His to Own (Mafia Kingpins Book 1)

Chapter 15

After another night spent in my new husband’s arms, I’m not sore or tired. Miceli was almost a different man last night. He took his time and was so gentle. Each touch, each stroke, each kiss was almost, dare I say, done lovingly. He also made sure I got plenty of sleep and held me in his arms all night long.

I could definitely get used to it, too.

The next morning while eating a fluffy omelet prepared by Piero, I notice Miceli seems to be a little on edge. I’m learning to read him better and it’s clear to me that something is bothering him.

“What’s wrong?” I ask. “You’re being extra quiet this morning.”

He studies me for a long moment. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

My heart sinks. Uh oh. I lean forward and nod. “Okay, what?” I have no idea what to expect, but it isn’t what he tells me.

“The other day at our meeting, Rocco Bianche wasn’t happy, as I’m sure you can imagine.” His deep breath is laced in sarcasm. Then he takes a deep breath and spills it, “Your father offered Gia’s hand in place of yours.”

“What?” Horror pours through me and a sick feeling settles in my gut. “Why would he do that?”

Miceli shakes his head. “Either he doesn’t know about the rumors or he’s unwilling to believe them.”

No, Gia can’t marry Rocco. Suddenly, the weight of the world settles on my shoulders and I know this is all my fault. If my sister is forced to marry that awful man and something bad happens, I will never be able to forgive myself.

“I need to talk to him. Maybe I can convince him to rescind his offer.” My face screws up in a frown and I feel awful. I’m the one who was supposed to marry Rocco and now my poor sister is about to be tossed into the lion’s den. “I can’t let Gia get stuck with that monster. I can’t! She’s so broken, Miceli. This will push her right over the edge and I’ll never be able to forgive myself.”

“Calm down,” he murmurs, standing up and walking around the table. His hands lay on my shoulders and he begins massaging the stressful knots away. As he continues rubbing and kneading, I tilt my head back and look up at him. “I think you might be able to sway him. I almost tried the other day, but I didn’t want to press my luck.”

“I have to try,” I murmur. “I’d like to go over there today and talk to my father…and to Gia. She’s going to act like it isn’t a big deal in front of everyone, but once I get her alone, maybe she’ll open up to me and we can figure out a way to stop this.”

Miceli nods. “I have another meeting with the Five Families this afternoon, so you should probably go as soon as you can.”

“Are you coming with me?” I ask, suddenly wanting him by my side.

He reaches for my hand, lifts it and presses a kiss to its back. I’m really growing to love when he does that and my heart kicks up a notch within my chest. It’s such a sweet gesture from such a big, strong, extremely powerful man. “I have a meeting in less than an hour.” His dark eyes search mine. “Would you like me to cancel it and come with you?”

“Oh, no. That’s very thoughtful, but you go to your meeting and I’ll try to persuade my father to see some sense.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” I lift his hand to my lips and press a kiss to his knuckles this time. Heat swirls in the brown-black depths of his eyes and then he pulls me into his arms, kissing me hotly, deeply. My toes curl and I wrap my arms around his neck, my body melting against his firmness.

“I’m going to miss you,” he whispers, dropping light kisses along my face.

Smiling, I pull back and press a hand to his chest. “You better leave before…” My voice trails off and we both know what I’m going to say. Before we end up in bed and cancel the entire day. Which is starting to sound better and better.

“Leaving,” he murmurs, still pressing kisses against my cheekbone.

“Miceli!” I laugh softly and, after he kisses my lips one last time, he reluctantly steps back.

“I’ll send Leo with you,” he tells me.

“What about you? Who’s going to watch over you?”

“I’ll be fine,” he assures me.

“You better be.”

He runs his hands down the sides of my arms and grins. “Why? Would you miss me?”

“More than you know,” I answer honestly. It’s strange to think how much I’ve come to enjoy Miceli’s company and how our worlds have seamlessly intertwined in such a short amount of time. The thought of him disappearing from my life forever makes my chest tighten.

“Sweet girl,” he murmurs and kisses me one last time. “Go and see your family. And when we both get back home tonight, will you play the piano for me again?”

“Always. And I’ll have dinner ready, too.”

