Chapter Chapter Seventee.

John Dobson continued working until past midnight; he was tired, his head hurt, and he had not slept in the last three days, on one of the occasions when he managed to sleep, he had been continually haunted by images of physical beings from another world or dimension. What scared him even more was deeply embedded within his subconscious and was the knowledge that these creatures were real.

The events that had led to this point in time had given him a deep concern and still worried him extensively. The Alien craft before him was like none that he had ever encountered before; furtively his department had been attempting to extensively back engineer what was in his conservative view, a craft that was at least two if not three hundred years in advance of anything he had seen before, at least now his team had come to understand these crafts unique construction, enabling them to reconstruct the various functioning systems.

His drive and commitment were continually being fuelled by a strong desire for revenge, having in the past lost his grandchild to an almost public alien abduction. His grandchild was taken in what appeared to be a vindictive action of provocation, to show the military just how helpless they were.

An alien craft had seemed to materialize above his family’s home and took his daughter who was seen to be levitated into the craft by a beam of blue light, only to later return the frantic mother, powerless to have prevented her abduction, and the theft of her then unborn child. At that time no amount of security could have prevented such an act.

It was now only the second week that their own prototype had been in service, its technology combined the gained knowledge learned from the three earlier downed crafts and incorporated along with their own designs and adaptations. Early warning satellites had been extensively adapted, enabling the military to identify the enemy, resulting in the prototypes first true-life encounter.

Commander Phillips had the overall responsibility in seeing his section of MI6 at RAF Rudloe Manner, remained secure from outside interference, the previous encounters from Central office, had shown that various operatives had been at that time, unknowingly compromised, and placing at risk not only the Earth Watch project, but also that of the world.

Commander Sergeant Major Robert Denton had the responsibility that covered the overall security of the various Military Forces throughout Europe. It was his arguments supporting the theories of an Alien Intelligence having infiltrated itself into various sections of our world’s governments. That had enabled the Earth Watch project to continue receiving the funding that it required.

The breakthrough eventually came thanks to an alien colony that had existed on our planet for some thousands of years, establishing a base under the ice caps of the south Polar Regions. It had been the prime responsibility of these aliens to ensure that no other intelligence from worlds within or outside that of our solar systems interfered in our evolution.

It was the observers as they liked to call themselves, the alien race that had lived for thousands of years under our polar regions, who one day made their presence known to selected world governments. It was this action that had in time resulted in our ability to down the next three alien crafts.

John Dobson having established a position of trust, had enabled a small group of the aliens led by one who referred to himself as Owjut, to be cared for under the umbrella of RAF Rudloe Manner. They had explained that their efforts to engage opposing alien forces was becoming more restricted due to the small size of their colony. Although this civilization was thousands of years in advancement to that of ours, it would not be possible for them to continue defending our world alone, as their mother ship was not due to return for many years.

The opposing worlds although not as old as that of Owjut’s, were none the less in advancement of our civilization, at the time of the encounter, it was estimated to be in the region of a thousand plus years, and since the last fifty years they had been slowly integrating themselves into our world. This involved a process of advanced genetic manipulation, which had enabled the aliens to produce genetically altered humans under the direct mental control of their creators.

Owjut had secured the use of three fully operational crafts along with the one that the military had back engineered, to establish a permanent Ariel cover over Rudloe Manner, plus five other crafts that could come to their aid if needed.

Cathy had been devastated by the loss of her baby, once the drugs were out of her system, the realization of her restored feelings became a reality, and no longer just a distant dream; along with all the associated feelings of despair, anger and helplessness. John her husband having himself overcome an immense emotional trauma, was finding it difficult to draw the strength that he needed to support his wife.

It was the result of a direct threat to John Dobson that the hostile Aliens had allowed Cathy to retain her memories, and of the events resulting from her Abduction, thus forcing the Alien research unit in RAF Rudloe Manner, to have investigated into the possibility of equipping themselves with static and mobile units that could detect any disturbance in the electromagnetic field, used by the Aliens to propel their crafts.

The dual purpose of these units was not only to alert the user but also to restrict or prevent the particle light beams used by the aliens to transport objects onto their crafts for abduction or genetic experimentation.

