Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter Missing Mate

Adele was stunned. She couldn’t process what she had heard just now. After a moment of silence, she asked, ” Took him? Where? Who?”

" If I knew, that person would be dead by now, ” Chris growled.

" But Liam was at his cousin’s pack,” Adele remarked.

" Alpha Smith told me Liam is missing now,” Chris said sadly.

“Then why the f**k are you still here sulking. We should go to the Sunflower pack and check right now,” Adele said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Finally, Chris seemed to have come to his senses. When he had heard of Liam missing, his mind had gone numb. Chris was no longer a 25-year-old powerful Alpha; rather, he was back to the time when he was 10 and had lost his Mom. Now that Adele had told him, he realized he should be out there looking for Liam.

" Come on, let’s go,” Adele insisted, and they both got inside the car.

Chris drove to the Sunflower Pack at record speed. They dashed into the Packhouse, where luckily Chris found Alpha Smith sitting in the living room chatting with his Pack members.

Chris was enraged and pounced on Alpha Smith like a hungry lion. Chris held him by his throat and raised him up so much that his legs were dangling in the air. ” Where the f**k is Liam? What did you do to him?” he roared.

Alpha Smith was trying to free himself from Chris’s hold without any luck, while the other Pack members present there did not dare to come in the way of Alpha Chris.

" Put him down, Chris. We need to talk to him, ” Adele urged. Chris then loosened the hold on Alpha Smith, and he fell to the floor with a thud.

" Talk,” Chris yelled, and Alpha Smith stuttered, ” I-I don’t know where Liam is... H-he was here until afternoon, and then w-we couldn’t find him a-anywhere. W-We tried calling him, b-but his phone w-was not reachable.”

" Then why did you say someone took him?” Chris inquired.

" We found a note in his room,” whispered Alpha Smith.

" What note?”

Alpha Smith stood up and handed a note to Chris. Chris read the message and clenched his fist in anger. He looked ready to kill someone.

" What is it?” Adele asked, and Chris handed the note to her. She read the message, ′ I hope you are ready to do anything to save him. See you soon, Mr.Black - Your mother’s old friend.′ Adele was thinking hard. Who is this old friend? Is the evil witch Samara referring to herself as Clara’s friend? Even Adele felt disgusted, so she could imagine how Chris must be feeling now. She didn’t ask Chris anything, just placed her hand on his arm as if trying to support him.

Adele suddenly realized something. ” How could anyone take Liam just like that? Nobody can get to him so easily.” She then stared at Alpha Smith accusingly. ” Someone entered into your Packhouse in broad daylight and took Liam, left a note, and nobody saw anything?”

Alpha Smith was suddenly nervous. He seemed lost for words and looked anywhere but at Chris and Adele.

" You are hiding something, ” Adele was right on point.

Chris glared at Alpha Smith and held his collar, ” Tell me right now if you know what’s best for you.”

Alpha Smith almost pissed his pants when he saw Chris’s eyes which had turned black. In his fear, he blurted out, ” I-I am s-sorry. I had no choice.”

" What do you mean?” Chris growled.

" I-I spiked Liam’s food with a sleeping drug,” Alpha Smith confessed, and the moment Chris heard it, he was furious. Chris punched him so hard; he was thrown out of the Packhouse, crashing through the window.

Chris didn’t stop at that; he followed Alpha Smith and rained punches on him one after another. Alpha Smith’s son was right behind him, trying to attempt to stop Chris, but he couldn’t muster up the courage.

Finally, Adele was the one to stop Chris. ” Stop it, Chris. Don’t be so impulsive. At least let him finish.”

" Impulsive? Didn’t you hear what he did to Liam? That’s why I don’t trust anyone,” Chris snarled and faced Alpha Smith. ” Why did you drug him? Who told you to?”

Alpha Smith was bleeding all over and could not speak, but his silence annoyed Chris. When Chris was about to punch him again, Alpha Smith blocked his face with his arm and begged, ” Please don’t hurt me. I will tell you everything. ” Alpha Smith tried to get up, and his son helped him stand. ” O-Our pack was regularly being attacked, and one day someone approached me and said if I do, as they say, they will stop the attacks.”

" What did they ask you to do?”

" T-To get Liam away from you so that they could kidnap him,” Alpha Smith muttered in fear.

Chris moved forward to hit him again, but Adele held his arm and asked,

" Who asked you to do it?”

Alpha Smith was quiet for a moment as if thinking what to say. ” It was a woman about your age,” he said, looking straight at Adele.

As usual, Chris was too soon to react. ” It’s your damn friend. I knew it.”

" How can you assume it’s her?” Adele retaliated.

" Didn’t you hear him?”

" So you trust him now?” Adele asked, exasperated.

" Then what do you want me to do?” Chris screamed. ” From the moment she came to our pack, I have not had a second of peace.”

