Into The Unknown World

Chapter 36 – ‘You have a plan’

I narrowed my eyes as I stared at the woman who was sitting on the couch; let her have her last dig, I got the man in the end and that was something that would always bother her, especially since the history between us was brutal and ugly. I mean, after all, she pretty much let me bleed to death; can’t say that was love. I walked over and sat down on the other end of the couch, Grayson standing between us.

“You know what this will cost you Fire, right?”

“You enjoy watching me in pain and bleeding. I can’t say I’m surprised you would do this. Now that we all know what is too happen, why don’t you tell us what you MAY know.” I struggled to keep my voice civil, seeing the smirk play upon Grayson’s lips at my response. Sure, he’ll get the kick out of it, but he won’t let me hurt her.

“I know more than you think, Fire. What do you know about The General?” I shrugged at that.

“I know who he is, how can anyone not know about him in the vampire community? I know he lives in the outer realm of Siberia and houses some outlandish guests. I also know that he is one of the cruelest vampires around and doesn’t take kindly to traitors.”

“All very true in fact.”

“How do you know him, Mariana?”

“Chance meeting.”

“You never leave anything to chance.” She laughed but nodded none the less.

“You are right about that; I managed to warm my way into the party and then warm my way into his bed. One night when I was staying over, a book he was reading caught my eye. It almost looked like a journal and I thought it was his, so I opened the old cover and glanced at it, but I knew right away it wasn’t his. I flipped through it and a couple phrases caught my eye.”

“Like what?” I glanced over at Grayson, his hands in his pockets and his eyes focused on her.

“The very first page alone had the words, ‘I am Sol, ruler of the vampire world yet they do not know me’. I thought that was pretty impressive, although, I have no idea who he is.”

“He is the God of the vampires.”

“We don’t have one, Fire,” Mariana said, giving me a smug look like she was smarter than I.

“We do, and that book is something I need, we need. Do you recall anything else?” Mariana let out an exasperated sight and I fought not to roll my eyes.

“As I flipped through, I caught a couple other pieces, something about demons and a prophecy and mixed breeds, but I wasn’t able to go beyond that.” My eyes flashed to Grayson as he looked at me. By rights, any book about Sol was centuries, hell even a millennium old, so how could something like that be talking about something happening now?

“How were you able to read that?”

“Well that’s the odd thing; I don’t know what language it was written in, but The General was translating it into English.”

“Mariana, I gather you spent some time with him?” She nodded at my question. “Did you ever see him with some powerful people, other vampires? Or witches? Maybe even wolves?”

“Of course. I mean, he himself is a very powerful person, so it wasn’t a surprise to see him with others. Just odd ’cause you know witches, they don’t like to interact with us much; even more so when it’s all of us beings together.”

“Do you know who they were?”

“No, not off the top of my head. I was told to look pretty but was hardly able to pick up on anything they said.” I rolled my eyes as I stood up to talk to Grayson in the corner. Mariana was the type to be told that yet not have the reasoning to try and gather information. Of course, something like that abnormal, yet she never thought to try and eavesdrop! And yet another reason as to why I didn’t like this vampire. It wasn’t the first time golden chances had landed at her feet and yet she didn’t take them.

“Do you trust her?” I looked up at Grayson and let out a breath.

“Everything in me wants to say no, to not buy it, but I do, Grayson.”

“How would he have gotten that type of book?”

“That’s the question at the moment. You know something unique is going on here and I believe without a doubt, that the Gods are behind it. I can’t figure out why or how, but I know that book just may start unlocking some answers.”

“This guy sounds like an asshole.”

“Oh he is. I’ve never meet him, but I know enough of him. He’s had a long enough life and firmly believes in cruel punishment.” I paused and let out another breath. “If they story of Dracula was based upon real life, The General would make Vlad look like a saint.

“He runs his coven fiercely; there is no escaping that man. If he turns you, you will be his. And everyone he has fought, well, they don’t live to tell many tales.”

“How old is he?”

“Around five or six hundred years old; so old enough to have experienced some of the ugliest points throughout history.”

“Joyful; how do you plan on seeing that book?”

“We aren’t seeing it Grayson, we are going to take it. I don’t want something like that in his grasp.”

“You have a plan.” It wasn’t a question; it was a statement, one that caused him to smile. I turned back around and looked over at Mariana.

“You can hold off on that kiss, Mariana, we need you to get four invites to The General’s next party.”

“Why four?”

“One for you and one for your date Grayson and then two more for Elric and Dylan.”

“What about you?” Grayson asked, turning to look at me with a raised brow.

“I’ll get my own; after all, he’s wanted to meet me for a few centuries, I hate to keep telling him no.”

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