His to Own (Mafia Kingpins Book 1)

Chapter 13

With a cry, I fall back on the dining room table and Miceli moves between my legs, pushing them further apart with his big thighs, and kissing me like he’s desperate and can’t seem to get enough.

He’s stripped me from the waist down and I only feel exposed for a moment because then he’s covering me with his body. I’m not sure what put him in this voracious mood, but I have a feeling my afternoon with Leo may have something to do with it. It’s hard to believe this attractive, very virile, alpha man is…jealous. It’s the only explanation for his behavior.

And now he’s staking his claim and marking me thoroughly as his. A part of me enjoys knowing I have that kind of power over him. It makes me think he might actually care. Or, maybe I’m just being delusional and it’s only about sex for him.

My eyes open when he suddenly pulls back and I watch him rip off his suit jacket and loosen his tie. He doesn’t bother removing it…or his shirt. His long fingers move down, fumbling with his belt, followed by the button on his pants and zipper. So many clothes. I can’t help but smirk because he’s so frantic to kick his pants off.

After tugging his pants and boxer briefs down, his gaze meets mine for a brief moment before he drops down between my spread legs. That luscious mouth of his latches onto my pussy and I cry out. He’s not holding back and it feels like he’s eating me alive with his tongue, lips and teeth. When his fingers get involved, two of them sliding deep and thrusting in and out, I writhe, trying to squeeze my thighs together.

My body begins to tighten and I can feel my release hovering just out of reach. I’m almost there, but not quite. Not until he sucks my clit into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue. Everything snaps and I grab his hair, pulling hard as the orgasm blasts me into the stratosphere.

Somehow, this man knows how to work my body just right. Lying on the table, I’m a shaking mess and panting hard as aftershocks ripple through my body.

“Best dessert I ever had,” he rasps, licking his lips. Then he stands, spreading my slickness over his cock and begins roughly stroking it.

I let out a breath, my chest still heaving, unable to pull my eyes off what he’s doing. How he’s making his already huge cock grow longer and thicker. And how he’s spreading my wetness all over himself.

“You like watching?” he asks, voice harsh with need.

The words are caught in my throat and my pussy throbs at his words. At the way he’s choking his enormous cock.

“Tell me you like looking at me, princess.”

I’m breathing so hard and I can’t seem to look away. Precum spills from the engorged tip and he grabs my hand, dragging it over, covering mine with his as he continues running his hand up and down his hard length.

“Touch me. Squeeze me,” he encourages, tightening his hand around mine, showing me exactly what he likes. “That’s right, sweet girl. Harder.”

His head falls back and he releases a desperate, needy rasp from deep within his throat. Then he abruptly releases my hand, grasps my hips and drags me forward. My ass is hanging off the edge of the table and Miceli slams into me with one powerful stroke. My body arches up and a cry tears from my lips as he thrusts hard, in and out. The dishes and silverware on the table shake and rattle with every movement, and I grab his tie, pulling hard, and wrap my legs around his lean hips.

“Take it,” he hisses. “Take your husband deeper.”

A whimper fills the air and I realize it’s me. I lift my hips, meeting his strokes, and trying to take even more of his length. Just like he wants. He’s pounding into my slick core and I turn my head, eyes on the wine sloshing around in my glass. Just when I think there’s no way I’ll orgasm again so soon, his fingers find my clit and begin to massage and roll the swollen nub.

“Miceli,” I gasp as my inner muscles begin to tighten once again, squeezing around his cock, somehow managing to draw him as deep as possible. Our eyes lock for a brief, intense moment before mine roll back in my head and I scream from the intense pleasure which slams into me. Miceli immediately follows, his entire body consumed by a shudder as he erupts.

The heat of his release fills me and I sigh softly, out of breath and completely spent. Unable to move, I feel Miceli pull out and push me further back onto the table. A napkin gently wipes between my thighs then he scoops me up into his arms.

“Let’s go upstairs,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to my temple.

“What about the dishes?” I ask, knowing we should clean up first.

“Fuck the dishes. They aren’t going anywhere.”

Neither am I, I think. It scares me to know that I’m softening toward this man. I should hate him for forcing me into marriage, but I can’t. He intrigues me, protects me and gives me the greatest pleasure I’ve ever known.

Still though, I may have given him my body, but I’m keeping my heart locked up tight. I know he’s doing the same thing, too. Fucking is one thing. Involving emotions and opening myself up to love is a completely different and terrifying thing. Because if I fall in love with Miceli, he’ll have the power to break me. I saw firsthand what happened to my sister when she took a chance and fell in love. Poor Gia is a shell of her former self, broken beyond repair. And that’s a fate I’d like to avoid.

Miceli keeps me awake most of the night and teaches me things I never even knew existed. Sexual positions I didn’t think were possible. It turns out, I’m way more flexible than I ever thought and, by the time morning comes, I’m exhausted and sore in so many places. It’s extremely clear that my new husband is an insatiable beast who loves sex.

