In Reach?

Chapter We were born to fight

Liam’s POV

I have made arrangements to meet a council member, after what happened yesterday. They were the ones that informed all packs to not initiate an attack with Dahlia, especially since we don’t know everything that she has under her sleeve. But I know they’re all just cowards, waiting for things to get out of hand so that all packs can come to them begging for help afterwards. They’re supposed to prevent such shit. But the least I can do is inform them of my intention to strike first, even if they won’t support me in it.

Everybody’s been avoiding me since, even Noah has his guard up every second he’s with me. I don’t blame him though. I’m pissed off, so much so, that I completely trashed the room Mira was in. Her scent was everywhere, but it was driving me nuts.

I lost control of my wolf and he didn’t want to stop at all. But I know, - he was punishing me for not protecting her. He doesn’t want me to have anything of hers to calm me down, but only focus on finding her. But with very hour that goes by, I feel him pushing harder to get through. Slowly but surely, I’m losing control. I have to find her,…….before I turn this world into a blood bath.

I’ve been staring at this map in my office for the past few hours. I need to figure out where that bitch of a woman is. She’s up to something. I still don’t know what she really wants to do with Luna blood. But I don’t want to wait long enough to find out.


Grh! I see Noah still standing in the doorway. How did I not hear him come in? “What is it?”

He sighs. “Liam. You need to rest. You’re barely aware of what’s going on around you. You didn’t even hear me knock.”

“I can’t sleep now. Not when she’s out there. I need to find her before something happens. Have you called in our allies, and told them of our plans?”

“Yes, but,………many of them don’t want to meet. They’re worried about the council. They don’t want to go against them.”

“Fucking cowards.” I mumble under my breath, but I know he heard.



“It’s Aiden. He,…..he told me to tell you that he had a look at the powder you found on the floor. He said it’s some old concoction used by ‘witches’ to hide scents.” He pulls his face just saying the word ‘witches’. I know his hate for them is growing by the day.

“But,…….yesterday I could still pick up Char’s scent.”

But just as I said it, I realize, - she used it on Mira. That’s why I couldn’t find her scent when I left the house. But why can’t I feel her?? I know nothing happened. The bond is still there, it juts feels….numb. Did that powder numb her wolf spirit as well??

“Why didn’t Aiden come and tell me himself.”

“He’s……..ashamed of what his mother had done, to you, to Mira and the pack. But he’s also heartbroken for having lost her.”

Shit! As angry as I am at Char, she was still Aiden’s mother. I can’t even imagine what he’s going through. The man barely got out of bed rest. And by the look of Noah, I know he wants me to go to him.

“I’ll go talk to him.”

“And try to get some rest in as well. We won’t get anything done, if you don’t get a clear head.”

Liam’s POV

It’s nearly been a week, but I’ve finally heard back from a few packs.

Alpha Sam from the Silver Claw Pack, and our neighbour, agreed to give his assistance in our fight against Dahlia. After the run-in with the rogues near his border, he realized it’s only a matter of time before they cross it.

Alpha Chris from the Moonstone pack will also join in. They’re the small neighbouring pack that got attacked a few weeks before us. His mother was one of the Luna’s that got kidnapped, and his father was wounded. After his father died from his wounds and from feeling his mate’s death, he had to step up as Alpha for his pack. He’s just eighteen, but has already proven himself and gotten his pack’s support in this. I guess they all want to avenge their former Alpha and Luna’s deaths.

Even Izabelle’s pack joined in. Her father is the Beta, and his Alpha, John, is more than willing to adhere to the alliance we set up that night at the gala. Vengeance seems to be a strong force to bring people closer.

For the past few days Theo and I have been working extensively on this map, and trying to figure out how we can find out where Dahlia’s hideout is. With the men we have so far, we won’t have enough to split up on all four camps to attack. But if we just focus all our forces on one, and happen to be wrong, - we will just tip them off that we know where they are, and they may just then flee. If that happens, we’ll have to start from scratch finding her again.

Mason is working extensively with our warriors and also training those which the other Alpha’s have already sent through. Many of them seem very eager and progress looks great. Even Aubrey has managed to become one of his top fighters. If she’s anything like when she was younger, these men are going to walk away with a lot of bruises.

Other packs always complained about me allowing women to train as warriors. But I see no problem in enabling women to protect themselves, especially wolves. It’s one of the things which have made my pack stronger than most. We stand by each other. So Aubrey is definitely not the only female warrior we have. She has even become close with Vicky.

Liz has been upgrading her own training with the patrols, focusing on espionage tactics. They will be our eyes and ears to reconnoiter the area before we attack. It seems only fair, that I get a set of my own spies. One has even informed me that the council may just come see me personally themselves, because of all the havoc I’m apparently creating.

I really got pissed yesterday, when I realized that Mira’s file is missing. And it only got me thinking that Char is behind it. But why get rid of it? I can just reprint all the info Noah found on her. So why? I could never really tell what that woman was really thinking.

