I Am Jessamine

Chapter 24

Early the next morning they hitched up the cart, loaded Nick on the back with the blankets and all the other luggage Jess had removed and packed him in as tightly as they could. Willy handled the wagon and Jess and Gray rode behind on the horses. Jessie was cold, but felt refreshed up on the back of the horse beside Gray. They had a long day ahead of them, but Jess was ready. There was something very important to tell Gray that she had not done as yet and he needed to know. They had no secrets between them so Jess felt this may just be the only opportunity would get to tell him of their child that she had miscarried.

By the time their raggedy little troupe arrived at her parent’s estate as the sun was touching the horizon, Jess had cried herself out and her heart had broken a thousand times over for Gray. She had told him everything. The attack, the loss of their baby, her brothers’ involvement with Rancliff and Daniels and her wish to keep Gem. All of the emotions she could have thought of were thrown upon the man and he had cried, railed at the world, sworn vengeance and she had to quite literally hold him back when she told him everything about Nick. He wanted to throttle him on the back of the wagon. They were both physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted so when they finally arrived on the road that took them up to the front of the house Jess felt as though she could have melted right off her saddle from wariness.

As they got closer Jess could see her father and mother on the top steps and staff standing on the lower stairs. Finally stopping Gray jumped down and then helped Jess off her horse and without knowing how, Genevieve was there with her arm around Jessie, took her tricorne off and said kindly, “Oh my darling baby girl, my heart aches and bleeds for you. Everything is being arranged as we speak. The tub, the clothing, the food and then bed. You look fit to drop.” Genevieve stopped and stared at Jess and said with alarm, “Jessie, what happened to the side of your head?” Jessie raised her hand and touched where her mother was looking and she winced at the sensitive bump. “I got smacked on the head when I was taken. I didn’t even think to check on it.”

Gray stepped forward and gently moved her hair and sucked his breath in. “Jessie, mo gra, this is a nasty cut and bump.” Looking over at Genevieve he asked, “Is the surgeon still here?” At her nod Gray turned to one of the staff and ordered that he go find the doctor.

As they started walking towards the stairs a groan from the back of the wagon stopped them and Genevieve frowned and asked Jess, “What is that?”

Looking at her mother and sighing deeply Jess said quietly, “It’s Nicholas.”

Without another word Jessie continued walking slowly up the stairs and into her fathers’ waiting arms. “Go on, my sweetest, your chambers have been prepared for you.” And he gently pushed her towards the front doors where she saw Constance and Beatrice waiting for her. Jessie moved closer and then noticed where Beatrice was looking and Jess turned around and saw a quick moment between her and Willy. Jess looked back and forth one more time and smiled at the idea and when she saw how quickly Beatrice covered her look of concern and then relief and Willy hurriedly went to stop Gray dragging Nick off the wagon she grinned like a smug mama bear.

Trudging up the stairs slowly with Constance and Beatrice fussing Jessie saw a wild-haired child on the top step with tears streaming down his face and she stopped. “Come to me my darling.” And she opened her arms. Little Gem virtually flew down the few stairs and launched himself into Jessie’s arms and she held him close. Not caring where they were and ignoring the protestations from the two ladies, Jess sat on the step with Gem. Kissing his little face and cuddling his small frame Jessie felt warm and comfortable and the idea of them parting once again squeezed her heart in a vice.

A movement below them caught Jessie’s eye and she looked into her favourite green eyes and her chest constricted as she saw tears flood his eyes. Turning away so the staff couldn’t see his tears Gray walked off towards the library.

Jessie stood with Gem and started asking how he was and what he had been doing. Gem still whispered croakily, but Jess could see he was healing in leaps and bounds. He had been moved back into his own bed chamber and Jess promised she would pop in and see him as soon as she had bathed and had something to eat. The boy happily went with Lizzy back to his room and Jess dragged herself the rest of the way to her room. As soon as she entered the two women pounced on her and removed her clothing and boots tut-tutting and gasping at her fresh bruises and scrapes. Jess ignored them and stepped into the tub and flopped like seal and sank down so the water covered her head too. Staying down for as long as she could Jess felt the hot water seeping through her cold bones and her freezing toes. When she emerged from the water the two women pounced on her and the scrubbing began in earnest. Grumbling that she could bath herself, thank you very much, the ladies simply smiled and said they were following Madame Genevieve’s orders. Jess shook her head and left them to it.

