I Am Rosaline

Chapter Chapter Two

We walked out of the building and headed in the direction of an ancient looking train station. Grey stairs led up to three sets of double doors. All the doors were wooden, with carvings that looked similar to the carvings on the doors and panels in Dante’s office. The building looked as old as the others and built from the same grey stone.

There were others walking the streets. Some were dressed like Dante and Dorian and there were a few dressed like Gabrielle. The irony struck me. Dark and light; good and bad. I was amazed at how I had not seen this before. I had been too wrapped up in a cloak of anger and aggression brought on by the feeling that I had lost all control.

I decided to quiet my mind and soul and allow my surroundings to enter my subconscious. I didn’t know how I knew, or at least remembered, how to do this, but I did it nonetheless. It was similar to meditating, but I didn’t need to sit with my eyes closed, or concentrate on a mantra or block out sounds and visions. It was almost as if my brain knew what to do before I made a conscious decision to do so.

I was aware of how peaceful and serene I felt around Gabrielle and how her voice washed over me like a cool breeze on a summer’s day and forced out all the darkness. It was as if her voice had the power to soak through my aggression and into my soul. She was saying something about the town being as old as time and how many had passed through this place. I listened vaguely to what she was saying. I liked being around Gabrielle: she appeared to be genuine.

Dante and Dorian, on the other hand, remained silent and appeared detached and cold. Their voices held no emotion and they definitely did not try to put me at ease. If anything they were blunt and to the point, which in some strange way I could relate to. For them there was a job to be done and we had to pool our forces. It didn’t seem to matter to them that I was new and had no idea what I was doing.

“Rose, we are here. Rose!” Gabrielle’s voice brought me out of my reverie. We were in a train station with commuters milling about us. Before us was a shining, black and burgundy steam-train that looked as though it had come straight out of the 1900’s. There was none of the traditional gold writing on the side of the train, but the door to each coach was numbered – not with the usual gold paint - but in a glowing white mother of pearl.

I felt a hand at my elbow steering me towards the door numbered 126. A porter dressed in a dark grey uniform with blood red epaulettes and piping around the cap, held out his hand to assist me into the coach. He indicated a set of leather seats. No smiles and no congenial chatting.

I glanced around. Gabrielle and Dorian were standing on the steps behind me, but Dante remained on the platform. His eyes caught mine. He lifted his hand in a salute and gave me what I considered a vacant smile.

We took our seats “Why is Dante not coming with us?” I asked Gabrielle “And exactly where are we going anyway?” I needed more information from her: I needed to come to terms with what was expected of me and to convince myself that this was not some sort of weird and inexplicable happening in my life.

“We are going to a remote mountain area where you are to undergo training. Please rest and use this time to reflect. Everything will make sense in due course.” Gabrielle allowed her gaze to settle on me and I felt calm once again. I was beginning to wonder if she had the ability to control or influence my emotional state. Whenever I found myself feeling angry or aggressive while Gabrielle was around, all she needed to do was touch me, or speak to me and I would calm down. Quite honestly, though, I needed someone to do that for me. I was feeling just a little overwhelmed by my ability to anger so quickly.

I sat back in my seat and looked around me. I noticed two other men in the coach, but further down. They were dressed like Dorian but with dark sunglasses. One of them had brown hair while the other was as fair as Gabrielle. I noticed a very slight red glow around them. I felt momentarily uneasy and wary of these two, but ascribed my concerns to their red, angry auras and decided to push the feeling aside and instead to sit back and take in my surroundings.

The train started to move out of the station. I was curious to see what lay beyond the grey buildings, but as the train began exiting the station, all I could see was a mist. The mist was so white and thick it looked more like fluffy, woollen clouds.

I looked over to where Gabrielle was, half expecting some sort of explanation, but she had settled into her seat and it appeared as though she was sleeping. Her face was a calm mask of porcelain. It struck me again how beautiful she was. Blonde and fair, with the lightest of eyes, and skin as pale and smooth as highly polished marble. I decided to take her advice and rest and reflect.

Sleep did not come. There was no sleep, but it did feel as though I could retreat to within myself and reflect on what I had heard so far. I found that I was able to slowly go over everything that has happened to me, like replaying everything slowly in my mind.

I remembered the beautiful carvings on the wooden doors that I had seen. I was amazed at how I was able to remember every detail: the mountain ranges and vines. Suddenly I realized that among the vines at the sides of the carvings were symbols that I would have missed if they had not glowed ever so slightly. Strange how I hadn’t noticed that before.

