In Reach?

Chapter Just enjoy it?

Warning: This chapter contains sexual content.

Mira’s POV

After that annoying discussion with Liam in the library, I found Ashton in the living room chatting with Aubrey.

“There you are.” He stands and walk to me smiling. At least his soft nature calms me down a bit. “I was looking for you.” He holds my hand and places a kiss on my temple against my hair.

But what he said got me feeling…….guilty. Here my mate is looking for me and I was in the embrace of that stubborn and infuriating Alpha.

“You okay?” I look up to him and I can see those concerned eyes.

“Yeah I’m fine. A lot better now.” I say squeezing his hand.

We turn our heads as we hear a squeal. “Oooo! You guys are just the cutest. Don’t mind me, I’ll give you some privacy.”

We both chuckle at her words.

“Can I take you somewhere?” He looks down at me hopeful.

I just nod, and he pulls me to wherever we’re going. It’s outside, in the woods. Not long after I see a cabin and we stop in front of it.

“What’s this?” I say still holding his hand.

“This is where I’m currently staying. They said it’s the closest cabin near the pack-house.” He turns his body fully facing me and puts my hair behind my ear. “I wanted to show you so you know where to find me if you’re ever looking for me.”

He really is sweet. He makes me feel safe. I know he’ll never hurt me.

“Come, have a look inside. I actually want to talk to you about a few things.”

But I don’t move as he’s still trying to pull me by my hand. He looks back at me worriedly. But I speak before he can ask.

I now know that Liam thinks of Ashton as the bad guy here, which is just ridiculous. But he has the head-members keeping an eye on us, or should I say on 'me' and 'him'. I don’t want them barging in, in his private space just because of that infuriating Alpha’s requests.

“What about Theo? Are you sure you wouldn’t mind him in your space?”

But he chuckles again as he turns to me.

“You don’t have to worry about that. In fact, Theo actually said it’s fine if we’re here. Something about us not being able to go anywhere without a patrol picking it up.” He smiles like it’s a joke, but I know what a threat that actually was.

He takes me into the cabin, and I must say it’s actually very homey. It’s a small double story, with a balcony on the upper floor facing the front. As you walk in, there is a L-shaped kitchen set up to the left. There is a small table with a couple of chairs with it. To the right are a couple of couches surrounding a low coffee table. Straight ahead is the staircase, which he says goes to the room and bathroom.

“So are you a coffee or a tea girl?”

I look at him confused at the question.

“Well, I thought we’d chat a bit.” He pulls me towards to the kitchen side.

“I’m actually a hot chocolate kinda girl, but tea is a close second.” I say smiling, taking a seat at the table.

After making tea for us, apparently he is a tea person too, we started chatting. He tried telling me about the mate-bond. Saying that because my wolf is dormant, he won’t push me with anything until I make up my mind to either accept or reject him. He looked very hesitant to mention the whole rejection thing, but he still said it. Then he told me that should I accept him, then I can go with him back to his pack, and leave this pack. I kind of got sad at the thought, but it also made me realize that I won’t be a prisoner at his pack like I am here. But he says, he can’t take me with him until my name is cleared here, but he will stay as long as he needs to, for me.

We’re sitting so close to each other; he’s playing with my fingers on the table and his face is leaning close to mine as we continue to talk. He really is funny, and knows a lot of jokes about dogs, figures. He’s leaning in for a kiss and I don’t want to move away from it. I want to know how it feels, if it feels different. It does. His lips are soft and warm, but they don’t give me those tingles my body always feels when I’m with him. I pull away at the thought of him, not wanting him to be part of this. I don’t want him to invade my thoughts, my time with Ashton. It’s not fair, it’s not right.

Ashton looks a bit hurt by my pulling away, and that is just making me feel guilty. I stand up and take both our cups to the sink.

I feel him behind me, I can feel his body heat. He confirms my suspicions when I hear him sigh behind me.

“It’s Liam isn’t it?”

This catches me off guard and I spin around looking at him, looking at his sad face. I thought he would be angry. “W-, what are you talking about?” I just about stutter.

“I know he has a thing for you, I knew it the moment I saw him looking at you in the garden. I just wasn’t sure about you.” He looks at me anxious at my answer.

He is standing in front of me. But I don’t want him looking sad because of this. I don’t want our mate-bond to be ruined because of him. Whatever was between Liam and I is already over, right. There were no feelings or expectation between us, that was the agreement. So, I cannot let this ruin my mate-bond with Ashton.

“There is nothing between us.” I say, but I can’t quite make eye contact.

He steps closer and holds me. Breathing in my hair he says, ”I could smell him all over you.”

I tense in his hold and I know there is nothing I can say now. My secret, ‘our’ secret is out.

“Do you love him?” I can hear the sorrow in his voice as his hold tightens. I know, he doesn’t want me to see him, he just wants to hear my answer.

But what can I say. I don’t even know Liam. He definitely doesn’t know me. We’re always bumping heads if not sheets. I wouldn’t call what I have with Liam love. Confusing, complicated,- yes.

So I just gently shake my head in his shirt as he’s holding my head to his chest.

