In Reach?

Chapter My Girl

Mira’s POV

The last couple of days have been so frustrating and confusing. I keep having this back and forth with Liam. The more time I’m spending with Ashton, and actually enjoying his company, Liam comes along to ruin the mood.

He’s convinced that Ashton is not for me, mate or not. Which doesn’t make sense, right. He keeps throwing this bullshit of we should make our own destiny at me. And frankly, he’s actually making me think about it. I mean if there are cases where wolves just don’t get along and they can ‘reject’ each other, what’s to say that fated mates are meant to be?


And now he keeps sneaking around, finding every chance he can to get me alone when no one’s looking, or should I say when Ashton isn’t looking. And he’s even being somewhat ‘sweet’, always whispering sweet nothings into my ear. He says that he knows I have feelings for him ‘too’. Too? That’s basically him saying he has feelings for me. He never said that to my face before, but it has me thinking. Does Liam really care for me? Is it possible that this isn’t just a game to him?

And I don’t even need to ask myself if I want it.

But then he always ruins the mood by saying something snide about Ashton. Then we end up arguing like some teenage couple. We even have our own way of communicating with each other now, -angry stares. I can just tell whenever he’s thinking of doing something, that then I have to throw back a look of my own. He just ends up smirking back, as if telling me to try and stop him. Like what the hell!!

He always gets my blood boiling. Every time I’m with him, it’s like I get those hot flashes again. So I just try to avoid him, if this is how just being around him can actually affect my health. It’s a good thing he’s quite busy these days.

I do wonder what he’s so busy with though.

Even the head-members are weird around me now. I don’t now if it’s Liam’s doing, most probably, but they’re almost ‘protective’ of me. Yet Noah keeps giving me these weird looks when he thinks I’m not looking, like he’s smiling, but it disappears the moment he sees me looking at him. I could never really pin point Noah’s attitude.

Liam’s POV

I’m so restless these past few days. Being around Mira and sneaking around with her is making me feel like a kid. I love the rush, but I hate it when she keeps trying to push me away and bringing Ashton up. She hasn’t even let me touch her since the other night. I didn’t think she would be that pissed about it. But I’m not sorry for it. My wolf almost lost it when I saw her through the kitchen window being touched by Ashton. She gave him a taste of her. I wanted to kill him for it, but my wolf was more interested in teaching her a lesson.

I’m relieved that the head-members are all pretty much excited with the idea and possibility that she may be my mate. Apparently, they all just love her, and prefer the idea of her being my mate than some suspicious lackey sent by Dahlia just to trick me. They’ve been keeping an eye on her too, trying to see if they can get anything on Ashton, in case he is lying.

Turns out many of them don’t like him either, aside from Aiden of course. Mason says from all the times that he has known Ashton as well, it wasn’t impressionable, and he doesn’t buy this hand holding thing either.

But honestly - it seems more like the rest of them are looking for faults in Ashton because the alternative is worse, - having to support an Alpha who wants to steal another’s mate. They’ve made it clear that they don’t agree with it, but if Mira makes the choice to choose me and reject Ashton, then they would approve and give me their support. And in all honesty, I agree. I don’t want to force her to be my mate. But from what I know, it’s clear that I want her just as much as she wants me. But all in all, I appreciate how honest my members are with me. It really asserts their trust and support in me.

I’m actually getting a bit excited with all this. Everything seems to be falling into place. Even Char said she has a way to delay the whole selection process, but I’ll have to inform the council directly and the best would still be at the gala itself.

Even the profiles of these so-called candidates are lying open on my desk, because I still need to try and build connections with other packs. So Char said it best to still learn about them so I can perhaps arrange alliances, especially with the ‘pending war’ coming up.

I just got out of the shower getting ready for the day. I’m so cheery today, I didn’t even realize I’m humming the tune ‘My girl’ as I’m getting dressed. I’m on my way to the office, but I think I’ll make a quick stop and say good morning to ‘my girl’.

Opening the door, I see her just as she’s brushing that beautiful long hair of hers in the mirror. She sees me and spins around on the chair looking shocked to see me, but I can see that smile on the edge of her lip.

“Liam. What are you doing here?” She gets up from the chair walking my way, probably trying to throw me out again.

But the moment she’s in reach, I pull her into my chest and start swaying our bodies to the tune still playing in my head.

