Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter Unusual Pregnancy

Liam was silent for the entire drive to the Silverlake pack. As they reached there, Adele asked him, ” Won’t you come inside?”

" No, I got to go,” said Liam indifferently.

Adele wanted to insist, but Liam didn’t even look at her, so she signed and opened the car door. As soon as she got down, she gasped in pain and clutched her stomach.

Liam was suddenly worried and was beside Adele in a flash. He held her and asked, ” What happened?” He looked at Adele in concern but was surprised to see her smiling.

Liam was confused when Adele said excitedly, ” The baby kicked.” She took Liam’s hand and placed it on her stomach.

Liam felt the baby kicking and was ecstatic. He couldn’t describe the feeling. A smile came to his lips, and he moved his hands around her stomach, trying to feel his baby.

“How does it feel?” asked Adele looking at his smiling face. He looked so handsome she wanted to kiss those lips.

" That’s our baby,” Liam said dreamily when Adele winced again. ” Are you alright? Are you in pain? ” Liam asked, worried.

" Just a little bit, I think I can manage it, ” Adele groaned and tried to move, but she stumbled again. Liam immediately picked her up and carried her in his arms. He sprinted towards the Packhouse, saying, “I’ll take you to the doctor.”

Adele was shocked and hurriedly said, ” I can walk. You don’t have to carry me.”

Liam ignored her words and said, ” Just show me the way to the Doctor.”

As they reached the Packhouse, they saw Adele’s parents sitting in the living room. Adele’s mom Ariel noticed them first and gasped, ” What happened, Ad?” she asked, running towards them. She then looked at Liam and asked, ” And who are you?”

Before Liam could reply, Adele said, ” He is Liam, my mate.”

Aron and Ariel had a sudden realization that their daughter had two mates. They had only met Chris earlier, so they didn’t know about Liam. They smiled at Liam, and he gave them a nod and asked, ” She needs to see a Doctor now.”

Ariel panicked. ” Why? What’s wrong?” She was checking Adele, looking for any injuries.

" I am okay, mom. There’s nothing wrong, ” Adele said, feeling flustered.

“I think we should get it checked,” Liam says. “She was in pain just now.”

Ariel nods and says, ” This way.”

Aron informed the Doctor, and she was waiting for them in the pack hospital. Liam takes Adele to the hospital room and places her on the bed. She checks Adele and the baby’s heartbeat and asks, ” You are having two babies?”

Adele nods, and the Doctor further questions, ” Is the pain frequent? Are there any other problems?”

“The pain isn’t frequent, but I’ve had it for the past one week. I also have nausea and back pain, and I get tired easily,” says Adele while Liam was not happy to hear it. He felt ashamed of himself. His mate was having so many problems, but he didn’t even bother to check. Being the child’s father, even he and Chris were responsible for the child, but instead, they were busy hating and avoiding her.

He further clenches his fist in anger when he hears the Doctor say, ” You look so pale and weak. Are you not having your food properly? Is something bothering you?”

Adele glanced at Liam; he looked agitated. She then saw her parents looking at her in concern, so she gave a smile and whispered, ” I eat a lot, but I throw up most of it. That’s all.”

Liam was shaking in anger and shame while his wolf Lex was itching to come out. Adele held Liam’s hand to calm him down, and instantly, he felt better.

The Doctor further checked Adele, and she looked confused. Ariel was worried and asked, ” These things are common during pregnancy then; why do you look so confused?”

" It’s weird, ” the Doctor says.

" What?”

" My sense of smell is more potent compared to the other werewolves...” The Doctor starts, but Ariel interrupts her, ” We all know that. What are you trying to say?”

" I can smell her babies, but both their scents are distinct,” the Doctor says.

" What’s weird about that?” asked Aron.

" One of them smells like an Alpha and the other a Beta. I was wondering how’s that possible?” the Doctor says, still perplexed at the thought.

