In Reach?

Chapter They, as in three?

Liam's POV

It wasn’t long until I could hear the cars coming. I got up and made my way to the driveway in front of the house. My head members and the other alphas joined me, to greet our visitors. Even the vampires get a front view now.

I see four black SUVs rushing up the driveway and stopping behind each other. All the doors open at once and people pour out of them. Alex gets out of the driver's seat of the car in the front. I meet him half way as he walks to meet me.

I knew he wanted to greet me, but I am a bit shocked with the sudden and firm hug he gives. For some reason, I needed this, so I return it. We let go and he looks at me with almost a smile on his face.

“We’ll find her.” He says it like a promise. I nod in agreement. “This is my captain, Jerry.” He points to the older looking man who got out from the front seat.

He walks to me and gives me a firm handshake. “You must be Alpha Liam.” He says with a smile. I’m surprised with how friendly these people seem to be. With all my experiences and stories, hunters always seemed like demon spawns to us.

“Captain Jerry.”

“Please, call me Jerry. We’re not here for just a job. Alex here is like a son to me, no matter how stubborn this troublemaker always seems to be.” He grips Alex’s shoulder firmly. “But he tells me you’re his brother now, which makes you like a son to me too. And family helps family.” He says as he points behind him to all the other hunters dressed in all black. “Besides, I’m a little excited to let loose a little, especially before I retire. We always have to restrict ourselves in the city. You know, prying eyes.”

I can sense everybody’s stares on us, and I can hear heart beats raising as they get worried. Too many wolves and too many hunters in one spot.

“Anyways, Jerry, Alex,” I turn slightly and give them view of those standing behind me. “These are alphas in alliance with us. They and their packs are here and will help. Alpha Sam, Alpha Chris, Alpha John and Alpha Brian. These members here, are my head members, my Beta Noah, Gamma Theo, Delta Liz and head warrior Mason.”

Jerry walks straight ahead to greets all of them. I can see just how confused all the others are as well. Probably wondering the same thing I did.

“Jerry, we can maybe set you and your men up in one of our other pack-houses.”

“Oh no don’t worry about that. We don’t want to impose, so we brought our own tents to camp outside.” He sounds very excited.

“Camp? Outside? Are you sure?”

“Of course. Besides, it’s not like we get a view like this every day.” He points to the woods and the sky starting to fill up with stars. “Right guys?!” He shouts to the hunters behind him, and they all shout happily their yes-es as they get their camping gear out to set up. “But I must say. I never thought I’d see the day of me not just working with a wolf pack, but actually camping in his back yard as well.”

I can’t help but laugh at him. “I’m actually a bit glad to hear that. I thought this was just weird for me. Because this is definitely a first for me as well. But your excitement threw me a bit off.”

“Oh? Listen young man,” he steps closer, clearly wanting only me to hear this, “I don’t want you to get the wrong impression of me or of us hunters. I know what you wolves may see us as, but we aren’t some heartless murderers who get a kick out of torturing and killing supernaturals. But we all do what we have to do to survive right? But know that everyone here didn’t come because they just wanted to soak their hands in blood. They’re here because they want to protect those worth protecting. That is our oath after all.” He nods as he walks back to the car, getting his own gear out.

“Alex.” I say looking at him. But he’s a few steps away from me, seeming to want to get something from the car.


“So what got you guys here so early?”

“About that. Uhm…..”

“What? Why do I feel like you did something?”

“So,…….how do you like witches?”


I know the others heard. I can hear low growls behind me. Noah’s definitely one of them, they way he’s cursing under his breath. Even the vampire seem to be curious as they join the crowd behind us.

Alex sighs. “Just hear me out. Thing is, they’re actually the ones that found us and told us to get a move on, and to get here as soon as possible.”

“They? As in more than one?”


“You dare bring witches onto this property?” Noah’s finally next to me and clearly planning to get in Alex’s face.

But he just rolls his eyes. “Dude. I understand where you guys are coming from, but you don’t even know them.”

“Did they mind-fuck you or something?” He steps closer, clearly trying to intimidate Alex. But his stubborn ass just mocks him back, standing just a foot away from each other.

“No. But you clearly need a fuck to calm down.”

Just like that, Noah throws a punch. But Alex seems to have expected it.

Honestly, I’m not even bothered to stop this. Noah should really get over his past experience with his ex of a witch. And Alex should have told me before hand, he clearly could have called. So they can punish each other. Nobody else even seems bothered to stop it, probably with me near them, but just standing by.

