I Am Jessamine

Chapter 25

Jessie turned and walked quickly, wanting to find her mother and talk to her, but she was stopped by her father, “Jessie,” he said quietly, “if it were not for you I really do not think any of us would be standing up to Rancliff. You arrived here and brought with you a sign of courage we had long since forgotten and you pointed out that he is just a man. A man who will eventually show himself for who he truly is once we all found our courage again and stood up to him and spoke out against him. You reminded us of our Irish grit and for that, I will always be grateful, nighean mo ghraidh.” And he stepped forward and kissed her on her cheek and hugged her close. Acts of affection between father and daughter in public were virtually taboo, but Rourke was clearly feeling like a rebel thought Jess, as she laughed and hugged him back.

Leaving the men to talk among themselves and watch Rancliff and his entire platoon leave the estate, Jess ran to look for her mother. Inside the dining hall, she saw Genevieve surrounded by her friends and Jess did not want to make it obvious how much she wanted to speak to her mom. Looking around and wondering what to do she saw Lady Bolger watching her and Jess smiled. Nodding her head slightly she stood up and clapped her hands and said quite loudly, “Who would like to join me for a game of croquet?” Without waiting for anyone to respond she turned to the staff and asked them kindly to set up the croquet hoop and get the mallets and balls for the party.

Jess smiled her thanks and looked back over towards her mother who seemed to have cottoned on and excused herself from her friends, “Excuse me, my friends, but I really would like to go for a walk around the grounds with my daughter.” Smiling politely she held her hand out to Jess and arm in arm they walked out onto the sloping lawns.

“You look like you have a lot of questions running around in that busy head of yours, my girl,” Genevieve observed quietly.

Jessie should have known her mother would be extremely observant so Jess decided to hold nothing back with her questions. “Why did you leave Ben, mom?”

Leading Jess to an alcove in the garden where there was a bench she sat down and patted the seat beside her. Jess sat and her mom took her hand. “Make no mistake, when I met Benjamin Kellie I fell madly in love with him. He was forward-thinking and so brave and I had never before met anyone so outspoken and believed so firmly in what was right. He became so impassioned about helping Scottish immigrants and we shared that belief. He was horrified when he heard of the injustices suffered by them and, of course, the Irish.” She put a hand to her chest and gasped, “I remember when he found out that the British had all but decimated the Scottish Highlanders and outlawed the wearing of tartan and even their language. None were allowed to carry weapons. Oh, Jess, it was awful for Ben. He just could not get his head around the cruelty of it all. So, when my father, your grandfather who you still need to meet, became involved with assisting refugees Benjamin was a strong supporter.” Genevieve became quiet and she gazed off into the distance as though memory had a hold of her and Jess patted her hand gently, “What are you thinking?”

Genevieve looked at her and smiled sadly, “There are some things a mother never usually speaks of to her daughter, my darling.” And she laughed gently.

Jessie laughed mischievously and said with a twinkle in her eye, “Tell me anyway.”

Scooting sideways on the bench Genevieve grinned and Jess could see herself in her mother at that moment. “Oh Jess, we had a wonderful love affair, Ben and I. It was hot and crazy and ruled our hearts and minds. We were not thinking of the next day. We only thought of one another and looked for the next moment we could spend in each other’s arms. It was a time of excitement, risk, and love. We were young and had no concept of life and what it was truly about.” She grew sad and dipped her head down and Jess became concerned. Her mother had a deep secret that was clearly eating her up inside.

“What is it, mom?” Jess asked feeling concerned.

“I had made arrangements for Ben to help move some poor families into the cellars and to make things look normal, I rode back home to Brock de Clisson along the same route I would normally follow when I would go for a ride. That afternoon Rancliff was waiting for me by himself.” She sighed and held her hands tightly on her lap. “He had made it clear what his intentions were, but I had always rebuffed him because he made my skin crawl. Oh, he was a fine-looking officer, but I saw something there that was frighteningly cruel. That day I felt the full force of his cruelty. Let us just say he got what he wanted and I knew no one would believe me. So I managed to get myself home and my maid helped me clean myself up. I lied and said that something gave my horse a scare and it bolted and I fell. It was two months after that I found out I was with child.” Jessie grabbed her mother’s hands tightly, “But Nick looks like Ben!” Jessie gasped.

“What looks like Ben, Jessie?’ Genevieve asked sadly.

