His to Own (Mafia Kingpins Book 1)

Chapter 14

I wish Alessia was wearing her dress so I could slip my finger into her panties, but it seems like my touch is having the desired effect. I notice her hand shake, feel her thighs begin to tremble and I smirk, innocently chewing on my cherry danish.

Nothing gives me greater pleasure than making my wife come.

While she struggles to answer a question my brother just asked, I decide to show her sweet mercy and stop stroking. Deciding to finish what I started later, the moment my family is out that door, I give her thigh a final squeeze and bring my hand back up, grab my coffee and take a long, satisfying sip.

No matter how many times I fuck Alessia, I can’t seem to get enough. Leaning back in my chair, I study her profile and wonder why that seems to be the case. I’ve always been able to have a good time with a woman, fuck her then walk away without a second thought. Actually, my second thought is I usually hope she doesn’t become a clinger and start harassing me about a relationship. So, it still surprises the holy hell out of me that after knowing Alessia less than a day, I wanted to marry her.

Of course, she’s beautiful, but I’ve bedded my fair share of women who were just as gorgeous. She’s smart and sweet which I really like, too. And, that sassy mouth of hers has given me some delightfully charming comebacks. I took her innocence which is a big deal, and I suppose the only other virgin I slept with was my first way back when I was seventeen. We were both virgins at the time and it was awkward, fast and sloppy. I’ve refined my skills over the years and even learned a thing or two from an older woman I dated for a few weeks. Then, believe it or not, she thanked me for my time, said she hoped I learned something and moved on.

Shaking my head, I think about all of the lovers I’ve had over the years and they never meant a thing to me. Other than the physical pleasure we shared in the moment, there was nothing else. At least, I felt nothing on my end past my orgasm.

But now something is different. Something that I can’t quite explain has changed. Alessia throws her head back and laughs at something Angelo says. He’s such a playboy, worse than the rest of us, and has left a string of broken hearts in his wake. He could care less, though, and I can’t ever see the smooth-talking charmer fall in love.

Enzo is thirty, two years older than Angelo, and is the sophisticated businessman out of us all. He’s damn intelligent when it comes to numbers, figures and the stock market. He can make money without even trying anymore and keeps all of our portfolios brimming with cash. It’s hard for me to picture him married, though, because his heart has always belonged to the Almighty Dollar.

Maybe Vin will get married one day, but that would require him to start living again and open himself up emotionally. Some bitch broke his heart years ago and he hasn’t been the same since. He might get laid every once in a while, but that’s the only “L” word he uses.

Turning my attention to Lottie, I stop all thoughts about sex. My baby sister is a dreamer who believes in love and that’s all I care to know. Imagining her getting it on with some guy makes my skin crawl and if the man she falls for ends up treating her badly, I can guarantee his ass will disappear with zero trace.

Even though I wasn’t in any hurry to introduce my family to Alessia, I’m enjoying their interactions and how much they seem to love her. How can they not? I think watching my lovely wife charm them all with a story. Everything about her is fucking delightful. From her amazing sea-colored eyes to her gorgeous smile to the way she pulls my dick so deeply into her tight body that I nearly black out before coming.

My princess. All mine.

As much as I love my loud, outgoing family, I’m ready for them to leave after two hours of non-stop questions and conversation. They can be exhausting and I know they’ve overwhelmed Alessia. Hell, I’m tired. Besides, they’ve eaten every last drop of food and drank through three pots of coffee. Poor Piero has been serving us a bottomless brunch for hours.

Once I put out the hint that it’s time for them to leave, they all get up and reluctantly head for the exit. I kiss my mother’s cheeks. “I assume you’re staying at the hotel?” I ask and she nods. We own a boutique hotel in the heart of the city and my parents usually stay there when they’re visiting.

“Christmas is going to be so wonderful this year with Alessia joining us. You are planning to come to Sicily like usual, right?” my mom asks and I nod. No matter how busy our lives get, we always visit my parents’ home during the holidays and stay at the winery. “I’m looking forward to it. And maybe there will even be a bambino in the oven.”

My mouth edges up. If I have any say in the matter, there will definitely be a baby sooner rather than later. The almost overpowering urge—no, need—to procreate with Alessia and create a child with her isn’t something I’ve ever felt before with anyone. I can’t explain it, but somehow this amazing wife of mine has bewitched me.

After we all hug, kiss and say goodbye, Piero begins clearing the table and I turn to Alessia. “Well? What do you think of my crazy family? If I knew they were coming, I could’ve better prepared you.”

Alessia looks up at me and gives me a huge smile. “I love them!” she exclaims. “They’re so much fun. And they’re the complete opposite of my serious parents and stoic sister. If I could build my own family from scratch, I’d create one exactly like yours.”

My heart swells at her words. I didn’t expect her to love them so much and I’m really glad it went well. “C’mere.” I pull her into my arms and kiss her thoroughly. It’s still only mid-afternoon, but I’m on the verge of dragging Alessia to bed, when she steps back, looking up at me with the most sincere expression.

“You’re so lucky to have them as your family,” she whispers.

“They’re your family now, too,” I tell her, laying a hand along her face.

“Thank you for sharing them with me.” Then she yawns and I remember that I barely let her get any sleep last night. Deciding to be a good husband, I pull her into my arms and kiss the top of her dark, fragrant head. “How about a nap?”

