Imperium: Volume 1

Chapter 16.

I went up and got out of my drenched clothes, changing into a new set that I selected from the closet. I went ahead and opened my door to the unit, as I liked the sound of the busy bodies down below. I also got to see across the hanger floor to Raeve and Bowdies unit.

"Shit!" Speaking of Bowdie, she looked terrified that last time I saw her. Perhaps she's still in the training room.

I decided to make my way down, to see if she was still there. I left, but not before I placed the hat that Raeve gave me comfortably on my head. I reached the training room, and peered inside scanning the faces that filled the room. The group that I was with before had now moved on, and another group replaced it. I was making my way out before I heard someone call out my name.

"June!" I turned around to see Davidson sprinting towards me.

I stayed silent, as I wasn't to sure what to say. Especially after Raeve told me I left a gaping hole in his stomach. He reached me.

"June, I'm glad I get to see you again...." He was panting... "Earlier today, I wanted to apologize. I definitely took it to far, and I hope that doesn't change your mind into joining more sessions."

"Oh..." I thought. "Um...Im not sure if others would like that." If I was being completely honest.

"Quite the opposite actually." He said. "This afternoon's group was actually hoping you could join their session." He said with a grin.

I looked shocked. "Really?" I stated surprised.

"It's up to you, but I was discussing it with Harry, would you like to assist me in training. You have the skill, and from what I saw when you handled Ms. Bowdie, you have a knack for teaching." He said.

I just looked at him utterly perplexed at the idea of me instructing others.

"Umm.." I looked around and saw Bowdie making her way past the training room. She waved and smiled at me before she fell out of sight. I then looked at Davidson who was patiently waiting for a response.

"We would specifically have you training the younger ones. Imperium or not, you would be instructing your own class." He informed me.

Perhaps this is what Raeve was talking about, when he said Harry would have use for me, which comforted me in a way, that I knew he would feel better about this.

"Sure." I said. "Of course I'll do it."

"Excellent." He replied.

"On one condition." I said. "Bowdie trains with me."

He smiled. "I'll have someone send you a schedule."

"Sounds good thank you." I watched him turn around and walk towards the group that were talking amongst themselves. Some of them looking my way.

I put my head down again and made my way towards the direction Bowdie went in. Her gesture deemed she was ok with what she saw, but I wanted to clarify for myself. I found her in her unit, and knocked before letting myself in. She smiled as I made my way in, which was enough to assure me she was ok.

"So did you say yes!?" She asked.

I looked at her confused. "How did you know?"

"Don't be silly, after you left you were the talk of the hour, and as you helped me, we all suggested that you help instruct us!" She said excitedly.

"Oh, you had me worried. I saw how you looked after I......anyway I thought you would be afraid of me." I said nervously.

"Well ya! Wouldn't you look terrified if you saw someones guts hanging out?" She said with a cringed face.

I had to think back on it. I don't even think I looked at Davidson till he was already healed and talking to Harry.

I felt more relieved when she told me that.

"Bowdie? Why are you training anyway? Harry doesn't......send you out like he does Raeve does he?" I asked concerned.

"God no! We're to young for that stuff. He has us all train, just in case we are forced to go elsewhere. Or if we end up on our own." She advised me.

Makes sense.

I stayed for awhile as we talked about anything and everything. I learned that she was very much into reading, and loved to talk about what life would be like after the resistance won.

Right now, seemed still an impossible dream. I listened, but I got lost in thought, thinking of what it was going to take before we saw an outcome like that. I looked out the unit, and just stared at the faces that filled the walkways. Some smiling, some working. I could see Cam and Sarah in their unit, making something to eat. All images that could change in a fraction of a second, if The Dominion knew where we were.

"Earth to June." Bowdie said trying to get my attention.

"Sorry." I grinned.

She just looked at me, fully aware that I was zoning out.

"I'm sorry Bowdie, are you ok if I head out, I just thought of somewhere I need to check out." I told her.

"Ya, will I see you soon?" She asked.

"You bet." Was the best thing I could come up with.

There really wasn't anywhere for me to go, I just needed some fresh air. Just the thought of our discussion had me thinking about dad. I was actually pissed at myself for putting him in the back of my mind.

I've been so inveloped with what was going on here, I almost forgot my number one priority and that was saving him. However I knew the only way I could do it was with the help of the resistance.

I ended up walking towards the tunnel that Raeve took me through before. I walked down till I reached the door and grabbed something to keep the door from locking, and made my way out. As I made my way out, a tall figure was sitting on a boulder taking in the view.

He turned around, looking almost happy that I came through the door. He was rugged looking and stocky. I saw that he was holding a photo of a woman, before he quickly tucked it in his pocket, and looked to be wiping away some tears.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Seemed like the sensible thing to do.

He looked at me and smiled.

"I thought I would have to walk around this mountain to get back in. Thank goodness you showed up." He slightly chuckled but I could hear the hurt still lingering in his voice.

"I can go if you want to be alone." I offered.

", I just came here to get some fresh air. Your more then welcome to join me." He said as he turned back to take in the view.

I stood next to him, and just glanced at him as he calmly sat there.

"She's beautiful." I said.

He looked at me surprised, but ended up smiling.

"She is isn't she." He took the photo out and traced her face with his finger. "My wife." He said.

I just looked at him, hoping to god he didn't say the worst case scenario.

"What happened?" I was tip toeing at this point. He looked hurt, but perhaps someone to talk to would make him feel in a better place. He turned to me.

"They took her." His face now changing to anger. "She's with them bastards and god knows what they've done with her." He said as he pointed over to The Dominions Capital. He then turned back to her photo. "My sweet Anja."

He then kissed the photo before tucking it back in his jacket.

"I'm here to get her back." He said. "Those bastards won't know what hit them."

"I'm sorry." I told him. The feeling was all to familiar. "They have my dad."

He quickly looked to me, and I could feel the sympathy that came from his gaze.

"Then you and I shall rain hell onto The Dominion." He said with a menacing grin.

I couldn't agree more.

He got up and made his way to the door, and turned back to me.

"I wish you luck in finding your father." He told me.

"And you your wife." I said in return.

He went to make his way in.

"I'm the way." I quickly yelled out to him.

He popped back out. "Nice to meet you June. I'm Kipsky."

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