In Reach?

Chapter He always finds me

Mira’s POV

This is getting ridiculous. I still can’t get yesterday out of my mind, when we were discussing about Dahlia and Izabelle.

I can’t believe it. I’ve been freaking out at the thought that I may just have played a role in Izabelle’s death, if they find a body. And I pray that they don’t. I don’t want to be responsible for someone’s death.

This whole time I had a proper reason to be angry at them for accusing me, because I knew that I had no part to play in any of it. But now. Where does this leave me now? Dahlia just made a move and I was there to help her.

And now the head-members are back to suspecting me like some criminal. Even Liam is suspecting me again. I know he is. Even when I told him over and over again, that I didn’t know, to tell him that I didn’t have a part to play in all of this, he just said ‘it’s okay’………..I’m pretty sure it’s not okay. If anything, I was expecting him to at least say he believed me. But he didn’t, because he doesn’t believe me.

I’m back to square one with these guys, and I think with Liam's mark on my neck they are even angrier with me. I’m sure it changes things a bit.

But not entirely. Yesterday at that table, I was there, not as one of them, but as a suspect, a witness and possible murderer. They don't see me as Liam's mate.

But their angry faces is reminding me of what I saw that night. I don’t know if I should even call it my ‘vision’. But now it’s making me worry whether what I saw was indeed showing the future. Does this really mean, everything else is also going to happen? That would mean that there is going to be more danger heading my way.

I’m never going to get their trust, any of theirs. Because these people are more afraid of Dahlia than they are willing to trust me. Same goes for Liam. It makes me wonder what it is that he did to the woman that makes him so worried of what she is here to do. Because, if you ask me, it sounds more like this woman is on a revenge mission. This is definitely personal. It’s like the saying goes, - nothing worse than a woman scorned. I guess he must have really pissed her off, or she’s just bad shit crazy.

I just about walk into the kitchen to get something for lunch when I see Aubrey sitting at the dining table. I haven’t seen her in a while. Maybe some friendly chatter will do me some good.

“Hey Aubrey, how are you?” I grab an apple and sit next to her.

But she’s looking at me all confused.

“What?” Even I’m wondering if there is something on my face.

“Mira, I don’t think I should be here.” She tries to get up.

“Wait, what?”

She sits back down and sighs. “Mira, I don’t really know how to be around you anymore.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, a week ago I was ecstatic that you found your mate, just to hear that the Alpha marked you a few days later. And now I’m being told to keep my distance because you might actually have something to with this whole witch business.”

So now they’re turning her on me too.

“Aubrey, it’s not even like that. Yes, a lot happened in the last couple of weeks, but things just got messed up. I don’t know how much they are telling you, but I wasn’t trying to trick anybody with anything.”

“But that’s just the thing Mira. Why would the Alpha mark you, unless you guys already had a thing going on?”

I’m quiet, not knowing what to say. It wasn’t exactly something I wanted to tell anyone. It was my secret with him.

“And now I find out Izabelle might be dead because you went and told Dahlia you thought she’s going to be the new Luna. But look at us now? Now you’re sitting here as what, my new Luna? It seems a bit too convenient if you ask me.”

What? She thinks I planned this, to be Luna?

“I need to go.” She gets up without even giving me a chance to say anything back.

But why should I bother. Everyone already has their own mind made up about me.

I can’t help but smirk at the idea, that here I am, Luna of this pack. But no-one actually wants me as their Luna. They’ve all made it clear. Even Liam. Why else wouldn’t he want to inform the pack that I’m his mate. The only people that know are in this house. I’m still such a secret for him.

I’m just happy that I sort of have the house to myself during the day. Everyone seems very busy outside, not that far from the house. From what I understand, training and patrol has been kicked up a notch. Everyone really is afraid of Dahlia. And here I thought she was the most beautiful woman I ever met.

I’m outside as well now, with Theo, since no one will be in the house to ‘look after’ me.

I got dressed up in some short tights and a training bra, because apparently people here aren’t shy. I tried tying my long hair into a bun, but it kept falling out, so I just settled for a ponytail. I didn’t actually want to tie up my hair, because this morning I noticed that, those vicious teeth marks in my neck finally settled into my skin. It morphed into looking like a rose and one of the thorny stems was flowing down to my chest. And right above my heart it was forming an outline of a wolf. It actually seems poetic, - a soft rose with a thorny wolf.

But I’m glad the bra I’m wearing has thick straps and can cover most of it. Liam already doesn’t want people knowing about me, so I might as well cover it. I’m already a burden for him, I don’t want to be his shame too.

Theo said he’ll teach me basic moves to defend myself. I don’t even know if I’ll be allowed to fight in this so called war, but I’m thankful that he at least wants me to know how to defend myself.

I already know the basics, with everything that Alex taught me. But having to go up against wolves, I guess I might as well learn a bit more. He’s big, firm with his moves, but still cautious. He really wants me to learn this stuff. I can’t help but smile, knowing he still cares even though he’s practically not talking to me anymore. Not that he does much talking, but that cold aura of his is such a damper these days.

Right now he’s teaching me how to tackle an opponent. He says that for my small frame I will need to learn how to use my opponent’s weight against them. But I already know that.

So when he comes at me, I’m already gripping his shirt and tripping him with my foot, to let his own force throw him over my shoulder.

He lands on the ground, silent. I don’t know if he’s out of breath from the impact or if he’s actually shocked, but I can’t help but smile at my success to topple such a big guy.

“Something tells me you’ve done this before.”

“Maybe once or twice.” I smilingly say as I help him up.

“Okay, let’s get more serious then.” I’m just glad he’s smiling with me again, well a bit at least.

When he charges at me again, I can feel him coming with more force. We’re tumbling on the ground, but I wrap my legs around his waist to help me pin him down.

