Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter The evil witch's plans

Adele explained everything about Samara and Chris’s family history to Axel, skipping the parts about their treatment towards her. They were seated in the Pack House discussing along with Maria, Trevor, and a few other pack members.

" And you are telling me all this now? Did you forget about our agreement?” Axel asked, exasperated.

Adele was embarrassed and avoided looking at her brother. Adele and Axel were very close and had an agreement that they would never have any secrets between them.

" I am sorry, Bro,” she said softly.

When Axel saw Adele’s crestfallen expression, he couldn’t help but hug her tightly. Adele hugged Axel and cried her eyes out. The past two days were so unfortunate. Both her mates were missing, and she had no idea what had happened to them or where they were.

" Calm down, Ade. We will find them,” Axel said, trying to console his little sis.

" But, where do we start?” Trevor said in frustration.

Adele thought about it and wiped her tears. ” Archer!!! Chris got a call from him saying he knew about Liam.”

“Let me call him,” Trevor says, takes out his phone, and dials Archer’s number.

" He is not picking up, ” Trevor says, even more annoyed.

" Do you know the way to his Pack?” Axel asked.

" Yes. I have been there once.”

" Let’s go then, ” Adele says and gets up from her seat.

" You stay here and take rest. We will go and check,” Axel says, pointing towards Trevor.

" Yes, Alpha, ” Trevor responds, and they both head out of the Packhouse.

Adele immediately goes inside to check on her kids.

Axel and Trevor return after an hour, looking disappointed.

" What happened?” Adele asked, worried.

" Archer is not present at the Pack, and his Pack members say they don’t know where he is,” Axel said with a hint of anger.

" The smug look on their faces was a clear indication that those bastards knew something. You should have let me smash their faces,” Trevor snarled, facing Axel.

" If they were rogues, I would have smashed them myself,” Axel retorts.

" Initially, I was not sure if Archer would be involved, but looking at the behavior of his Pack members, I am sure something’s fishy. Where do we find him now?” Trevor asked.

" Will he be there at the place where we found Sybil?” Axel asked.

" I am sure he won’t as we know that location,” Adele signed.

" Just to be sure, I will have it checked,” Axel says and moves aside to make a call to his warrior.

Adele’s mind was thinking of the various possibilities, and she realized the first person they should be talking to was Sybil, as she was the one who was closely associated with Samara. Once Axel was back, she said, ” We must speak to Sybil. I am sure she can give us some information about the witch and her plans.” She then faced the Blackwood Pack head warrior Dalton and instructed, ” Form multiple teams and search everywhere. The city, the forests, the packs, the mountains... Don’t leave any place unchecked.”

“I am on it, Luna,” Dalton said and left.

" Let’s go,” Adele said to Axel, and Trevor interrupted, ” Let me come with you, Luna.”

Adele nodded, and they all left to go to the Silverlake Pack.

At the Silverlake Pack, Adele had to repeat everything to her parents again. They looked even more shocked than Axel.

" It’s only a few month’s you left this pack, and you are already hiding things from us. Don’t you consider us as your family anymore?” Adele’s Mom said dramatically.

" Please, Mom. I already regret it, don’t make it worse,” Adele almost pleaded.

Daisy was in tears and hugged her friend tightly, ” Stay strong, Ade.”

“I knew this would happen sooner or later.”

Everyone turned around and saw Sybil and Sera, who had just entered the room. Adele stared at the lady standing beside Sera, who looked like she was in her forties, but her withered face made her look much older. Sera looked exactly like her mother.

" What do you mean?” Aron asked Sybil.

" Samara is determined to get rid of her trap. She tried 15 years ago; obviously, she would try again. Rather, I am surprised why she waited so long.”

" She’s my friend Adele, the one I told you about,” Sera said to her Mom and introduced Adele.

Sybil gave a loving smile to Adele and looked at her in admiration. ” I am grateful to you, my child. You trusted my daughter and helped her escape from that hell. I was shuddering to think what she would make me do this time.”

Though Adele had decided to help her friend, she was still skeptical about them. ” I am hoping you won’t betray our trust.”

" You can trust us. Whatever happened in the past was not my choice,” Sybil said with a sad look.

" How can we believe you? I have seen what you did to our Alpha’s and Beta’s family,” Trevor said accusingly.

" He is from the Blackwood pack, ” Sera whispered to Sybil, and she understood Trevor was talking about Shawn and Matthew.

Sybil looked embarrassed and signed. ” I regret what happened with them. It was never my intention to hurt them.”

" Then why did you do it?” Trevor screamed.

