Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter Conspiracies

Somewhere at a faraway place in the dark forest, a voice yelled at the top of her voice, ” Each one of you is f**king useless. You have attacked the Blackwood pack so many times but have not yet managed to lay a scratch on even a pack member, let alone the Alpha and Beta.”

All the rogues present in the forest shivered at the intensity of the voice. The dark aura emanating from the voice was infectious. It gave a feeling of something vicious.

“T-They are e-extremely powerful, Mam,” one of them managed to stutter.

" They are powerful? Or more like you are all cowards. I am always surrounded by people who can do nothing but whine and give excuses. How I wish I could be free, I would have taken care of each one of you,” she spat with venom in her voice.

" Please calm down, Mam, we are doing our best, ” replied the man who was holding the moonstone in his palm.

" Is this your best? Did you manage to find Sybil and her daughter?”

" N-Not yet, but we are close, ” whispered the man reluctantly.

" Pathetic..., ” Samara growled. ” And what about the information I asked for.”

" We are watching the pack 24/7. We have gathered a lot of information on their security planning and their pack members.”

" That’s not enough. I want the personal details of Alpha Chris. Does he have a mate whom we can use for our scheme?” enquired Samara.

" Yes, the Alpha has found his mate, but I doubt we can use her,” said the man with a heavy sign.

" Why not?”

" She is tough. She won’t be manipulated easily.”

" But mate’s are a weakness. I had almost managed to trick the previous Alpha using his mate,” smirked Samara.

" If you are looking for Alpha Chris’s weakness, then it is certainly not his mate, ” the man says with confidence.

" What?” Samara was surprised. ” Are you saying he has no weakness?”

" No, he has a weakness, but it’s not his mate; it’s his Beta.”

" Then use him,” Samara screeched.

The man flinched a bit and replied, ” B-But we cannot manipulate him either.”

“Then force him. If we cannot manipulate, then we can force, ” sneered Samara.

" Yes, Mam. Right now, the Alpha’s mate is pregnant, so we can have the right opportunity to catch them off-guard,” the man smirks.

Samara gives a sign of approval. ” I am impressed. Attack your enemy when they are at their weakest.”

" I have learned it from you, Mam. We continuously observe their movements so that we can attack when they are weak. Our most trusted man is always present at the Blackwood pack,” he stated, and Samara gave an evil laugh that echoed throughout the dark and lonely forest.

Liam was leaving, and Adele decided to stay for a few more days to spend more time with her family.

When Liam returned to the Blackwood pack, he was all smiles. He went straight to Chris’s office to look for him. Chris was talking to someone on his phone, standing near the window and staring outside. Liam rushed towards him and embraced him, placing his head on his shoulder and giving him a few pecks on his neck.

Chris immediately noticed the difference in Liam’s mood. Liam was a very reserved person, and he never gets touchy with anyone except Chris, and that too always Chris had to initiate it. ” You seem to be in a good mood,” he states after disconnecting the call.

“I am,” Liam chirps, then moves Chris around and crashes his lips against him. Chris was momentarily surprised but was soon lost in the sweet yet alluring kiss, which went on for a few minutes. Liam didn’t want to end the kiss, but he was forced to separate from Chris as his lungs had to find air. Both were panting heavily when Chris exclaimed, ” What’s gotten into you?”

Liam smiled at him and said, ” I am so happy.”

" Happy about...?”

" We are going to be fathers.”

" We already know that.”

" But you don’t know that we both are going to have a baby.”

Chris was confused. ” What are you trying to say?”

" Adele is carrying twins, one Alpha and a Beta.”

Chris was shocked at the revelation. ” How’s that even possible?”

" I don’t know how but that’s a fact.”

" How can you be so sure?”

" The Doctor at the Silverlake pack said so, ” Liam said casually.

" How do we trust this Doctor?”

" She seemed genuine,” Liam said, a bit offended that Chris wasn’t looking as excited about the news as he was.

" I cannot trust any random person when it comes to my pups.”

" Can’t you trust me? My instinct says she was right, and look at the bright side, we thought whether the pups would be Alphas or Betas, but now we will have both,” Liam said happily.

When you put it like that, you are actually right,” Chris says with a bright smile. ” However, I’m not going to keep my hopes up, and anyways we’ll know within a few weeks.”