I decided to see if I could recollect anything in the room where I had met Dante and Gabrielle. I recalled the same grey, gloomy look of the place. The same couch and chair with the small coffee table between them. Then I remembered the wooden panels and it was almost as though I was back in the room. I walked toward the panels to take a closer look.

It was a story. There was a story being told by the carvings on these wooden panels. I realized that the carvings depicted the age-old battle between good and evil, light and dark. There were angels in the sky floating above a large crater-like mountain range. Some of the angels in the carvings were blowing trumpets and looking down at groups of people clinging to the mountainside. The people’s faces were masks of horror and they looked as though they were screaming and crying. Their gnashing teeth carved into the wood made them look monstrous. I could almost hear their screams. In the next panels some of the living seemed to be falling down the mountain into a raging pit of fire. Their hands were high above their heads as though trying to grab onto fresh air, such was the desperation in their attempt to get away from the heat of the fire. I was in total awe of the carvings and the fact that I could see such detail now. The symbols were not easy to read, but I knew that in time I would be able to decipher them. I knew these signs, but couldn’t quite place their origin or how I remembered them. I would need time to decipher the story that was being told in these beautifully intricate carvings.

I turned around to take another look at the room where I had met with Dante and Gabrielle and that was when I saw Dante standing beside the desk by the farthest bay window. How come he could not see me? Surely he could see me standing there? No, how could he? I wasn’t really there, was I? I took a step towards him. He didn’t move. He stood gazing out of the window as I slowly walked toward him. My feet didn’t make a sound on the wooden floors. I was close enough to look at what was on his desk. There were papers and a few books lying open on the desk, but I wasn’t able to make out the language they were written in.

I moved a little closer and then froze as Dante turned from the window. I sucked in my breath and held it. I did not move as he turned and sat down at the desk. As he did so he looked up and it was almost as though he could see me. I was just about to say something when he lowered his head and began reading from one of the books on his desk. He opened a drawer and removed a fountain pen and paper and wrote something on the top of the first page. I moved in a little closer to take a look. He had written the name Sienna. Was that the name of a person or a place, I wondered?

He raised his head again and gazed around the room, almost as though he was looking for something or someone. He ran his fingers through his black hair, sighed and began reading from the book and making notes.

I was amazed that he couldn’t see me. How was I doing this?

I remembered that I had been on a train and I decided to move back toward the train station to see what I had seen there before. The building, the doors and the grey platforms were all there. There were people milling about waiting for another train, perhaps. It felt as though I was floating above everyone else and they could not see me. I decided to follow the train track and noticed that there was only one track. The mist or clouds were as thick as ever, but there was no mist covering the tracks.

I did not hear the train, but I knew that I was getting closer. I could sense it. Within another few short moments I saw the train on the track. I remembered the number of the coach we had entered, number 126. I glided slowly alongside the train checking the numbers until I came upon number 126. I was just about to glide towards the window where I could see myself sitting, when I heard a noise behind me and turned around. Moving slowly along the top of the coach behind ours, were two men. All I could see of them was dark hair and long black coats that reached their ankles.

I pushed myself a little faster towards the window. I did not feel afraid, but I did feel anxious. How was I to get back into the cabin? I sensed there was danger and needed to warn Gabrielle and Dorian.

Just as I began to feel overwhelmed, I felt a hand on my arm. In shock, I spun around and nearly crashed into Gabrielle.

“What are you doing here?” my voice sounded almost breathless.

“Relax and continue to glide as quietly and gently as you have been. I have been by your side the whole way and you have done very well. You are right to be concerned - these men are here to stop you. Keep calm and do as I do so that we can get back and warn Dorian.” I heard the edge in her voice and I knew that I had to concentrate.

I looked back at the men moving along the top of the coach and saw how close they were getting to us. Gabrielle held my arm gently, but firmly, and guided me towards the window.

We drew closer and I was surprised to see that I was still sitting on the red leather seat as when we first boarded. My head was tilted back and eyes closed. Dorian’s head was tipped forward reading from a small book and Gabrielle was where she had first taken her seat with her eyes closed. I began to feel as though I was being drawn to my body. I was being pulled towards myself almost as one magnet pulls towards another. Before I knew it my eyes flew open and I was sitting on the seat with Dorian and Gabrielle nearby.

