In Reach?

Chapter I won't let you hurt her

Mira’s POV

I look up into his eyes with all my fear gone, it almost makes him waver. “He will find me. He always does.”

Ggggrrrrrhhhhhhh!!!!!! Liam growls as he punches a hole straight through the wall behind me.

I stand there trying not to flinch at his outburst, but it seems to be pissing him off even more.

He grips my arm in a tight hold, and drags me out of the office, releasing a menacing growl.

What is he up to?

I can barley keep up with him as he pulls me through the hall, and the grip just hurts more with every trip. I try to pry his hand off my arm, but he just tugs on it harder.

“Liam. Get off. You’re hurting me.”

But he isn’t listening to me.

“Where are you taking me?”

He’s still just pulling me along as he yanks on my arm.

“Liam! Let go.” I’m trying to be firm, but that enraged look on his face is beginning to worry me.

He just about drags me down the stairs as my legs can’t keep up.

“Liam. You’re hurting me.”

He’s pulling me out of the house, and I can see some of the head-members coming out of the forest-edge. But something catches my eye, -Theo. He’s running towards us, and by the looks of things he’s coming in full speed.

My eyes widen at the sight and now I’m trying to pull with full force away from Liam. My nails are practically digging into his hand from my desperation. But he suddenly lets go as he senses Theo coming in to tackle him from the side.

They’re rolling and tumbling on the grass, but the minute they pull apart and get up, I see two very angry wolves out for blood. I don’t even know what to do. It’s not like I can run now. All the others are already running towards us.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing Theo!” Liam growls.

But Theo just growls back with his own golden eyes glowing back. Is his wolf standing up against Liam, his Alpha? I know I’m not the only one shocked, I can hear the gasps in the background.

“Theo, stand down.” I see Mason coming closer trying to get Theo’s attention away from Liam.

But Theo is not even bothered by him.

The moment Liam looks at me, I know, he’s ready to take me again. I figure he was probably dragging me to his torture dungeons. He’s too pissed at me, and I know he thinks I gave enough reason for him to lock me up and probably torture me as well.

Ggggrrrrhhhh!! I hear Theo growl louder as he walks in front of me, practically blocking Liam’s gaze on me.

What is happening? Is Theo ‘protecting’ me, from Liam?

But Liam looks livid, I can see his body heaving as his teeth are lengthening. “Stand back!” He commands Theo.

“No!” Theo growls back instantly.

I can see everybody’s shocked expressions, and I can only guess it’s because we know if Theo continues this, there will be a fight.

“Theo, you need to stand down, now!” I see Noah joining our so-called circle, looking firm but cautious at Theo.

But Theo isn’t acknowledging him, he’s just looking at Liam.

“Theo. I will not ask you again.” Liam slowly stalks towards Theo and I.

But I can see the muscles on Theo’s back bulging, as if readying for an attack. “I will not let you hurt her.” He growls out.

Gggrrrrhhhhh!! I hear between the both of them as they both try to lunge at each other, but Noah is holding Liam in a choke hold with Aiden running in to help push him back. I can see Mason pushing Theo back too, but it doesn’t seem like he needs to put much effort into it. It’s like Theo doesn’t want to get away from me.

“Theo! Stand the fuck down!” I hear Liz screaming from behind me, as she’s making her way to us as well.

But I see the worry in her eyes, I see the worry in all their eyes. All but Liam and Theo. From the glow in their eyes, and the growls in their voices, I know that their wolves are practically in control. But I know that a fight like this won’t do anyone any good. Theo may be a softy, but his wolf is a beast. I’ve seen him attack full force, and with his size, a tackle can do just as much damage as a bite. But Liam’s wolf is just as bad, he’s crazy. He’ll attack anything and anyone that stands in his way if it means to just get to his target. I can’t let this happen, especially if Theo is doing all this just to protect me.

I can see them struggling to keep Liam back, and I can see Theo is ready to pounce, but the adrenaline in the air is just too suffocating. I can hear the others shouting at the two to ‘stop’, but they’re not paying anyone around them any attention but each other.

I can feel Theo’s growl run along my skin, but I can feel Liam’s blood-lust running through me. This is getting me antsy. I need to do something.

I walk closer to Theo hoping he can hear my voice over all the noise in the air. “Theo, stop.”

He doesn’t, but I think I may need to try a bit louder.

I walk closer and touch his flexing arm, “Theo, no.”

Surprisingly he does seem to calm down, and he finally took his eyes off of Liam. He’s looking at my hand on his arm. At least I got his attention, but he’s still restless. So I grip a bit tighter, “Theo, stand down.” I say firmly and he looks up at me, into my eyes, and I can see his wolf calming down.

I don’t now what this is, but it’s working. He’s calming down. And when I let go of his arm, he moves to stand next to me, but still a bit in front of me, looking back at Liam.

When I look up, I see that everyone is staring at us. Even Liam’s wolf seemed to have calmed down. But I think it is due to a bit of shock of the situation.

Well, this is awkward. What now? Should I ask to be taken to my cell now? Or can I say that I just want to go to bed?

I can see the confusion in Liam’s eyes, but it looks more like deliberation.

