Into The Unknown World

Chapter 38 – A meeting

I leaned back in my desk chair, my eyes looking out my window. I was too lost in my thoughts and in my feelings. So much has gone on and I can’t even begin to start trying to understand. Richard turning into a demon really freaked me out. And then Grayson saying my eyes changed. How? Why? That was unlike me. No matter what, my eyes had never changed.

There was a common theme with these demons but hell if I, or we, could figure it out. We had left that night with Dylan and Elric, and man oh man, was Dylan pissed. Not at us, mind you, but that an Alpha could become this thing. And add in the fact that I commanded it? Yeah, we were all swimming out of our depths on this one. And the reports back were the same as the other three.

I let out a sigh, turning as my door opened and Grayson walked in. Just the sight of him sent a calming feeling through me.

“Hi,” he said as he took the chair in front of my desk.


“You look like you are thinking?”

“I don’t think I’ve stopped. Don’t you feel like we are missing something; that we are over looking something?”

“Big time, but I’ll be damned if I can figure it out.”

“What if it’s not in the reports?” I asked.

“You mean try to focus elsewhere?”

“Yeah. Richard,” I started and then paused, wondering how to voice what my mind had been tossing around, “he had been different, eccentric even.”

“Yeah, I would agree.”

“Maybe we should look at behavioral patterns leading up to them changing. What if it’s something rooted in that?” Grayson crossed his arms over the white polo shirt that he was wearing and it caused me to look over his attire. He was dressed nice, but casual. “Are you going somewhere?” He jumped slightly, the question pulling him out of his thoughts and he looked himself over.

“Yeah, a meeting, don’t you know about it?”

“I guess not, what meeting? Where? And with whom?” Before Grayson could answer any of my questions, however, Charles knocked and then poked his head into my office.

“Your nine o’clock meeting is in the conference room and waiting for you.” I wrinkled my brows even more.

“Charles, I know of no such meeting.”

“It’s on your calendar ma’am. I put it there last week.”

“I’m telling you, it’s not.” I leaned over to bring my computer on and opened my calendar, shocked to see a meeting at nine in conference room B with those new clients. I call bull shit! I get notifications to my phone to let me know about those but I had nothing.

“Very well. I gather, Grayson, you are to be here for that too?”

“As far as I know, yes. I got a text saying to be here.”

“Why is everything so fucking fishy?” I growled out and stood up, Grayson walked over to me.

“Stop babe, you are getting worked up over nothing.” He kissed my head and I sighed. This wasn’t just nothing, but given the turn of my life recently, guess it was just time to chalk it all up and realize I had no control. We walked down to the conference room and Grayson opened the door, allowing me to walk in. I looked up as I entered, the sight before me giving me a hell of a Goddamn shock. I stared from one face, to another, and finally to the last one. No, I wasn’t seeing this; no way in hell was I seeing this.

“Hello Fire, what’s it been, shy over 1800 years?” I blinked a couple times and then turned to look at Grayson as he looked at me.

“How do you know my witches, Fire?” I couldn’t speak, just shook my head. How was any of this possible? I saw them walk into those flames. And Jameson walked out of my life, not having seen him again. And yet, there they were, all three of them, sitting quietly, watching me. Well, no, not just me, they were watching Grayson as well. Why? Wait, what did he ask me, how did I know his witches? They weren’t his, they were mine and…

“Oh my God! You three raised us both!”

“I always said you were a smart one, Fire.” I stared at Jameson and shook my head.


“We have a lot to explain. Some you already know have picked up on. Others, a lot of other stuff, you need to understand,” Celeste said. “Please sit you two, before you both fall over in shock.”

“I think shock is an understatement,” I mumbled, sitting in the chair Grayson pulled out for me. I was past shock, past confused. And as I felt the tremors racing through the hand that was holding mine, so was Grayson. Never, EVER, did I think that those same three witches who raised me, would have raised Grayson; we, as supernatural’s, had longevity in our lives, but there was no such thing as witches that lived 1800 years, or well way over.

“What are you? You can’t be witches, or just any type of witches. If you raised Fire, you are way too old to be mere witches.” I glanced at Grayson who seemed to figure that out before I did. God, seeing them really did a number on me if my mind couldn’t compute things fast enough. The three glanced at each other before turning back to us.

“We are witches, and we did raise you both, but our lives are tied with…”

“Mundias,” I interrupted.

“The witch Goddess?” Grayson asked.

“It would seem, babe, that you and I aren’t just meek specimen’s in our world, that we are far above unique.” Claudette, who was known as CJ to Grayson, folded her hands and leaned on the table.

“We work for and are part of the Goddess, you are right. And you are right that you two were meant to be. And yes there were many helping hands behind the scenes.” She paused, rubbed her eyes, a trait I remember quiet well; it was a sign that she had much to say and not sure how to say it. I guess it was something she never kicked as Grayson sighed.

“Out with it CJ, it’s obvious you have stuff you want to say.”

“I don’t care how old you are young man; I will still take you over my knee!” Maybe the thought was overly funny, or maybe I had just reached the delusional stage, but I busted out laughing. Here I was, thinking nothing could ever faze me, but boy was I so very fucking wrong. I laughed until I cried, the looks they were sending me were only adding to my chuckles. Finally, as I wiped my eyes, I waved my hand at them.

“I’m fine, sorry. I guess you could say I’m just over whelmed with everything.”

“You were always a strong one, Fire.” Celeste sighed and then leaned back in her chair. “It’s destiny that you two were made and brought together. Fire, you aren’t just a vampire; and you Grayson aren’t just a wolf. Yes, you both are unique in many ways; none of your life is happenstance, or mere coincidence.

“You were both raised by us because, for your future, for you will need the knowledge of witches. The circumstance of both of your births isn’t a coincidence either. Have you both not questioned why there were attacks on both of your families? Why you were raised by witches, by us?” I opened my mouth to speak but then turned to Grayson. Celeste was right, as far as I knew; we never questioned our births, just put in under the category of strange.

“What are you talking about?” I asked. I was starting to feel like nothing I knew made sense anymore. And I could feel the same confusion rolling through Grayson. I suppose the down side of picking up each other’s feelings; for when you have the same ones, it’s only more intensified.

“Grayson’s mom died, and you Fire, your mom died.” I paused at the way she said that, and felt Grayson stiffen.

“Yes, so you said. I always thought my dad died too, though.”

“That would be impossible,” Jameson finally chimed in. “Your dad,” he said, pointing to me, “and your mom,” he looked and pointed to Grayson, “are not dead. They can’t die. After all, they are Gods.”

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