Jess had a snow white muslin night dress dropped over her head and a gown that looked like pure silver wrapped around her and little white satin shoes slipped onto her feet. Her hair had been towelled dry by Constance in front of the fire while her arms and legs were rubbed with ointment by Beatrice. When there was a knock at the door Beatrice ran to answer and took a tray from someone and then led Doctor Pumphrett over to Jess so that he could assess the nasty bump on her head. “Well, my dear, this does look rather nasty. There is a lot of blood beneath the skin and fortunately it is being hidden by your hair, but that cut ought to have had stitches. I cannot stitch it now, but you need to keep your eye on it.” At this Jess looked at the ladies and they merely nodded. They would keep an eye on it, Jess knew she’d be fine.

Thanking them all for their kindness and attention Jess asked that she be given about an hour to herself so she may have something to eat and perhaps have a nap. The doctor agreed with that and offered to leave something to help her sleep, but Jess declined and said she would be just fine.

Constance and Beatrice quickly straightened up the room and left with towels, buckets, clothing and a basket of different salts and ointments. Jess started walking towards the table near the window where the tray had been placed and remembered little Gem. Deciding the food can come later Jess rushed out of the room and down the passage. Gem was sitting in his bed reading a children’s book and Jess joined him. He snuggled closer and Jess told him about what had happened. Obviously leaving out the gory bits like slicing her brother and what had happened to young Shawn, whom she needed to still ask about. When she started yawning Gem kindly suggested she go back to her own room and sleep, he said he would understand and Jess laughed and hugged the boy, kissed him on the nose and wished him sweet dreams.

Jess returned to her room and went straight for the tray and found sliced cold chicken breasts, various cheeses, bread, fruits and a large slice of apple pie. Jess ate her fill and placed the lid back on the tray and then she kicked off her slippers, dropped her gown on the chair and gratefully climbed on the marshmallow bed and cuddled down onto the cloudy pillows.

Pulling her hair loose she heard a light tap on her door and rolling her eyes, thinking it was Gem, Jessie called out softly for him to come on in. The door opened quietly and Jess lay waiting for Gem, but when the bed buckled beneath a weight that was definitely not Gem, Jessie’s eyes flew wide open and she reached for her dagger under her pillow, but she stopped when she realized there was nothing to fear.

Gray pulled her close into his embrace and Jessie felt her body melt into his. She sighed and allowed herself to be overcome with the love and passion she felt for him. It was something almost beyond her control. “Did you, at least, lock the door behind you?” Jess asked quietly against his chest.

“You better believe it!” Gray growled and Jess laughed softly.

Her hands travelled over his arms and chest and began unbuttoning his shirt. He had obviously already bathed because he smelled clean and his shirt smelled fresh. Jess tugged his shirt up and he pulled it the rest of the way over his head and Jess pressed him back into the wonderfully soft bed. It was dark outside and the fire was low so they were illuminated by the warm orange glow and the shadows.

Jess crawled down his legs and unbuttoned his trousers, pulled them down, pulled off his boots and socks and then his trousers the rest of the way and she flung them over her head to land in a heap on the floor. She then spread his legs and started kissing from his angles all the way up his legs. Using her hands, lips and tongue to arouse and caress and give pure joy. Grays’ fists gripped the comforter with his fists and pushed his head back into the pillows as Jessie moved on up and kissed and caressed the warmest, happiest part of his body. If Jess had any doubts about how he felt for her they were very quickly expelled as he mouth moved over him. Taunting, teasing and generally driving him wild, Jess could see his jaw tighten and his head roll from side to side, she could hear him sucking in his breath between his teeth and she smiled wickedly.

