Chapter Chapter Eighteen.

Dobson revealed his suspicions to his superiors and to Owjut with regards George Nelson, he could not understand how George was able to take or kill the Aliens so easily. It also concerned him that the brain scan in every way revealed it to be George Nelson, there were neither signs of heightened brain activity nor was Nelson showing any abnormal behaviour. Yet Dobson knew something was not correct, and he could not place it nor understand why he felt the way he did.

Owjut was able to understand his reactions however he was in no way able to assist in this matter, as George Nelson was according to the Alien technology in been used by MI6, and in no way had it indicated that he had been compromised. Dobson eventually realized his reaction might in truth have something to do with his intense hatred towards those who took away his unborn grandchild. Within his own mind, he knew he would have desired such an opportunity himself as George Nelson had when he had killed those Aliens.

It took little time for Nelson to re-adjust to his new line of work; in many ways it was no different leaving little in the way for need of re-educating himself. With the help of John Dobson, Nelson picked a team of operatives, who they knew were trustworthy, and completely 100% uncompromised, and able to carry out the type of work with efficiency and speed.

Once established it became the responsibility of John Dobson and Commander Phillips, to oversee whatever training was required, Owjut’s contributions in advising Dobson, had given the team the edge that so vitally was needed, as some areas of the work involved Alien technology, and methods of operations that were new to our civilization. Identification of the various bodies found on the Alien craft caused considerable areas for concern, some turned out to be high-ranking military personnel, while others were from road sweepers to politicians.

Sarah Winslow sat in her office turning the pages of the report that had been handed to her by military intelligence. The realization that just one downed Alien craft revealed so many compromised people, had opened her eyes to the possibilities of the true depth of the situation. It had become necessary now as a matter of extreme urgency to reveal this information to even higher authorities, it was now not only a matter of the defence of the realm. But one of global concern, involving every high office of state; forcing the world to sit up and realize the danger that it now faced.

There was also one other area of concern, one of the occupants from within the downed Alien craft hit home personally to Sarah Winslow. From within the file before her was the name Sally Daniel’s, the address given from the retrieved files and that by DNA scans, had revealed it to be Sarah Winslow’s younger sister?

No training or years in service can train a person in knowing how to deal with such emotion, Sarah fought hard to keep back the tears. In the silence of her office she felt scared, lonely and in total despair. Sally had been a loving sister with a family of her own, and having five children, three girls and two boys. Sarah wondered how she was going to tell Sally’s husband, and children that the woman sharing their home was actually not the wife and mother who they know and love, but that of an Alien clone.

As Sarah quietly sat looking through the vast list of names, she felt personally for each and every family or loved one, that were at that moment in time unknowingly not with a real person, but one genetically cloned in such a way that the Aliens were at any given time able to control and manipulate their actions in such a way as to their advantage.

The thought truly scared her, as she sat there she knew it was now entirely possible that an Alien Nation could possibly have genetically altered people or replaced them with clones, who were in themselves at least for some, in positions of trust, responsibility, and even in Government or even in various military roles. Such people could therefore at any given time be in a position to render the entire world at the mercy of any invading force.

Lord Goodwood found himself faced with the reality of survival; and no longer could he now depend on his many millions. That night in his cell he felt lonely lost and in need of help, the realization that it was only a matter of time before some fellow inmate took revenge, caused feelings of total despair.

It was in the early hours of the morning some months into his sentence, when he was awoken by the noise of the lock opening to his cell door, before him stood three inmates, all lifers and one prison warden. That night he was subjected to levels of pain and humiliation, something he had never faced before and prayed he would never do so again; however, in reality he knew it was only a matter of time before it would happen again. Without actual proof and support from the prison authorities, it became impossible to get anyone to listen to his protests.

In truth the Prison authorities knew what was happening, they simply chose to turn a blind eye, as most had families of their own, some were even related in some way to children abducted and violated by the paedophiles, and who had their lives totally ruined or destroyed, by people who had thought and regarded themselves, in been completely untouchable by the law, now this particular person, was to realize that his security, had been a false illusion.

George Nelson had been reflecting in his mind the events that had led up to his abduction; the memory of Marie was still painfully impressed in his mind. The day of the funeral, he had removed his personal protection unit and simply left it laying on his bed, unbeknown to him he had been under observation waiting for the opportunity to abduct him.

The funeral had given the aliens the opportunity they needed; it was over within a matter of seconds, and had he stayed in the company of Commander Phillips and John Dobson it would have been impossible for the aliens to have safely approached and abduct him. The event had taught him never to be without the protection unit, and no matter where he was.

John Dobson still had reservations regarding Nelson; however, it was John Whitmore that was now been presented with difficulties. He was unable to explain his feelings it was simply something he had learned to listen to. He knew the extra perception skills had kept him alive in many different situations, and it was this same perception now that alerted him. No amount of brain scanning could find fault, yet Whitmore still remained reserved in his total trust towards Nelson.

He knew Owjut would have telepathically have known if Nelson was compromised, it was the knowledge of this alone that enabled him to accept Nelson onto the Alien research team, also Whitmore’s sleep patterns were still erratic, and causing him difficulty in concentration; it was Owjut who eventually gave him the solution to his disturbed nights.

John accepted Owjut’s offer of help; it came in the form of a type of hypnotic brain meld, and where Owjut replaced Whitmore’s feelings of frustration and hatred towards the opposing aliens with one of simple distrust. The intense hated was simply masked over and allowing John Whitmore to still be motivated in his actions, but no longer driven by frustration and hatred. The result of this was instantly apparent; Whitmore was able to sleep without disturbed nights, and his concentration improved, allowing him to once again work at his normal levels.

