In Reach?

Chapter He's everything you're not

Liam’s POV

Mira’s been locked up in the cell for two days now. She’s stronger than she looks, to still be fighting off the effects of the silver on her wolf. But I know she’ll get there. It’s only a matter of time. I will find out what it is she is hiding from me.

I’m more annoyed with the fact that she doesn’t trust me enough to tell me what it is she’s trying to keep from me. I’ve been a bit on edge ever since I realized she’s been shutting me out of her mind. Why would he do that?

But the stress just keeps building with everything else happening in the background.

Theo has been standing guard at the door to the cells, looking like a lost puppy. It’s like he doesn’t want to leave her side, and it’s annoying me. Even his attitude towards me feels like it’s becoming impertinent. He still shows me respect, but I practically have to command it out of him. But he’s acting like I’m trying to hurt Mira. But I don’t and I won’t. I just need answers from her, for her own sake around here.

Everyone’s theories about her here is getting out of hand. Now they’re saying that she planned all of this from the start just to become Luna. Others think that she is the spy and that is why she’s breaking us up from the inside.

But I refuse to believe that. Even if it turns out that she was sent by Dahlia, I know that her feelings for me are real. But I’m still annoyed with the idea of this Alex guy she called. I have a feeling that they have a deep relationship with each other.

He always finds her? Pfh. Not if I can help it. No one will know that she’s even here. We’re in the middle of nowhere.


I look up and see Noah standing in front of me in the office. When did he come in?

“Noah. What is it?”

He looks worried. But I’m not sure if it’s for me or for whatever he wants to tell me.

“Well, I have some bad news for you.” He sits down.

I sigh exhausted. “What now.”

“Well it turns out, that Izabelle’s body was found yesterday.” I look up at this. “But that’s not it. There was another attack last night, but on the Moonstone Pack.”

What? They’re our neighbouring pack. I visited them a few weeks back with Aiden. They’re such a modest and small pack. No qualms with any pack. Why would someone attack them?

“What happened?”

“They definitely weren’t prepared for the attack. But it seems they weren’t attacked with just hunters. They have rogues working for them too.”

“Rogues? Since when do rogues and hunters work together? Aren’t they the ones usually trying to kill each other?”

Most hunters aren’t bothered with wolves in packs, as we keep to ourselves and stay away from their areas. They usually just go after rogues, who tend to be wild and often hurt civilians. So if there was a 'hate list' of hunters, rogues would be on the top.

“I know. It seems that Dahlia is gathering all sorts of forces, - witches, hunters, and now rogues. She’s going head-on with us wolves. This is really starting to feel like a war.”

“I know what you mean.”

“But there’s more. They attacked the pack-house directly, attacked everyone in their way, and then just suddenly retreated. None of them understood what happened, until they realized that the Luna was missing.”

“What? Another Luna?” This gets me thinking. “Have you heard anything about the previous Luna that went missing.”

He just shakes his head. “But,……” He seems to hesitate as he bites his lip.

“What Noah?”

“They were still trying to treat the wounds the Alpha got from those hexed weapons, when,……,when he collapsed from pain and eventually died. They say that he felt her,…….her death.”

What? She’s dead? Why wouldn’t the council say anything about this?

“So she really is after Lunas?” I basically say to myself.

“Liam, this is getting me worried.” He sighs. “What if Mira wasn’t sent by Dahlia? I mean, why would she send someone in to become Luna, if she wants to kidnap and probably kill all Lunas? What if,…….what if she never even knew about Mira? What if she comes after her?”

Grh! “That won’t happen. No one will get to her. No one even knows about her, except us.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.”


“The council. The council knows.”

This has Char written all over it.

“That’s also the other reason I’m here. The council has requested a direct audience with you. They are questioning your loyalty, because you refused to part take in the Luna choosing they arranged, yet you marked another that very same night. And they’re bothered with the fact that she is a rogue.”

Dammit Charlotte.

“What do they want?”

“They mentioned something about a contract.”


“Is there something I should know Liam?”

“They want me to form an official alliance with them, and become one of their contractors.”