" That’s right.”

" So this was the thing you were so happy about?” asks Chris.

" This, and I am also excited at the thought of being a father. Soon we will be holding our babies, ” Liam says, thinking about his pups. “I hope they look like you or Adele, but their personality should be like me.”

" What’s wrong with being like me?” scoffs Chris.

" Do you want our kids to be arrogant and uptight,” mocks Liam.

" Are you implying I am arrogant?”

“You must be dumb too if you didn’t guess that already.“.

" You...” Chris says and jumps at Liam, but he escapes at the right time.

" I am going for a shower, ” Liam waves at Chris and sprints out of the room.

For the next few days, Liam was very concerned about Adele. He checked on her regularly and enquired about her and his babies.

Meanwhile, Adele was having a great time with her family. Everyone pampered her a lot, and she received all the love and attention that she missed having for the past few months she had spent in the Blackwood pack. Her mother felt she was too thin for her pregnancy and stuffed her with food every chance she got.

Liam visited Adele every other day and spent time with her. He even doted on Axel and Daisy’s baby, and Adele could clearly see his love for kids. She saw a new side of Liam for the first time. Compared to his reserved self, he seemed pretty lively around kids.

After spending a good two weeks at the Silverlake pack, it was time for Adele to head back to the Blackwood pack as Chris was getting restless and demanded he wanted his pups to be born in front of his eyes.

The morning Adele was supposed to leave, Liam had come in his car to pick her up. Adele’s baby bump was enormous now, and it looked like she could deliver any moment. She felt very heavy and even had a bit of difficulty walking.

Adele’s family was reluctant to let her go, but Adele assured them she would be fine and would call them as soon as the babies were born.

First, Liam helped Adele sit on the passenger seat, put on the seat belt, and then sat on the driver’s seat and headed off to the Blackwood Pack.

They seemed to be out of luck because while they were driving to their pack, Adele suddenly felt a shooting pain throughout her body. She couldn’t hold back her scream as this was something she had never experienced before.

Liam was so startled he lost control of the steering for a second, but he somehow managed to stop the car at the side of the road. He panicked, seeing Adele scream continuously, clutching her stomach. ” What happened?” he asked, holding her hands and rubbing her palms, trying to ease her pain.

Adele was unable to respond because the pain was too much to handle. She heard Alexa say, " It’s time. The babies are coming.”

With great difficulty, Adele managed to stutter, ” I-It’s time. D-Drive fast.”

Liam seemed to have understood her. ” Please try to relax. I will take you there as soon as possible, ” saying this, he started the engine and raced towards the Blackwood pack.

But, their streak of bad luck didn’t seem to end. When they were nearing the Blackwood pack, Liam suddenly stopped the car, as huge stones blocked the entire road. ” What the hell!” he exclaimed. ” These stones were not here when I came to pick you.”

Adele was calm as her cramps had subsided. The pain was not continuous, it was like a tidal wave that passed through her body every few seconds, and right now, she was okay. She looked at the stones blocking the road and felt it was unusual.

Adele’s thoughts are interrupted when Liam says, ” I will get rid of them.” He took off the seat belt and was about to get down when Adele stopped him, ” I think it’s a trap.”

Liam looked around, being alert of his surroundings. He held Adele’s face and said to her calmly, ” I am going out, but you stay here in the car. Whatever happens, do not get out of the car.” He took out his phone and dialed Chris’s number. While he heard the dial tone, he said, ” Ask Chris to come here soon and lock the doors and windows.”

Liam handed his phone to Adele and got out of the car, locking the door.

At the exact moment when Chris answered the call, Adele felt the pain again. She cried loudly, and Chris suddenly got up from his seat. ” Liam... Was that Adele? Why is she screaming?” he asked frantically.

Suddenly, one by one, the rogues came out from behind the trees where they were hiding and surrounded Liam and the car.

" W-We have been a-attacked,” Adele yelled in between her breaths, and Chris ran out of his office, asking on his phone, ” Where are you right now?”

Adele was breathing heavily and stuttered, ” A-At the intersection, f-five minutes away f-from the pack.”

" I will be there,” Chris growled, threw away his phone, shifted into his Black wolf, and dashed towards the direction of the road.

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