“You’re making Piero’s life much easier. I’ll tell him he can leave at five if you don’t need him for anything.”

“That’s fine. And I like cooking for us.”

“And I love your cooking.”

For a moment we both smile at each other and then he tells me Leo will be there momentarily. I watch Miceli walk out and think about how very different my life would be right now if Rocco Bianche were my husband. A shiver runs down my spine and I know that I need to do everything in my power to help Gia escape a future with that man.

Leo arrives shortly thereafter and drives me over to my family brownstone. It’s strange not living here any longer, but I’m slowly growing accustomed to being in Miceli’s large, bright home in the tallest skyscraper I’ve ever been in and on Billionaire’s Row. It’s strange to think how much money he has and I certainly don’t think of his fortune as ours, despite being married to him.

After thanking Leo for driving me over, he gives me a funny look.

“I’m going in with you,” he informs me. “As your bodyguard, my job is to keep you in my sight at all times.”

“It’s really not necessary,” I tell him. “I’ll be perfectly safe inside.”

“Try telling that to Miceli.” He gives me a dry look. “Stay put until I come around.” Sliding out of the bullet-proof vehicle, Leo looks around the area, taking note of everyone and everything. He’s very observant and I notice the way his hand lays over the gun hidden beneath his jacket. It’s nice knowing he’s here to watch over me when Miceli can’t. Finally, after scoping out the situation, Leo walks around the SUV, opens my door and helps me out.

He guides me over to the stairs and we walk up together. I notice how he positions himself, keeping me covered in case anyone might try to shoot or attack.

“Were you in the military?” I ask. He moves like he’s done this a thousand times before, so completely at ease with his role of protector.

“Special Forces,” he tells me, but doesn’t elaborate.

Hmm, well that explains a lot. I wonder how he and Miceli met. I’m about to ask when the door opens and my mother appears. I guess that conversation will be for another day.

My mom hugs me and we head into the living room where my father sits. Leo walks in with me, staying near the entrance, and my father’s eyes flash with recognition.

“Leo,” he states. “Glad to see you’re watching over my daughter.”

“Keeping Alessia safe is my number one priority, per Miceli.”

My father nods and motions for me to come sit down. “I have a feeling I know what this is all about,” he says, not looking too thrilled.

I don’t even try to play it cool or pretend. Sweeping over, I sit down beside him and plead, “You can’t make Gia marry Rocco, Dad. He’s a monster and⁠—”

“Monster?” my father echoes. “That’s a bit dramatic, even for you Alessia.”

“It’s true,” I insist, then look up to see Gia standing just outside the doorway. She glances over at Leo a moment too long then stands a little taller, facing off with us.

“I think I can speak for myself,” she says coolly, her ice princess persona firmly in place. “But, thank you for your concern, Lessi.”

I nod and press my lips together. If she needs me, I’ll speak up, but she is right. My older sister can and will stand up for herself and let my father know exactly how she feels about the situation.

“Are you aware of the rumors?” she asks, sweeping into the room, right past Leo without a second look. I can’t help but notice the way his eyes follow her, moving over her from head to toe. He’s studying her so closely, so thoroughly, that I’d think he’s accessing a threat. Then he must catch himself because he clears his throat and focuses on the view outside the window.

Very interesting, I think, watching them closely, gauging their quick interaction. Leo and my sister? They both come off as too serious and a little uptight at first, so I wonder how that would work? I have no idea if he’s seeing anyone special, but I know poor Gia needs a good man who can help her move on from the wreckage of her last relationship. And I really like Leo. He’s a great guy and that’s exactly what my sister needs.

“Rumors don’t equal truth, Gia,” my father states.

“There’s always a kernel of truth,” I insist. “They don’t just start from nothing.”

My father sighs heavily. “Listen to me, girls. An alliance with the Bianche family would help us tremendously. Alessia was supposed to marry Rocco, but since that clearly didn’t happen, Gia can. Why is this an issue? Don’t tell me you believe the hearsay. Rocco’s ex-fiancée left town after they had a fight. That’s all.”

I look over at my sister and Gia’s caramel eyes narrow into slits. “First of all, Alessia and I are not just two women who can be interchanged and offered up to strange men.”

