In Reach?

Chapter A deal with the devil

The next day

Liam’s POV

I got an interesting call this morning. The council informed me that a council member will be coming this afternoon to discuss with me about my intention to go to war with Dahlia. So now I’m just waiting on them.

Though, one of Liz’s patrol teams did get back to me today about one of the camps. Apparently, there was no sign of Dahlia or any witches there. It just housed hunters, and they were quite a few. That means one less camp to consider attacking, bringing it down to three.

I got a call back from Alex as well. Rachel was at least in the right state of mind that day everything went south. After she woke up, she called Alex and informed him about Mira’s disappearance. He was more than pissed from what I hear. But I was going through my own crap to give him any attention. But from the call today, I know he doesn’t blame me. I don’t know why, but I still do.

Apparently he blames himself for bringing Marcus here and for some reason he’s apologizing to me for my aunt’s betrayal. He’s on his way here already. He wants to join in on the fight of course. ‘Anything for Mira’, as he says. He assured me that he loves her like a sister, and will do everything to bring her back here safely. And he’s bringing an army of his own, - one of hunters. The fucker actually convinced his captain to join in on the fight. Something about getting to let loose, and needing some fresh air from city life. They should arrive sometime tomorrow morning.

The rest of the Alphas have finally joined the rest of us. We do plan to attack soon. So we’re all getting ready. The pack grounds just keep on filling up. I’m glad for how massive our property actually is. It reminds me of the stories my grandfather always told me, about how our pack was once the biggest, the strongest and a ruling pack that led our kind in the great war against vampires many centuries ago. And here we are, prepping for another war, but against witches this time.

Alpha. The council member is here to see you. I’m bringing her up to your office.

Thank you, Theo.

Barely a minute goes by and in walks a particular red-head that I remember from the gala event. She looks just as annoyed as she did that day.

“Alpha Liam.” She says taking a seat in front of my desk.

“Good day Ms. Swan.”

“So, from what I saw outside, I guess rumours are true.”

“And what rumours would that be?”

“Don’t play dumb with me Alpha. We understood and thought you were just enraged with what happened. We didn’t think you were actually serious about going to war with Dahlia.”

“Why not? Why is it that the council has not done anything since, to actually ensure our safety as wolves, against these witches? You tell us to stay back, while she crosses our borders and threatens more than our packs.”

“I understand your anger and why it’s so personal to you. But,-“

“Personal? To me? How is this not personal to you? She’s literally stealing Lunas to use for blood-sacrifices. And by the look on your face, you probably know about it. You probably know what it is she’s really doing with their blood.”

She sighs. “It’s old magic, and destructive. She’ll kill herself before she even gets it right.”

“So that’s it? That’s why you’re all just sitting around and waiting. You’re waiting for her to just drop dead? And what if she does? She’s not alone. Even if she dies, we still have an army of other witches, rogues and hunters with hexed weapons to fight off. What part of ‘she’s waging war against our kind’ did you not understand when she announced it to you?”

“Regardless. We cannot initiate war. It will give the witch council leverage against us. They have made it clear that they take no responsibility for her actions, but still consider her a witch. A full-on attack from our council means a full-on attack of our kind against a witch, -against their kind. We will basically be initiating war against their kind.”

I bang my hand against the table, knowing the bloody thing probably cracked. “What political nonsense is this? How can they still protect her, but take no responsibility for her?”

“Unfortunately, their kind and their council do not do things the same way we do.”

There’s a pregnant pause in the room before she starts to talk again.

“The other reason I’m here, is because of the threat you hold against the council.”

“What? What threat am I to you?”

“I’m referring to what’s happening outside. You are gaining more power than what is liked by the council. These alliances you have created have clearly given way for these packs and others to ignore our call as council, and basically going against us.”

Pfh! “I have no intention of going against the council. In fact, I don’t give a damn about you guys.”

“Careful Alpha. That is exactly what I’m talking about. With these alliances you have made, you have also gained the respect of many packs and their alphas, even that of vampires.”

Well she’s well informed, especially since they only arrived last night. They really do have eyes everywhere.

“And what is wrong with gaining respect from my kin, and even from vampires? Last I checked, you even had vampires join the gala for further treaty agreements with them.”

“Yes. But with the council, not with you. Even if you do not see it or admit it, you are gaining more power than what the council can tolerate. I am here, for you to shut it down.”

“Excuse me?”

“We cannot let you continue this. You are becoming a threat to the council.”

“The only reason I took things into my own hands was because you as the council failed to protect our kind. I am only doing what is best for us, all of us. We need to stop Dahlia before she does any more damage.”

I hear her chuckling. “You Greysons. You always loved the taste of power,…..and blood. We cannot let your family lead our kind into another war that can threaten our very existence.”

Another war? I guess the stories must be true.

“I will not stand back, regardless of how many threats you give me. I will choose my Luna, my pack and my kind over the council any day.”

Grh! “That is sacrilege, basically treason against the council, against your kind.”

My wolf can’t help but chuckle in my head at her pathetic attempt to threaten us. “How can I stand against my kind when they stand with me?”