Sitting up in bed, I drop the sheet and stretch my arms up over my head. I’m getting used to being naked, but it’s not like I have a choice in the matter. Miceli likes my clothes off and being skin to skin with me. I have to admit, I like it, too. A lot.

I reach my hand over and lay it on Miceli’s side of the bed. The sheets are cool which tells me he got up a while ago and let me sleep in. Well, he should since he kept waking me up with his fingers, his mouth and his cock. Not that I’m complaining. It just takes a little getting used to.

I’m debating whether it’s safe to hop into the shower without getting jumped when Miceli strides into the room, a very relaxed and satisfied look on his gorgeous face.

“Good morning, princess,” he says and leans down to kiss me. His hand grips the side of my neck and jawline firmly and his tongue slides into my mouth. With a disapproving sound, I pull back and cover my mouth.

“I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”

He chuckles. “And? You think you taste any less sweet? Because you don’t.”

“Morning breath is the worst,” I insist, scooting off the bed, dragging the sheet with me. Even though I was just thinking I’m more comfortable being naked, I realize that’s only in the dark and at night. Not in broad daylight with the sun shining in and highlighting every one of my flaws.

But, being the troublemaker he is, Miceli steps on the edge of the sheet, halting my steps.

“Hey!” I try tugging it free, but it doesn’t budge. “Can I please have my sheet?”



“You have two options. Either walk to that bathroom naked, slowly, and let me watch. Or, I’ll be following you straight in there and joining you in the shower.”

My eyes widen and I can’t miss those wicked dimples of his on full display. That’s one thing we haven’t done yet and I really enjoy my alone-time while I’m bathing. I’ve told him that and I think it’s the only reason why we haven’t had sex in the shower yet. But, I’m not sure how much longer I can hold him off. There’s a feral light glowing in his eyes and I quickly let go of the sheet and spin around, getting ready to run.

“Slowly,” he reminds me and I force myself to sashay to the bathroom slower than normal.

When I reach the door and glance over my shoulder, I immediately notice his hungry look and the huge bulge tenting his pants. How can he possibly want to have sex again? With a shake of my head, I quickly close the door. But not before I hear another low chuckle.

“You can run, princess, but you can’t hide. Not from me,” he says through the door.

My heart pounds wildly and I pause as I reach for my toothbrush, wondering if he’s going to come in here. After a few seconds, I let out a slow breath.

“Brunch is set up downstairs,” he tells me. “Come join me when you’re ready.”


He must realize how sore I am because he lets off the hook and I hear him walk away. It occurs to me that I must be pregnant by now. He’s never bothered with protection, and I’m certainly not on birth control. After all the ways and times he’s taken me, how can I not be? My hand drops, covering my flat stomach. I’m not sure how I feel about it. About any of this. It’s still all so new and strange. My entire life was flipped upside down in such a short amount of time.

As I brush my teeth, I decide that I want to get to know Miceli better, but outside of the bedroom. I’m getting to know him extremely well when it comes to what he likes, how he wants to be touched and what makes him groan loudest. But, I want to get to know and understand the man behind the curtain. The one he doesn’t show anyone else. I think the best way to start is to meet his family. I also need to call Cara and invite her over. We’ve texted, of course, and she knows what’s happened, but I need my best friend to come over so we can catch up in person.

After a quick shower, I wander downstairs and meet Miceli in the kitchen. The moment I pass the dining room, my attention zeroes in on the table and I blush furiously. Swallowing hard, I try not to think about the things we did on that surface where we eat.

Stepping into the kitchen, I see a delicious-looking spread of food on the table. From fresh fruit parfaits to pastries to waffles and coffee. “Mmm,” I murmur, sniffing the air. “It smells like Piero was baking.”

As if on cue, Piero walks over and sets a warm coffee cake on the table. “Fresh out of the oven, Mrs. Rossi. I hope you like cinnamon.”

“I love it. Thank you, Piero, this all looks wonderful.”

He smiles widely and I sit down, glancing over at Miceli who is studying me closely, a newspaper in his hands. Before he can say anything, I reach for a strawberry parfait and say, “I’d like to meet your family. When can we visit them?”

A thick, dark brow arches up and he snaps the paper shut, setting it aside. “They’re all over the place and very busy,” he responds.

I frown as Piero slices a piece of coffee cake and sets it on a plate. It feels like Miceli just brushed my request aside, but I’m not letting it go so easily.

“You know, they’re my family now, too. And I’d really like to get to know them.”

“I already told you my parents live in Sicily and rarely visit the States. And my siblings—” His phone vibrates with a text and he picks it up and frowns. Letting out a long, low, resigned breath, he looks up and meets my curious gaze. “Well, you’re about to get your wish, princess, because my brother just texted me. He’s on his way up.”