George Nelson had placed his flowers alongside the many left by friends and associate from MI6. Marie’s sudden death was the result of her having stumbled on an assassin who was about to shoot him while recovering from a field trip operation with MI6. As she lay dying in his arms, Nelson swore to avenge her death. Although it had been an unusual relationship, Nelson had planned to ask Marie for her hand in marriage.

It had been thought that a Lord Goodwood had recruited the assassin through his solicitor, in a final effort to take revenge on Nelson for compiling the evidence that had eventually put him along with many others in jail, for their involvement in the organization of a paedophile ring in the UK.

As Nelson walked away from the grave, tears were causing his eyes to become blurred, on the horizon above the tree line on a distant hill; Nelson could see what looked like an orange light descending into a meadow. Momentarily he lost sight of the object, only for a few seconds, then to see it reappear in an adjoining field opposite the cemetery.

From where Nelson was standing, he could see the object was over three hundred meters across with a depth of some thirty meters. As the object descended it became apparent to Nelson this was a similar object to that which had taken him from the airfield in Maidenhead.

What surprised him was the total absence of any noise and no visible means of a propulsion system. As the object approached Nelson, it eventually positioned itself some one hundred feet above him, John Dobson and Commander Phillips had stopped talking when they realized Nelson had not followed them to their parked car.

Their personal protection units alerted them to the presents of an alien craft. As they turned to look for Nelson the ground was flooded in a dense deep blue light, before they were able to call out their warnings, the craft disappeared, and Nelson was no longer anywhere to be seen.

Realizing it was an opposing craft the matter was reported immediately to Sarah Winslow head of MI6. George had been an important operative to MI6, he was familiar with the working structure and locations of many functional units throughout the world, and it was therefore feared that he would be compromised, or worst still genetically cloned.

There was also the probability that a digital brain scan would be carried out, this function was safe in a small controlled usage. However, to enable the Aliens to fully transfer his memory to a cloned unit, it would be necessary to scan a person uninterrupted for up to twenty-seven hours. The resulting procedure would be like re-formatting a hard drive unit on a computer, and wiping away all resident memory, enabling it to be used for eventual reprogramming, and leaving the host human like a dead vegetable.

From within a room bathed in a bright white light, George Nelson awoke to find himself partially secured to a stainless-steel type table, he was naked, although he lay on a steel table, to his surprise he was not cold; and his skin felt a chilling sensation as a mist of greenish air engulfed him. A sharp jabbing pain brought him back to awareness, and that there were three small Alien figures around him.

Unbeknown to them he had awakened and was now fully aware of his surroundings. The bindings securing his arms and body to the table, were undone, once the binding had been removed; it was a matter of seconds before George Nelson took advantage of the situation. Lifting one of the Aliens by the throat, he snapped its fragile thin neck with little resistance.

As the other two Aliens became aware of what was happening, George had already knocked one to the floor, the remaining Alien turned wanting to quickly move away. As George reached out gripping the Aliens left arm, he pulled it back, and the force of it losing its balance and hitting its head on the table during the fall, caused the skull to split, and opened allowing a yellowish fluid to seep slowly out and dripping to the floor.

George quickly unfastened the straps securing his legs, as he moved across the room the Alien who was knocked to the floor, scurried out of the room, leaving George to look at the two dead Aliens. In an adjoining room, George could see another person lying on a steel table, and his body was covered in a greenish mist that mystically surrounded the body.

As he approached the person, fear momentarily gripped him; he could feel something like a hand gripping his heart. There before him lying on the table was an exact replica of himself, George could see he was alive and breathing, yet apparently unable to move or recognize his very presence. As George looked around the room he became aware of other bodies all lying in similar circumstances, he knew it was to be only a matter of time before other Aliens would arrive.

Lifting the body from the table, he quickly took it into the adjoining room, and placed it sitting on the floor next to one of the Aliens, and then pushing its head hard against the edge of the table, he left it there looking as if he had slipped hitting his head in the fall. Returning to the other room, he laid down on the cold surface of the table and prayed he had done the right thing.

Cathy walked from the shower wrapping a towel around herself, she sat on the bed next to her husband John, and it was to be there wedding anniversary in two weeks. John had suggested that they celebrate by having a long weekend break in the Lake District; they knew a family who had a cottage specially adapted to cater for wheelchair users. It was some three years since they last visited that location and felt it would be good to see old friends again, Cathy picked up the Phone and tapped in their number. Some minutes later Amanda answered, it was another forty minutes before Cathy had put the Phone down.