Jessie released him and moved up and straddled his hips as he groped for the ribbons to release her night dress. Once they were loose she pulled it over her head and tossed that too on the floor. His hands found her breasts and the heat that swirled all the way through Jess lifted her even higher. She lifted herself and reached down to his engorged manhood and brought it directly to her waiting, aroused, moist and throbbing passion. Spreading her lips Jess lowered herself a little and Gray groaned out softly and he tried to lift his hip, but with a wicked grin Jess rose with him, not allowing him to take her just yet. He stared at her with a crooked grin and glittering green eyes and Jess lifted her hair off her shoulders and raised herself a little more and feeling her passion raging uncontrollably she then dropped herself down onto him extracting a gasp from Gray, “Oh god, mo gra, you are going to drive me wild!” As they started moving as one Jess whispered, “It is only fair, mo cuishle, for you steal my every breath when you touch me.” And together they rode their passion all the way to the heavens where the stars could shoot past and they remained as one. Their bodies erupted simultaneously in a fireworks of explosions and breaths were of those who had run for miles. As they found their way back to earth and the comfort of one another’s arms Jess leaned over onto his chest and Gray held her close. They stayed this way until their breathing was under control and they could move and speak again.

“Jessie?” he whispered her name and ran his fingertips down her spine as she remained straddled over him.

“Hmmm?” was all Jess could manage.

“What we have between us? Is it normal?” she heard the uncertainty in his voice and she smiled against his chest and she prayed that the next words she uttered were the right ones for him to understand.

Lifting herself and moving up to lay beside him she wrapped her arm around him and he cradled her on his arm Jessie finally said, “I don’t know about ‘normal’ because I always question what that is, but I can tell you that what we have will never be felt by you or I should we ever meet and be with someone else. What we have will carry us through lives, across entire universes, time over time.” And Jess felt the heat behind her eyes again. All the gods knew she did not want to leave him or Gem and when she did she would leave a part of her own soul with them, but she was from another time, the future. She had responsibilities that she had to return to and a life. She always tried hard not to think too much about it because it hurt way too much.

But for now, she was here, and she would make the most of it and she would love Gray with everything she had. She would probably grow old alone, but she didn’t care. She got to experience having the love of her life with her. She knew what it meant to have a soul partner and it was mystical, magical and so very divine.

Gray must have felt her emotions and he knew and understood what she was thinking. She had never lied to him nor had she made promises. His heart felt as though it would turn to ice every time he thought of a life without Jessie, but like her, he would offer his body and all the love he possessed while they were together because he knew he would never find another Jessamine Aine.

Instead of speaking with words he simply began kissing her and allowed his lips to show his love and passion for her. His warm mouth travelled down her neck and shoulder and finally found her pert little breasts. He sucked and licked and Jess squirmed and purred beneath his touch. His hands travelled down her body to her tiny waist leaving her skin feeling hot and clammy. He then traced her hips with his lips and finally he found what he knew would drive her to passions heights. He lifted her leg and bent it at the knee as she lay on her side and his lips travelled down her belly as his fingers touched and caressed. Finally he pushed his head down between her legs and is mouth took possession of her most intimate and passionate of places. His tongue flicked and his mouth sucked as he drew her to the brink of the abyss and then lay her on her back, got over her and entered her gently and slowly he began moving down sliding into her and Jess raised her hips and gyrated against him making him wonder who was driving whom passionately crazy. Their passionate clammy bodies joining and sticking together and then releasing. They smiled up at each other with faces and eyes filled with love and as they reached up to the heavens once more and they each had one another’s name on their lips and once again the universe enveloped them in its mystical and magically passionate embrace.