" Samara threatened to kill my husband,” Sybil cried out. ” I was forced to lure Clara and Lea into performing a ritual to help your pack. They never had any harmful intentions. They just wanted to keep their family safe. But in the garb of performing a ritual, Samara hypnotized and brainwashed them.” Sybil was in tears when she recalled the past. ” When my husband saw me suffering in my guilt, he sacrificed his life and helped me escape from Samara’s clutches.”

Adele observed Sybil, and the pain in her eyes looked genuine. Sera embraced her Mom, and both were in tears.

Even Trevor seemed to believe Sybil and was silent, not knowing what to say.

" So the main enemy here is Samara,” Adele’s dad Aron said to break the silence.

" But why would she kidnap Chris and Liam?” Adele’s Mom asked.

" Isn’t it obvious?” Adele said. ” She wants Chris to use his blood to help her get free.”

" Then why kidnap Liam? Why not only Chris?”

Everyone was lost in their thoughts when Sybil said, ” As much as I have known Samara, she thinks the easiest way to defeat an enemy is to use his weakness against him. When I heard Chris had found his mate, I was hoping she would be using you to force him.” Sybil looked at Adele and then spoke again,” I wonder why she would kidnap his Beta instead.”

Everyone was still confused about that except for Adele and Trevor. Adele glanced at Trevor, who gave her a look of realization. Chris loved Liam more than his own mate.

" How did the witch know about Chris’s affection for Liam?” Trevor asked Adele through mind-link.

" That bastard Archer,” Adele replied back.

Adele looked at everyone’s confused faces and said, ” Liam is Chris’s best friend. I am sure he would do anything to save him.”

" Yeah. You may be right, ” Sybil said. ” Samara must be planning to use Liam to force Chris to give his blood. If that happens, there would be no way we would be able to stop Samara. She would be free forever and destroy everything,” Sybil said in a worried tone.

" Why not? Didn’t Chris’s ancestors trap her in the moonstone 1000 years ago? Why can’t Chris do it now?” Adele enquired.

" It’s not as easy as you think.”

" Do you know how they did it? If they can do it, even we can,” Axel said hopefully.

" It’s impossible because this is not about strength. 1000 years ago, Christian Black managed to trap the witch only because he had help. Even he couldn’t have done it alone.”

" We will help Chris, ” Adele declared. ” We will do anything but never let the evil witch destroy us.”

" Physical help is not enough. Only those people can help him who are connected through a bond like a mate bond.”

" I am his mate,” Adele said, annoyed.

" Samara is very powerful, and it requires not one or two but three people’s combined strength to trap her. Christian could trap them only because he had two mates, and all three were connected through a bond.”

Everything was silent for a few seconds. They all stared at each other, and finally, Daisy said, ” Adele has two mates.”

" What?” Sera asked, shocked.

" Sorry? What did you say?” Sybil asked, confused.

" Chris and Liam both are her mates,” Daisy repeated.

" You didn’t tell me that,” Sera said to Adele in an accusing tone.

" Thank the Moon Goddess!!!” Sybil exclaimed, looking relieved. ” Everything happens for a reason, my child. I think you are destined to destroy that evil witch,” Sybil said to Adele holding her hand.

" No wonder the witch ordered Archer to kill you,” Sera said to Adele. ” If you are dead, the bond would be incomplete.”

" What!?” Axel, Aron, and Ariel exclaimed at the same time.

" When were you going to tell us that?” spat Axel.

" I-I...” Adele was lost for words.

" Did anyone attempt to kill you before?” Aron growled.

Adele avoided looking at them and said nothing, but Aron insisted, ” Tell me, Ade.”

" I was attacked yesterday by three rogues,” Adele whispered, looking down.

“F**k,” Axel cursed.” When? What happened?”

Adele told everything about the attack in front of the Sunflower Pack and also about her talks with Alpha Smith.

" I never expected werewolves to side with that evil witch,” Ariel remarked.

" Either Samara makes them do it by force, or there are people like Archer who do it for power,” Sera says with a look of disgust.

" So we have to find Chris and Liam by the next full moon because once Samara is released, I am sure she would have no reason to keep them alive,” Axel said apprehensively.

" We will find them and stop her,” Adele said with determination. ” Even if she is free of her trap, we will trap her again.”

Sybil suddenly realized something. ” But there’s another problem.”

Everyone stared at her questioningly.

" The ritual to trap her can be performed only on a special kind of Blood Moon day, and it’s pretty rare. Usually, it happens once in several years.”

" What?”

" What do we do now?”

" Can you check and find out when the next Blood moon day is?” Adele suggested.

Daisy got the werewolf calendar, and Sybil sat down. After observing for a few seconds, her lips curled into a smile. ” We are in luck. The next week’s full moon is also a Blood moon day. No wonder Samara chose this day because if she is released on a Blood Moon day from her trap, she will be more powerful than ever.”

" No matter how extraordinarily powerful she is, I am confident that me and my mates can handle her together.”

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