Chapter Chapter Sixteen.

Agent Longman had finally resigned herself to the idea that the investigation into the abduction ring was not going to go any further. Without the evidence it would be near impossible to hold charges up in court. The people she had arrested and charged, to date would hopefully all receive long custodial sentences, even then with people like Lord Goodwood, she was still unsure, as she felt she would only ever rest when the judge finally had put him away.

It was the final blow when she received information from Agent Bryan that there had been a fire, the videotapes taken from Lord Goodwood’s house had all somehow been totally destroyed, and along with other material in that evidence room. Agent Longman expected arson, however knowing who from within her own section was responsible, was another matter. She had suspected such an action might be taken in trying to destroy the evidence, that is why, she had carefully and with Deputy Directors Simms knowledge and cooperation, had made copies, and had only handed in the said copies, and keeping all of the originals in an undisclosed location.

Commander Phillips with the approval of Sarah Winslow had set up a trap; George Nelson from the safety of John Dodson’s home, had sent in a satellite report giving his location as the old Monastery. Hidden surveillance cameras were placed in the control room area, also in the sections responsible for collating and storing the said data. When the information was received; Nelson had requested it be given a priority one clearance for the head of his section.

They knew now it was only a matter of time to see who intercepted the evidence or passed on the information to unauthorized third parties. The old Monastery had been carefully set up to enable MI6 observers to survey the area. It was two hours later when a military helicopter was seen flying over the location, it did a 180-degree turn and passed the area once more. Some thirty minutes later there was an explosion destroying totally the old Monastery, and solid Blocks of Portland stone, were sent hurtling into the air, three MI6 observers were killed outright, and another two that had been fortunate enough to be on the outer parameter, were themselves badly injured.

When the recovered video footage from two remote units was eventually recovered, the frame by frame footage showed a bright ray of laser light hitting the ground and causing an instant explosion. Commander Phillips showed the video footage to John Dobson and John Whitmore; on closer observation, Whitmore presented the theory that it was possibly a Tesla Wave beam, but the only flaw been that such advanced technology was only just in the hands of the military.

This caused Commander Philips much concern, as it was known there were certain high-ranking military agents under investigation, of which some had every reason to hate Nelson or Dobson. Both had in their own way been responsible for gathering evidence for the arrest of these people.

It was Commander Phillips who put forward the theory that Nelsons investigation as a deep undercover operative, had brought him into contact with people like Lord Goodwood. It was therefore just possible that the order was given for the use of this Tesla Wave particle beam, from one such military Commander involved in the abduction ring. The next stage was to identify how many said Tesla beams were in existence, and then to identify their locations.

That night Cathy and John retired early, they were both tired and needed the extra sleep. John was in the bathroom when he heard Cathy screaming, and there was a low pitch humming noise and a flash of light. When John managed to get back into his wheelchair and come from the bathroom into the adjoining bedroom, Cathy was gone. Frantically John phoned Dobson on the emergency number, it took him some moments to calm down before Dobson could understand what was wrong. Later when Dobson arrived with other MI6 operatives, the farm was sealed off and set up with the most advanced surveillance equipment available. John was brought back to RAF Rudloe Manner, and it was evident Cathy had been abducted by opposing aliens.

Owjut talked with John Dobson away from any of the others, he explained that such Abductions were in fact very common, and that some of the opposing Aliens had been carrying out genetic experiments. It was believed they were trying to genetically breed a certain race of Alien hybrids using at a later stage their sperm to fertilize genetically altered eggs, as to what was there true purpose, Owjut was unable to truly guess.

Cathy awoke to find herself lying on a type of stainless steel table, her wrists were secured by her sides, and making it impossible for her to leave; also her feet were secured in stirrups located some two and a half feet above the table. As Cathy turned her head, she was able to see other women, and all in similar circumstances to her own. Some eight feet away on the other side of the room, were what she could only describe as Alien type creatures, and no bigger than four feet in height; they were apparently in the process of removing a baby from one of the women in the room.

Cathy wanted to scream out, yet her mind somehow seemed to be working in two different dimensions. She was conscious of everything happening around her but unable in any way to react against it. Also, she had no idea of time, nor of how long she had been there, then a tall human type of person approached her, Cathy could see it was a woman; her features were much the same as any other person from earth. With the exception that it seemed as if there were a multiple of different races somehow integrated into one person.

She was able to converse with Cathy, and explain why she was there, and why she was to have her child removed. Cathy was scared even horrified, yet she was somehow not able to react nor in any way to resist. What concerned her even more was the learned knowledge, that the child within her had in fact been implanted by an earlier Abduction; and she could not understand why she had not remembered such an event.

The women gave her some form of medication, within a short time Cathy realized there was a group of Aliens around her bed, they were holding a baby, and one of them lifted the child up to show her. It was a beautiful baby boy which looked almost, like any other child, and with the exception of having a slightly larger than normal head, Cathy also noted on one of the baby’s hand it only had three fingers.

