Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter The Birth

Liam was fighting the rogues who were relentlessly attacking him one after another. Nobody bothered Adele, who was watching around her closely, being alert. Liam killed quite a few of the rogues, but they seemed to be increasing in numbers.

Adele was frustrated. ” Why do these rogues always attack us? Where in the world do they find so many rogues? This situation seems similar to what Maria said. Do you think it’s her?” she asks Alexa.

" I am sure it’s her. We have to be prepared,” says Alexa.

Suddenly, one of the rogues starts banging on the glass of the car’s passenger door, trying to smash it while Adele feels a contraction coming and cries out in pain. ” I can’t shift now, but I need your help, Al.”

" You don’t have to ask,” replies Alexa. Adele had closed her eyes, waiting for the contraction to pass. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fist, trying to control her pain while the rogue had managed to put a crack on the glass window.

As soon as the pain subsided, Adele opened her eyes. Her green eyes had turned snow-white, and her nails had turned into sharp claws. At the exact moment, the rogue managed to shatter the glass and tried to open the car door.

Alexa was furious. " Argh! Give me a break!” she growled and held the rogue’s neck with her left hand and poked him directly in the eye with her right-hand claw.

The rogue wailed loudly, but he was silenced the next moment when Alexa snapped his neck. She then heard Liam groaning in pain and saw that he had been slashed at the back. He was tackling three rogues at once.

One rogue aimed at Liam’s neck, and Alexa was about to get out of the car to help him when she saw a black wolf jump out of the woods and kick the rogue so hard that he banged his head on a nearby tree. Alexa was relieved to see Chris or, rather, his wolf Conan.

Alexa noticed in awe the way Conan and Liam were fighting the rogues. Her thoughts were interrupted as the pain she had felt for the past few minutes returned, but the intensity was much worse this time. She screamed so loud that everyone, especially Liam and Conan were distracted.

Conan was hysterical. ” What’s wrong with her?” he asked Liam.

“The baby’s coming,” Liam said and smashed a rogue’s head on the ground.

" What?” Conan growled, and all hell broke loose. He seemed to have an adrenaline rush and tackled the two rogues he was fighting within seconds. He dashed towards Liam, bit off the rogue Liam was fighting with on his neck, and said to Liam, ” You go and take care of her, and I will take care of these bastards.”

Liam rushed towards the car and opened the passenger door. Adele was still yelling in pain and sweating profusely. ” Let me drive back to the pack,” Liam said and was about to turn around when Adele held his hand and cried, ” P-Please don’t l-leave. I-I can’t hold it anymore.”

Liam held her and rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. ” Just breathe, keep breathing.”

Adele was panting heavily and waiting for the pain to subside, but it didn’t seem to end. ” Aaaaaagggghhhhhh!” she shrieked loudly and said, ” P-Please do something. I-I can’t b-bear this anymore.”

Liam couldn’t understand what to do. Adele was not in a position to go to the pack, so he thought of calling the Doctor here.

Liam took his phone while Adele grunted in pain again. He then took off Adele’s seat belt and picked her up. Luckily there was a wooden shack nearby. Liam ran inside the hut and placed Adele on the makeshift bed of straws. He held Adele’s hand, trying to assure her, and dialed the Doctor’s number on his phone.

The pack Doctor picked up the phone on the fifth ring, and Liam said urgently, ” Adele’s in labor. I want you to come to the intersection right now. ”

The Doctor tensed up and whispered, ” I am sorry, but I am not at the pack right now.”

" Then where the hell are you?” Liam asked while Adele screamed again and scratched Liam’s hand in frustration. By now, even Chris had come to the hut only wearing a pair of shorts.

Liam looked at Chris, worried. ” The Doctor is not at the pack.”

Chris took the phone from Liam and shouted at the Doctor, ” The baby is about to come. I want you here in five minutes.”

The Doctor trembled even more at her Alpha’s tone and stuttered, ” I-I am at the c-city right now, and it would at least take me half an hour to come.”

