His sister Tess poked in between,” You can’t do this.”

" Shut Up!!” Adele said in her Luna tone, and Tess tried to speak but couldn’t utter a word.

The Pack members were mumbling about their Luna being bossy in the absence of Chris, but Adele ignored them and faced Alpha William. ” And you...!! What have you decided? Do you wanna fight or leave?”

" You think too great about yourself. It would be fun crushing your attitude, kid,” Alpha William sneered. ” Don’t worry. I am not so heartless. I will be lenient with you and only fight in my human form. I don’t want my wolf to ruin your beauty.”

Adele scoffed. ” Are you planning to fight with your mouth? Stop blabbering and fight.”

Alpha William charged at Adele, planning to punch her, and all the Pack members backed off in fear while Adele ducked right on time and instead landed a forceful punch on his stomach.

William had not expected getting such a hard blow from a woman. He backed off by its force and was about to fall but balanced himself at the right time. The Pack members were even more shocked than him. Everyone stared at Adele with open mouths, unable to believe their eyes.

Mia, Trevor’s mate, who was silent for so long, suddenly cheered for Adele. ” Go, Luna!!! Teach that Bastard.”

Alpha William growled at Mia, ” Who are you calling a Bastard??!!” He pounced on her intending to punch her, but Adele came in between them, and the punch landed on her face.

The punch was hard, and the corner of her lips was bleeding, but Adele recovered herself, smashed William on the face, and kicked him on his chest, sending him backward. ” Don’t hurt my Pack members. The fight is between you and me,” Adele screamed, and Mia looked at her in awe.

Alpha William’s pupil got wide, and his eye color changed from blue to dark brown. He slashed Adele on her stomach with his claws, and Mia got worried.

" Luna...” Mia was about to approach her, but Adele stopped her. She leaned back on her right leg and performed a roundhouse kick right on Alpha William’s face. Alpha William stumbled back, and his nose was bleeding. William tried to kick Adele, but she turned around and elbowed him on his ribs.

The punches and kicks followed, and even though Alpha William was strong, he was not as agile as Adele. While William focussed on his strength, Adele focussed on her technique, so before William could land a hit on her, she would have ducked and hit him back.

William was never the one to play fair. Seeing that he was about to lose to Adele, he caught her off-guard by suddenly turning into his wolf and kicking Adele on her chest. Adele winced in pain as she hit her back on the tree hard.

The Pack members were scared for Adele now. She was hurt, and William charged at her again, planning to end the fight. Trevor was about to interfere to save Adele but suddenly stopped.

Everything happened in a second. William’s wolf was about to pounce on Adele, but she jumped at the right moment and moved away from the tree, making the wolf hit himself. The wolf growled in pain and turned back at Adele.

Adele lunged at William’s wolf, changing into her snow-white wolf. She kicked him on his snout with great force, and his head hit on the tree again. William’s wolf tried to slash Alexa with his claws, but she ducked and slashed him back aggressively. Alexa kicked, sliced, and bit the dark brown wolf at various places until he was tired and out of breath. She pinned him to the ground by his neck, refusing to let him up.

Finally, Alpha William’s wolf could not fight Alexa anymore and showed up his belly as a sign of submission. Alexa left the hold she had on his neck and got away from him.

The Pack members burst into applause, clapping and cheering for their Luna on her win. They admired her for her courage and skills. Alexa went behind a tree, changed into her human, and wore a long t-shirt tied to the tree.

Adele approached Mia and asked her, ” Are you hurt?”

Mia shook her head and looked at Adele, who had a few cuts here and there. ” You are hurt.”

Adele smiled. ” It’s nothing. Just a few bruises.”

The senior Pack member approached Adele. ” I am proud of you, child. I am sorry for underestimating you.”

Even Trevor looked ashamed, but he didn’t shy away from apologizing for his behavior. ” I am sorry, Luna. I was very rude to you.”

" I don’t need an apology. I just want us to be a team and trust each other. Now that Chris and Liam are not here, we must work together and think about how to rescue them instead of fighting among ourselves.”

The Pack members looked at each other, mortified. They realized their mistake, and Trevor said, ” We are all with you, Luna. We will help you find our Alpha and Beta, even if we have to die in the process.”

By now, even Alpha William had changed into his human self and worn his pants. He silently approached Adele wanting to attack her from behind, but Trevor saw him. He pushed Adele aside and shielded her waiting for the blow, which never came.

Adele turned back and saw her brother Axel, who grabbed Alpha William by his neck. ” Attacking from behind. Too bad.”

Alpha William was out of breath as Axel choked him with his right arm.

" Leave him, bro, ” Adele spoke to Axel through mind-link, and he loosened the hold.

William fell to the ground, coughing and trying to get some air. He looked at the person who was choking him and exclaimed in shock. ” A-Alpha Axel!!! W-Why are you here? Did you come here to take over this Pack?”

" Take over? Why would I take over my sister’s Pack?”

" Sister?” Alpha William asked, confused.

" Ignore him, bro, ” Adele said to Axel.

“Bro??!!! She is your sister???” Alpha William asked, stunned looking from Axel to Adele.

Adele glanced at him and sneered, ” The fight is over. I suggest you must run back to your Pack now.”

In the aftermath of losing to Adele and now that even her brother was here, William no longer dared to stay. He turned back and quietly left the Blackwood pack without any arguments.

After he left, Axel looked at the cuts and bruises on Adele and growled, ” Will someone bother to tell me what the hell is going on here?”

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