She seethes seeing my calming nature, because she knows I speak the truth.

“Heed my words Alpha. If you do not stand down, we will intervene and settle with either your arrest, or your death.”

“You want to have a war against me, at a time like this? Does the council really have nothing better to do? Instead of protecting their kind, they rather want to wage war against them..... Fine then.”

“What?” Her brows furrow.

“Do it. Show everyone what it is you’re capable of, and where your priorities actually lie. But you and I both know, that will just cause more trouble for the council than what you intend.”

“Why must you be so difficult? Do you not see the trouble you have already caused?”

“This happened because you did nothing.”

“Then how about we reach an agreement. I for one cannot go back without a reasonable solution. It’s why they sent me, - to negotiate.”

“The only thing I want from the council was their support, - fighting support.”

“We cannot support you with man power, not after we told our allied packs to refrain from this situation. Besides, from what I hear, you still don’t even know where to find Dahlia. But what can you offer me in return?”

“What do you want?”

“Official alliance with the council.”

“No.” I don’t even need to think to answer.

“That very response is the reason we need this.”

“You just want to control me.”

“Can you blame us? Look at what you’re capable of. And all in less than a week. And something tells me there might just be more.” She stands up and points out the window. Most likely pointing to all the warriors in training.

But I know the council will never leave me, especially now. Once they set their eyes on something, they don’t let go. I know these cowards will dare to attack me before we go after Dahlia, just to prove a point. With all my alliances so far, they may very well go against the council for it. But all of this will just delay things too much. There will be unnecessary bloodshed, and hostility among all of us, and the council will definitely blame me for all of it, even knowing their actions caused it.

There is only one thing I can do, - one sacrifice for the good of everyone else.

“Fine. I won’t agree to an official alliance, but perhaps I can offer something better, something you asked for before. I’ll become a contractor.”

Her eyes widen at hearing this, and I definitely caught the smirk she’s trying to hide.

“You do realize that it’s a blood contract. There is no way of getting out of it.”

“I am aware. But I also know that it’s finite. A favour for a favour. And since I’m only asking for one thing, you can only ask me one thing as well. So what can you really offer me council member, with what I’m offering?”

She turns and glimpses at the map on the wall. I know she knows what it is.

“Then how about this? We’ll offer you our assistance in your attack. But understand, we cannot have anyone know of our involvement. So, how about when you find out where Dahlia actually is, you can send all your men to that site, and we will go for the others, covertly.”

“Without other packs helping you with this, how do you intend to get rid of three camps, crawling with rogues and hunters?”

“We will send our enforcers in.”

My breath hitches at hearing this. Enforcers? They’re brutal and far stronger than normal Alphas. Given that they themselves have alpha blood, and can withstand an alpha command. They are what the council uses to ensure order, especially in high risk cases of apprehending and punishing corrupt alphas. One is enough to take out a small pack on his own.

“You will use enforcers to slaughter all of those people?”

“I’ll make sure they clean up after themselves.”

“But for you to use them for something other than legal means…..”

“That’s why no one must know.” She gives me a knowing look.

This just confirms my previous suspicions. The council is not as innocent or righteous as they have many believe. There’s probably a lot of immoral things they have done. This is why Char didn’t want me to get in too deep.

“And what if we don’t find Dahlia’s location?”

She just shrugs her shoulders. “Your contract will still stand. Nothing can break it remember. Even if circumstances are unfortunate.”

“We haven’t even set it yet.”

“Well if you accept it, we can set it now. So will you accept?”

What can I say? This is a far better offer I even expected. I just need to find Dahlia, and this war is as good as won.


She rushes to her satchel and pulls out square black velvet box. She puts it on the desk and opens it, revealing a flat, round piece of metal with old engravings on it. I already know what it is.

“So you just carry around a ‘sfragida’, like it’s an everyday thing?”

“One never knows.” She takes it out, and opens it like a pocket mirror, with one side just as big as her palm. “So, in honour of this contract, you, Alpha Liam, offer to become a contractor for the council for one task. And the council will in turn ‘privately’ provide you with the necessary means to defeat Dahlia, should you find her location. Do you accept this Alpha Liam?”

I sigh deeply. “Yes, I accept.”

She takes the letter opener on my desk, cuts her thumb, and presses a thumb print with her blood on the one open side of the seal. She gives me the knife and I follow suit, pressing my thumb on the other side.

The moment I’m done, she snaps it closed and puts everything back in her satchel, doing all of this with a smile on her face.

“Are you that happy?”

“Well, the negotiations were a success. So yes.” She starts packing up, and I know she got what she came for. “Oh, Alpha Liam. I hope you’re aware that as long as someone has a contractor seal with the council, you are considered being in an official alliance with us. Which means, as long as this seal stands valid, you still need to report to us on everything you do. Just to ensure us that you’re indeed not doing anything against us, and are willing to have us assist whenever necessary.” She smirks.

“I suggest you leave before you overstay your welcome, council member.”

But she doesn’t stop smiling. “Of course. I have other appointments to get to anyway. I do hope I hear from you soon.” She turns and leaves.

Fuck! What did I get myself into?????

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