“Liam? Wh-, what are you-“ I twirl her before she can even finish her sentence. But she gives a shriek as she’s holding tightly onto my hand. I twirl her back into my embrace, holding her from behind as I continue to sway our bodies. I love the smell of her hair and I love the feel of her body against mine, it fits perfectly. How can something so perfect not be meant to be? I hear her laughing in my hold, probably realizing that I’m dancing with her.

“What got into you today?” She says laughing.


I know she loves dancing and I love dancing with her. I never cared for it, even when I was practically forced to learn it as a kid, but I’m glad I did now.

I lower my one hand to her stomach, as I’m still swaying our bodies. I don’t know if she’s pregnant, but pup or not, I want this feeling every day. Knowing that what I cherish most is safe in my arms.

I stop and slowly turn her to look into my eyes. She’s happy, and she’s with me. I cup her face, and give her a quick peck before she tries to stop me. She looks stunned, but I walk out before we turn this into another potential fight. I don’t want anything to ruin my mood right now.

But I spoke too soon.

The moment I step into the office, Noah’s waiting for me with a serious look on his face. I make my way to the desk and I sit down with a fading smile.

“What happened?”

Noah sighs. “Shit is going down Liam. And it seems like it’s Dahlia.”

Dammit. That woman can ruin my mood with just the mention of her name.

“What did she do now?” I clench my jaw.

“I got a report. There was an attack on one of the packs yesterday.”

This gets my attention. Is she already attacking packs? Already?

“How do you know it was Dahlia, was she there?”

“No. But the weapons used were the same as those ‘hexed’ daggers.”

I widen my eyes at this. Those weapons are currently our biggest fear. We have no way of really defending ourselves against them other than avoiding to get cut. The fact that there are more, just makes our situation with this woman more dangerous.

“What was the damage?” Noah should know what I’m referring to.

He sighs again, looking hesitant to speak. Just how bad could it be?

“It’s bad. Five patrols dead on site, seven warriors killed, the Alpha got stabbed and is in critical condition right now, and…….their Luna is missing.”

What the fuck?

“You’re telling me they got past border patrol, went up against warriors, managed an attack against the Alpha and still found some way to get out and kidnap the Luna?”

Noah just nods, confirming everything I just said.

“What the hell is that woman up to?” I basically say to myself.

“I thought you would have a better idea of that. You were friends with the woman.” I give him an annoyed look for that comment. “I’m just saying, last time we talked about her, you said that she was after the Alphas, but now it seems like she might be after the Lunas.”

I don’t like hearing that. It’s agitating my wolf. I was ready to face her if all she wanted was me.

“I don’t know Noah. One can never really be sure about what that woman is thinking. But all of this should really be a wake-up call to us now. If this is what their random attacks look like, we should be cautious of the forces they are actually preparing for an official attack.” Noah nods at my words. “Inform Liz to double up patrols, and have them join in on the training sessions with the warriors. Mason will have to work three times as hard now. We need to prep our members for such attacks and to go up against such weapons. Theo will need to ensure basic training for everyone, omegas, women and pups included. Aiden and Char need to start on intensive training with all and potential healers in the pack. We will need every single one to help us through this.”

Noah sits up straight. “Yes Alpha.”

Just as he stands, I ask him, “Have you found anything regarding our potential mole?”

He looks worried. “No. But,…” He furrows his brows.

“What is it Noah?”

“I’ve gone through every scenario. And there is one possible outcome so far.”

I’m annoyed. I already know where he wants to take this.

He seems to see my annoyance and sighs. “Liam, every one of our head-members are squeaky clean. She’s the only one we don’t really have anything on.”

“But that is not to say that you have something on her.”

“I know. Look, I don’t want to put the blame on her either. That’s why I got to start thinking, that what if whoever the mole is, doesn’t know that they’re the mole?”

I lean forward now. “What do you mean?”

“Just think about it. From all my years of observing from the side-lines, the best spy is the one who doesn’t know that they are one. So what if Mira is the spy, she just doesn’t know it?”

Fuck. This actually makes sense. But how, why?

I clench my jaws. “If that is the case, then how are they getting info from her then?”

“I don’t know. I’m still trying to figure that out. But like I said. It’s just a theory. I will still keep looking.”

I nod and he leaves.

I can see now why my father was in such a rush to retire from being Alpha. This is probably why he always had a drink in his hand when I came to see him in his office. All these constant attacks, threats and grievances coming in from all sides is stressful. He must be enjoying retirement, care-free and having all the time in the world with his mate.

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