I turned to Dorian and put my hand on his arm, “There are two men on top of our coach who are not looking for companions for idle chit-chat. Would you mind seeing what they are about please, Dorian?”

Without a word, Dorian jerked his arm out of my grasp and stood up, tucked his little book into the breast pocket of his coat and then ran towards the end of the coach where there was an inter-leading door. In one blink, he was out of the door.

“Shouldn’t we go and help him? Can he do this by himself?” I asked Gabrielle.

“Do not concern yourself Rose. Dorian is doing what he’s been trained to do. Come and sit next to me, just in case.” Her eyes didn’t leave the door through which Dorian had just exited.

I never had much to say to Dorian and I didn’t particularly like him. Not that there was anything to dislike as he never spoke much or revealed much about himself. I recalled trying to make conversation with him in the first few days of my arrival, but he blatantly ignored me. Still, I really did not want to see him get injured because he was trying to protect me. I wasn’t too sure what he was trying to protect me from, but I was slowly starting to get the picture.

What seemed like mere moments later, Dorian came crashing in through the connecting door. His eyes were as bright as fire and his small teeth were visible through his tight lips. “Get up and move! We need to get out of here and quickly.” I heard his jacket flapping and felt his hand tighten over the top of my arm. He literally jerked me out of my seat and continued running, dragging me behind him. As we edged our way down the corridor, the two men that were sitting further down, the one’s that were wearing sunglasses, got up and approached us. As quick as a flash Dorian pulled me behind him and in one movement lifted his hand toward them with his palm facing them. As if an invisible force shot out of his hand. The two men were blasted violently through the door behind them, right into the other compartment.

“What the hell was that?” I asked when I glimpsed the two prone figures in the next carriage.Dorian never said anything at all, but his body language spoke volumes. I was feeling a bit apprehensive as we raced down the passageway of the train. The other passengers merely glanced in our direction and then continued with whatever it was they were doing.

We exited the carriage onto the little platform between the carriages. I could see the ground beneath us moving at a speed I did not want to guess. I could feel Dorian shoving me towards a ladder on the side of the carriage. Without thinking I hoisted myself up onto the first rung and then began pulling myself up onto the carriage roof. My hair was blowing in my face and my long jacket was flapping around my legs.

I reached the roof and turned around to help Dorian and Gabrielle up, but there was no one behind me. I stood up straight and looked briefly over the edge. There was no one there.

I spun around to see what was going on around me and saw Dorian and Gabrielle a few feet from me. “How did you do that?” I was dumbfounded to see them standing in front of me.

“You will learn what we did in the next few moments.” Dorian spoke, “I’m afraid there is not much time.” He paused for a moment as he looked around. “Sorry dear, but you are going to have to start your training right now. Rosaline, remember what Gabrielle and Dante said to you about being a demimortalité?” I nodded yes. Dorian continued. “Remember you asked them what that means?” I nodded again. “Well, it means you are an angel.” Dorian ignored the shocked expression and continued with a slight smile on his face. “and Angels, come with certain advantages, amongst those advantages, are wings.” Clearly there must have been a look of total disbelief and shock on my face. “Do not look at me like that – you have nothing to lose and much to gain by just listening to, and believing what I am telling you”. He looked away briefly in the direction of the would-be attackers, then shot his gaze immediately back at me...: “Listen to Gabrielle, I will be back soon.” With that he was off running along the roof of the train carriage.

I turned and looked at Gabrielle and was not surprised to find her demeanour calm and gentle.

“Take my hand, Rose and follow my lead. Listen carefully to what I say and believe what I am telling you. Remember what happened to you when you closed your eyes? You were able to move about without being seen. You believe that, don’t you? Well, now you need to believe this in the same way. You have wings and all you need to do is unfurl them from where they are on your back. This will happen as we move from the train. You moved unseen on your own, which is a great feat, so this will be just as easy.” Her gaze held mine and I was almost able to believe her.

I knew that I had no choice but to follow her lead, but I also had no idea what was on either side of the train because I could only see mist or clouds. What if we jumped off the train and into the side of a mountain or landed on jagged rocks? Gabrielle must have been reading my thoughts because, she said, “We go up.” Instinctively, I looked up and was not surprised to see white fluffy clouds above us.