She asked if she could hold the child but this request was denied her, they somehow spoke to her through her mind, explaining it was best for the child that it bonded with its new parents, however they promised to allow her to see the child on other occasions. As the baby was been taken away, Cathy knew she wanted to cry, but strangely found herself been unable. Keeping what control, she could, she asked in her mind to speak with the tall woman, incredibly this request was granted? Cathy explained her interest and asked if they had been visiting her from a child.

The woman took Cathy for a walk through the maternity unit, Cathy was aware of everything around her, but still unable to react in any way aggressively or in a panic, she saw children of all ages many looked like most earth children while others were of an Alien appearance. In one section there was many hundreds of what can only be described as incubators, within which were what looked like embryos.

The woman informed Cathy that she had been brought here on many occasions, and that they were observing her progress, Cathy was not told as to why. Later that night Cathy was returned in a similar manner to her Abduction, the surveillance sensors recorded a massive build-up of electrical magnetic energy, only seconds before she was returned. There was a beam of blue light recorded on the video surveillance cameras, and then before them Cathy suddenly appeared lying on her bed, and still under the influence of whatever medication had been administered to her. She was met by an experienced group of trained MI6 operatives who ensured she was safe, and then brought her into a specially prepared unit for further observations.

John Dobson broke the news to Cathy’s husband, informing him that medical test had shown the baby had been taken. Both adults were emotional and found the past events very hard to understand, it was Cathy who for whatever reasons had been allowed to retain the memory of this experience. She explained that there were many such children undergoing some form of genetic experiments. The news of her previous Abductions caused considerable stress, it was Owjut who was to later talk with John Dobson, and he explained they had allowed Cathy to retain her memory as a way of sending him a message, warning him that his family was vulnerable.

Later it was Commander Phillips who approached Dobson, informing him that Sarah Winslow had given a direct order that all operatives involved in the Alien research units, were to have priority one protection, for themselves and their immediate families.

Dobson was requested to look into the possibility of setting up some form of electrical field that would be activated, the moment an Alien presence was noticed. The aim was to prevent them from using the Electromagnetic energy fields, from allowing their particle light beams to work. All operatives’ families were to be brought onto the base for their own protection, and until such a time, as a way was found to prevent any further Abduction.

Owjut was asked if he and his team could assist John in this research, it transpired it was easy to protect a building, however protecting an individual wherever they may be, had caused considerable problems to overcome.

Agent Longman was informed that John had been taken under armed guard away from the Farm. The FBI agents that were on surveillance duty also reported seeing a large craft appear over the Farm for a matter of seconds, and then after that there was a flash of light, and then the craft simply vanished. These reports were treated with caution until the surveillance film was verified, it clearly showed a huge craft many times larger than the farm house, and apparently well over nine hundred meters across, and it was hovering some one hundred feet above the farm, in what appeared to be complete silence.

The report later indicated the craft return, and then left again within only a matter of seconds. Some sixteen minutes later people were seeing bringing Cathy out of the house and departing in unmarked vehicles. The FBI was unable to trace who owned the vehicles, nor did they have any access as to information as to where Cathy was now held.

Agent Longman finally had to acknowledge that John was somehow involved with military intelligence. It was this last revelation that triggered a line of thought, Longman asked for the file containing the names and descriptions of the children that Pitney had abducted, Agent Bryan was unable to understand how the connection of an Alien unidentified craft had anything to do with John Dobson.

Agent Longman went through the evidence, when she had found what she was looking for she sat back resting in her chair and could not help but wonder why she had not made the connection any sooner. She was sure now she was right, although she still found the idea that John could be in any way involved as an operative for military intelligence far from plausible. It also made her realize that even though she had taken pride in been open minded, and in no way racist, and certainly a believer of equal rights. She was shamefully guilty of imagining John in been unable to be a person in his own right, let alone to even think of him in been able to do undercover intelligent work.

The Tesla Wave Particle units were all eventually traced, it was Dobson who made the connection, one of the units was in the care of an airborne section of the army, and which was at one time under the control of a Commander Lambert. John Dobson explained to Commander Phillips that it was actually he who had ordered the arrest of Lambert. It would seem at an educated guess that Lord Goodwood had suspected it was Nelson who had somehow made the connection with Lambert. Therefore, the attempt on his life with the Tesla Wave unit, was for revenge and to hopefully stop him from testifying against them.

The surveillance team within MI6 had revealed who were involved in destroying the evidence sent in by George Nelson, no arrest was to be made until Sarah Winslow had spoken to Commander Sergeant Major Robert Denton, he had requested to have been kept informed, as some of the people under investigation were high ranking military officers from across Europe.

