Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter Missing Mates

As soon as Alexa was out of the Sunflower Pack border, three rogue men stood in front of her path.

One of the men smirked at her and said, ” You are a hindrance to us, so we have been ordered to eliminate you. ” He didn’t waste any time and took out a gun from his pocket and fired at Alexa.

Fortunately, Alexa was alert, so she dodged the bullet at the right moment and pounced on the guy making him fall down. Even the gun fell down, and Alexa quickly kicked it off under the bushes.

Werewolves usually fought with knives and claws, not guns, so she knew these guys were serious; she didn’t waste any time and bit the guy on his leg hard, taking out a chunk of his flesh so that he couldn’t walk.

The other two guys attacked Alexa simultaneously. One held a knife and struck from the front, while another grabbed her leg from behind. Alexa ducked to avoid the blade, but it slightly sliced her arm. She then freed her leg and kicked the guy so hard he directly fell upon the knife the other guy was holding. Both of them fell to the ground with a thud, and Alexa repeatedly kicked the knife-yielding guy on his face, who could not defend because of the other guy’s weight on him. After he was unconscious, she moved on to the other guy who was still struggling to get up. Seeing Alexa approach him, he turned into his wolf and tried to escape, but Alexa kicked him towards the tree rendering him unconscious. Alexa then looked back and saw 2-3 border patrol guards of the Sunflower pack staring at her in shock.

"A**holes," Alexa thought as they didn’t even attempt to help her and ran towards the direction of Blackwood pack.

As Adele reached the Packhouse, the Pack members questioned about Chris.

" Why are you back alone?” Gamma Trevor asked rudely.

" Chris got a call from Archer who claimed to know about Liam, ” Adele answered curtly and went back to her kids.

When Adele reached the nursery, it was all chaos. Maria and a few pack ladies were helplessly trying to pacify the kids who were continuously crying.

" What’s wrong with them?” Adele questioned, and Maria seemed relieved to see her.

" They are hungry, Adele. They won’t take this milk, ” Maria said, showing her the milk bottle.

Adele took her babies from Maria and another pack member, and the kids immediately fell silent. She glanced at Maria and said, ” Please let me know as soon as Chris is back.”

As she was about to go to her room, she was interrupted by a voice, ” Alpha was right. You are an irresponsible mother.”

Adele, who was already in a bad mood, turned to see who was the one who spoke. She recalled seeing her around the Pack but didn’t know her name. ” Who are you?”

" I am Tess, Trevor’s sister,” the girl snickered.

" No wonder,” Adele remarked. “I’m not in the mood to argue with you right now, but next time, keep your mouth in check,” Adele snapped and left with her babies.

After feeding the babies and making them sleep, Adele checked her wound, which was almost healed, but she still felt some weakness. She was so exhausted that she couldn’t help but fall asleep.

Adele was woken up the next morning by Iris’s cries. While Adele was looking after her babies, someone started banging her room door.

She opened the door, and it was Maria looking highly tense. ” Adele, Where is Chris?”

" Chris? Is he not in his room?” Adele asked sleepily.

" He has not yet returned Adele.”

" Not returned?? Do you mean he didn’t come back yesterday night?”


Adele was immediately alert and handed her kids to Maria and tried calling on Chris’s phone, but it was off. She checked Chris’s room, Liam’s room, his office everywhere around the Packhouse but couldn’t find him anywhere. While she was moving around the Packhouse in frustration, she was interrupted by Trevor, ” It’s no use. We have checked everywhere. Don’t act like you are concerned for our Alpha.”

Adele looked at him with venom in her eyes but still ignored him and continued her search.

" I think she was lying about our Alpha,” Adele heard another voice say and stopped in her tracks. She wasn’t surprised to see who it was, none other than Tess.

" What are you trying to say?” another pack member asked.

" Don’t you think it’s suspicious?” Tess continued. ” When Beta went missing, she was not in the Packhouse, and now after the Alpha left with her, she came back alone,” Tess said, staring at Adele with hatred.

Tess hated Adele with a passion. She fancied Chris for a long time and wished she would be his mate, but unfortunately, Chris was not her mate, nor did he ever respond to her flirtatious attempts.

Tess had not yet found her mate, and until Adele came to the Blackwood pack, she was the highest-ranking woman in the Pack as there were no other Alpha and Beta females here. Tess always showed a sense of superiority to the other Pack females because of her Gamma status and forced them to obey her. None of the women dared to approach Chris and Liam because of their hatred towards women and quietly followed Tess.