Clearly we were in danger and needed to get away. “Stand facing the direction we are going. You want to allow the element, the wind, to work for you, not against you. Stand facing the other way and …” She need not have said more. I could just picture myself tumbling head over heels unceremoniously over the top of the train landing only god knows where! “Let’s do this then, Gabrielle.” I knew that I sounded more confident than I actually felt, but I had to say something to prevent my jaw locking from fear.

“You won’t need my help, Rosaline. You will know instinctively what to do, you just need to find it in yourself to believe and then move forward.” Fast, I thought to myself, was what she had not said. All the while we were talking and I was thinking Gabrielle was moving to the centre of the roof.

She glanced at me and smiled, then looked up and my gaze followed hers to the white fluff that must have been clouds. Just then I heard a soft swishing sound. It was a sound like that of when you run your hand over silk. You can barely hear the friction between hand and fabric, but it is there. I looked quickly back at Gabrielle and saw the most beautiful wings unfurling from her back. The tips of the feathers vibrating gently with the wind. And then she was up and gone! So fast, I thought.

The feathers were the colour of mother-of-pearl. They rose from where they had been hidden in a split second. I was in awe of how big her wings were. Gabrielle was tall, but small of frame and I wondered how her body could hold such large wings. The quick glimpse I got of them left me in a state of awe.

Gabrielle’s gently came back down toward me and her feet hovered just above the roof of the train while holding her hand out to me. Now that is some kind of control, I thought before I reached out my hand towards her. I felt the strangest sensation on my back. It was almost a pleasant feeling. I glanced jerkily over my shoulder and saw snowy-white and blue-black wings unfurling from my back. I wondered very briefly about the two colours of my wings and decided to look more closely once I was in a safer position to do so. Each snowy white feather was thickly outlined by a blue-black colour. My wings. I almost laughed it sounded so surreal. I felt so incredibly nervous.

My feet left the roof as my wings opened to their full size and fluttered once, and then twice. I shot up into the white puffy clouds with Gabrielle at a speed that could only be described as sound breaking! Well, for me it felt like that. Instinctively I know to keep my legs together and my arms down by my sides. I thought about flying and my wings worked with thought. I looked over my other shoulder. The wings were open to their full size and I was amazed at how beautiful they were. It was an unusual sight, for sure, but I felt amazingly proud of them. I quickly looked over to where Gabrielle was and she was smiling at me. I must have had one of the dumbest grins known to mankind and I knew my face simply covered the fears I had. For now.

How was it possible that I had wings with two different colours? Should I be afraid? Would they attract unwanted attention? I took one more look to make sure that what I was seeing was real.

Just then I heard a voice, “Keep doing what you are doing. You are a quick study, Rose.” I spun in mid air to see Dorian behind me. He must have seen the confusion on my face and he tilted his head a little. “Why can’t you just believe that you are what you are and can do the things we tell you? Why is it so hard for you?” He spoke with the gentlest of tones and I could tell that he wasn’t angry, maybe just a little taken aback by my inability to simply accept all that I had been told. I began to feel oddly ungrateful and a bit like a petulant child.

To try and assure Dorian, I replied, “You’re right, Dorian. I’ll try to accept the changes and abilities that I’ve been given.” I still felt overwhelmed about my wings and quite honestly I felt like screaming and laughing on the top of my voice. Oh my word! I have wings and I am flying! How truly amazing is that? I wanted to fly all over the place and I was thinking of what aerobatic tricks I would be able to accomplish.

Then the reality of it all came crashing through my haze of freaking out and I remembered the strange men on the train. I thought to myself that this sucks! I wanted to have fun now, but instead I said to Dorian and Grabrielle, I’ll do my best to train for whatever purpose I have been put here. Let us go to wherever it is we need to go. But just know that once we get to where we are going, I want questions answered. I no longer want to be left in the dark with regards to what is going on and the reason why I am the centre of it all. Please, you must try and understand from my perspective how oddly exciting yet frightening this must be for me. Yes, you have told me some things, but not everything.” My voice was quivering and my teeth were clenched together tightly, through excitement or fear, I do no know, but I knew that they understood that I was serious and would not rest until they told me more about what was going on and my purpose in this whole surreal story. Surely I had some say in what was happening to me? I felt safe when I had everything strategically planned out. Now suddenly I was expected to throw it all to the wind and believe in something I could not see. I made the decision to take control of what was happening to me and not rely on what I was constantly being told. Although I was still secretly freaked out and super excited about my wings.