Jessie and Gray lay entwined in the aftermath of their passion and allowed their racing hearts and wildly vibrating passion to subside and their breathing to normalise. After a few minutes Gray said, “I want us to stay like this forever, Jessie, but I know what your plans are and I can’t be angry with you because you have never deceived me or lied to me. What kills me is when you go back I don’t know how I will survive it or the fact you will be two hundred years ahead and my bones will be white in the grave by then.” Gray sounded so incredibly sad and Jessie had a hard time trying to keep herself together. His arms tightened about her and Jess cuddled closer, “Gray, our love will never die. What we have is far too strong and we will always find each other, no matter where we go or how long we may be apart. The idea of no longer being with you frightens me so much that I can barely breathe. I sometimes think maybe it would have been better if we never met, but that’s stupid because our love is eternal and it was meant to happen, whether today or tomorrow, in this lifetime or the next. We will always be, from now until the end. Our bodies may fade and die but us, our souls, our connection, that my precious man, will live for all eternity.” Jessie couldn’t tell how or why she believed this to be so, but something inside her just knew.

Gray would never be able to live in the twenty-first century. A man like him, being so independent and the laws being what they are, the technology, and no it would all be too much for him, Jessie thought sadly. God she needed to talk to someone about this, but who. Willy wouldn’t work because he made it work when he time travelled because of his oath and his loyal nature, but she saw for herself now how happy he was in this time and he clearly had affections growing for darling Beatrice. He had given up twenty five years of his life for her and she will be damned if she took another year from him. Then it struck her, Genevieve! Who else?! She left and came back so she will have a good idea of how it was. Jess made the decision to speak to her mother as soon as she could and try and make some sense out of her turmoil.

Jessie felt Grays’ chest moving gently and she knew he had fallen asleep, but she lay with him freely allowing her tears to flow. Her heart broke every time she thought about leaving Gray and Gem. Oh god, Gem, my sweet baby Gem! Jessie cried harder and felt Gray pull her in closer in his sleep and she pressed herself tightly to him and held on for all she was worth, even if just for tonight.

Jessie grumbled awake when she felt Gray moving beside her and she automatically reached out to him and he took her hand and kissed her fingers. “It is time for me to leave your warm and welcoming body, mo gra.” He whispered in her hair and ran his fingers down her arm. Groaning Jessie reached for him and wrapped her arms about him and he laughed deeply and softly. “The sun will be up in about an hour or so and I don’t think your papa will appreciate finding me in your bed. He may just challenge me to a duel!” This brought Jessie’s head up and she peered at him from beneath his arm, “You are joking, right?” and Gray shrugged. “One never knows how a father will take his daughters’ stolen chastity right under his roof.” Jessie drew her leg over him and began to rub him gently with her thigh, “That won’t be a problem then,” she whispered in a husky voice, “I will tell him I corrupted you, body and soul.” And she slid over him and began the play of love once more.

Jessie rushed over to Gem as soon as she had managed to crawl out of bed after Gray had quietly snuck out of her room, a little later than he had wanted, but Jess didn’t care she had thoroughly ravished him. She was back in her comfortable ‘lads’ garb of leather as per the message she had received from her father. Jess was not at all tomboyish, but she had grown fond of her trousers, boots and long coat, but she was curious about her fathers specific attire wish.

Knocking softly on the door she walked in and Gem was sitting at his table looking out of the window. Jess felt instant concern and went over to him and kissed him on the head and sat down beside him and asked what he was reading, but he said nothing and merely pointed outside and Jess followed his gaze. Coming down the hill was a full company of soldiers in their bright red coats and Jess felt icicles down her spine.

Jess pulled him away from the window and sat him on his bed, “Gem, my darling, do not come out of your room. Do you hear me? Please, look at me baby?” and the child turned his head slowly and looked at Jess. His eyes were huge and he was as white as a sheet. “Is he coming to take me, Jessie?” the child asked in a small voice. “No. He is not.” Jess said firmly. “He does not know you are with me. No one who is not meant to know who you really are will not have a clue. Listen to me, Gem. I will not let you go near him ever again. Do you believe me Gem?” She held the boys face and made him look into her eyes. “Yes, Jessie, I believe you.” She held him close, “Good, because I am being truthful. Stay here and I will send Lizzy up to keep you company until he is gone.” And Jess kissed him on the head, jumped off the bed and raced out of the room and nearly sent Lizzy flying.