“What!?” I’m surprised that Noah seems annoyed by this too. “They just want you to do their dirty work for them. And what for? Because you chose a mate and they had no say in the matter? They literally have no role in this. You should just tell them to fuck off.”

I can’t help but smirk at his fiery attitude. “That’s the plan.” But my smile drops. What if this gets out though? What if Noah’s right, and Dahlia finds out about Mira?

“What is it Liam?”

“I can’t let anything happen to Mira. Even if she is guilty. I can’t.”

I hear Noah sigh. "I get it. She is after all your mate now.”

“No.” I say instantly. “Not because she’s my mate, not because I can feel her pain through our bond. But because she’s Mira. She’s more than just my mate. Noah,…..I know you think I’m probably just obsessed with her, but she,…..she’s more important to me than my own life.”

I can see him looking at me curiously, and I know he probably has a lot to say but isn’t. So we just sit there is silence.

“You just need to be careful with your actions Liam, for both the pack and her sake.”

I know what he’s saying. He means that I shouldn’t make any drastic decisions that will endanger the pack, especially for her, especially since she may be guilty.

“Don’t worry Noah. I won’t let this interfere with my duties as an Alpha, especially now.”

I know he may want more, but this is all I can give him now. Besides, I need to go see Mira, to see if I can get more from her.

I stand up gesturing for him to leave. “Anyways, I have to go. I’ll talk to you more later.”

Walking down into the cells I hear humming, I hear Mira humming a tune so softly.

I see her, she’s lying on the floor as she always does, looking up at the ceiling and just getting lost in her imagination. She knows I’m here, but she’s not bothered by it as she continues to hum. Her voice sounds beautiful but sad.

I open the cell door and put my chair down, in front of her. That’s when she goes silent.

“Here to force yourself on me some more?” She sits, looking up at me.

I hate it when she says it like that. I wouldn’t have to invade her mind if she just told me what I wanted to know. But it’s clear that I haven’t gotten anywhere with her so far. She’s not answering what I ask her. She’s not telling me anything about Dahlia. Maybe I should try another tactic. Maybe I should try asking other questions, questions I know I want to have answered too.

“Mira. Tell me about Alex.”

Her breath hitches and I can see her trying to sit back.

“What?” How does he know about Alex?

“I heard you say his name in the office.” She’s still not saying anything though. “So tell me, who is he to you?”

“You,….you have no right asking that.”

“Excuse me. I am your mate. I have every right to know.”

“No. No you,….you don’t” I can feel her trying to block her mind from me, but it’s no use. I can see glimpses of a man with her, and she’s laughing. I can’t make out his face, but I know it’s him. “Stay out of my head.” She’s crawling back till her back hits the cell wall.

“Who is he?” I know I just need to make her focus on him so I can get a closer look. She’s trying to avoid eye contact. I get up and squat down in front of her, pulling her face closer to mine. “Who is he?”

But her expression is changing as I see her wolf’s eyes looking straight into mine. She looks hurt, but angry. “Fine. Do you really want to know who he is, what he is to me?”

She’s daring me now, I know it. And it’s making me hesitate. It’s like she knows I won’t like the answer.

“Tell me Liam. Do you really want to know?” She says as she weakly grabs my shirt, pulling me closer to her as well, making me look into those angry eyes. “He’s everything you’re not.”

I see glimpses of a young Mira, running around with a teenage-boy. Of him laughingly pulling her along by her hand.

“He’s the one person in this world that I trust with my life. The one person that has never hurt me.”

I see her jumping into his arms. I see them kissing, and I can see them together in bed.

What is this? Is she showing me this on purpose?

Just before I try to pull away, she says, “He is my first-everything. He was always there for me and he always will be.”

This isn’t what I wanted. I didn’t want to know this. I didn’t want to know that I practically pushed her back into the arms of this man. This man, that she apparently values so much, that she trusts so much, more than me.

I pull her hands from me as I stand up. She barely caught herself from falling, but I know she’s weak. I know she can’t be lying, especially not with those images she just showed me.

I shut the cell door and walk out. I don’t want to be here right now. I don’t want to see those eyes, the hatred they have. I don’t want to acknowledge any of this.

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