I can feel his muscles relax, and he pulls his face back to look at me as he cups my face. “Can I kiss you,……..for real this time?”

What does he mean for real? But he’s waiting for my answer. He’s actually asking to kiss me rather than just throwing it on me, like a certain someone.

Well I’m interested to know what ‘for real’ means, so I just nod my head in his hand.

He leans in and kisses me, so gently. It’s like he’s testing out my lips, like he’s trying to memorize them with just the touch of his lips. But his kisses grow deeper now, and I know he wants more as he’s griping my body closer to him. His hand moves from my face and slides to the back of my neck as he pushes me against the sink counter behind me. I gasp and he slips his tongue in. It catches me off guard that I moan into his mouth. But just before I want to pull away to breathe, he stops. He doesn’t pull away though, but we’re both still breathing heavily that we’re fanning each other’s lips with our breath.

“Amazing. You’re just amazing.” He says out of breath. “Can I,….” He looks hesitant. “Can I, touch you?”

I look into his eyes, not really sure what to say to that.

“I don’t want to push you into anything you don’t want. But I just want to make you feel good, to show you how much I want you, how much I want to pleasure your body.” Our breathing has calmed down now.

Damn. What am I to say? I don’t know if I’m ready for this. This is all happening so soon. I should just be honest.

“I don’t know, If I’m ready for us to have sex yet.”

But he’s smiling at me though. “No, not sex.” He says shaking his head. “I want to make you feel good with my touch.” I can feel his hand sliding up my dress and I know what he’s trying to tell me.

I bite my lip, contemplating it. I know he won’t push me, but I’ve been so frustrated lately, some release will do me good. It’s not like I’m using him. He did say he just wants to pleasure me, right. So I just nod.

He’s smiling brightly and I can feel him lowering my panties as they fall to the ground. He’s gliding his hand back up my thigh and grips it, but only to turn me around. Now I’m facing the kitchen window and have my hands leaning on the kitchen counter. Ashton’s one arm is around my waist, holding me up against him as his other hand is sliding up my inner thigh to my now wet and anxious sex.

He groans at the touch of it. I feel his hot breath on my neck and I lean back into him waiting for him to get started. He’s rubbing circles at my clit and it’s getting me hot, but I need more. He slips a finger in and I release a loud gasp as I grip the counter.

But then he nips my earlobe and a flash of Liam pops in my head, and this actually gets the knot in my stomach growing. I open my eyes trying to remind myself I’m here with Ashton, but the knot dissipates. No! I want it, I want release. This is isn’t about Liam, or Ashton. It’s about me and what I want and what my body needs.

I close my eyes again, picturing what I know my body wants, - Liam. With Ashton holding me from behind, it’s not that difficult to picture Liam’s hands on my body, his hand in me. I feel it, the knot in my stomach is growing again. I moan out loud and Ashton slips another finger in, going a bit faster now. It feels so good, his hands on my body, the way its caressing my breast. If only he’d play with it a bit more. I open my eyes slightly and my illusion is making itself known. I can see them, those golden eyes. Shit! I didn’t know an illusion can feel so real, and so good. I grip onto Ashton’s arms for stability as I feel my knees going weak. I arch my back at the feel of my growing climax and I can feel just how hard Ashton is with my ass grinding into him. I can hear him release a growl in my ear. I love hearing it, it’s so primal, it’s making the insides of my body churn and I moan so loudly it almost sounds like a scream as I cum. I can’t help but ride his fingers to make it last longer.

When my body finally calms down, he holds me steady against him again. He brings his hand up to his mouth and tastes. Oh dear god. What if he doesn’t like it. I’m still breathing heavily as I’m leaning against his chest looking up at him.

But I hear him moan as he sucks on his fingers. “You’re delicious. I can’t wait to get a proper taste.” He says smiling down at me. I can’t help but smile back, just happy that he finds my taste ‘delicious’.

Now that my breathing is calm, and I can stand properly, he turns me around. He gives me a deep kiss making me taste myself on him. But then he kneels down in front of me, helping me put on my panties. He seems to be enjoying gliding it up my body, the way he’s doing it so slowly.

I know now. This is a patient man. He isn’t one to be agitated easily.

I ask to go to the bathroom none the less, to just get myself a bit cleaned up. He waits for me downstairs and says he’s ready to take me back before it gets too dark. Extending his hand, I already know it means for me to hold it, so I do. He smiles at me and pulls me to walk next to him.

I got to my room that night very relaxed. For once I’m not stressed out, or worried, or bothered about something. Maybe this will work with Ashton.

I took a long shower trying to rehash what happened. I just had an amazing orgasm, with my mate but I was picturing someone else. Is that cheating? But it’s not like we made anything official yet. Why does it sound like I am the ‘slut’ in the picture? Crap. I’m getting stressed out again.

I go to bed in just the bathrobe thinking that maybe a quiet and peaceful life is all that I need after all. And maybe Ashton can give that to me.

That’s when I feel a hand gliding up my leg, but looking up, already knowing who it is, I see his angry face. He grips my ankle and pulls me to the bottom edge of the bed. I yelp at the suddenness of it. He climbs on top of me and I notice he’s in nothing but sweatpants.