“He has the same blue-green eyes and, well he has some of his traits,” Jessie said encouragingly.

“How many people have blue eyes, Jess? Look at mine and yours. They are virtually identical and Rourke has blue eyes similar to Ben and Nick. James Rancliff has grey eyes, so it is highly likely we would have a child with a lighter shade of blue eyes. But that is not all of it Jessie. You got to experience Nicholas at his worst and who did he remind you of? Certainly not Benjamin!” Genevieve sighed and looked out onto the garden. She looked so sad and Jess noticed the worry lines that had deepened.

“Mom, do you truly believe Nick is Rancliff’s child?” Jessie looked worriedly into her mother’s eyes.

“Yes, I do, and Rancliff thought so too when he saw him. By then Ben and I were married and I realized I did not love Ben the way a wife should love her husband. Rancliff came after us at every turn with trumped-up charges and forever appearing in the damnedest places. When Ben got arrested and thrown into prison Rancliff thought he could walk in and take me off my parent’s hands. Thank god for my father. He is a tough old codger and I believe that’s why he is still alive today. He will decide when he goes and no one will tell him otherwise. Must be his Scottish Irish bloodline” she laughed lovingly and shook her head, “You really ought to meet him. He is a special one, that one.” And she grinned. Jess thought her mother looked even more beautiful when she smiled like that.

“Then Rourke offered to help me and I agreed. At first, I thought I was agreeing because I wanted to keep my parents and Nicholas safe, but the truth of it was Rourke had made my belly flutter from the very first time I met him. But because I was with Ben I put those feelings aside, but then we got married when we heard Ben had died in prison. I was convinced Rancliff had something to do with it and hated him for it. Willy, on the other hand, never believed that Ben had died. When Willy left to go and find out the truth about Ben I realized how much I was in love with Rourke. Our love was electric. Like sparks from your clothing when they are full of static. It frightened and excited me at the same time. Then Ben came back and Rancliff was on his tail. The threats and harassment became worse and then Broch de Clisson was attacked and my parents were beaten and the crops were set alight. It was frightening and Ben suggested Nicholas and I go back to the twentieth century with him and save my parents, my husband who I loved more than life, my son, and my unborn child I went. The report was that we had all perished in the attack, Ben, myself, Nicholas, and Willy. We prayed that Rancliff would then seek to fulfill his greed and coffers elsewhere. It was also about that time Rancliff did something that made us believe he time traveled as well. We were leaving Ballyraghan Bay when we saw Rancliff on a ship watching us and he moved his ship to intercept us, but Willy was young and smart and he swam out to the ship unseen and disabled the rudder. He was dead in the water and we managed to get away. ” Silent tears rolled down Genevieve’s cheeks as the memories became too much for her and Jess put her arm around her mother’s shoulders and pulled her close.

“I am so sorry, mama, I had no idea. I was so selfish and only thinking of myself and Ben and I didn’t for a moment think about what you had gone through. I don’t understand, though, why you left me behind?” Jess asked kindly still holding her mother close.

“Oh, my darling baby Jessamine,” she sobbed and Jess searched for a handkerchief and gave it to her mother, “That was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life. I wanted to take you, but the only jump site we knew of was in the ocean and I would have died if you had drowned or if I had got back and Rancliff came after you. Jessie, I felt I had very few options, and leaving you with Benjamin, Willy and Nicholas was all I could think to do. My heart would never heal, but I would make life better with Rourke, the love of my life, who I was missing like the air I breathe to survive. It nearly killed me, Jessie. But I had chosen a wonderful man to be your godfather and I believed in him and trusted him implicitly with you. I knew Ben would be there for Nicholas because he thought he was his son and I thought that the positive influence from Ben and Willy would cultivate a good man in Nicholas.” Genevieve wiped her eyes and blew her nose and Jessie mumbled. “It is clearly a genetic thing.” Looking at her Genevieve asked, “Is that a twenty-first-century thing?” Jess shrugged her shoulders and said, “Pretty much. It just means it doesn’t matter how far you throw that apple, it will always have come from the apple tree.” Genevieve nodded and thought she would remember that.