“Oh god, I am so sorry Lizzy! But I am glad you are here.” But before Jess could finish the girl said quickly, “Your mama has sent for you. I will stay with Gem and make sure no one sees him or knows he is here. I promise I will take care of him, Mistress Jessie.” She said breathlessly and carelessly as referring to her mother other than Mistress was taboo, but Jessie believed the girl and rushed by and down the stairs into the hallway where her mother and father were standing with Gibbs, Willy, and several of their gentlemen staff.

Her father saw her and pulled her aside and thanked her for adhering to his request. He quickly filled her in. “Governors Ranford and Trent left yesterday afternoon, with the affidavits from most of our guests from the ball, just after the gaol wagon took Daniels to Longmore. If Rancliff were to ask we decided to tell him that the Governors are on their way to Ennis in Clare on their official duties, but in fact are on their way to Galway where they shall board the Flying Fox, that they privately secured from Grayson, which will take them, post haste, to London England. We all have to play a part,” Rourke raised his voice so everyone could hear him, “so people, get into character.”

Grayson came marching into the hall dressed in his full Captain’s uniform and it appeared as though he also had his part to play in this charade to get Rancliff sorted once and for all. There were about ten or so guests that were still at the estate and they too came forward into the great entrance hall. Beatrice came out from the kitchen area with three of her staff carrying a rather large cake and Jess frowned and looked at Willy and then her father. “We are celebrating Lady Bolger’s birthday today.” He said and winked at Jess as she looked around to see her table companion come gliding through the guests and preen happily and clap her hands at seeing the cake. “Nothing like turning forty-nine twice in one year.” She said and giggled while clearly enjoying her part in the charade.

Just then the clatter of horse hooves were heard outside and the guests then started singing ‘Happy Birthday’ as loudly as they could to Lady Bolger so the noise of their arrival was drowned out, which would entail Rancliff either having to wait or getting off his horse and entering the hall, which would undoubtedly rankle him tremendously setting him on his back foot, so to speak. Jess hoped he would enter the hall.

She got her wish. As everyone was shouting congratulatory comments and clapping and whooping loudly while a fiddler played a very noisy, but jolly, tune the doors were unceremoniously banged open and everyone took their time turning around or even noticing there was anyone standing in the doorway.

Quickly stepping forward Gibbs grabbed hold of the door and received a very harsh and cold stare from a very tall, aristocratic-looking man with ice-cold grey eyes. Jessie saw anger, hate, irritation, and a very large amount of self-importance in this man’s face. She was good at reading people and this man scared her. He was capable of just about anything, but there was something very familiar about him, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

Gibbs cleared his throat, but not too loudly, and said in a mediocre voice, “Brigadier General Ratliff.”

“Rancliff! Good god, you idiot!” Rancliff rudely scolded Gibbs.

“I do beg your pardon, sir.” Apologized Gibbs insincerely, but gave a small bow anyway.

“Good day, Brigadier General Rancliff. What brings you out to these parts, my good man?” asked Rourke politely and every single one of the guests turned to look at Rancliff and then turned their backs and walked into the dining hall as the staff carried the cake and the trays of sherry after them. Every one of Rourke’s guests had been affected in some way, by a direct attack or of a friend or family member, who fell under the wrath of Rancliff. Many had given witness affidavits and many had given personal affidavits accusing Rancliff and Daniels of fraudulent behavior through lies and treachery. All through the ball guests had been going in ones and twos to attest to the nefarious goings-on and being witness to each other’s attestations in their affidavits. Jess had been supremely impressed by her fathers’ gentlemanly conduct. Absolutely no attention had been drawn to the goings-on and even while Daniels had been in their company, he had not seen or been aware of this.