“Everybody, leave.” Liam commands strongly. But when people don’t move in the next second he get’s angry again. “Now!”.

Everybody starts walking towards the house, but Noah stops in front of me when he notices that Theo is staying put next to me. I look at Theo and he looks down at me with questioning eyes, as if asking me if he should leave. I don’t know what to make or say of this, so I just nod, and he walks off.

When everyone leaves, and it’s just me and Liam, he stalks towards me again. He stands a foot away from me with an angry glow in his eyes.

“So now you’re turning my members on me too?”

“What?” Is he referring to what just happened now, because I am just as confused?

“How long have you been planning this?”

Oh great. More accusations. But for what?

“What are you talking about Liam?”

But he just smirks. “It seems to me that you are hiding far more than I expected. I guess this means I’m going to have to keep a closer eye on you.” He grabs my wrist and pulls me back towards the house. Where is he taking me now?

“Where are you taking me.”

But he doesn’t say anything, again. He pulls me into the house, and I see some of the members standing around in the living room, peeking at us, but doing nothing. Theo seems to be cornered, but I just shake my head at him as he straightens his body.

The moment Liam turns into a familiar hallway and stops at a very large metal door, I already know where I am. He brought me to the cells under the house, where they kept me locked up the last time.

At this point I don’t even know if I should be happy. I don’t know what their torture dungeons in the woods look like compared to this, but I heard they are horrendous. And I know that Liam probably wanted to take me there, but now that he’s bringing me here, I don’t think I need to take this lightly. He did say he wanted to keep a closer eye on me. Whatever that means.

He drags me to one of the cells, and pushes me in, before taking the chains tied to the wall and locking them around my wrists. What the hell?

“I think it’s time you start talking before I get angry again.”

He takes a chair and sits in front of me, like someone making himself comfortable. Is he just going to interrogate me, right here and now? Is Noah not going to join like last time? I look at the door, and see it's closed. I know Liam didn’t lock it behind him, but if he wants to be alone, how bad is he thinking of taking this?

“Oh, don’t worry about your little watch dog. He can keep you company, but if he dares try to do take you out of here, he will die.” Liam says seriously.

How can he say it just like that? I thought Theo was his friend.

“He is, but I am still his Alpha. If he disrespects me again, and just for you, then there will be consequences.”

Crap. I’m going to have to be careful with my thoughts around him. At this point, it seems that anything can trigger him.

“Now, I suggest you start talking, before you have no choice but to have me invade your thoughts.”


What is he talking about? He can’t do that. He can’t force himself into my mind, can he?

He smirks. “You see, those chains are laced with silver, which means it will weaken you and your wolf. So you might as well tell me now. It’ll will spare me having to rip it from your mind.”

He would dare do that, invade my mind. That’s worse than physical torture. There are things I would prefer to keep to myself, things that no one knows, not even Alex. I might as well just tell him what he wants to know.

“What is it you want to know.”

He raises his brow, seeming surprised at my cooperation. “Your eagerness tells me there might be more that you wish to keep from me.” But now he looks annoyed. “What is it that you are trying to keep from me?”

“What is it that you want to know.” I repeat.

He clenches his jaw looking more annoyed. I don’t understand why. I’m willing to give him what he wants.

“What’s your real name?”

I widen my eyes, not having expected that to be his first question. What do I tell him? I’ve had so many. And none of them were real.

“My name is Mira Johnson.” It is my legal name.

Ggrh! “Don’t play games with me.” He stands up pushing the chair back.

“Mira Johnson is my legal name.” I’m starting to feel a slight twinge in my hands. It must be the chains.

“I’m asking for your real name.”

Why is he so hung up on my name? I thought he had other priorities in mind.

“What does it matter. It has nothing to do with this. So just ask what you really want to know.”

He walks closer to me and squats in front of me sitting on the floor.

“Why did you really come here?”

I furrow my brows trying to understand the seriousness in that question. He really thinks I came here on purpose.

“I already told you-“

Ggrh! He pulls on the chain causing me to fall forward towards him.

“You want to be stubborn about this? Fine, then so will I.”

He stands up, takes a few steps back and swings the cell shut. He has a hesitant look, like he wants to say something, but he walks away instead.

Now I’m stuck here, locked up in a cell I was in not that long ago, waiting. I just need to be strong, I need to wait, I need to wait for Alex to come.

I look at the moonlight shining through from a small cell window in the far corner.

It’s happening, isn’t it Selene? I know it is. All the stuff I saw. It’s going to come true, -the anger, the blood, the pain.

My wolf and I are both scared and hurt, because of the chains and because of Liam.

I need to shut off, whatever it is I may feel for Liam. I know I won’t be able to bear it when he starts torturing me. I need to let him go, I just don’t know how to do that yet.

But I will. Maybe I just need to let him hurt me so that I can move on, so that I can get away. If I’ll be leaving, I need to make sure there isn’t anything that will pull me back to him. If anything, this is probably just a bad case of Stockholm syndrome. I need to get him out of my system.

I lie on the cold floor curled up in a ball, looking at the moonlight, wondering why Selene didn’t want to help me. Why did she show me all that crap instead? I’m worried, that my fate in all this is already sealed, and perhaps doomed.

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