“Before I left I wrote a letter for your brother and explained it all to him and asked that Willy give it to him when he was older and able to understand. Nicholas read the letter and instead of feeling compassion and empathy, he grew angry and greedy. When he arrived on the doorstep I had a hard time seeing him as the child I had left behind. His eyes were cruel and I had only ever seen anything like it once before and it rocked me to my core knowing Nicholas did not return out of love or concern for family, but out of greed. I remember him saying something to the effect that if Rancliff can time travel for his personal gain, then he could too.” She shook her head sadly and dropped her chin again. “When Nicholas realized I would not be helping him he grew angry and vowed to form an alliance with Rancliff and Daniels without them knowing who he was and he would then somehow overthrow the two and take over the syndicate. Little did the foolish man know how smart and connected those two bastards were. They used Nicholas as their little lackey and he didn’t seem to mind their vulgarity and cruelty either. Nicholas became a part of their little operation and he thought he was fooling them to win back what he believed was his inheritance that had been stolen, they were, in fact, using him to do their human flesh trade.” Genevieve made a disgusted sound and looked away. “No better than what was done to the Scots the poor Irish were being led by the hundreds as slaves to whatever destination Rancliff chose. Hateful, hateful man!” Genevieve grew incredibly angry and her passion for the Irish people became obvious to Jessie.

“Then why did you hate me so much when I arrived?” Genevieve pulled Jessie into her embrace and said softly into her hair, “I will never be able to apologize enough for making you feel unworthy and unwelcome. I was so afraid and knew that Rourke would find out I had lied to him, oh Jess, and you look so much like him and Deaglan is your image, and I missed him so much too and worried for him. Oh, Jessie!” she cried into Jessie’s hair, “When you arrived all my secrets, worries and fears were laid bare and you made me confront them all and finally tell the entire truth to Rourke. Because of you, I rid myself of all that I was carrying around with me and making myself feel so heavy. Instead of seeing you as a good omen, I saw the opposite.” Instead of letting her mother dwell on her misery, Jess said instead, “Tell me about Deaglan.” And Genevieve beamed and smiled brightly and Jess felt a little hurt until her mom spoke, “He is your image and he has that same fire that you have Jessie. When he was born I thought the gods were playing a cruel trick because I saw my baby girl instead. Everything about him is like you. Apart from your unusual birthmark in your hair on your neck, the two of you could be twins.” She smiled at some memory and then her eyes grew sad and she continued. “When Deaglan first met Thaliana he told me that she was the one for him. ‘I am going to marry that girl, mama,’ he would tell me. He would invite her on picnics and trips to the estate. He was madly in love with her and she was with him. Anyone who saw them together could see it. Something like you and Grayson.” She patted Jessie’s hand and smiled, “Oh, the two of you are not as subtle as you may think to these experienced eyes. I too had a lover, my darling. I know those looks, smiles, and minute gestures.” They laughed together and spent a little time in their private memories.

“Deaglan had invited Thaliana to go with him to the Loch Criostail Agus Eas and her parents had agreed and we were well on our way when Marie-Louise had become ill. She had said she was feeling unwell that morning but insisted on coming with us. Marie-Louise hates missing out on anything.” Genevieve smiled at the memory of her younger daughters’ stubbornness. “Rourke and I took her back to the house and Deaglan, Thaliana and Benjamin were with Gibbs and three other staff and groomsmen, so we allowed them to continue without us. On their way back Deaglan and Thaliana decided to race and Thaliana pulled way ahead on her beautiful black stallion. Her family was well known for their love of horse flesh and they had only the best horses for the family. Grayson has a keen eye for horses. When Deaglan reached their point of end post, which was the great Birch tree on the property, she was not there and he became immediately alarmed and then even more so when he saw her horse bolting out of the trees. He sent the groomsmen after her horse and he headed in the direction from whence it came. He finally came home, changed horse, took a musket and lamp, and then left again with Grayson.” She wrapped the handkerchief tightly about her fingers and tears sprang to her eyes. “Gray and Deaglan found her in a boundary shack a long way away. Gray told us that he had wanted to die seeing his one and only sibling, his beautiful little sister, lying in the filth with her torn body and clothing, a ribbon tied so tightly about her neck that it cut into her flesh and her face smashed underfoot. But then he saw how Deaglan lost his mind and how the boy wanted nothing more than to die. Grayson had to knock him out with a blow to the head so that he could wrap up his baby sister to take her back home. He wrapped her in his large long coat and bound it carefully and carried her body all the way back across his saddle, holding on to her like precious cargo. He had put Deaglan over his saddle and when the child came to Grayson helped him sit upright in his saddle and they never uttered another sound about what they had seen. It was such a tragedy and so incredibly sad. When Thaliana’s body got prepared for burial they could do nothing with her mutilated head so they simply cleaned it and wrapped it in muslin. When they washed her body they found the button in her hand and they gave it to Gray. He still has it, I believe.” Genevieve shook her head and cried for her son and Jess felt heart sore for Gray and Deaglan, a brother she never knew.