It was John Dobson who became concerned at John Whitmore’s cure; he kept his thoughts to himself, and yet made a point of writing his concern into his daily journal, as he realized this had implications which needed to be investigated.

Cathy lay relaxing in the early morning sun, with its rays penetrating deeply into her body, yet due to the time of day the heat was bearable. John remained in the cottage trawling the Internet with his portable computer; Amanda had gone into town with Ian and his family. The occasional crowing of the cockerels and the songs of birds only disturbed the stillness of the early morning.

The long weekend had become two weeks, and both Cathy and John could not remember a time since his accident that they had both relaxed and enjoyed themselves so much. Looking out of the window John could see Cathy as she lay on a blanket across the grass; her shapely size twelve body was tanned reflecting a shade of deeply bronzed skin, she had removed her bikini top knowing there was no one else around to disturb her.

As Cathy lay there, John could not help reflecting on the time he was able bodied; he knew he would never allow his disability to defeat him. Yet there were times like this when he would have given almost anything to once again be mobile, and without the dependency of artificial aids to assist him in his mobility.

Cathy seemed to sense John was watching her; she truly loved him and had somehow at times become attuned to his thoughts. Looking over towards her husband, she called over inviting him to join her while the others were away. Accepting her offer John powered down his computer and started to make his way out of the cottage; it was several minutes later that Cathy realized John was taking a long time. Getting up from her blanket she put on her bikini top and went to see what was detaining him, and as she walked around the corner of the cottage, John laid across the ground, and he was still and had stopped breathing.

Momentarily Cathy was unable to grasp the reality of what lay before her; it was her training that kicked in an almost instant response. Frantically Cathy tried to revive her husband knowing if she left his side to make a phone call she would lose vital time, as she had no idea exactly how many minutes he had laid there and stopped breathing before she had found him.

John was not responding his body lay limp; already Cathy could feel her efforts were in vain, and yet she refused to accept any notion of losing her husband. Momentarily within the instant of less than a second, she found her hand pressing the emergency alert button on John’s personal alien alert unit. This registered within any friendly mobile alien craft; it was within sixty seconds that a craft appeared to materialize above them. John awoke lying on a steel table, before him stood Cathy, tears were streaming from her eyes; alongside her were two aliens.

It took some seconds for John to take in the scene before him; he found himself hearing a voice within his head assuring him everything was OK, and that he had no reason to be scared. Cathy explained to John what had happened, it latter transpired from one of the Aliens that John had suffered an Angina attack; John was able to view his arteries on a monitor as the aliens scanned his body. The scan revealed a blood clot caused by arteries furring up around the heart.

The alien technology was far in advance to that of ours; and they were able to rectify the situation with no pain or discomfort. When they returned John and Cathy to the cottage; Ian Boyd with his family and Amanda were just parking their vehicle. It was Ian who saw the reflection of the alien craft from one of his side mirrors; for a split second, the craft hovered above the ground, and then in a blinding flash of light, it was gone. Ian knew no one would believe what he had just seen; he found it difficult to believe himself. As everyone left the trailer, Ian sat momentarily in his seat thinking about what had just occurred.

That evening John sat with Ian by the lakes edge; realizing Ian was still troubled he decided to inform Ian of the events that led up to him and Cathy becoming involved with the aliens. Had Ian have not seen for himself the alien craft, he knew he would never have believed John’s story, as it was he was a rational man, and in control of his senses and emotions.

He knew full well that he had seen an unidentified flying object; it was therefore just plausible that John was telling the truth. It was later that evening after a late supper that Ian ask John if he was interested in doing some night-time fishing. The moon shone across the lake giving a clear view of the water, from the water’s edge John cast his line and waited patiently and hoping some unsuspecting fish would take his bait. It was Ian who brought up the subject of the aliens.

“Tell me John do you know if anyone has tried corrupting the aliens?” he asked his friend and hoping he would understand his meaning.

John looked a little confused, “I really do not know just what you have in mind?” he replied.

Ian thought for a moment, and then answered. “I have been giving some thought over the last three months now, on sending compressed program language through a transmitter, with the intention of using it for commercial purposes. If my theory works, I can see no reason why it cannot be adapted to work in line with your personal protection units.”

John watched as his float bobbed in the water, instantly he lifted his rod and pulled back. His line became tight as the rod bent under the pressure, the fish fought for its survival, and it occasionally surfaced appearing to give up resistance, only to explode again into life and pulling the line deeper into the lake. John found himself unable to hold the rod; and his arms were no longer strong enough to cope with the sudden exertion.

As his hand let go of the rod the fish momentarily surfaced revealing it to be a monstrous pike, and some twenty to thirty pounds in weight. Ian quickly placed his rod securely on the ground then dived into the lake to try and retrieve the rod. As he took hold of the rod, the fish had managed to catch the line in some undergrowth breaking the line. John found himself in hysterics as Ian emerged from the lake carrying his rod.

“They are never going to believe us, you know, that don’t you?” said John as he held his tummy and was doubled in laughter.

Ian placed the rod safely on the ground then sank to his knees.

“God, I had forgotten how unfit I am, I never realized it was so hard swimming in one’s clothes.” As he lay there Cathy walked over to where the men were fishing;

“Hi, we heard the commotion, what was all the excitement?” she enquired.

Ian tried to explain but found he was struggling to get his breath back. It was John who was still laughing, that eventually explained the events that led up to Ian taking a late-night swim in his clothes, and of how he had taken an unexpected swim to try and retrieve his fishing rod.

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