In Reach?

Chapter No ordinary wolf

Later that night

Liam’s POV

“So what did the council want?” Noah asks me as we head downstairs, to meet everyone else outside.

“Nothing. They just threatened me to not overstep their authority.”

“What? With everything going on, they come to threaten you instead of helping out.” I can sense his stare on the side of my face. “How did you get them off your back?”

I know he won’t leave it alone.

I sighed deeply. “I agreed to a contractor seal.”

“What?! You can’t be serious. They’ve been after our pack ever since you stepped in as Alpha. You can’t give it to them.”

“And that’s why I did it. The seal ensures that only I am in alliance to them, they still have no power over the pack.”

“But you’re the Alpha. Power over you is power over the pack.”

“Trust me, when we’re done with this fucking war, I’ll be sure to fulfill that damn contract as soon as possible so they can’t hold anything over me for too long.”

“And what did they offer you?”

“Well that,……I cannot tell you, and you should know that.”


We had the dining tables moved outside to try and accommodate everyone, especially since the men wanted to grill some steaks outside.

But the vibe outside is making me feel very anxious and……guilty. I don’t want to even feel like I’m enjoying myself. Not when Mira is somewhere out there, in danger. But soon, soon we will leave and go find her. With Alex coming tomorrow morning, we’ll have way more men, hunters even. And I’m hoping to get more news from any of Liz’s patrol teams. Maybe we can cancel out another camp site, - attacking two is better than three. And if we actually find her site, I’m sure we have more than enough fighters to overtake them.

The only thing we will need to be careful of, is her trump card. We still do not know what she’s doing with Luna blood. That rogue the other day mentioned something about her trying to get power from it. I don’t want to wait to find out. If anything, I’m more than ready to attack tomorrow to get Mira back, especially since the full moon is tomorrow night. I don’t know why, but that always seems to be witches’ favourite time to be doing their forsaken rituals. Even my wolf seems very unsettled.

I make my way to one of the main tables with head-members and some alphas. Sitting down, I look over to Aiden. After our talk I know he knows I don’t blame him. He’s like a brother to me anyways. And I’m just happy to see he survived the attack and looks better than ever.

“So, Aiden. How is training of the healers going?”

“Good actually. We’ve come up with a salve of sorts that can burn the wound. But I’m still struggling to keep it stable. It seems that when it gets too warm or too cold, it loses texture and dissociates. Not to mention, I would still need a willing volunteer for us to test it on.” He looks around the table knowing people are curious but concerned as well.

But nobody says anything.

“Well for now, let’s keep it as a last resort.” He just nods at me.

I turn and see Theo on the far side of the table. Nobody bothers talking to him, because he doesn’t say anything. He’s been more quiet than he usually was. The only time I ever hear or see him speak is when he’s with me and we’re working in the office.

Noah is luckily still by my side, like he always tries to be, keeping me sane, and helping to keep my wolf at bay. He was always such a flirt, always making time for one of the unmated females in our pack. But I haven’t seen that carefree side of him in a really long time. I know he also feels guilty for ever having doubted Mira. I know he was just doing his job though. But even he told me that he realized he needed to treat her more than just a job. His wolf is angry at him, because he always took her for a friend and kept trying to sway Noah. But Noah was more focused on protecting me. I know how that feels, because I did the same. I was more focused on trying to protect my pack than trying to trust her.

Many of Mira’s words that she spoke that night keeps coming back to me at times, - how I denied her as my mate, and did many things against her just to protect my pack. Did I really choose my pack over her? But as an Alpha, I shouldn’t choose, I should protect them both. And I have finally gotten my pack to believe her and fight for her. I just pray to the moon goddess that I’ll find her in time and show her that she does belong here, with me and my pack, - our pack.

Liz is at another table with her patrols and some of the female warriors. I can see her chatting with Aubrey and Vicky. I know Aubrey tried to get Sarah to join in on the warrior training, but she preferred to help out with the healers.

Mason seems to be enjoying himself with the push and pull he has going on with Rachel. She refused to have him sit with any females, scolding him for trying to get their attention because he always walks around shirtless. But he pulled her away from wanting to join him at the table with all the male warriors. So now he joined our table, knowing that most men here, especially the alphas are already mated. But he makes sure to have her sit on his lap. It seems to be the only compromise the two of them got. But all of us mated wolves understand them, the need to have your mate near you.

Mikhail and his vampires though, have decided to not join in on this get together, and preferred sitting on the chairs at the front porch. I guess they’re really not very social people. But I’m not going to force them to sit at a dining table surrounded with people. Wouldn’t that just be tempting them. But apparently they’ve made sure to bring along some…….blood bags to feed on. Or so Noah tells me. They don’t seem to be affected by the sun either. Apparently it’s just more of an annoyance that they can tolerate with dark enough sunglasses.