Piero appears and I tell him to take the rest of the day off. I would like to be alone with my wife and not worry about Piero possibly walking in on us because there are still quite a few rooms we still need to christen.

“A nap?” she echoes doubtfully.

“I promise, I’ll let you sleep. For a little while, anyway,” I add mischievously and she chuckles.

“You’re absolutely insatiable,” she declares.

“Yeah, with you, I am completely insatiable.” There’s no point denying it. This little brunette minx makes me come undone in the best possible way and I’m starting to think she has me wrapped around that tiny finger of hers.

In order to keep my word and not jump her, I decide to avoid the bedroom and, instead, I lead her down to the big back area of the apartment where the ceilings soar. There’s a huge, very comfy leather couch and I pull her down on it, spooning her. I love the way she curls up against my body, so soft and warm. So utterly trusting. Reaching over, I tug a blanket off the back of the couch and cover us up. Then I snuggle down, getting as close as possible, and press my face into the soft strands of her hair. Breathing deeply, wrapping my arm around her body, I close my eyes and rest.

Cuddled up with Alessia, I forget about everything else. She has this magical way of becoming my whole world. Eventually, her breathing evens out and becomes slow and even. Once I know she’s asleep, I allow myself to drift off, too.

I’m not sure how much time passes, but when I open my eyes next, the sun has set and the room is dark, lit only by the city lights outside the large floor to ceiling windows. Alessia sighs softly and I press a kiss to her head.

“Are you awake?” I ask softly.

“Mmhmm,” she murmurs, turning in my arms and stretching. Then she sits up and looks down at me. “I think that was the best nap I ever had.”

“Me, too.” I grab her hand and place a kiss along her knuckles. So soft.

Alessia lifts her attention from me and gazes around the room. “Do you play?” she asks.

“What?” I’m not sure what she’s talking about until she nods to the piano in the corner.

“The piano,” she clarifies, sliding off the couch.

“Oh, ah, no.” I sit up, run a hand through my messy hair and scratch my chest. “Do you?”

I’m not sure what I’m expecting, but it isn’t Alessia sitting down on the bench and running her fingers over the keyboard. Then they begin tapping the keys and a beautiful, melodic tune fills the air. For a stunned moment, I can only listen, shocked by how well she plays.

“I took lessons for ten years,” she tells me, looking up and smiling, continuing to play without even a glance down at the keys.

I slip off the couch, stand up and walk over. Entranced, I watch the way her small, delicate fingers glide across the black and white keys, touching just the right spots to create a song. And I’m really fucking impressed. It’s more than that, though. My chest squeezes and a sense of pride makes it swell.

“You’re so good,” I tell her, laying a palm on the piano’s flat, black surface, leaning in and watching. I’m mesmerized, unable to look away. “What song is this?”

“Chopin’s Nocturne in E Flat Major (Op.9 No.2),” she says, then gives me a shy smile. “Although, I’m afraid your piano is a bit out of tune, so it doesn’t sound as good as it should.”

“It sounds brilliant,” I tell her, leaning even closer as the song speeds up slightly. “You’re brilliant.”

“I’m hardly Chopin, but I still enjoy playing. When I get the chance…”

“It sounds a little sad…and haunted,” I say, watching how effortlessly she plays. My eyes are glued to her slim, extremely talented hands, and I can’t look away. She’s creating magic and it’s beautiful.

Feeling my intense stare, she looks up and stops playing. “What?” she murmurs, looking self-conscious.

“Please, don’t stop.” I must have the strangest expression on my face, but I don’t care.

“Haven’t you ever seen anyone play the piano before?” she teases.

“Not like you.” I nod at her. “Keep playing. Please.”

“Okay.” Her fingers start moving again and music fills the room.

That old saying about how music soothes the savage beast comes to mind. And, at this moment, it feels very true. I’m feeling so relaxed and absolutely engrossed in every stroke of her fingers against the keys. After several more minutes, she finishes the piece and looks up at me.

“I’m blown away.”

“It’s really not that big of a deal.”

“It is. You’re very talented, Alessia.”

She scoots over and pats the bench. “I could always teach you.”

But, I shake my head. “No, I’d rather sit here and listen to you play. I’m going to get the piano tuned for you. Or, would you like a new one? A bigger one?”

She laughs. “No. This one is lovely. It just needs a little TLC.”

“Done. I’ll have Piero call in the morning. But, on one condition.” She lifts a delicate brow. “Will you play for me? Every night?”

“If you’d like.”

Nodding, I cup her face and realize this woman is so much more beautiful than I even realized. And, it’s her inside that’s shining right now. So damn bright. Capturing her lips in a searing kiss, I drink deeply and feel my guard coming down. I think hers is lowering as well, and my heart twists in my chest as the truth pierces me like one of Cupid’s arrows.

I am so utterly consumed with and smitten by my new wife that it’s almost embarrassing. The more I get to know about her, the more besotted I become. I’m honestly not sure how I managed before her. Or, how she is becoming such a big part of my world in such a short amount of time. It’s new and scary and so damn exhilarating.

Now that I’ve seen and tasted her sweet innocence, I can’t imagine my life without her light in it.

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