In Reach?

Chapter Glimpses of the future

Liam's POV

“So what do you have to say?” I ask as I sit down at the head of the table.

“Well, Dahlia is causing a major shift in the balance. That is a problem for any witch.”

“What do you mean? Is it the blood-magic?” I remember Char telling me once that blood-magic is different from regular witch magic.

“Indeed. Blood-magic is not natural. It taints and destroys everything it touches. We’re white witches, as many other who do not practice blood-magic. Our magic is pure and given to us at birth. We do not take and manipulate like blood-magic does. There always needs to be a balance. Whatever magic we perform, when we make something, it is in fact taken from somewhere else. It is a give-and-take relationship we share with nature. Blood-magic works differently. They do not give nature anything in return for what they take. Instead, they spill blood and use the essence of life to corrupt reality. But their magic is causing too much unbalance, and nature is starting to react to it. Things may just get destructive for all of us.”

“What do you mean nature is reacting?” Alpha Brian asks.

“The signs may seem a bit too subtle to be considered a threat yet. But nature is speaking to us, even our own magic is starting to act up.” Shay’s soft voice speaks.

Third POV

Brian: What signs though?

Kendra: Weather patterns are completely out of sync. Up here you must have probably experienced random and intense rain and thunderstorms. If it continues, the next storm you’ll get will probably have hail the size of tennis balls.

Brian: Damn.

Nina: But we are also here, to help lead the attack tomorrow.

Liam: Tomorrow? What makes you think it’s tomorrow.

She sighs.

Nina: Well, you already have more than enough fighters, wolves, vampires, hunters and witches. And with the pressure you’re getting from the council, we need to do this as soon as possible.

But Liam raises a brow wondering how she even knew about the council. All the others definitely didn’t know what my meeting with the council member was about.

Liam: You seem to know things you’re not supposed to.

Nina: It’s why we’re here. Every white witch has her own power other than concocting potions as you all believe. Shay is a healer, but very different from wolf healers. She doesn’t use her own spirit to heal a wolf spirit. She shares life essence from nature to heal physical wounds. She’s here to help your healers in this fight. Kendra is an elemental witch. It’s very powerful magic, and she’s more than willing to help our warriors in the front lines. I’m sure Dahlia wouldn’t see her coming. And I am a see-er. I get visions, either in dreams or at random, of specific and important events. That’s how I knew that we were to join the hunters on their trip here. That’s how I knew we’d be sitting here tonight. And that’s how I know the fight will happen tomorrow.

Liam: But how? We don’t even know where Dahlia is.

Nina: I’m not sure either. But some time tonight, you will know.

The room is quiet, but people actually look optimistic than dumbfounded with all that information.

Liam: What is Dahlia actually trying to do with Luna blood.

Nina: It’s a good thing you ask that question. I actually wanted to ask you one as well, Liam.

A few low growls are given in the room. They see her act at calling Liam by his name as disrespect.

Chris: You are to call him Alpha Liam.

But she just giggles at this, annoying Chris even more.

Nina: I’m sorry. I always seem to jump the gun with these things. It’s just that, I’ve had a few visions where I call you by your name. But I understand, we’re not there, yet. But anyways, Alpha Liam, I wanted to know. What can you tell me of your mate, the pack she’s from?

Liam: She’s not from a pack. In fact she grew up among the humans. Why?

Nina: Well, the magic Dahlia is using is ancient, and overstepping a lot of boundaries. My guess is she’s trying to use Lunas to tap not just into wolf magic, but goddess magic as well.

John: Goddess magic? What, does she think she can dare overstep our moon goddess?

Nina: Well I think she will try.

Ggggrrrrhhhhh!!!!! More growls fill the room.

Nina: she has already made use of wolf blood to cast spells and hexes against your kind. I think she wants magic more powerful, to control and maybe even destroy all wolves. Which brings me back to the question of Mira. She’s different form the other Lunas. She must be. Why else would Dahlia wait for the full moon to cast her spell?

Liam: I don’t know what you mean by different.

Nina: Every Luna has a connection with the moon goddess, which is why Dahlia wants them specifically. But the spell she’s using can be done any day but at night. But for her to wait for the full moon, means maybe your Luna’s own power grows during that time. Does your Luna have some strange abilities, perhaps a relationship with the goddess stronger than one would expect?

Everyone is quiet and becoming very aware of the strange looks the members from the Blood Rose Pack are giving each other.

Liam: Yes………During the full moon, very strange things tend to happen around here. But she claims to make sense of them, as the moon goddess’ doings.

Shay: She speaks to the moon goddess?

The witches look at each other as if realizing something.

Nina: Your Luna is no ordinary wolf, is she? Just like you, Alpha. My knowledge on wolf magic is limited, but this has more to do with wolf history. I remember somewhat of old stories I’ve read about the beginnings of wolf magic. It was very similar to this, and it makes me wonder, whether you and your Luna are in fact from ancient bloodlines, royal to be exact. A Luna that can speak to the moon goddess directly, and an Alpha leading other Alphas.

Chris: Are you saying their souls have reincarnated to find each other again? Is history repeating itself?

Chris looks very excited at the thought of this. But Nina does not share the same sentiment.

Nina: I for one hope it doesn’t repeat. That story did not end well. And it was apparently one of the reasons wolves had to split up and form their own packs. But this is probably why Dahlia is waiting for the full moon. She wants to tap into your goddess’ power through your Luna’s own gifts. We cannot let that happen. We don’t know what she has achieved with the other Lunas. But we know it’s powerful and bad. Nature has told us as much. She will definitely do way more damage and tap into some serious power if she performs the spell on your mate. She may just be unstoppable after that. That’s why I know this attack will have to happen tomorrow.

Liam: Very well. Mikhail, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind getting your beloved something to eat, and introduce her to Aiden so she can start helping where she can before the night is up. Mason, bring Kendra to the rest of your warriors and work on incorporating her skills into efficient attack or offence tactics. Noah, catch Nina up on everything else we have obtained.

Everybody starts getting up as low ‘yes Alpha’ sounds through the room. One by one, they all leave, but Noah stands still, and waits, just as Nina stands, but in front of the window and staring out at the crowd below.

Noah: Nina.

He says in almost a whisper, as if afraid to get her attention.

Nina: Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.

She says, not looking back at him, but still staring through the window. But she’s not staring out, she’s staring at Noah’s reflection in the window. She can see his dejected form and it’s breaking her. She knows if she turns around and looks into his eyes, she will probably cry.

Noah doesn’t know what to do. He wasn’t sure if she knew. She’s not a wolf that will immediately feel the bond, but she is a witch. ‘Why a witch’ he keeps asking himself. But she knows, and she knows that he knows too.

He wants her to look back, to look at him. He didn’t mean for this to come off as a rejection. But he didn’t know what to do, when he saw her, when he saw the witch. He froze. And now that she doesn’t want to look at him, he feels like she’s rejecting him too. He can hear his wolf whimper, begging him to go to her and beg for her forgiveness. But before he can take a step, she speaks.

Nina: Just point me to the files and I’ll get started on reading. You don’t need to stay though. I prefer to do it alone anyways.

Her voice is so firm and direct. He can sense no emotion in it. His wolf retreated to the back of his mind, whimpering from the rejection.

Noah: This way.

He says softly but monotoned.

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