“Deaglan stayed for the funeral and then left for France, vowing never to return again, and he hasn’t. Graysons’ mother passed on not long after. She just did not want to live anymore. She couldn’t even get to kiss her baby girl goodbye. The woman who prepared Thaliana for burial said the boot prints on her face were as clear as prints in the sand. The inquest was rushed along by Rancliff and they decided she had met a lover in the shack and it was a love quarrel gone wrong. Such a disgrace and blatant lie. Everyone was absolutely disgusted, but already Rancliff and Daniels had a reputation and there was fear all around.” Genevieve shivered and Jess held her close. Genevieve took a deep breath and said, “Then you arrive and bring with you all the fire and ice and heartfelt courage with you to inspire those of us who had lost our courage and fire. You came whirling through our lives reminding us all of what we fought against and lost because we lost our courage. Now we want our lives back and our homes and property. Thank you, Jessie, my baby girl.” And her mom kissed her soundly on the lips and Jess stared in shock.

“You know that is the first kiss I have ever received from another woman! My mom kissed me!” Jessie tried to bring uplifting and happy vibes to a very grim and emotional situation.

Genevieve laughed happily and hugged Jess, “You see what I mean? You just bring joy, nighean mo ghraidh. Oh, I will miss you so much when you leave me.” Jessie was totally blown away at how astute and observant her mother was and she sat staring at her with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

“What? Do you think I don’t know that you have to go back? I know you do. Rancliff has made his fortune here and somehow will reap the rewards in the twenty-first century. You have to stop him and he has to fall. I know that is what you want to do and you will do it. I know you will.” Genevieve held Jessie and then lifted her chin and looked into her eyes, “Your heart bleeds for Gem and Grayson? The ache and pain, at times, feel so unbearable that you want to stop breathing and just die, yes?”

Jessie couldn’t speak and simply nodded and allowed the tears to flow. “What you have with Grayson is more than I ever had with Rourke. Oh yes, I know I killed it when he found out about the lies and deception. Maybe we can repair the damage, maybe we cannot. But that is neither here nor there.” Taking Jess’s chin between thumb and forefinger Genevieve lifted her daughter’s tear-streaked face, “Listen to me, Jessamine, when you decide to travel back, I will keep Gem with me. He is a wonderful little boy, who is smart and shows signs of honor and loyalty. Something his father knows nothing about. Marie-Louise and Benjamin adore the boy and they all get along so well. I will make sure he is well taken care of and carries the Kellie O’Cleirigh name. I wanted to talk to you about getting a new birth certificate made out for him and give him the name Jermaine Kellie Murphy O’Cleirigh and have your father and me as his parents. We have contacts and I am not ashamed to say I would use my resources to get my own way on this matter.” And she raised her eyebrow and her chin and Jess could not have loved her mother more than at that moment.

Hugging her mother close Jessie said, “Oh mom, I will miss him so very much, but knowing you will be his mom makes me feel like a million bucks!” and Genevieve laughed, “Careful there, your father may just start looking, literally, for a million buck prancing about the estate!” And mother and daughter burst out laughing. Jessie felt so much lighter knowing Gem would be taken care of that she could have run laughing through the garden.

“As far as Grayson is concerned, I have no idea how to help the man when you leave.” Jess came crashing back down to earth with a nasty bump. “Let us just take one day at a time, my love.”

“You’re right mom. I don’t know how things will work out so I am not even going to try and plan anything.” Jessie felt and looked so sad that Genevieve was not surprised when the clouds came over and shut out the sun. My Faerie Princess, Genevieve thought quietly to herself.

“I do want to go and see Nick and obviously meet my interesting grandfather.” Jessie stood up and put out her hand to help her mom and they started walking back to the house, totally unaware that four sets of eyes had been watching them. Rourke, Grayson, and Willy smiled at one another and little Gem smiled to himself and then turned back to play with Benjamin.