Although they kept in regular contact by writing on Face book, it was good to have an opportunity to actually talk, the booking had been made with an agreement to spend a long weekend arriving on Friday and returning on the following Tuesday, yet keeping it open in case they were able to convince their respective employers, that they needed the extra time.

Both Cathy and John had returned from staying in their father’s farm, it felt good to once again be home, and in their own property. Their fathers’ home had become a refuge, due to the threats that had been made on John’s life during the investigation into the Paedophile ring, by operatives from MI6 and various other authorities.

As John was employed by MI6, he was at the time unknown to Lord Goodwood as an operative responsible for collecting field operative reports, and then forwarding on orders or information as required. It was actually his wife’s involvement, in caring for Pitney Brown that had put his life at risk. Lord Goodwood had ordered George Nelson to abduct John, in a hope it would force Cathy to administer a lethal dose of Morphine to Pitney, with the intention of killing him.

Unbeknown to Goodwood at that time George Nelson was a deep undercover field operative for MI6, and he carried out the orders of abducting John only to have him rescued by a team from the SAS. This action enabled him to have kept his cover and to have saved the life of Pitney Brown and John; it was not until later that Lord Goodwood had realized, George Nelson’s true identity.

Lord Goodwood had received a heavy jail sentence of twenty years for his involvement in the paedophile ring, also for been responsible in dealing in drugs and counterfeit goods. It was Portland jail in Dorset that eventually accommodated him; they were equipped in dealing with long term serving inmates, most usually for life.

Once committed to jail, his life was itself in danger, word had somehow got out that he was responsible for the mass abduction of young children. Few if any inmates other than those likely minded cared for such people; it mattered not to some lifers no matter how much money Lord Goodwood had. They simply knew life for them meant life, so any action that they took from within the prison made no difference to their sentence. They were also aware that almost all of the wardens were family men, and who like them had become aware of the thousands of children who had been killed or abducted, and they in turn had no love for such scum.

Word had got out that some of the inmates intended to make Lord Goodwood’s life as unpleasant as possible. Most of the prison wardens were family men themselves, and they were aware of the depth of feelings throughout the prison, yet decided to ignore the reports, allowing the prisoners to exert their own type of justice, knowing that such a person, would use their connections, wealth and influence, to try and reduce their sentence, or obtain more favourable accommodations.

The Aliens on seeing Nelson slumped on the floor with his head resting against the table’s edge, removed his body into another location; George could just see what was happening from where he lay, in an adjoining room. The two dead aliens were placed into a type of large incubation unit, and that had been encased in one of the walls; George still been unsure of the situation remained quietly lying on the table.

Some two hours later a single alien entered the room checking on the various bodies from within that unit, George remained perfectly still, and waiting until the alien approached the table where he was laying. It only took an instant before George was able to render the unsuspecting alien unconscious, fearing he may awake and warn the others, George took hold of the alien’s head and gave the neck a sharp blow. Then twisting the neck violently, it snapped making a noise like that of a whip.

Picking up the body he was surprised at how heavy this one was, its appearance gave the impression that they were frailly build, yet once held in his arms George could see that was not the case. Opening the unit within the wall George placed the alien’s body alongside the others, he knew the alien would soon be missed, and he therefore needed to take a course of action quickly that would hopefully preserve his life.

As he walked through the room he could not help seeing how many human bodies were placed on the cold steel tables, all were naked yet still from the indication of their breathing, and he could see that they were alive. It was as if they were devoid of any thought, simply in a recumbent position staring into an empty space.

As George made his way into another section of the craft, he noticed several adjoining rooms, from the glass panel in each room he could see vertical glass containers housing hundreds of bodies.

He realized if he had not taken such action, he himself would have eventually have been in one of those containers, moving from room to room, George eventually came to a section of the craft that housed alien life forms, themselves in vertical glass containers. It was as if they were in some type of hibernation chambers, the bodies were alive yet unaware of any outside presence.