It was later agreed to set up a sting operation using George Nelson as the bait, word was let out in the appropriate sections that Nelson had vacated the Monastery minutes before its destruction, and that he was in the field injured, and in need of assistance, he was also in possession of recorded evidence critical to the ongoing investigations.

Dobson and Whitmore had been working with Owjut trying to prevent any further Alien Abduction; it was Whitmore who managed to develop a unit small enough to be carried by an individual person. It was activated the moment any form of electro-magnetic energy was present. It had the effect of altering the magnetic field, thus repelling any anti-gravitational effects.

Tests using the acquired Alien crafts showed the unit could work with minor adjustments to its power source. Owjut proposed that an additional device could be fitted to alert any orbiting crafts in allegiance with MI6 to come to their person’s assistance. Test trials eventually showed the unit to have a 100% success rate, and this released the families to having as near a normal life as possible, there was always the possibility of a physical abduction, however the monitoring device would still have been activated. And have alerted crafts that were capable of coming to a person’s assistance within seconds. It had been agreed that Marie Robert’s was a vital witness, as she was able to testify that the QC representing Lord Goodwood had in fact hired her to kill Nelson. She was also able to identify the person from MI6 who hired her on the first attempt on Nelsons life, in the airport.

She was to be given the services of the witness protection unit, and to be offered a new identity and a new start in life after the trial. Nelson had requested that Agent Longman be put in the picture as to his true identity, as he did not want any future confrontation with her at any later time.

Cathy and John were taken back to the farm house by their father, each person was equipped with identical units designed to protect them from further Alien abductions, and the house had already had the necessary alterations to include a unit large enough to cover the actual house, and surrounding outbuildings.

This actually meant that an Alien would be forced to materialize outside the buildings protected area and have to walk into the building to try and physically abduct a person, and then carry them outside after removing there personal protection unit. This involved a considerable amount of time and effort, something that the Aliens were not prepared for, as it also made them more vulnerable, and they understood that physically they were not as strong as the humans, and that such actions also left their crafts open to attack.

Agent Longman had left instructions that she wanted to be informed, the moment the Federal surveillance unit was aware of the Dobson family returning to the farm. She was awoken at 03, 47 by an agent, who phoned in to inform her the surveillance team had reported John Dobson had returned home with Cathy and her husband John; also, there were three other people, who then left the farm minutes after their arrival.

Agent Longman put the phone down, she reached over and looked at the clock, her eyes were tired, and it was in truth some considerable effort to move her now tired and aching body. Placing the clock down Longman proceeded to get dressed, however regardless of the urgency; she needed a coffee before she left. It was as she sat by the kitchen table that her mind kept going over the child abduction case, and it was 09, 52 hours when she awoke, having realized she had fallen asleep by the table, and her coffee had remained half drunk.

Throughout her entire career, once she had identified a suspect and had obtained the evidence, then she always had them arrested and allowed the courts to deal with the matter, she had never been paid off; although it had been tried on many an occasion. Those particular persons are still serving jail time for their mistake. It was this case that disturbed her. She knew if she was right, then she would have a very important decision to make. Picking up her phone she tapped in a number, and then waited for it to be answered. “John Dobson here,” came the reply.

Agent Longman swallowed before she spoke.

“John it is Agent Longman here, I’m sorry to disturb you, but I really do need to talk with you, is it possible today?” John was quiet for a few seconds

“Becky I was waiting for a call from you; if it’s what I think it is, then yes we do need to talk. However, can I ask you to hold off for just a few more days, I know you are aware of what has been happening here, as we ourselves were aware of your surveillance units?” he replied.

Agent Longman never answered for a few seconds

“I would normally say no, however I feel for some reason that I can trust you. Would say three days be enough?”

“Hopefully if not please understand my main concern is my family” answered Dobson. Agent Longman agreed, and then put the phone down.

Word quickly got back to Lord Goodwood that George Nelson was in fact still alive, it was his solicitor who delivered the information, and Goodwood suggested that he take care of the matter quickly. It was only two hours before the appropriate people had all been notified; it was then just a matter of time before someone tried to inquire into how Nelson was to be brought in. Unknown to Lord Goodwood, his entire conversation had been observed and recorded by a single stealth agent in full alien hybrid battle chameleon armour, similar to the ones which were worn by the two soldiers, who had dematerialized next to John Dobson, when he had arrested the officer.

Once the trap had been set it was like a spider waiting patiently for a fly to step onto its web. It was a Commander Lindsey Mann who gave the order for field test trials, of the Tesla wave unit; it was mounted in a recognizance aircraft and flying at high altitude. The co-ordinates were set by computerized units, and controlled either from the aircraft, or overridden from a central unit in ground command.

The area where Nelson was reportedly waiting for the recovery unit was totally destroyed; no living creature of any description would have survived the onslaught from the passing aircraft. Within minutes various MI6 units were operational; their orders were simple to secure into custody all named personnel.