Seeing this infuriated Rancliff and his face turned pink, but he reigned in his temper with an effort. Moving further into the entrance hall Rancliff looked around at everyone and his eyes looked right through Genevieve as though she was standing naked before him and Jess wanted to punch him in his self-righteous nose. Instead, she stepped in front of her mother and Rancliff looked her up and down with narrowed eyes and he took extra note of the scar along her jaw. Then turning abruptly he looked at Gray and his eyebrows rose. “What the devil are you doing here?” and he called to the two men behind him still standing by the door, “Arrest him and put him in manacles!” When the men hesitated with their questioning faces and ‘Sir?’ he shouted, “Now!”

“You won’t be arresting anyone here today, Rancliff.” Said Rourke politely.

“Is that so, O’Cleirigh, and why is that?” Rancliff asked while snapping his fingers at his men trying to make them move faster.

“Captain Grayson Iain Murphy has been cleared of all charges and found to be innocent of the crimes you accused him of,” Rourke spoke gently and calmly, but Jess saw the fury just beneath the surface.

Rancliffs men had stopped in front of Gray, who had his hand on his sword, and they became uncertain of what to do as he stared them down with unconcealed disgust.

“On who’s authority, might I ask?” he raised his chin and looked down his nose as he glared at his fearful men, clearly rankled by their reticent behavior.

“Initiated and approved by Governor Ranford and seconded by Governor Trent. Duly noted, signed, and sealed. Copies of which have been delivered to and acknowledged by the magistrates of Belfast, Galway, Cork, and Dublin so that all properties belonging to Captain Murphy are released and returned forthwith.” Rourke smiled kindly and then raised his finger as though just remembering something, “That would include his family’s land as well.” And he bounced on the balls of his feet folding his hands behind his back looking very smug indeed and Jessie grinned at her father.

Rancliff looked fit to explode. “Well, I will have to see about that. It seems incredibly fortuitous for Murphy to be here when you have your social event and now he has his properties and land returned after I seized them because of proof I have that he and his ilk are traitors to the crown! I should have had you shot!” he yelled at Gray and was treated to one of the toothiest grins from Gray any one of them had ever seen and Jess raised her eyebrow and hid her own grin. “Do you have proof of this pardon with you?” Rancliff hissed and glared at Rourke.

Gray was the one who inclined his head, and still with a smile on his face, pulled out a letter with a very specific design on the paper and a magnificent red seal with a red ribbon through it. Rancliff ordered one of his men to take it and give it to him. He snatched the letter and opened it with a flourish and Jessie saw his jaw muscles working and his eyes narrowing as he read the articles Governor Ranford and Trent had set down within. He almost threw the letter back at the soldier who handed it back to Gray with an apologetic smile and small bow.

Waving his hand at Gray as though shooing a fly Rancliff spoke to Rourke in a bored tone, “I never came here for that anyway. You have one of my officers here and I would like him returned to his regiment right now.” He was clearly referring to Daniels.

“If you are referring to Colonel Daniels then I am afraid he has already been collected by the gaol wagon and is probably a day away from Longford prison as we speak.” Rourke sounded very reasonable.

Rancliff looked enraged and put his hand on his sword and took a step forward and his two men fell in behind him. Every other man in the hall put their hands on their swords as well and stepped forward and Jess felt that this was ridiculous. She wanted no one in her family to be arrested, because of Daniels, for doing the right thing so she stepped forward and said to her family, “Colonel Daniels is no longer on the property. No amount of sword fight will change that fact.” Turning to Rancliff she said, “Daniels was arrested and was found guilty of the crime he was charged with. He has been taken to Longford. That’s it. The end. If you want him back so badly go and pay for his lawyer or whatever it is you do to get your cronies released from prison for committing crimes.” And she turned and walked to her mother and she knew Rancliff was staring hate daggers at her and he appeared quite astounded that all of these people were no longer afraid of him.