But while I try to enjoy their little tussle, someone rushes past me with such a speed, they throw Noah and Alex apart. Noah ends up rolling to my feet. But just as I look up, I see a small figure gripping onto Alex as they’re leaning over the front hood of the car, and kissing him.

“What the fuck?!” Noah gets up, but I stop him, before he rushes to them. “Get the fuck off of him Aubrey!”

I guess hearing her name finally got her to stop. She looks back at Noah with a very angry look. But I can’t help notice the very confused and dazed look on Alex’s face as he’s still staring at Aubrey.

“How dare you Noah. What is wrong with you? Why would you attack him? I saw you, you threw the first punch.” She says facing Noah, but making sure to hold Alex’s hand. The poor guy. He still hasn’t figured it out. I don’t think anyone has yet.

“What? That asshole brought witches onto our pack-grounds. And you defend him?”

“I defend my mate.”

“What?” I hear both Alex and Noah say.

“No, no. Bullshit. We would have figured out you two were mates when he was here the previous time. So why now?”

“Well.” We look back at Aiden and his amused look. “She was injured from that attack, remember. She was in the infirmary for a couple of days, and only got released when he left.”

I can hear Noah’s breath hitch. But he looks back at them with such a confused look.

“I’m your mate?” Alex asks softly?

“Does it bother you that I’m a wolf?” She looks almost sad asking.

But he pulls her close and cups her face. “Sweety, I don’t care what you are. You’re already the most beautiful thing I’ve seen.” And instantly her face lights up.

But I can tell this is bothering Noah, not just because of Alex, but because it’s still his little sister.

“Aubrey.” I interrupt their little bubble. “I’m happy for you for finding your mate. But try to limit the PDA. I cannot be held responsible for what Noah may do. You are after all still his baby sis.”

“What? You’re his sister?” Alex looks shocked. At least now he’ll get the brother-of-the-mate treatment too.

“Alex.” I call his attention. “Where are these witches you talked about.”

“Oh yeah.” He walks back to one of the cars in the far back, pulling Aubrey along. I guess they don’t want to let go of each other’s hands.

I see three women stepping out, and walking towards us. I can tell the others are getting restless behind me. It’s not often we see witches, and the stories of late are just about them trying to hex and kill us. But before they even get to the front of all the cars, one of the girls start running towards us. She looks desperate. What is she running to?

That’s when I see a figure run past me and running towards her. From the scent, it’s definitely one of the vampires. He picks her up into a bear-hug, sniffing her neck and kissing her so deeply, he’s practically sucking her face off.

I clear my throat, very loudly, trying to break up this reunion. They break the kiss, but don’t pull apart, as the other witches join next to them. I can feel Noah’s wolf tensing-up like never before. I’ll just stand ready, in case I need to block him. I know he won’t attack a woman, but just in case he loses control.

“Is this your lover, Mikhail?” I ask.

He stands a bit in front of her as if protecting her. “This is my Beloved.”

“You’re mate? I didn’t know you had one. And a witch no less.”

“I didn’t know either. Never thought I’d live the day to meet my beloved.”

“You mean you just found her? But she knew.” I look at the pretty girl with short blond hair.

She just smiles. “I didn’t know who he was either. But I knew I would meet him tonight. When I saw him, I knew.” She says in a gentle voice as she looks at him.

“So why did you bring the witches here?” I look at Alex.

But before he can even speak, one of the witches step forward. “It would be better to have this discussion in your office, Alpha Liam.”

Well, she seems to be the once in charge of these witches. The other just seems quiet but firm. But this witch, somehow reminds me a bit of my mate. Her same long brown hair. And the way she steps up to me. I know I’m just missing Mira, but I can’t help find similarities. She seems very cautious and serious, the way she keeps eyeing all of us.

“First tell me what your name is witch, and why you are here. And maybe then I’ll decide whether we take this up to the office.”

But she just grins. “My name is Nina, this is Kendra,” she points to the quiet one, “and this is Shay,” she points to the woman next to Mikhail. “We heard about what you’re doing, and we figured you’re our best shot at defeating Dahlia. Besides, you’ll be needing our help to beat her as well.”

“Why are witches trying to go after Dahlia though?”

“That is what we should discuss in the office.” She says like she has way more information to offer if we do go to the office.

At this point, she has already piqued my interest.

“Follow me then. But my head members and the other alphas will have to sit in as well.”

“Of course. I’m sure you’ll have no problem to let Alex and Mikhail also sit in. I don’t think they plan on separating anytime soon.” She nods behind her and I can see the love-birds gripping each other tighter.

“Sure.” I sigh out.

I lead them to the conference office, to fit all of us. I need to hear what this witch has to say. She clearly knows something, and may just give us information we need.

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