John Dobson requested to be allowed to bring in Commander Lindsey Mann, however Commander Phillips refused on the grounds of placing the current Earth watch Alien project in jeopardy. Sarah Winslow finally felt that MI6 was once again secured from outside interference, and she was pleased to be working directly from Central, rather than been inconvenienced at RAF Rudloe Manner.

Nelson was able to relax, that was something he had almost forgotten how to do, he had been in direct deep fieldwork for over two years, and it had almost become another way of life. He was pleased to spend time with Marie. It was amazing to see the transformation in her, as if for the first time in her entire adult life she had found a man who she could trust and love. That was something that had been denied her, consequently moulding her into the desperate character that she had adopted in her fight for survival. Thy spent whatever time they had together, and building on their friendship, strangely they both had much in common, and to the point where each other at times, seemed to almost read each other’s thoughts.

There was an outrage among the Military, when it became known of who was arrested and for why, some agents were calling in favours from as high as serving senior civil servants and MP’s, who themselves were once in office in the previous government. Threats were even made, and that if certain people were to go down then others would be taken with them, unless something was done to assist them. Lord Goodwood was one of those making such threats.

Agent Longman became aware of the pressures that were been exerted from higher office. She had never compromised a case before and she refused to do so now, she knew it was going to prove difficult with the loss of some evidence and of Pitney Brown’s death. Yet she still refused on principle to throw the towel in.

Nelson was resting listening to music while Marie was changing into less restrictive clothing, he had not heard the front door been opened. Quietly the door leading to the living room was opening, Marie having finished in the bedroom walked into the hallway; there by the living room with his back to her was a man holding a gun equipped with a silencer. Marie ran forward screaming out to Nelson, the assassin turned, firing first a shot at Nelson then emptying three quick shots into Marie, by the time he turned back to face Nelson, he was upon him in a matter of seconds; and Nelson killed him with his bare hands. Having snapped his neck and hit him time after time directly in his face, and until it was a mass of broken bone, and his face was like pulp.

Marie laid in the hallway, and blood was pouring from her wounds, she was finding it difficult to breathe, Nelson pressed the panic alarm, and then held her in his arms, he knew it was only a matter of time before she would die. The tears were flowing from his eyes as Marie’s body became limp, and no longer was there any air for her to breathe, as her heart had stopped working. Her last words to him had been “I love you, thank you for…”, she had died been unable to finish her sentence, yet knowing that she was been held in the arms, of the only person, who she had truly loved, and who had treated her, with dignity, love, respect and as an equal.

John Dobson eventually met with Agent Longman, together they sat in a car talking; John handed over to Longman a folder. “What is this?” enquired agent Longman. John smiled. “Open it and see, I have a feeling it is something you may find useful.”

Longman opened the folder and pulled out a file, inside were documented evidence, taped transcripts and photographs gathered by Nelson when he was an undercover operative. There was enough evidence within those files to put Lord Goodwood and many others away for the duration of their lives.

“I don’t understand why are you giving these to me?”

Dobson opened the window of his BMW resting his arm on the sill as he breathed in the fresh air; he looked across to Agent Longman.

“It was MI6 operatives, who destroyed most of your evidence, we have fortunately caught all those, whom too are knowledge, who were involved. It may be possible we missed some; I guess only time will tell. George Nelson who you spent so much time chasing, is in fact one of our field operatives, he was under deep cover and had to play along following orders, if he had not have abducted you, then over two years work would have been put at risk.”

Agent Longman put her hand on John’s shoulder

“I am right; it was you who rescued me.” She asked him.

John gave a slight smile,

“I could not have my daughters favourite friend killed, she never would have forgiven me.” Replied Dobson.

“Tell me it was your grandson young Andrew who Pitney kidnapped?”

John swallowed then paused; Longman could almost see a tear in his eye.

“Yes, that bastard not only took my grandson, but he has also destroyed his childhood and infected him with HIV and Aids.”

At that point tears were flowing freely from John’s face.

“How did you realize it was me?” he enquired.

Longman opened the folder she was carrying, it was when you told me you had just returned from Paris, that started me thinking, and also the time I spoke with you in the hospital canteen, I told Cathy I was sure I knew you from somewhere. Then of course your car was seen outside in the street parked a few yards from Pitney’s home.”

As she was speaking Longman was tearing paper from the file she had opened. John wiped his eyes and looked across at what she was doing.

“Do you know John I have taken pride throughout my entire career that once I found who committed a crime, then I knew I had my man, it is a strange thing you know, I guess I will never know now who it was that attacked our Mr. Pitney Brown. Come to that, if I do get my way, nor will any other person ever find out.”

Agent Longman shook John by the hand and informing him it was an honour to have known him, she returned to her car while John Dobson drove out of the car park in his, classic black serious seven BMW.

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