“Liam.” I turn and look at Brian sitting across me.

Only other alphas can get away with calling an alpha on his name, and of course close family member.

“Yeah, Brian.”

“I thought it best to clear something up, before it can even become an issue.”


He looks around the table seeing that he has all the other alpha’s attention.

“Well, we know things can easily get out of hand, especially when you have more than one alpha in a room. But, you have proven that we are in more than capable hands. Yes, we are with you in this war against Dahlia. We may be leading our packs into that witch’s camp, but you are still the one leading us in this war. I want to ensure you, that we as the alphas have discussed it and agreed that we trust you with leading this.”

I look around the table and see all the alphas nodding and smiling in agreement. Alpha Chris, Alpha John, Alpha Brian, and Alpha Sam. I have four Alphas and their packs in full support in this, - in me. This is what that council woman was referring to, - what she was afraid of.

“Thank you, Alphas.” I nod back. “This war effort has managed to bring us closer together. I do hope that after all this, it won’t take more wars or battles to keep this………..friendship.”

I really do hope these alliances are more than just paper worthy.

Hahaha! “Hearing you say that, has just convinced me, to keep you as an ally and a friend.” Alpha John says and smacks young Alpha Chris on the back, sitting next to him. “Or what do you say Alpha Chris?”

Hearing John call him by his title assures Chris he respects him as an Alpha, especially with all of us wanting to hear his opinion as well.

He smiles brightly showing all teeth. “Of course I trust Alpha Liam. But I consider him more than just a friend now. I’m not shy to admit that I do look up to him. He’s a worthy example. From what I heard, he was always willing to risk himself to protect his pack, and now I get to see him scour this earth with a whole army to find and protect his mate, his Luna. One day when I find my mate and we have pups, I’ll be sure to tell them about you, - the Alpha that led an army of wolf packs to protect more than just his mate and pack, but to also protect our kind.”

“With your story telling skills, I’m sure you’ll have your whole pack listening to your stories. They’ll probably have songs on this war.” Alpha Sam finally speaks. He’s just as quiet, but seems to like just listening to people.

“Besides, it’s not like any of us could even come close to overpowering you.” Brian says with a smirk on his face.

“Why do you say that?”

Pfh! “Like Alpha Chris here, I have also just heard of your stories, - the ruthless and fearless Alpha that challenged anyone who threatened his pack. And then you even dared to go against the council with all of this. You got me too curious, I couldn’t resist not coming. I knew I had no idea how things would turn out, but I knew there would at least be results. But after last night, things became a bit,……clearer.”

“Clearer? You’re gonna have to be more specific than that Brian.” They all almost look nervous, but somehow curious.

“I’m talking about that menacing aura your wolf released with your growl last night, when the vampires arrived. All four of our alpha wolf spirits reacted to it. Our wolves didn’t feel it as threatening though, but we also didn’t feel the need to submit like the rest. In fact, they heeded to your warning, as they got up, ready to attack whatever you would see as a threat. You must have some powerful wolf for our alpha wolf-spirits to acknowledge you as their leader. Your wolf is not just a leader of wolves, but a leader of alphas. You don’t have an ordinary wolf, Liam, do you?”

“Honestly speaking, my wolf and I have somewhat of a,…….complicated relationship. We don’t really get along as most shifter do with their wolf spirits.”

“I’ve heard some stories of people not getting along with their wolves, but for an alpha? Never heard of that.” Sam speaks.

“But the power you and your wolf released with just a growl convinced me that that was just a taster of what you are really capable of. It’s like Alpha Chris said, I’m glad to be part of this with you. It means I get to finally see you in action.” Brian smiles brightly as if excited.

But I’m not. I can feel my wolf itching to get out every day, ready to kill anything and everything. If anything, I don’t want them to see the bloodbath that they so eagerly want to see my wolf provide. They may just end up being part of it, or maybe they’ll be enough to stop him, to stop my wolf.

“For everybody’s sake, I think it best my wolf not show his true self. Things will get really ugly that way.”

They don’t say anything, but I know they can sense the seriousness and warning in my voice.

It’s already getting late and the sun is almost set, when I hear a message through the link.

Alpha, that hunter Alex is back, and he has a few cars of people with him. Should I let them in?

Yes. Send them through.

What are they already doing here? I thought he’ll only get here tomorrow morning.

“Everyone, can I get your attention!” I stand and shout for all the hear. Their chattering soon quietens down. “The hunters I have mentioned will soon be here. Now I know you all may not be comfortable with having hunters around. But I trust them as much as I trust my own. And if you trust me, I ask that you trust them too, with the same respect you give my pack.”

I hear some muttering, but Alpha Brain soon stands up. “Like I said before, you have mine and my pack’s full support.” Soon the other Alphas join in with nods.

Why couldn’t Ashton be more like his brother?

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