Adele stopped arguing with Chris as she knew it was no use and approached Alpha Smith. ” Are you lying again?”

" I-I swear on my son I am not lying.”

Adele took out her phone, looked for a photo of Sera, which she had taken at her last birthday party, and showed it to Alpha Smith. ” Was it her?”

Alpha Smith stared at the picture for a while and blurted out. ” Yes, it’s her. What is she doing with you?”

Adele was stunned for a moment. She thought that whatever Sera had told her till now had turned out to be the truth, then what was this now. Should she believe this person or her friend whom she had known for five years? She decided to test it and asked again, ” If you are lying again, then you will seriously regret it.”

Adele was keenly observing Alpha Smith, who was fidgeting on his spot. His eyes moved from his son to a few pack members, and he was profusely sweating. Seeing his body language, Adele was nearly convinced he was lying.

He then replied in a high-pitched voice, ” I-I have no reason to lie to you. Liam is my nephew; even I want him to be safe.”

" Shut the f**k up! ” Chris snickered. ” If you wanted to save him, you would have told us the moment you came to Blackwood Pack.” He then faced Adele and said, ” Where is that witch right now?”

" She is at my pack, but this man is lying; I don’t trust...” Adele started, but Chris interrupted her, ” We are wasting our time arguing while we should be interrogating that witch.”

" But...”

" If you don’t want to go, I will go alone,” Chris said and moved towards his car. Adele wanted to further question Alpha Smith about the truth. She followed Chris and tried to convince him, ” Please, Chris, I am sure Alpha Smith is hiding something. First, we will interrogate him; then, I will take you to Sera myself.”

Chris ignored Adele and got inside the car. ” I am done talking to him.”

Suddenly his phone started ringing, and Chris saw that it was Liam. He felt a sense of relief and picked up the phone. ” Liam...?”

Adele instantly forgot about the matter she was arguing about and silently heard Chris talking on the phone. She was alert when she heard Archer’s name.

" Archer? How do you have Liam’s phone?” Chris asked.

" I heard a scream and followed the sound and found Liam’s phone here,” Archer explained.

" Where is Liam?” Chris asked.

" I don’t know, his scent is weak here, but I am sure he is nearby.”

" Where are you? I will come right now,” Chris said hurriedly. He heard Archer and disconnected the call. As Chris was about to start the car, Adele begged, ” Wait, Chris, How do you know Archer is telling the truth?”

" Don’t you start again. Archer knows where Liam is, so I need to go,” Chris said, annoyed.

" But Archer is consorting with that evil witch Samara,” Adele blurted out.

Chris stiffened up. ” How do you know about her?”

" That is not important right now. What is important is we can’t trust Archer. I think he is involved in Liam’s kidnapping,” Adele thought that’s why he was not available when they went to rescue Sybil.

" So you want me to trust you and your witch friend?”

” All I want to say is don’t go alone. We will take a few warriors with us.”

" I don’t have time for this. Whatever it is, I can handle it, alone, ” Chris said and started the car.

Adele desperately held his arm now. ” At least tell me where you are going.”

Chris ignored Adele and yanked her hand off his arm so hard that she fell down. The next moment, Chris sped off, driving the car at full speed.

" F**k,” Adele cursed and got up. ” What the f**k do I do now?” she exclaimed in frustration, looking around. She then noticed Alpha Smith looking at her and smirking. This enraged her even more, and she dashed towards him and punched him right on his face.

The pack members were shocked as they had not expected a woman to be so aggressive. ” Tell me the truth, was it actually a woman who approached you?”

“Y-Yes,” Alpha Smith stuttered.

The next second, Adele’s eyes were snow-white, and her nails had turned into claws. Alpha Smith cringed in fear, and Alexa placed her claw on his neck and growled, ” You lie to me again, and I will slice your neck.”

" This is not acceptable,” Alpha Smith’s son shrieked but still didn’t try to approach her. ” Y-You can’t force us. You are alone, and we are all here. Let go of my father right now.” Though the words he uttered were harsh, his body language screamed of his fear.

Alexa chuckled. ” Will you stop me? Let me see you try.” Alpha Smith tried to get free, but Alexa tightened her hold on him and pricked him with her claw. Alpha Smith was so scared that he pleaded, ” Please stop! Please don’t kill me! It was Alpha Archer. Alpha Archer told me to say it was a woman when Alpha Chris would question me. I am sorry. I am sorry.”

Alexa wanted to kill the lying bastard, but she just banged his head on the nearby tree, and he was unconscious. She then faced Alpha Smith’s son and roared, ” Do you know where Archer is?”

" N-No... H-He himself came to our pack a few weeks ago, ” he stuttered.

Alexa knew Archer was not a fool to tell his whereabouts to these cowards, so she decided to go back to her pack and wait for Chris to return. She instantly transformed into her snow-white wolf and raced towards the direction of the Blackwood Pack.

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