As George walked around the room he noticed a solitary alien working on a type of consul unit, it was again comparatively easy for George to approach, and then dispatch the alien from this world. Looking around there was no obvious place to store the body, George decided to not waist any further time, so he left the body sitting in front of the consul resting its arms and head against the work surface.

Moving further into the ship he could hear a faint distant humming noise, at all times he kept himself alert and ready for taking whatever action was required to keep him alive. As the craft approached an area in Scotland, it appeared to suspend itself motionless as if searching for something in that area, George made his way towards another room.

It was from within this room that he could see two aliens sitting in front of a type of consul unit, and they were apparently unaware of his presence, before them part of the wall seemed to be completely transparent. George could just make out the aliens were searching the area with various lights; quietly he entered the room hoping to take the aliens by surprise.

As he walked in and approached the two aliens’ he became aware of another presence beside him, he had no time to think; it was his military training that enabled him to respond in such a way. Somehow, one of the alien’s must have telepathically warned the two-alien’s working at the consul, it was only a matter of a few seconds before George had killed the alien beside him. However, the two aliens by the consul were able to defend themselves, at that moment outside the craft, three RAF X16 fighter aircrafts appeared on the alien ships radar.

George fought desperately keeping the aliens from returning to the consuls. The craft was suddenly hit with three exploding missiles, forcing it to move violently from its position, within another instant George had managed to kill both aliens. At that same moment, another explosion forced the alien craft to crash into the ground; with such force, that George was thrown against one of the consul units rendering him unconscious.

When he awoke he was again lying on a cold steel table strapped secure and making it impossible for him to move anything other than his head, as he looked around he realized he was no longer in the alien craft. The room was evidently used for some type of surgical procedures, as George turned his head to look at another side of the room he could see an identical body laying strapped to another table.

From another part of the room, George could hear voices that seemed to be coming closer, then a group of military personnel approached where he was laying, as he looked up he could see two female officers and three men. They stopped there talking, put down whatever they were carrying and walked past him to the other body, the room was a little cold; George was starting to feel the cold steel pressed against his naked flesh.

Within a few minutes there was another group of military personnel who walked into the room, this time George recognized one in been Commander Phillips from RAF Rudloe Manner. Behind her walked John Dobson, as they approached him another officer from the first group picked up a blanket and put it over his body,

“Sorry Mr. Nelson about the way you have been treated.” Said Sarah Winslow.

George turned his head to see whom it was who was talking to him. Before him stood Sarah Winslow head of MI6, as he looked up at her John Dobson spoke. “We were unsure at first as to what had happened; you have been here for the last sixty-two hours. The craft you were in crash landed at Bonnybridge in Scotland, when we witnessed your abduction we thought we might never see you again.” George found himself trying to recollect the past few days, and his mind was confused. “Tell me please, just how long was it since I was abducted?” he enquired.

It was Sarah who answered.

“You have been gone for seven days, when the adapted F16 brought the alien craft down, we did not know what to expect, you were found inside the craft with three dead aliens, two had their necks broken, and the other had its skull fractured. In another section of the craft we found four hundred and eight humans, and all in a comatose state, at first, we were unsure of why they were there, until we found the person lying next to you.”

George turned his head to look at the body lying next to him,

“We have carried out a type of brain scan on you, and it has verified you actually are the real George Nelson. Would you like to tell us in your own words exactly what happened?”

George ask if they would mind releasing the straps, which had secured him to the table, and once that was done he sat up and began to explain the previous events, which led up to the alien craft been shot down, and his eventual rescue. Unbeknown to him John Dobson had already seen exactly the past events, when he used the alien brain scanning unit on him, and it had verified everything that George mentioned, even areas of a time, when he was not actually mentally aware of what was happening.

The downed alien craft revealed much in the way of the opposing alien’s new technology, there were in fact thirty-seven alien bodies recovered from the hibernation chambers, and a group of dead aliens either from George Nelson’s hands or from the action of the craft that had been shot down. Later that day George Nelson returned to RAF Rudloe Manner with Commander Phillips and the others, Sarah Winslow offered him the chance of working directly with the Alien unit. He would not be given direct access to the Rudloe Manner aliens, as the work offered was to be a type of field operative. Working under the command of Commander Phillips and assisting the team in investigative work on reported Alien infiltration from within sections of MI6, as well as the Military and civilian personnel.