Chris growled at that, and the Doctor hurriedly said, ” D-Don’t worry, Alpha. You simply have to encourage Luna to push the baby out.”

" What? Me?” Chris asked, flustered.

" Yes, you. You are her mate, and it’s your pups too.” The Doctor seemed to have gained her confidence back. She heard Adele screaming and instructed, “Don’t let her lose consciousness. Help her push the baby out and keep on checking whether you can see the baby’s head coming out. I will be there as soon as possible.” She disconnected the call, and Chris was lost for words.

He got out of his shock when Liam asked, ” What did she say?”

" She will come in half an hour, and until then, we have to help her push the baby out.”

Now it was Liam’s turn to get tensed. ” How can we do that? We have never done this before. What if something happens to her and the babies?”

" I don’t know myself,” replied Chris annoyingly. He ran towards Adele and held her other hand when she screamed again. ” Come on, push! Adele, you have to push the baby out.”

" Call Maria. Ask her to come here, ” Liam suggested.

" Maria is down with fever. She is resting.”

" Nothing seems to be in our favor today, ” says Liam, irritated. He then looks at Adele and says, ” Please, Adele, you can do it. You have to push.”

Adele took a deep breath and concentrated on pushing the baby out. Chris remembered the Doctor’s words and lifted her dress to check if the baby’s head was showing.

" I can see the head! Keep pushing! ” Chris cried out in excitement. Even Liam seemed boosted now and encouraged Adele, ” You heard that? Our baby’s coming. Just a little more, Adele. Just push.”

Adele tightened her hold on Liam and gave it her all. " Together, ” Alexa said, and they pushed and pushed and pushed.

Chris could see the head coming out and then the body. He caught the baby when Adele gave the loudest scream ever.

Adele leaned back on the straws, breathing heavily when they heard the baby crying. She smiled at the sound and lifted her head to look at her baby.

Even Liam rushed towards Chris and looked at the baby. ” It’s a girl,” he said and gave a huge smile.

“She’s beautiful,” Chris said while Liam looked at the umbilical cord and said, ” We have to cut this and clean her.”

" Do you have scissors?” Chris asked.

" I think it’s in the car, ” Liam said and ran out of the shack.

Chris couldn’t take his eyes off the baby. She looked exactly like Liam. Her hair was light brown like Liam’s, and she had sea-green colored eyes like Adele’s.

Liam came running back to the hut with a scissor and a few clothes, which he found in Adele’s luggage bag. He cut off the umbilical cord and wiped the baby’s blood with a clean cloth.

Chris and Liam were smiling at each other when they heard Adele scream again. At first, they were confused, and then they realized.

“The second baby!” Chris exclaimed and gave the baby girl to Liam.

Liam held the baby carefully and sat beside Adele.

After ten minutes of screaming and pushing, the cries of another baby filled the room, and this time it was louder.

Liam cut off the umbilical cord and smiled, ” This one’s a boy. We now have a daughter and a son,” he said happily.

" I will clean him; you hold her,” Liam said and gave the baby girl to Chris.

Liam cleaned the baby and chirped, ” He looks exactly like you, but he has Adele’s eyes.”

Chris beamed at his baby boy and ran his fingers through his black hair. ” Both of them have the same eyes.” He held the girl beside the boy and said in a baby voice, ” Meet your sister.”

Meanwhile, Adele was totally exhausted but, at the same time, was eager to look at her pups. ” I am here too, ” she whispered.

Chris and Liam rushed towards Adele with the babies. Adele first kissed her baby girl on the cheek and then the baby boy.

" What do we name them?” Liam asked.

" I haven’t thought about it yet,” Chris said.

" What about Iris and Ian?” Adele suggested.

Chris looked at Liam, who said, ” I like it.”

“Iris,” Chris smiled and kissed the girl on the forehead.

Liam did the same with Ian as Adele thought that despite the unlucky start today, ultimately, it turned out to be the best day of her life.

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