“Which brother?” I ask, growing excited.


“It’s Vincentius, right?”

Miceli nods and stands up. “C’mon. Let’s see what he wants.”

I hurry after Miceli whose long-legged stride is hard to keep up with. But, I’m really looking forward to meeting his brother. So, of course, we’re both shocked when the elevator door opens and a whole slew of good-looking, dark-haired people exit.

“Mom? Dad?” Surprise flits over Miceli’s face.

“We heard you got married,” a man with salt and pepper hair announces in a thick Italian accent. “Why did I have to find out through Caparelli?”

“You’re all here?” he asks, sounding amazed. “I thought you were flitting around Europe.” He directs the statement to one of his brothers and a quick look reveals the Rossi family has damn good genes.

“Are you going to introduce us to your new wife or what?” the attractive, older woman asks, hands going on her round hips.

“Everyone, this is Alessia,” Miceli announces. “Alessia, these are my parents, Salvatore and Carmela. And my brothers, Vin, Enzo and Angelo. And, my baby sister, Carlotta.”

They all start talking at once and I’m pulled into hugs from every which way. Their boisterous energy and loud enthusiasm is contagious and I’m smiling from ear to ear. As scary as Miceli can sometimes be, his family is friendly and welcoming. And, I instantly adore them.

“You can call me Lottie. Everyone does, but I don’t mind at all,” his sister says, reaching for my arm and dragging me toward the living room. “Oh, my God, let me see that rock.”

As Carlotta checks out my ring which now fits my finger perfectly after being sized, I glance back at Miceli with a helpless chuckle and he shrugs.

Once we’re all seated, I look around, a bit overwhelmed. They’re all staring at me, just as curious about me as I am about them. And, oh my, they’re a good-looking group. Miceli wedges his way in between me and one of his brothers.

“Move over, Ang,” he orders, sitting down beside me.

“Still see you’re as bossy as ever,” Angelo comments with a wide grin.

“You know it. Now move your ass over so I can sit beside my wife.”

Angelo laughs and slides down, making room. Miceli reaches for my hand and I hold on tightly. I know I said I wanted to meet his family, and I’m glad this is happening, but it’s all just a bit overwhelming.

“Tell us exactly how you wound up with Alessia and not Gia,” Salvatore states, cutting right to the chase. I can see where Miceli gets his firm, bossy tone from and I look over at his father who looks to be in his mid-50’s and is still very fit and handsome.

“Alessia and I met first,” Miceli says smoothly. “And I knew she was the one for me.”

“Oh, that’s so romantic,” Carlotta exclaims. “Sounds like love at first sight.”

Neither of us comments and I think we both tense up a little.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Lottie,” Enzo scoffs. “There’s no such thing as love at first sight. Now, lust at first sight, sure.”

Carlotta smacks her brother’s arm. “Just because you’ve never been in love doesn’t mean it can’t happen.”

“Excuse me, but⁠—”

“Enzo is in love with himself,” Angelo says and everyone cracks up. “Does that count?”

“Look who’s talking,” Enzo responds easily, a gleam in his dark brown eyes. “Ang, don’t you have a mirror above your bed?”

Angelo has the decency to blush and I hear Carmela gasp while Miceli tries to stifle a laugh, but I feel his shoulders shake with mirth against mine. As the family continues to banter back and forth, I realize how much I’m enjoying it. They’re very entertaining, mostly at each other’s expense, but it’s not mean-spirited. I have a feeling they would defend each other fiercely if the need arose.

Realizing that his family isn’t going anywhere any time soon, Miceli asks Piero to set some more food out and then tells him we’re all moving into the dining room for brunch together.

As we sit down, my heart flutters madly with the memory of what we did last night at this very table. I have a feeling Miceli is remembering as well because he sends me a very hot look then lowers his hand beneath the table cloth and lays it on my upper thigh. His fingers trace up and down, running along my inner thigh, and my breathing increases. Thank God, I didn’t put my sundress on. Otherwise, I can’t imagine where those naughty fingers of his would be right now.

Miceli sends me a wicked grin as he bites into a pastry, chewing slowly, dark eyes glued to me. I try not to notice how high his hand is roaming up my leg right now. How very close it’s getting to my⁠—

Ohhh. Sucking in a sharp breath, I reach for my orange juice and take a long sip. It doesn’t do any good when it comes to cooling me off and I try to not react to the way he’s slowly rubbing a finger up and down the seam of my leggings. Then he zeroes right in on my clit and presses firmly.

Electric tingles shoot through my lower body and my hand clenches so tightly around my glass, I’m scared it’s going to shatter. Pressing my lips together, I realize someone just asked me a question and I can only blink.

“I’m sorry. What?” I ask as my lower body starts pulsing beneath Miceli’s persistent and delicious touch.

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