Commander Phillips knew it was only a matter of time before the various bodies recovered from the crashed Alien craft were to be identified. It was to be the responsibility of George to lead a unit of specially selected field operatives to monitor and if needed bring in the cloned humans.

The weather was pleasantly warm for the time of year, as Cathy and John drove into a village on the outskirts of Derwent in the Lake District, this was a strikingly beautiful part of the Lake District, that over the years they had come to love and know well. Amanda was hanging linen on the clothesline to dry as both Cathy and John pulled up outside the detached cottage, they were greeted by seven dogs, eight Geese and three cats along with Amanda.

Both Cathy and John were long passed been intimidated by the Geese, they had soon realized they needed to show the Geese exactly who was in charge, a lesson learned many years back. That evening the three adults sat outside on the veranda, and talking about old times, from the distant horizon they were able to watch the sun as it set in the West, and across a lake that was bordering onto the cottage.

John could not remember a time since his injury when he had felt so relaxed, the affair with Cathy losing their baby had exhausted them both, more so for John as he had physical pain to deal with along with the stress of losing the child, and in addition of supporting his wife. He felt if it had not been for his faith and the support of the church and friends, and then he may never have gained the strength needed to have pulled through.

That night as Cathy and John lay on their bed talking, they both felt relaxed, enabling them to eventually explore areas of each other’s bodies. Something neither had done since the loss of the child, although restricted in his mobility, John had learned how to adapt and make use of what he could still do.

Using it to its full advantage to give pleasure to both him and his wife, Cathy had over the years adapted to the situation, and now not even noticing in any way the restrictions, which were put on the two of them whenever they made love. In the morning both Cathy and John had forgotten what it was like to be woken up as the Dawn broke by a chorus of birds competing with the cockerel and eventually the Geese. As John lay resting his head against one of the pillows, Cathy nibbled at his ear, this was an area of John’s body that Cathy had learned was very sensitive. It was another three hours before they both stumbled out of bed, and into the shower.

Unbeknown to them both that area of the Lake District had in the last few years had many sightings of various unidentified flying objects, some even directly over the village where they were now staying. Ian Boyd an old friend of John’s was himself having a vacation in the lake district with his family, it was only a chance meeting that they saw John exiting a parked van, outside Connigon’s the local village shop, that they realized John and Cathy were in that area.

Ian was a successful self-made businessperson, whom had made a very comfortable living for himself and his family by selling software programs that he had written to operate various diagnostic programs for Laboratory’s and science units. As they had a twelve-meter mobile traveling home they were able to stay wherever they chose. Later that evening Amanda had the traveling home park alongside her cottage in one of the adjoining meadows, together the friends spent the evening enjoying a Barbeque of steaks, Tuna and Venison.

It was in the hours of the early morning when Cathy and Amanda decided to go skinny dipping in the cool of the night, the men had all retired along with other members of their families. As the moon laid a beam of light across the still surface of the lake, Amanda and Cathy were like little children enjoying an evening at the seaside. Together they swam and played in the water, even at times diving from an old tree whose branches reached out into the lake. It was fun and something which Cathy truly needed, the events of her losing the child, and of her husband’s disability, and that combined with Pitney and John’s abduction, had been more than she had emotively been able to cope with. As such this holiday was exactly what she needed.

From beyond a stretch of distant hills, a star like object moved across the sky, it went unnoticed until the women realized what was happening, and the craft suddenly appeared as it drifted across the lake suspended some one hundred feet in the air. It was Cathy who saw the object at first, and she momentarily froze in fear, as the water reflected the craft above them; Cathy was not wanting to believe what was about to happen.

As Amanda turned to see, what had taken her friends attention the craft came directly overhead, and then before the women could move away they were engulfed in a blue light. As the Alien craft moved away, the remaining humans lay on their beds asleep, and unaware of what had happened.

When John awoke in the morning Cathy was laying on the bed beside him, she lay there looking every bit as beautiful as the first time he fell in love with her. As he stroked her face she smiled turning on her side to face him, somehow, they had missed the dawn and slept until 10 am. Amanda awoke moments later she felt rested and had herself not overslept like this in years, there was one strange thing that confused both of the women, as their clothes were still outside by the lakes edge, and fortunately neither had any memory of their abduction.

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