I looked from Gabrielle to Dorian. They were both looking at me with a look of slight confusion as to what I was thinking. Possibly because they were expecting some kind of argument or sudden outburst, but I gave them none. I did not care. I had wings! Hah!

Those strange men on top of the train were very frightening and I did not want to be continually protected. I wanted to be able to protect myself. I looked up and propelled myself up and felt my wings flutter soundlessly. I was amazed at how light they were and how they seemed to work of their own accord. All I had to do was just think of flying and they did the rest. I felt muscles in my back work as I rose higher and higher with the smallest of efforts. I looked to my right to see Dorian rising next to me. His wings - as black as the night - and spread out behind him, were a sight to behold. We rose even higher and it felt as though the wind was pushing up from beneath, causing us to glide effortlessly. What an amazing feeling, being able so feel what birds must feel when they soar above the world. Gosh, will I ever stop freaking out about having wings?

I had so many questions and felt so very unsettled, yet dileriously happy at the same time, and hoped that once we reached our destination I could sit down with Gabrielle and Dorian and they could answer all of my questions. What were those questions? My brain felt a bit numb and no questions came to me. Oh well, one step at a time, I thought.

I glanced down and was surprised to see green beneath me. A mountain range interspersed with white fluffy clouds. I no longer felt cautious or wary, but my senses were as sharp as I could ever remember them being. Another crack in my memory. I could not remember being able to see this well. My eyes were almost like magnifiers. I could see birds flying miles below us, leaves on trees and here and there monkeys in the trees. I could smell the moisture in the air and the fresh soil many, many miles beneath our feet. Time to snap out of this, I thought. Let us get serious about those strangers.

“Who sent those people and what did they want?” I directed my question at Dorian. I didn’t raise my voice, but I knew that he heard me. I looked over to where he was and caught his eye. I raised my eyebrow to encourage a reply from him.

“Well, they are called Gibborus. Their name means slave, but we refer to them as the Dogs of Erro. They are warriors and do the bidding of whoever their master may be, as they do not think for themselves. If you were still human you would liken them to mercenaries. Working for the highest bidder, so to speak. They often try to hide their identity by covering their heads and wear dark glasses, long coats and gloves. What they truly look like is; something that nightmares are made of. Their flesh is a sickly white; some appear grey, with eyes red as blood. Their teeth are jagged and as sharp as a sword’s edge. They have gnarled talons for fingers and their feet appear similarly. Their bodies are void of any hair. Sound scary enough for you?” he asked with a smirk. Well, what I thought was a smirk anyway.

“If you are trying to make me afraid, you are failing miserably.” I said sounding braver than I actually felt. I could not imagine coming face to face with one of those creatures. “Well then, don’t look now, but two of them are below us. Get ready, Gabrielle.” Dorian’s voice was almost a whisper, but I heard him as clearly as if he was talking normally to me.

I spun around, almost tipping over, and looked below and there they were: two creatures exactly as Dorian had described them. Although they were far below us, I could see their eyes clearly. As red as blood. They looked smaller than I remembered them from the train. Why had they not looked up yet? As the thought went through my mind, Gabrielle manoeuvred herself beneath me. The sheer size of her wings made it impossible for me to see past her. Dorian flew higher, if that was at all possible.

“They have seen us! Quickly, Gabrielle, get her away from here.” Dorian’s voice sounded so close, it sounded as if I would have been able to touch him, but he was so high I could barely make him out.

Gabrielle pushed up against my chest with her back and wings and said, “Wrap your arms around me and fly in sync with me. It’s not difficult Rose. Think of how you need to work with me and it will be. Just do this with me, please.” She sounded very serious and a little nervous.

The concern in Gabrielle’s usually calm and composed voice surprised and scared me and so I did exactly as I was told.

I could hear a hissing sound coming from beneath us. I realized that this awful noise could only come from the Gibborus as they flew up higher toward us. Their hissing seemed to be their way of communicating. It sounded almost like that of a very loud snake. I gave a start, because that was exactly how I sounded when I got angry with Dorian. I quickly pushed that thought from my mind to concentrate on the evasive manoeuvres at hand with Gabrielle. Now that there was real action upon us in the skies, I didn’t really know if I truly wanted to learn other manoeuvres.

“Gabrielle!, when I tell you, bank sharply to the left and just keep going. Do not stop and do not wait for me. I will find you.” Dorian’s voice was again a mere whisper and I saw Gabrielle nod her head.

