In Reach?

Chapter Plan in motion

Liam’s POV

What the fuck?

I know I didn’t imagine it.

I heard it, I saw it, I felt it. Her wolf.

I heard her growl through the room as clear as the walls that were vibrating. I saw her eyes, they were glowing, a very bright purple. It was her wolf. She was staring straight at me, at my wolf with all that anger, not wavering one bit. And dare I say, that was fucking arousing.

I felt it, her wolf’s power. She is no ordinary weakling of a wolf. That is status, pure born status. She was born with this power.

Just who are you Mira?

I make my way to the office, calling on Char and Aiden to get there as quickly as they can.

I need to get some answers. Can her wolf still come back? What would that mean? What if she then recognizes Ashton as her mate and makes it official. Fuck. But what if she is pregnant?

I barely get behind my desk when there’s a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

The door opens and Charlotte and Aiden walk in looking very worried. “Is something wrong Alpha?”

“Why would you think that?” I narrow my eyes.

“Really Liam? We could practically feel your growl all the way down in the infirmary. And then you call us up here like it’s an emergency. You must be pissed off.” Charlotte says as she takes a seat in one of the chairs in front of my desk.

So they felt it too?

“It’s nothing serious, but I need some answers.” I gesture for Aiden to also take a seat.

“Okay, so what is it?” Char gets straight to it.

“Well I have some questions for you. First thing’s first. Can someone’s dormant wolf be awakened?”

Aiden looks surprised at my question, but Char seems suspicious. Damn, that woman and her inquisitive nature.

“I’ve heard of a case, where someone’s wolf was reawakened. But that was a very old record.” Aiden says.

“Well,” I look to Char, she seems to have something on her mind. “It’s a tricky thing, like all things with wolves.”

“Why do you say that?” So there must be something.

“Treating a person’s wolf spirit is very different from treating their physical body. With a physical injury we know what to give to get the wound to heal. But with an injury to one’s wolf spirit, it is not that simple. Your wolf spirit has a mind of its own. So it can choose what it wants and what it rejects to help heal itself. Just like it has the power to accept or reject its mate once they find them.”

I lean forward. “So what does one exactly use to heal a wolf spirit?”

“Life Force. It’s a rare skill. One that all healers need to master. We healers share our own life force with an injured wolf to help them heal, so that the wolf spirit can heal the physical body in return. It’s rare because it’s difficult to attain an aura that any wolf will consider to accept in helping them heal. What can I say, wolves are picky?” She smiles saying the last part.

This is interesting, but I’m sure they haven’t been sharing their life force with Mira to help heal her wolf.

“But is there another way to heal one’s wolf spirit as well?”

Char smirks. “What is it that you really want to know?”

It doesn’t help beating around the bush. I might as well.

“It’s just, sometimes I think I can sense Mira’s wolf. How is that possible?”

“Actually,” Aiden chimes in, “from what I’ve read, when a person’s wolf is dormant, it doesn’t always mean that their wolf is dead. Sometimes it’s more like it goes into a coma. And that it can just wake up any day, or not at all. So maybe Mira’s wolf is awake, she must just be very weak because of the injury that made her dormant.”

Oh there is nothing weak about what I felt, even they felt it. But what does this information really mean to me now? Now that I know that her wolf may just be on the verge of waking up.

I just nod. “Thank you. You may leave.” But another thought comes to mind. The possibility of getting to keep her as mine, forever. “Char can you stay behind.” She sits back down as Aiden walks out.

“Something else on your mind?”

I’m fidgeting with my fingers, not knowing how to actually ask this.

“What can you tell me about second chance mates?”

She raises her brow and I already know she has her own number of theories for my question.

“Well other than the fact that they’re practically myth, what do you want to know exactly?”

Fuck. This is already giving me a tight knot in my stomach. Was I ridiculous for hoping?

“So they’re not real?” I say dejectedly.

“I never said they’re not real.”

I look up at her, and she’s smiling.

“I said that they’re practically myth, but that’s only because the number of times it was recorded to have happened, can be counted on one hand.”

Well, that doesn’t really make things promising. But this is still something, right?

“So you’re thinking that Mira’s your second chance mate?” She leans forwards and onto the table with her elbow, like someone ready for a story.

It’s not like I can hide many things from this woman, not to mention she is pretty much my go to right now with this.

I sigh. “I don’t know. You know the story already. I just,……what’s the possibility that she can be my mate?”

“All I can say is that it’s a possibility.” She says smiling. “So if you have this running through your mind, what are you exactly saying about the Gala that Aubrey and I have worked so hard to set up?”

I knew this would come up. But the day I decided I wanted to fight for Mira is the day I decided to have this conversation, to get out of this whole Gala thing. If I have to choose my Luna, I’m going to choose whomever I want. And I want her. I just need to find a way to get the council to understand that.

I look up to Char. She has a terrible angry face as she’s trying to hide that smirk. “Oh come on Liam, of course I’m not angry at you. But what is it that you really want from this? You wouldn’t be having this conversation with me otherwise.”

“I don’t want to choose a Luna at the Gala.” I say straight forward.

“And what is it that you want?”

I take a deep breath finally admitting this out loud. “I want Mira. I want Mira as my Luna, as my mate.”

I hear a chuckle and I can’t help but pull my face at her reaction for my honesty.

“Oh goodness. Liam, do you have any idea of the amount of trouble you’re getting yourself into? For her? Possibly someone else’s mate?”

Of course I do. I think about it constantly. Noah reminds me of it constantly. So, I just give her an annoyed look.

“Look, I can’t help you much with Mira specifically. But I think I might be of some help with the council.”

“You can?” Now I’m hopeful.

“Yeah. I’ll see what I can come up with and get back to you.”

“Thank you Char.”

“Anything for my Tarzan.” She says in a chuckle.

“Hey!” I can’t believe she brought that up. She’s lucky we’re alone.

She gets up, knowing this talk is over and makes her way out.

I can’t believe I did it? I finally admitted it out loud. Now I just have to make her understand it too. I’m not going to give up on her. I never thought that I would steal another man’s mate, but is it really stealing if she feels like mine? Goddess I hope she’s pregnant. That would just make everything easier, and me a very happy man.

Where is she now? I want to tell her. I want to tell her that I’m not letting her go.

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