Jessie went in search of Gibbs and Constance and told them of her wish to go to Broch de Clisson and they assured her they would have everything ready for her so that she could leave in the morning.

As Jess walked back to the library she began thinking about Nicholas and whether or not he would share his information with her. She needed him to admit he messed up badly and she so desperately wanted to believe he would turn himself around.

Walking around a corner she nearly collided with Willy and she smiled up at him and asked cheekily, “Lost something in the kitchen, have you?” As expected he feigned ignorance and she laughed at him. “It’s oaky, Willy. There is no harm in finding someone who warms your heart.” And she hugged him close and he held her tight. “I love you very much, Jessie.” And kissing the top of her head he pushed her past him and with a swat on her backside sent her on her way as he walked down the passage he heard her tinkling laughter and could have sworn he saw little crystal light reflections follow her. Turning and looking back at her he shook his head and changed his mind and thought his eyes were playing tricks on him.

Jessie ran up the stairs and went straight to Gem and saw him sitting at his table writing his words and the alphabet. Looking over his shoulder Jess was suitably impressed with his progress and she put her arms around him and asked, “Would you like to come with me on a short little ride? We won’t go far so if you get fatigued you can come back immediately.”

Jumping up Gem hugged her and said he would not get tired. He quickly changed into warmer riding gear and when he was ready they left the room and went downstairs hand in hand. Grayson was just about to walk out of the library when he saw them and he stood and watched as they walked out of the door and headed, unsurprisingly, to the stables.

Finally walking out of the library Genevieve walked through from the dining hall and offered him her company on the terrace where they could share a chat and something to drink. Accepting the offer they moved outside where everything had already been set up and Gray was amused by her presumptuousness and smiled. Sitting together she began asking him about his home and ships and his warehouses and he gladly indulged her as to what is plans were and how he was already drawing up documents and making preparations as they saw Jess and Gem in the distance near the tree line.

Gem chatted happily as they took a leisurely walk with the horses and he asked about trees and flowers and mushrooms that he saw. Jess indulged they boy and told him all she knew about the things he asked. Finally, he looked up at Jess and said, “There is something important you need to tell me, isn’t there?” Jess couldn’t help but be amazed at how astute the child was and his ability to read people at such a young age.

“Yes, you’re right, Gem. There is something of the utmost importance that we need to discuss. You know we have to make it seem like you are not the child of the man you call father, right?” Jess asked and the boy nodded sagely. “Well, my mother has come up with a wonderful idea that I think you will appreciate. She knows someone who will be able to issue you with a new birth certificate so we will be able to alter your name and if you are agreeable we will say your name is Jermaine Kellie Murphy O’Cleirigh and my father and mother will become your father and mother? Then Marie-Louise and Benjamin will be your brother and sister. How does that sound to you?”

Gem was quiet for a while and Jess began to think the child was going to say he hated the idea, but finally, he said, “That sounds like a good idea, Jessie. I may not get my wish to have you as my mother, but I will have your name and Grayson’s name. I will even have Ben’s name and that is an honor because he was a good man and he was your father for all of your life.” Jess could have fallen off the horse so amazed was she at the child’s very mature attitude. He was incredibly amazing and she felt only love for him. Reaching over she ruffled his crazy auburn hair. ’I love you so much, Gem. No matter what happens I never want you to forget that.”

Looking up at her and smiling he said quietly, “That is the one thing I will never doubt in all of my life as long as I live. I love you very much, Jessamine.” Jessie’s heart swelled with pride at the little boy beside her who sounded like a young man.

But then she remembered he was still a child and asked if he wanted to race back to the stables and he happily said yes and they were off, but Jess kept Spark in check and Jackson pipped her at the finish line.

Walking back into the house Gem told Jess he was starving and she sent him off to find some food. Jess headed to the dining hall and saw that the lunch buffet was still on the sideboard. She took a plate and piled it high with meats and cheese and fruit and then as an afterthought she added a couple of fruit tarts and then poured a good helping of wine and walked outside to sit on the terrace.

Settling down Jess heard someone else at the buffet, but she continued to eat in silence and in her own world. When a shadow fell across her table she looked up and saw Grayson standing smiling down at her and she held her hand out for him to sit down and join her.