Now that Adele had become the Luna of the Pack and was very sweet and friendly with everyone, few of the women opposed Tess stating Adele was the Luna, and they should be obeying her. This didn’t go down well with Tess, and she started spreading rumors about Chris and Liam’s marriage around the Pack so that Adele would be angry and reject them, but it didn’t turn out as she expected. Now that she had got a golden opportunity to blame Adele in the absence of the Alpha and Beta, she will not miss the chance.

" The f**k did you say? Who the hell are you to accuse me.” Adele snapped.

" We are concerned for our Alpha and Beta,” Tess said with tears in her eyes to gain the sympathy of the Pack members.

" Not as much as me,” Adele sneered. ” They are my mates for gods-sake.”

" We know what your relationship with them was like,” Trevor intervened, and a few pack members seemed to agree.

“Is this your revenge because they don’t love you?” Tess accused.

Adele couldn’t control her anger anymore. She used her Luna tone and screamed at Tess, ” Another word from your mouth, and I won’t be responsible for my further actions.”

Tess wanted to say more, but she couldn’t refuse Luna’s orders. Trevor was infuriated seeing such treatment of his sister and said, ” You can’t stop us. We take orders only from our Alpha and Beta.”

Before Adele could reply, a border patrol guard entered the Packhouse in panic, looking for Trevor. ” Please come with me. You must see this.”

“What?” Trevor asked, worried.

" The Alpha...”

" Did Chris come back?” Adele asked the guard.

" No, Luna, but... Please come with me.”

Adele, Trevor, and all the Pack members who were gathered followed the guard towards the Pack border. As they reached the border, the guard pointed at something at a distance.

Adele moved forward and suddenly stiffened. Chris and Liam’s clothes were lying on the floor, stained with blood. She felt a chill run down through her spine at the thought of her mates being hurt.

Trevor picked up the blood-stained shirt, his hands trembling, and sniffed it. ” I-It’s the Alpha’s blood,” he stuttered in terror.

Adele was still trying to process what she saw when another Pack member asked the Patrol guard, ” How did it come here?”

“A rogue wolf suddenly appeared and threw it. Two guards have gone in search of him,” the guard replied.

The guards came back, dragging the rogue wolf along with them. Trevor got up, looking furious, and held the rogue by his throat. ” Where did you get these clothes? Where are the Alpha and Beta?”

Though the rogue could not speak properly, he managed to sneer at Trevor. ” They are dead. Our Master killed him.”

The Pack members looked in disbelief while Trevor loosened the hold on the rogue in shock. The rogue fell to the ground and chuckled evilly, ” Dead. The most powerful wolves are dead.”

" He’s lying,” Alexa said to Adele. " They are our mates; if something happened to them, we would have felt the pain.”

Adele agreed and looked at the pack members, who were all crying at losing their Alpha and Beta. ” What is wrong with you all? How can you believe this rogue? He is clearly lying.”

" I saw it with my own eyes,” the rogue yelled. ” I saw my Master kill them with my own eyes, ” he repeated and laughed hysterically.

Adele stared at the rogue and asked, ” Who is your Master?”

The rogue smirked at Adele. ” You will be next,” he stated and slit his own throat with a knife and died instantly.

An old Pack member who was Shawn’s friend broke down and fell on his knees and cried, ” Chris... Liam.”

Few members approached him and tried to console him, but Adele was adamant. ” They are not dead.”

" How can you be so sure?” another member asked.

" Because I am perfectly fine. Don’t you know about the mate bond? If they were dead, I would have felt their pain.”

The old Pack member immediately stood up as the realization hit him. ” You are right. You do not feel any pain?” he asked again to be sure.

" No, I don’t, and moreover, do you think Chris and Liam are so weak that anybody can kill them so easily? ” Adele asked, and all the pack members looked relieved and seemed to agree with her.

" What a show, ” someone sneered, and Adele looked in the direction of the sound. It was Alpha William from the neighboring Moonshine pack.

" I was just taking a stroll around my Pack, and what do I get to hear? My neighboring Pack Alpha and Beta are dead. My condolences are with your Pack,” Alpha William mocked, looking at the Pack members.

The senior Pack member faced Alpha William and snapped, ” They are not dead.”

" Then where are they? Why don’t I see them anywhere?” Alpha William snickered.

" They will be back soon,” Trevor said, but he didn’t look confident himself.

Alpha William chuckled. ” Stop lying to yourself and accept the fact that Blackwood Pack does not have an Alpha and Beta anymore. It looks like you need a new Alpha now. I will do you a favor and take over the Pack.”

" They are not alone. The Luna is right here,” Adele snarled.

" Are you going to stop me?” Alpha William looked at her and taunted.

“Yes. As long as I am alive, I would not let an outsider take over my Pack.”

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