He hovers over me huffing his breath in my face. “He makes you moan pretty loudly. But we both know I make you scream.”

Before I can say anything, he crashes his lips onto mine. What is he doing here? What is he talking about? Oh crap. The golden eyes. They were him. He was there. He saw. But I can barely try to push him away from me, when I feel his hand roughly cupping my sex, causing me to moan loudly into his mouth. Dammit. I just had to decide to sleep practically naked tonight.

He pulls away from the kiss and smilingly says, “Don’t get too loud, I barely even started.” He starts to untie the knot of the gown I’m wearing.

“Liam, what are you doing?” Didn’t we already have a fight about this? Didn’t I already walk out on him and gone to Ashton.

He opens the gown exposing my naked body. I can see the hungry gaze in his eyes and he gives a low groan. He goes straight for my breast as he plays with them in his mouth, biting, nipping and sucking on them. It has me arching my back wanting to feel more.

This man has a way with my body. But I can’t do this, I shouldn’t. He said he wants me, but it’s clearly just for sex. Whether he’s jealous or not, he’s just here for his own release, and ego.

“Liam,” I moan out, “we shouldn’t be doing this.” I try to push him off.

But he just groans as he holds my arms firmly above my head as he continues, sucking on my neck now.

“Please, Ashton,-“ I suddenly hear a growl and he’s back up in my face.

“Don’t speak another man’s name when you’re with me.”

He looks angry but that doesn’t phase me. I can tell the difference between anger and frustration.

“You need to get off me. We shouldn’t be,-“

“Shh, shh.” He puts a finger over my lips. “Just enjoy this, enjoy my touch.” He leans into my neck and lays an open mouth kiss on that soft spot, making my body squirm under him. “Let me make you scream.” He nips my earlobe as he always does, making me gasp loudly in return.

Oh crap. What is happening? Why do these men all of a sudden just want to give me pleasure? I am technically still single though. So shouldn’t I be free to enjoy this?

He’s going lower with his deep kisses over my body, making his way down my breasts and laying such gentle and long kisses on my stomach. Odd.

He stands up as he takes off his sweatpants, clearly not wearing anything else underneath. He climbs back up but pulls one of my legs up, as he hooks his arm under the knee. I gasp at feeling so exposed to him, and knowing that he’s ready, but I’m not. “Liam, we can’t,” I try to say as I feel him kissing my neck. “You’re not wearing a condom.”

He stops his kisses as he looks up at me and starts chuckling. Why? He goes back to kissing my neck and says between kisses, “Don’t worry. I’ll pull out.”

Oh dear god. I was always told to not trust a man that says he’ll pull out. But before I can question it any longer, he plunges into me, making me grip the sheets above me. At this angle I can feel him go in deeper, it’s making my body so much more sensitive with every touch. He lets go of my arms and grips my hip as he thrusts harder into me. I grab onto his shoulders. I love the feel of his muscles rippling as he gets rough, but I want more. I reach down and grab his ass, wanting him to go deeper. He growls in to my ear, like he knows what I want. He takes my leg hanging over his arm and puts it over his shoulder, opening me up even more. He’s thrusting so hard into me that the pain is somehow adding to the pleasure, and I know I will be feeling my climax any second now. I can feel my nails digging into his skin as I feel my muscles tense. With his next thrust my climax hits me like ripples through my whole body, I know if I scream, it will be loud and I won’t be able to stop. So I bite onto my lip as hard as I can making me moan pathetically. But Liam comes up and kisses me deeply, breaking my lip bite and causing me to scream into his mouth. But he muffles it as he continues to kiss me and thrust. It’s like he knows, that I want to scream. After a couple more hard thrusts as I’m still moaning into his mouth, I feel him pull out and grunt into my mouth as well. I feel hot streaks on my thighs and ass, and I know, he did actually pull out. I’m surprised and relieved at the same time. He eventually slows our deep kissing and it’s like we’re just breathing each other in as our lips are still hovering over each other. He looks into my eyes but doesn’t say anything. But then I feel his hand caressing my thigh and ass, feeling the traces of his handiwork. My body is already numb to react, all I can do is bite my lip to stop another moan. But he’s now rubbing his hand against my sex. It’s like he’s mixing his cum with my own release. I hear him groan as he smilingly says, “mine” with glowing eyes.

What? What does he,-? Oh please no. Did he just,……..mark his territory?

Now I’m angry. That perverted sadistic wolf of his, always gets on my nerves.

“Get off of me.” I say sternly as I try to lift his shoulders from my body. But he just chuckles. I continue to push, and he eventually gets up. He puts on his pants, winks at me and turns around to walk out.

That asshole just tricked me into sleeping with him for his own pleasure. That whole nonsense of this is for my pleasure was just bullshit. He just wanted to one-up Ashton about this afternoon. It really was just about his ego, and I fell for it. And what’s annoying the crap out of me is that I enjoyed every moment of it. Shit!

I need to shower, to get the scent of this asshole off of me. Dammit. This man can get me so worked up.

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