Into The Unknown World

Chapter 35 - Dancing

Her eyes burned and I just lifted a shoulder without a care. She wanted to throw stones, that was fine, for I know she wouldn’t like what I could, and would, throwback. Grayson rubbed his hand over my hip and whispered into my hair, “be cool, we will need her; try and remember that.”

“I’m sorry Mariana, that was rude of me.” She swallowed and then waved her hand.

“We go back many years Fire, I know how you are; I also know what a silver stakes does to you.” I ground my teeth but let the jab go. Although I’m sure Grayson picked up on it and would figure out that’s how I got a few of my scars. “If you will excuse me, I have some friends I need to say hi too.”

“Of course.” I turned back around once she left and smiled at Richard, who had watched the whole exchange.

“Long standing history, I gather.”

“You know us vampires, since we live so long, we always have history.” Richard narrowed his eyes slightly but smiled none the less.

“Yes, sometimes I wonder who has the longest wars, wolves or vampires. Please excuse me, mingle, drink, dance and enjoy yourselves.” He offered another smile as he walked away to talk to other guests and I turned to Grayson.

“I have known that man for quite some time and I am telling you something is not right.” Grayson grabbed two flutes and handed one to me.

“I agree. Now, Fire?”


“You wanted to meet up with Mariana, here is the perfect chance.”

“Does that mean I have to play nice?” I pretended to pout which caused him to give me a quick kiss.

“Yes. But in order to even get a meeting, I need to sooth her ruffled feathers.”

“How are you going to do that?”

“I’m going to ask her to dance.” I held the stem of the glass and jumped slightly as the glass shattered in my hand. He chuckled and took the pieces, along with my arm and moved me away slightly, wiping at the blood on my hands with some napkins he grabbed. “Do you have a problem with that?”

“No, of course not, do what you need to do.” I blinked a couple times, causing him to chuckle yet again.

“Yeah, I can see how well that is sitting with you.” I looked over at him and took a deep breath.

“I’m fine. But, I will remember to tell you I’m going in the arms of my ex-lover and see how you like it and how well you take it.”

“I would be seeing red, I know, but I don’t need to ask any of your past lovers for help.”

“Yet.” I sighed and nodded. “Go, I’ll be fine. Go do what you have to do and let me know when you got it.” He cupped my chin and lifted my head, giving me a light kiss.

“I won’t be gone too long.” He gave me a wink and walked away, leaving me alone and with my thoughts. I let out a breath and looked around, stopping as someone stopped right in front of me.

“Good evening, Fire.”

“Hello Derrick, what brings you to this party?”

“Richard is a friend and invited me.” He took my hand and led me onto the dance floor. “You will honor me with a dance, right?”

“Seems I have no choice as to say no now.” He smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waist, his eyes glancing over me.

“What a mark you have there.”

“It’s something new.”

“I’m sure, it suits you.” I let in a sharp breath and felt the slight pressure of his hand on my back. “I mean nothing by it.”

“Your worlds always have a double meaning. What do you want?”

“Answers.” I pulled back, lifting my brow.

“Okay, to what?”

“To what is going on. I saw Michael, I saw what he looked like; I know there was a “rogue” wolf, but know damn good and well it went beyond that. And though many may not have heard about it, I did; I know there was a witch like these two, as well. So, I ask again, what is going on?” Derrick wasn’t a bad vampire; brutal yes, but not bad exactly. And he was smart, smarter than a lot of people thought; he was very good at reading between the lines and picking up on clues that others would over look.

“I know what you are asking and the truth of it is, I don’t know.”

“Bullshit Fire.”

“I’m still trying to find answers as well. There a lot of unknowns though, which is making it harder to piece things together.”

“Does all of this have to do with you and that mutt?” I followed the head nod he threw in Grayson’s direction, and smiled at him as his eyes were on me.

“I know this sounds odd given our history, Derrick, but I believe it does. He is my beloved, and you, above anyone, know what that means to me.” We both watched Grayson as he danced around with Mariana and I heard Derrick sigh.

“You know whatever goes on; I’m here for you, and with you.” My past with this vampire was long and not always pretty, but to know if anything was to happen that he would be there was comforting.

“Thank you. And as soon as I figure out what is going on, I will let you know.” He smiled and then spun me around, into the awaiting arms of Grayson.

“Do I want to know?” I looked up at him, his eyes following Derrick and shook my head.


“You were right, Fire.”

“About what?”

“About seeing you in an ex’s arms; I don’t like that.”

“Glad you picked up on that.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. “Did you get what you needed?”

“I did, for a price. We will meet her in one of the rooms in 30 minutes.”

“And what’s the price?”

“She wants one last kiss.”

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