The fierce and fiery tone in my older sister’s voice has me stifling a grin. She is about to let loose on our father and I want to shout with glee, “Let him have it, sis!” Of course, I don’t, but I do look over and see Leo’s lips twitch. Apparently, he’s just as amused as I am.

“We’re living, breathing, feeling human beings who happen to be of the female persuasion, but that doesn’t mean we can be given away like property. Because, if you haven’t noticed, I am no one’s chattel. I belong to me and this whole stupid thing of alliances and promises has lit a fire under my ass and woken me up.”

I glance from Gia’s red face to my mother who looks completely shocked, but happy, to Leo who’s grinning widely now to my father who has a relatively calm expression on his face considering my sister is basically chewing him out.

But, Gia isn’t finished and she continues, “When and if I decide to get married—and that’s a very big if—I will choose who I decide to spend the rest of my life with. And, I’m sorry, Dad, but there’s nothing you can do or say to convince me to marry Rocco Bianche. I almost made the mistake of giving in and going along with your wishes out of complacency, not duty. But, then I realized what a big mistake that would be. I am officially done with trying to please everyone else. From this point forward, the only one who I care about making happy around here is me!”

With a huff, Gia spins around on her heel, storms past Leo who now holds a hand over his mouth, and walks right out of the room.

“Well,” my mother says, “I suppose it’s good that Gia is, erm, feeling again. I was beginning to worry about her.”

My dad sighs heavily. “Can you talk to her, Alessia? Smooth things over for me?”

“I’m not advising her to marry Rocco,” I inform my father and stand up.

“I assumed you wouldn’t.”

With a nod, I head out and Leo follows on my heels.

“Well, that was entertaining,” he murmurs.

“I haven’t seen my sister that fired up since…” My voice trails off and I think about Marco and how happy she used to be. “Well, suffice it to say, it’s been a while.”

“She’s been hurt.”

It’s not a question and I glance over at Leo. “Yes.” I don’t offer any further information and he doesn’t ask. Once I reach Gia’s closed bedroom door, I pause and look up at Leo. “Can you give us a minute alone?”

“I’ll be right outside this door if you need me.”

“Thank you.” After a quick knock, I open the door, step inside and see Gia curled up in a chair, gazing out the window.

“I didn’t say come in,” she murmurs quietly, but without censure.

“I know.” I close the door behind me and walk over, sitting down on the edge of her bed. “But, I had to tell you how glad I am that you stood up to father.”

Gia finally looks over, her gaze moving beyond me as though searching for someone. Leo maybe? I wonder.

“He had it coming.”

“He certainly did.”

“If you’re here to persuade me to change my mind⁠—”

I shake my head. “Of course not. I’m on your side, Gia. Neither of us should be strong-armed into a marriage we don’t want.”

“It’s a little too late for you,” she comments, studying me closely, “but I have a feeling you’re warming up quite nicely to your new husband.”

My face flushes and I nod. “I am. But this isn’t about me.”

“I tried, you know,” she says, voice soft, almost far away-sounding. “After Miceli stole you away, Rocco and I met.” She hesitates.

“What happened?”

“He wasn’t very nice and seemed to enjoy talking down to me. He even said I was his second choice and he didn’t appreciate getting stuck with Miceli’s leftovers.”

“What an ass,” I fume.

“He isn’t happy and even claimed you were still his. He’s very angry that Miceli swooped in and stole his ‘future wife.’ To the point where he was saying crazy things that started to scare me. He really thinks he has some sort of claim over you, Lessi.” Her gaze wanders over to the door where Leo stands just on the other side of it. “I’m glad Miceli has someone with you when he can’t be.”

Her ominous words make my gut curdle. “Well, Rocco has no claim over me or you. And if he comes near me, I have Miceli or Leo to help. They’re always nearby.”

“Good. Just be careful. Rocco talks like you belong to him.”

“We belong to ourselves.”

“What about Miceli?” she asks, eyeing me closely.

“He doesn’t own me, but if I had to belong to someone, I don’t think I’d mind him as my keeper.”

“He treats you well?”

“Like a princess,” I tell her and smile.

And he truly does. In every possible way.

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