That’s when I hear a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

“Liam.” Noah pops his head in. “We have guests.”


“Alpha Brian is here,…….and it seems he came with an army of his own.”

“Alpha Brian? From the Night Shade Pack? What is he doing all the way out here?”

“He heard about our pack going against Dahlia. He wants in. He said he brought thirty of his best warriors to join in, should you accept.”

Why would he make all this effort? I haven’t heard any news of attacks on his pack. And he has no alliance with mine.

“Where is he?”

“Just outside. They’re out front. Alpha Brian decided to wait outside, knowing he arrived unannounced and with warriors.”

I just nod my head as I head out. I need to know why he’s doing this. I’ve become extra cautious of everyone lately.

Reaching my front porch, I notice the warriors all standing in neat form, like soldiers ready for an order. They seem well trained.

“Alpha Brian.” The man in front of them turns and looks at me.

“Alpha Liam.” He walks to me and shakes my hand.

“I hear you want to fight. Why?”

He raises his brow. “What do you mean why? We have an enemy in common.”

“Yes, but why make all this effort? Why come all the way out here? What of your alliance with the council?”

Pfh! “Please. Those council oafs don’t have me in their pockets like they do with other Alphas. But to be honest, I’m actually here on a personal basis.”

“Personal? We barely know each other. You were always the quiet one, remember.”

“Yes, but my brother wasn’t. He’s the reason I’m here.”

I clench my jaws and hold my breath trying to keep back the growl I so badly want to give.

“What does Ashton have to do with this?”

“When news of your Luna going missing had spread, he came and told me what he did, -what nonsense he got up to here. Don’t worry though, I made sure to punish him accordingly. He’s still enduring it as we speak. What he did was unforgivable. I do apologize on his behalf.”

“You really don’t need to do this out of guilt. I already settled things with him.”

“Yes, and he told me you even offered your alliance to my pack afterwards, thanks to your Luna. It seems only fair that I return the support in this alliance between us. But Liam, know this. With the way Ashton begged me to help find her, I know that he does care for her and feels guilty for what he did. But I am here regardless of that. I really do not want to sit and wait until that witch turns her eye to my Luna. The council has done nothing but talk. I’m just happy that someone had the balls to stand up and fight. We are wolves after all. We weren't made to chat” He smiles like he’s excited to finally get his hands dirty.

“Well you seem eager to get in on some action.”

“Of course. It’s moments like these that we train for after all. Right men!”

“Yes Alpha!” His men all say in unison

“Welcome aboard then.”

Later that night

Liam’s POV

Things seem to be coming along. The more men we have the sooner we can make our move. Maybe we will be able to take out all four campsites at once. I joined the others in one of the main pack-houses for dinner. It’s way bigger and seems to accommodate our new and extra arrivals. The members who lived here previously, had no problem moving to the other pack-houses. I’m glad my pack is big enough and that my pack members are this accommodating. They understand what’s happening.

We’re all in the dining hall. Most members have already gone to bed, leaving mainly head members, talking about, - I don’t know what. My mind is more focused on Mira and the map. Noah and Theo are more than happy to explain on details to them though.

That’s when the aura in the room suddenly changes. Something dark and ominous is nearby. Eventually, I see the other Alphas also picking up on it, the way they’re tensing up. I quickly stand up, practically pushing my chair away and growling at our intruders.

Gggrrrrhhhhh!!!!!!! My growl resonates through the hall, making the walls shake. I know I’ve slowly been giving my wolf control, but I’m surprised with how intense his aura is.

All the members here are already bowing their heads and exposing their necks in submission. But the Alphas seem weary and defensive at my behaviour. But not towards me. It’s like they heed my call of danger as they also stand up looking around and growling under their breaths.

That’s when four men suddenly make their appearance at the other end of the long table, opposite me. One of them seems familiar though.

“We mean no harm.” One swiftly steps forward and speaks in an English accent.

That’s when their scent hits me.

Ggrh! “What reason do you have to be on my property,……. vampire?”

Everyone in the room starts growling lowly, joining in on our standing position, ready to attack.



“I heard that she was taken by that witch. Is it true?”

“What of it?”

“I am here to help you find her, even if we have to help kill the witch. But know that even if you refuse my assistance, 'we' will still look for her.” He points to the vampires behind him.


“Because,…….she is my friend.”

What is this? Mira is friends with not only a hunter, but now also a vampire. He better not be one of her past lovers as well.

Gggrrrhhh! “Who are you?”

“My name is Mikhail Osman Murad, at your service.” He and his men all put their right hands over the left side of their chests, and bow with their upper bodies. However, Mikhail is only bowing his head. This is indeed a man of royal customs.

None the less, my army seems to be growing by the hour with number and power. With vampires, we will have an added advantage against Dahlia, - one she most probably won’t be prepared for.

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