Spluttering angrily he glared at Jess, “Just who the devil you are? One of the O’Cleirigh bastards, I presume? Oh now I remember, you are the son who ran to France with his tail between his legs when he found his whore lover beaten to death!” Jessie looked up and saw Gray’s face and she became afraid, but no sooner had Rancliff made this vicious comment than every one of the men in their group gathered around Gray. Willy held one arm and Gibbs the other while the other large male staff members moved in closer. Jess was impressed, her father had prepared very well and he did it so succinctly and without fuss. He really was a smart man, Jess thought as she looked on admiringly at her father. Feeling encouraged Jessie walked slowly back to stand in front of Rancliff and said in a tone that would scare baby rabbits. “You horrible, revolting excuse for a human being. What a terrible thing to say in front of the murdered girl’s brother. I am not Deaglan. My brother is in France and due to marry soon and he vowed never to return to Ireland.” Jess stared him down with blue rage burning in her eyes and he took a small step back.

“Who are you?” he whispered as he frowned at her and committed her face to memory.

“That, Rancliff, is none of your goddam business.” Jessie stared at him and her small body was vibrating with anger. This man was the epitome of evil.

Still glaring at Jessie he asked, “What alleged crime was Colonel Daniels accused of and then sentenced to jail for, may I ask?” once again he reverted back to the mightier than thou attitude and looked down his nose at everyone.

It was Genevieve who stepped forward this time and said in her thick French accent, “He brutally assaulted and viciously raped one of my personal maids who also happens to be the youngest daughter of my housekeeper.’

“And may I ask where the proof of this is?” he was being a total bastard now, thought Jess.

“She survived.” Said Genevieve, “and was able to give an account of who her attacker was. He was the only uninvited guest we had who happened to be wearing the uniform of one of the soldiers of His Majesty King George the IV.” And Genevieve raised her chin haughtily, turned on her heel, and headed out of the entrance hall and into the dining hall where a huge amount of laughter was emanating from and quietly closed the door behind her, and Rancliff’s narrowed eyes followed her before he turned back to Rourke.

“I want a list of all of the guests who attended your social event and I can tell you right now that if any are known or even suspected traitors I will have you all thrown in prison,” then pointing at Rourke he said angrily, “beginning with you!”

“If you wish to have that list then I suggest you go through all the correct procedures to obtain my personal and private property and then bring me the duly signed Warrant and I shall then happily provide you with that list.” Rourke smiled smugly at him and watched Rancliffs rage burn.

“This is not over O’Cleirigh. I should have killed you twenty-five years ago when I had the chance!” he said through a tight jaw and gritted teeth.

“The reason you didn’t kill me twenty-five years ago, Rancliff was because my family jewels and our gold were far more important to you at the time, so you walked off with that and never looked back. Greed for riches and wealth that are not earned can cause a man to walk blindly.” Now Rourke started to show his anger and he stepped forward closer to Rancliff. “If you have no further business here I would like to get back to my family and friends.” And Rourke stood with his arm extended towards the door, a clear indication that Rancliff should leave.

Turning slightly, but looking at each and every person in the hall his eyes fell on Jessie, who continued to wrack her brain as to where she had either seen him before or met him, and then Gray and then, most surprisingly Rancliff’s eyes and face flashed recognition, as his eyes fell on Willy and lingered. Jess looked closely at him, but surely Rancliff could not remember from all those years ago, Jess thought. But as he started to turn away Rancliff stopped and looked back at Willy, “William James MacLeod! Well, I’ll be damned!” With a knowing smirk Rancliff nodded and finally turned to leave and Willy, looking like thunder himself, muttered just loud enough, “Aye, you are so damned.”

Glancing back before finally walking down the stairs Rancliff mouthed a name to Willy and Jessie was able to read his lips. Seeing the name Benjamin Kellie mouthed by Rancliff made Jess feel sick to her stomach, but she knew without a doubt lines had been drawn and this was not over, but a small niggle had her curiosity levels spilling over.

What did Rancliff, Benjamin Kellie, and Willy all have to do with each other? Why did Rancliff smile as though he just scored a great hit? Concern filled Jessie and she glanced at Willy who looked to be avoiding her eye.

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