Adele was embarrassed and avoided looking at everyone, while Liam was so happy he wanted to jump in joy. He and Chris had expected only one of them to be the pups’ biological father, and they had decided they would accept the kids no matter whose it was.

Ariel and Aron looked at each other while Aron indicated Ariel to explain it to the Doctor.

" Hmmm... Actually, Adele has two mates,” says Ariel.

The Doctor was surprised. ” That’s unusual. The last I heard it happened thousand years ago.” She thought about the situation and asked, ” So one of them is an Alpha and the other a Beta?”

Ariel nodded, and the Doc remarked,” That explains it. It’s double fertilization or, to be more precise, superfecundation.”

She glanced at Adele and warned. ” You have to be extremely careful. This situation is quite rare. In humans, such possibilities are only 1%, and hardly any babies ever survive.”

" What?” Adele gasped in fear. Even Liam looked worried. Adele tightened the hold on Liam’s hand and placed the other hand on her stomach protectively.

“You don’t have to be so tensed.” The Doctor said to calm her down. “Your babies are perfectly alright. Don’t forget that you are a werewolf. Though this condition is rare even in werewolves, I am sure your babies will survive because they have a strong bloodline.”

" Then why does she feel the pain?” Liam enquired for the first time.

" Those are pregnancy cramps. They are normal. With proper care, the mother and the babies will be perfectly well.”

Adele and Liam were relieved when the Doctor continued, ” Be careful and don’t exert yourself much.” The Doctor recalled watching Adele training with the warriors in the Silverlake pack and advised, ” And remember, Don’t go on warrior mode for a few months.”

Adele pouted while Liam said, ” I will take care of that.” He looked at Adele and gave her a knowing smirk while Adele recalled her earlier fight with their gamma Trevor and decided to avoid such situations for now.

Suddenly, Axel rushed towards Adele and checked her frantically. ” What happened to you? Why are you at the hospital?”

Adele was already fed up with everyone getting tensed unnecessarily, but Axel was too protective of her and would get riled up even if she got a slight scratch. He was the main reason why Adele did not inform her family about her relationship with her mates. If Axel knew about it, he would have never allowed her to stay at the Blackwood pack.

“You don’t have to worry about me, bro; I’m fine,” Adele says and gets up from the bed. ” I want to meet my nephew.” Liam helped her to stand while Axel was eyeing him curiously.

" He’s Liam, my mate, ” Adele whispered to Axel.

They all go to a nearby room at the hospital. Daisy was lying on her bed and staring at her baby lovingly. She brightens up as soon as she sees Adele.

Adele was mesmerized by the baby sleeping on the bed. ” Awww... He’s beautiful!” she exclaimed. “He’s the spitting image of you,” Adele said, looking at Axel while Daisy snorted.

" I-I mean, he has your eyes and nose and...,” Adele stuttered hurriedly, smiling at her best friend.

" Stop it!” Daisy pouted. ” I know he looks like his Dad even though I gave birth to him.”

Axel gives a playful wink to Daisy while Adele hugs her and asks, ” How are you? W-Was it painful?”

" It’s better you don’t ask me that now. I don’t want to scare you, Ad, ” replies Daisy.

" Oh, come on! You know I can handle pain.”

“This is nothing compared to what you have experienced before. It was so painful I thought I would be dead.”

Adele shuddered while Liam whispered into her ear, ” Don’t be scared. I will be there with you.”

Adele felt butterflies in her stomach, and his assurance brought a sense of relief to her. She glanced at Liam, who smiled at her and then stared at the baby in awe.

Looking at this baby, Liam couldn’t wait for the moment he would be holding his own baby in his arms.

Daisy smirked at Adele and spoke to her through mind-link. ” Your mate is hot. I can’t tell which one of your mates is more gorgeous. You’re one lucky girl.”

Adele blushed and glanced at Liam, who was still staring at the baby and seemed lost in his thoughts. Today was a great day, and for the first time, she felt like she could work out her relationship with her mates.

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