The Gibborus were drawing closer. Their hissing grew louder and a foul smell permeated the air around us. The rank, sickly sweet smelling odour about them was almost like that of over-matured meat. If I had to guess at what rotting flesh smells like this would come very close! Dorian yelling his commands snapped me out of my thoughts.

¨NOW! GABRIELLE, NOW! ¨ No sooner had Dorian shouted this command than Gabrielle banked hard to the left with me hanging onto her. I saw Dorian come barrelling past us with his wings tucked back and a huge metal object glinting silver in the light. I caught a glimpse of his face as he came past us. It appeared set in stone and his eyes were glowing red and wild looking. Only then did I realize just how close the Gibborus had come to us. It appeared as though Dorian was enjoying this clash with them. He waited until the last possible moment to strike.

I heard the dull thud of one body hitting another and a screech so loud it almost deafened me. I glanced back over my shoulder and looked at what was happening beneath us. One of the Gibborus was missing. The other was on Dorian’s back and had its legs locked around his waist. His claw like hands were thrashing at Dorian’s wings where they extended from his back. This did not look good, nor did it feel right that we were simply leaving Dorian to deal with this battle alone. We didn’t even know where the second Gibborus was.

I was about to call to Gabrielle for us to help him when I saw the shining sword in his hands. He put the handle of the sword to his side and pressed hard on something on the hilt. I heard an ominous clicking noise. A long, metal spike protruded through the Gibborus’ back. It opened its mouth, but no sound came out. That is when I saw that Dorian had pierced himself with this metal spike in order to get the demon off his back. Dorian pressed hard on the hilt again and the spike retracted. The pain could be seen in the expression on his face. The Gibborus jerked and arched its back and a sickly looking stream of reddish brown fluid ran out of the side of its mouth. Dorian pushed himself up straight and with a silent flap of his wings and an arching of his back the Gibborus rolled off. I watched as its mouth opened in a silent scream. Its dirty grey, ratty looking wings fold around it and I watched it plummet through the clouds.

The that scene that had unfolded in front of me made me feel excited, hysterical, angry, but also very afraid and I knew that there was no way I was going to leave Dorian behind.

“Gabrielle, stop! Dorian is hurt. We have to help him. Gabrielle!” I shouted at her and then pushed myself away from her and turned. I knew I had to go and help him. He was faltering. “Dorian, wait, I am coming!” I shouted to him and without even thinking about it I folded my wings and shot towards him like a bullet. I was so close I could see his eyes were closed. At first I thought I would not stop and in an instant saw myself crashing into him! I thought carefully about how I was going to control this crazy speed at which I was falling. Bloody hell, I was moving fast!

As I came up behind him I opened my wings as full as I could and that worked like a charm. I stalled in mid air and caught him around his chest from behind. “Hold on, Dorian. You need some help.” My chest started heaving from the effort of holding onto him and carrying his weight.

“Rose! Leave him. We need to keep going. Dorian is a warrior who knows how to take care of himself. We need to keep moving.” Gabrielle said beside me.

I was absolutely shocked by Gabrielle’s heartlessness! Was she a crazy beautiful woman or simply just following instructions, I wondered?

“Well, that’s not going to happen. He is hurt and needs our help. He is not going to be much use to us if we just let him suffer and die. Now, are you going to help? If not, back off and let me do this.” I was angry with Gabrielle for not showing any compassion to a being who had endangered his life to save us. Besides, Dorian had the answers to several questions I had for him.

She looked at me for a moment then said, “Alright. I know where we can take him.” She took his one arm and pulled it across her shoulders and I did the same on the opposite side. His head was rolling on his neck and his eyes were closed. I was worried that he might not make it.

“Look just to your left. You will see a cave in the side of that cliff. The one that has the river just below it. We will take him in there. Just be careful with your landing because we have not had time to practice that. When we are about three feet off the ground fold your wings back and drop to your feet. Gently.” Gabrielle was panting as much as I was because Dorian was very heavy and concentrating on what we were doing took a lot of effort.

As we approached the cave mouth I started concentrating more carefully on what I was doing. Just a few feet to go and I could feel myself instinctively knowing what to do. My body straightened up and I brought myself gently to the ground in perfect time with Gabrielle.

Slowly we lowered Dorian to the cave floor.

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