Into The Unknown World

Chapter 37 - Changes

“Everyone wants Fire; I’m sure he won’t be so amazed with you when he’s done. Yes, I’ll get the invites for you, and I’ll let Grayson know when I have them.” She walked up to him and ran her nail down his chest. “Unless you call me before that, that is.”

“Uh,” Grayson grabbed her wrist and shook his head, “just call me when you have them.” She nodded and walked out of the room.

“You know, I hate working with her, right?”

“I know, and I get why.”

“Sorry Grayson, but you are only a small part of that.”

“Blow to a man’s ego.” He shook his head but pulled me close. “What happened with you two?”

“She abducted me then kept cutting me with silver and I almost died. She had me locked up in a transport cage, although I had no clue where she was taking me. In fact, it was a wolf and Derrick that rescued me and it was the wolf that healed me. This was about three or four hundred years ago. And no, the anger has never gone away.”

“And you are working with her now?”

“Only a small part.” I stood on my toes and got almost to his ear. “Do you really think I’m going to let that woman have any piece of what is mine?”

“So, no kiss?”

“I don’t know; want me to rip your lips off or something?” He laughed as he brought me close to share a kiss.

“Midnight is restless right now. Want to go take a walk with us?”

“Sure, you could use a good walk, mutt.” Grayson bit at my mark and I squealed, laughing all the more at him.


I walked along the path with Grayson, my hand in his; a perfect peaceful stroll, well sort of. I can feel the restlessness growing with in Midnight but Grayson won’t tell me why. Just that he needed a quick run and for me to go with; which here I am. We stopped and he looked around, making sure there was no one here before he started stripping and handing me his clothes.

“You don’t mind?”

“Too late if I did.” I eyed him as he finished and had to grin at the perfection that he was. My eyes trailed over his chest, his abs, and those long legs and finally back up to that smirking face. “What?”

“Are you done?”

“No, but go on ahead.” He shook his head and before me I saw the man change into the wolf. He let out a quick howl and then tore off. I watched him, my head tiled to the side, something was different about him. I sat down on the bench and waited, letting my thoughts wander about everything. And after a good ten minutes, I felt his presence again. “Don’t change yet.” Midnight tilted his head to the side and I looked at his fur, seeing a patch of dark red. Huh, that was odd. “Let me see your right paw.” He stuck it on my knee and I turned it slightly, seeing another red patch. “Ok!” I looked him over and smirked. “Lay on your back.” He gave me a big grin but did as he was told. I rubbed his stomach and then let me eyes travel, seeing yet the last patch of red. “Looks like you got the mark too Midnight.” He got up and licked my mark, causing me to shiver. I stood back up and left the clothes on the bench for him to change back into.

“Are you serious?”

“I kid you not. Midnight has patches of a dark red fur on all the spots where I claimed you at.”

“He has never been anything but black, and that odd gray spot.”

“Maybe over time, you and I might rub off something’s on each other. After all, honey, you and I are like no one else.” He slipped his arm around my waist as he finished dressing and walked us back into the party.


I glanced around a few hours later, something raging in my gut, saying something was up. I walked over to Grayson and lightly touched his arm, causing him to look at me.

“What is it?”

“Something feels off, do you feel it.” Grayson closed his eyes for a moment and slowly nodded. His eyes opened and he looked at the people he was talking to, excusing himself as he pulled me aside.

“Any ideas?”

“None. Do you see Richard at all?” Grayson’s eyes scanned the room but he slowly shook his head.

“Nor am I picking up on his scent.”

“Grayson, I don’t like this.” His arm slipped around my waist and I leaned against him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”

“I know you would, but that’s not what has me worried. Come on, let’s go outside, maybe I’ll be able to over hear something.” His hand moved to my lower back as he walked me through the crowd and back outside. And though I caught snippets of many conversations, I heard nothing about Richard, or from him. Our eyes scanned around and then I paused. Grayson grabbed my hand and we made a beeline to the right side of the house, only stopping at the wolf whose eyes were blazing in their golden color.

“That’s Richard,” Grayson whispered to me. How the hell did this Alpha turn into a demon? I looked him over, his gums were bleeding and his eyes were staring into mine. This was crazy! I could buy the rogue’s being demons, but an Alpha? It was just as insane as an Ancient. Maybe there was something there to look into.

“You will lose.” Grayson’s eyes slammed into mine and then we both looked at Richard, not one of them had ever spoken so directly to us before. “Your world will burn and you will all die.”

“What are you talking about?” But bleeding jaws were snapping at Grayson faster than I could blink. My anger quickly rose up and before I knew it, I was on the other wolf’s back.

“Stop!” I yelled, which caused him to stop, his head turning to look at me on his back. Who the hell commands an Alpha? He flung me off and then quickly pounced on me but with all my strength, I shoved him off, causing him to fly into a nearby tree, which knocked the wind out of him. “Call Dylan and Elric.” Grayson nodded but frowned as he looked at me. “What?”

“Your eyes, Fire.”

“Blazing red? I’m furious!”

“No, they’re black. I thought your eyes never changed?”

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