Looking at her plate he asked, “Hungry Jess?” and she rolled her eyes as she bit into a fruit tart and he laughed at her. She noticed his plate was piled just as high and he scarfed the food down as well. She watched him for a short while and then asked, “What is happening about your land and home?” he looked at her and said quietly, “I wanted to ask your advice on that. Would you mind just listening and hearing me out?” she looked at him and nodded, “Of course. Tell me whatever is on your mind.”

“Well, seeing as I am able to get my land and home returned to me, I was thinking of signing the ships and warehouse over to Willy. I think he would make an amazing go of it and be a success. Even if I gave him the house and land, he would make a success of that as well, but if we manage to get Rancliff indicted, charged and he is found guilty then Willy’s land will be returned to him. But if not, then he will at least have the trade ships and warehouse. What do you think?” Gray looked up at her and she took a big gulp of the wine. As much as she knew she would miss Willy, she knew that he belonged here and besides he promised to help Beatrice with her House of Steele seamstress shop and business, so Jess hid her hurt and told Gray she thought that was a wonderful idea as long as he would not miss the sea too much. “If I miss it too much I will offer Willy to captain one of his ships for a while.” He grinned at her and Jess loved him for his heart and sense of loyalty and honor.

“You are a good man, Grayson.” She said and reached over and held his hand.

“Yes, I have been told often what a ‘good’ man I am.” He grinned mischievously and she grinned back. Changing the subject he said, “Your mother told me what she proposed for Gem. Did you talk to him while you were on your ride?” He watched her face carefully and the pain was in his eyes when he saw Jess struggling with her pain and hurt.

“Yes, we did speak about it and he is quite happy with the arrangement. He did say he would have preferred me as his mother, but if not, my mother was a good alternative.” She smiled bravely at him and he squeezed her hand.

“What did he think of his name?” Gray pushed his plate aside and drank a mouthful of his wine.

“Jermaine Kellie Murphy O’Cleirigh? He said he felt honored to have such distinguished names from such honorable men.” Jess raised her eyebrows and Gray nodded.

“He is a good lad, Jessie. Must be only his mother’s blood running through his veins.” He watched her face carefully and continued their conversation. “I believe you’re going to meet your grand sire tomorrow. Do you have plans to see your brother as well?”

“To be honest with you, I am deathly afraid of seeing Nick again. I don’t know if I have been too naïve over the years or I was blinded by loyalty to family not to notice what an absolute train wreck he is, but my mother revealed some shocking news regarding him that I am hoping is not true, but I will be able to see for myself.” Jessie went over their conversation and admired her mother for being so honest with her, but to believe Nick was Rancliff’s child was just too much. The fact that Ben raised him made Jessie’s lunch want to come back up. What made her heart ache the most was Nick was responsible for Ben’s death but he never said a single word of apology. Not one word. Jess needed to see if the Nick she remembered was still in there somewhere. The Nick who would show love and compassion, kindness and loyalty, and just be the guy she remembered.

“May I know what your mother told you?” Jessie jerked her head up, forgetting Gray was sitting in front of her.

No lies and no secrets were between them, ever, so Jess said told him. She told him everything exactly as Genevieve had told her and Gray looked furious and he rubbed his hands over his face. “Those men are utter bastards! The affidavits need to work so we can get them completely out of our lives and have them pay for their crimes.” Then he stopped and stared at Jess with a shocked expression on his face and she knew what he was going to say. “Sweet Jesus! Rancliff’s son was the cause of Ben’s death! Jess, I am so sorry. This must be so hard for you, growing up with a person you thought to be your brother, but is not, and then finding out he isn’t the person you always thought he was.” He leaned over the table and touched her face. “Jessie, mo gra, you truly are a woman of substance and I love you deeply.”

Jessie was overcome by his words and show of genuine caring. They had been together for such a short time, but it felt like a lifetime because of how well they knew each other.

“What is the real reason you want to speak to your brother?” he asked as he looked into her eyes.

“He knows where Rancliff keeps all of his personal documents and ledgers and bank accounts. I am going to find out and then steal them. I am going to steal it all right out from under his nose, Gray. He is going to look for his personal papers and it will all be gone and I want to see his face when that happens. I want him to know that I destroyed him!” Jessie said with a vicious look of vengeance on her face and ice fire in her eyes.

Gray held her hand and worried for her because he knew what a dangerously devious man Rancliff was. But he knew Jess too and she had a very determined look on her face and he knew no amount of dissuasion would work so he planned to be there for her and support her no matter what, for however long.

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