“Something tells me you’ve done this more than a few times.”

I giggle and get off him. Just as I try to help him up again, I see Liam looking at me quite annoyed. Why? What did I do now? He wants me to train, and I’m training.

Damn, he’s working on my nerves, especially because he looks so sexy wearing just those training shorts. I’m actually getting a little jealous knowing that other women can see him like this.

Theo then changes tactics, to teach me how to use my wolf strength and speed to my advantage. But luckily for me, this is not that difficult to get. Fighting always seemed like dancing to me. Being able to dance at the same pace and in the same style as your partner, and the one who can’t keep up loses. It really is like that. You can tell by a person’s body movement what their style of fighting is,- aggressive, flowing, or just uncertainty. I’m just glad that my body is still agile from all my dancing. Together with my wolf speed, I seem to have gotten quick reflexes at avoiding head-on attacks.

Theo even got me to spar a little with one of the warriors to test out my skill. I was actually surprised when I won against her. She almost got me, but I quickly figured that her tactic is to go all in and aggressive, but because she tires quickly. So I made her run around me a few times. It was actually fun, but reality struck when the fight was over and everybody still gave me dirty looks for the ‘rogue’ that I am. Even Theo seemed hesitant to smile.

Oh screw this.

I told Theo he can continue to practice with others, and that I will rest a bit. I walked a bit off further though, to ‘look’ at the others train, but I was really just trying to get away from people and find some fresh air. I knew that as long as I was in Theo’s line of sight, I was good to go.

I moved further away from the people, trying to just enjoy the scenery of the woods. When I heard Liam’s voice, it almost seemed like he was arguing.

“Noah, you can’t possibly expect me to believe this.”

They are talking behind the tree I’m leaning against.

“I didn’t want to either, but the facts are here. Mira Johnson isn’t even her real name. She keeps changing it, and the last time, it was one month after she was questioned as a suspect for murder. And for a guy in the mob no less. She’s dangerous Liam.”

My breath hitches at hearing this. I stand there frozen not knowing what to do. How did they even find all that out? I thought Alex wiped my record. This isn’t good.

“So what now? You expect me lock her up and torture her for not being honest with us? Coz she didn’t exactly lie.”

“Yeah, but she wasn’t exactly truthful with us either. Had she told us about herself beforehand, we wouldn’t be in this. But then again, why would she even mention all of this? Do you now what I had to go through to get this intel? She’s hiding her tracks, Liam.” He sighs. “She’s clearly not as innocent as we all thought. I think it’s time we take a harder approach with her.”

“You may be right.” Liam says softly.

“Just think about it.”

But now it’s quiet. They must have walked off.

But this isn’t good. They found out about all of that crap. And now what? Are they going to lock me up in the dungeons again? Nobody was supposed to know about it, definitely not them. But now they want to ‘torture’ me for it, just because I didn’t want to share with them my dark past. Now they’re going to hold it against me. It wasn’t even my fault. Is Liam going to punish me too for something that was just an accident? I need to get out of here.

Just as I move away from the tree I look back and see Liam is still standing there. But in an instant he looks back as if only now noticing my presence there. But I see the look in his eyes, he knows I heard them. I heard what they said they want to do to me.


I turn in that instant running to the house, as fast as I can. I need to get away from him. And there is only one thing I can do right now.

“Shit!” I hear him running after me.

But I’m faster, I know that. I just need to make it there before him. I just need enough time.

I run into the house, straight up the stairs and down the hallway. Not the one to our room, but the opposite one, going to his office. I practically slide on the floor trying to turn into his office with my speed. I instantly lock the door behind me, knowing it probably won’t do much.

I run to Liam’s desk and reach over for his office phone. There is only one number I know off by hard. There is only one person that can help me out of this. There is only person I trust with this.

I hear the ringing tone, where every second already feels like a minute, especially with Liam’s hard pounding on the door.

“Mira! Open this door!”

The phone is still ringing, and I’m panicking as I feel my palms getting more sweaty and my breath coming out all shaky. It seems more like nerves than the running.

The pounding on the door is harder, and I know he’s already banging his body against it to get it open. He’s going to get in here any second now.

That’s when the ringing tone ends. My breath hitches. Did the line go dead?

“Hello?” I hear it. I hear his voice.

But I hear a loud crunch noise as the door breaks open.

“Alex. It’s me.” I desperately rush out as quickly as I can with the beast in the room.

But the phone suddenly gets grabbed from me and I see Liam standing there with such a furious look on his face as he holds the phone up and away from me. I still have fear in me and I’m sure he can see it on my face.

But before either of us could even say anything,….”Mira?”

Liam looks at the phone in his hand. “Mira, is that you?....I’m coming for you.”

I hear the determination in his voice, and I’m glad that he knows me so well. With just hearing the worry in my voice from saying his name, he knows that I need him.

But Liam suddenly throws the phone against the wall shattering the phone into pieces, as he growls.

Gggrhh! “Who the fuck was that?”

He stalks towards me with his glowing eyes filled with so much anger. I try to step back, but he shoves the couch aside as he walks past it.

“Who the fuck was that Mira?” He growls shoving me against the wall behind me.

But in this moment I know what is to come. It doesn’t help I’m afraid of what Liam might do. I might as well just accept that he will do it. He already sees me as a liar and a threat. I just know that I need to rely and wait for Alex. He will come. I know he will find me. Right now, he’s my way out of here, out of this mess. I need to stay strong. I need to stay positive and tell myself that I will get out of this, that I will get out of Liam torturing me.

I look up into his eyes with all my fear gone, it almost makes him waver. “He will find me. He always does.”

Ggggrrrrrhhhhhhh!!!!!! Liam growls as he punches a whole straight through the wall behind me.

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