His Soft Fur

Chapter ● XX ●

Ty has been over every night for the past week. If he wasn't tempted before, he definitely was now. Sure he's still adamant about not taking my virginity but we're definitely getting there. I was just happy that I got to be close to him. I guess it's my fault since I'm teasing him so much. He's always in the mood because I do things like lean into him, or keep my hair up, or wear less and complain about how cold I am.

I have to admit that I like how protective he can be. He says things like he wants to make sure I'm safe, or he has to keep an eye on me, and he doesn't want me to get hurt. We've talked about him not being able to kidnap me and there hasn't been a situation where it has happened again, but we'll have that conversation again if we need to. I know that he's fighting his instincts to make me happy.

And I can't just pick and choose...but I know which instincts he should pick and it would be great if he just went for it.

I had woken up in the middle of the night to get something to eat. Apparently so did Ty. We've been in the kitchen for half an hour. I was sitting on the counter and my legs were around his waist.

He was interested again, I could feel him pressing against the inside of my thigh.

He let me touch him again while we kissed. He moaned into my mouth as I fondled him. His hand was pressing on my thigh, and I thought he might've taken my pants off because he couldn't wait anymore. I couldn't imagine my first time on the kitchen counter but I really didn't care at this point.

I listened to the sound of his voice, the way he tried so hard to keep quiet. He tried to swallow his moans, but my fingers were pressing on the tip of his cock because he liked that most. It wasn't nice of me to torture him. He pulled away far enough to take a deep breath; he was shaking in front of me, his hands moving on either side of me to grip the counter. He moaned louder as he gave in to the pleasure and his hips were moving into my hand.

My hand moved in his hair as he rested his head on my shoulder. He was getting closer. By the way his cock throbbed in my hand, I could get a few more strokes in before he cums.

I felt it all over my hand.

Some of it got on my pants.

Ty was shaking as I continued to move my hand on him. He took a shaky breath and moaned weakly. His hand was quick to grab my wrist but he didn't push me away. It just seemed like he was riding out the pleasure like he did earlier.

I don't know what turned me on more. Knowing that he enjoyed that or the fact that it felt like he could go again.

That's how my nights have been and it's the most entertainment I've had. Ever. I liked being with Ty. I liked spending my nights with him. And when he gets all touchy, I get all touchy too.

This is much different than how we were before.

Its like we crossed the line.

I liked it.

A lot.

He has no idea how much I love spending my time with him. We were doing that before but I really think I'm falling for him, and it's not because we fool around a lot now. Once the season changes, I know things will change and Ty won't be so horny, so I have to make my move now.

Tonight we were alone.

My fingers moved in his hair, keeping his face to mine as he kissed me harder. I loved how he did this, how his body pressed against mine on the bed, the way he touched me, the way he kissed me.

I kept kissing him, as I let go of his hair, trying to get my own shirt off. Just seconds after I got it off me, both his hands pinned mine on the bed. He was positioned between my legs and rubbing up against me. The friction made me keep grinding my hips with his.

In my mind, I couldn't be more desperate to get his pants off. No. I just wanted all of our clothes off.

"Ty..." My heart was racing so hard in my chest. I couldn't hide my voice. He was making me moan and blush and I didn't know what to do.

He moved up some, holding my hips higher on him. I looked up at him as he placed his hands up on the headboard of my bed. He kept moving his hips, grinding on me, and rubbing over the front of my pants with his. I didn't want to press my legs into him, but I was beginning to shake as I reached my climax.

I looked up to see his face. Even when his eyes changed colors, it still looked like he would risk it all for me. He moaned with me, and we moved together.

I was almost tempted to get his pants off him. The friction had me wishing that we didn't have our clothes on. Ty wasn't going to stop, not yet. He was so close. His hips were moving out of rhythm and he was shaking. My hands were holding on to him, tugging on his shirt, thinking about taking it off him.

He came first. He cursed under his breath, his hips stopped, and he took a second just to feel that pleasure through him. When his hips bucked, my legs tightened around him more. I was still moving because I wasn't there yet, but in another minute or so, I should be.

He kept moving with me. He has the stamina to keep going, but I think he was doing it for me tonight. He came closer to me, his hands holding on to me, his body pressing on to me. And he kissed me, breathless and hot.

I moved my tongue over his bottom lip, tasting his skin as he kissed me. He did the same and soon our tongues were on each others. I could barely breathe. The more we kissed, the more I wanted him.

The heat was all over my face. Usually I can take it, but I was more flustered tonight. When he pulled away, I gasped for air, and my hands moved in his hair as he moved. He kissed my jawline, going down to my neck and hopefully further. He nipped at my skin, biting and sucking.

I moaned quietly, desperate to keep my voice to myself. But I said his name, and I heard his low growl as I pulled on his hair.

Oh my God.

My heart jammed in my chest as I felt my climax. I tried to breathe but for a moment, there was this burning in my chest that made it so hard.

I thought of what he would actually do to me and that got me over the edge so fast.

I blanked.

I haven't had a night like that before, where I almost black out from pleasure. I've never felt like that before, not even by myself. Tonight was...maybe it's because we've been closer more often. That has to be it.

I mean...

My feelings for him...

I don't know what to think.

The entire day I was out of it. That's how I know I had an amazing night. I was secretly hoping that Ty would come over again so we could get together like we've been doing.

He wasn't in school today.

Brendan was in the hospital. He's been having problems staying conscious. Apparently being hit with eight tranquilizers makes it hard to function. I don't know how they have him in the hospital without people asking questions, but their parents are there so it must be controlled.

Brendan would wake up sometimes, and then pass right out after five minutes.

Lowell was fine after two days, but he didn't get hit nearly as much as Brendan did. I feel bad because Brendan is the one that doesn't ever do anything. He ended up being the one with enough sedative to put an elephant to sleep.

"How's Brendan?" I asked Ty over the phone.

I was sitting outside on my car at my house. I had gotten home from school thirty minutes ago but I didn't make it inside because I was talking to Ty.

He wasn't in school today. He went to see Brendan instead.

"He was awake for an hour today." Ty said. "The doctor is my mom's friend so she's trying to help without knowing the details." He explained.

"Is he coming home anytime soon?"

"He might come home tomorrow, but they don't think he'll be in school for a while."

"At this rate, all of you will be held back a year."

We already have enough issues with the weather. But Ty was gone for a while at the beginning of the year. Brendan might not be back for the last few weeks before break. Channing has been struggling because he can't sleep. He got in to a few schools, but if he can't finish the year, he won't graduate. Cina has been out of a few of his classes because of his anxiety so he's trying to catch up with that.

"We're trying." Ty sighed. "The last thing we need is issues with school."

"Your dad can't be happy."

"My parents are... they're trying to work it out." He didn't want to talk about his parents fighting. I sort of figured it out every time I mention his dad.

His parents aren't getting along because of what's happening.

"They're old and tired, and they don't have the energy to take care of us so..."

And they actually do need to be taken care of. Ty's always getting sick. Channing isn't sleeping. Brendan is in the hospital. That's just the worst of it. I know Ty's other brothers are suffering too.

"Mom begged my older brothers to come home, but Channing thinks it's a terrible idea with everything happening."

"You think they'd change, too?"

"It can happen."

Ty has three older brothers that are out of the house. Two in college and one that graduated and already has a family. If they come home to help, who knows what could happen to them. Channing might be right for them to not show up yet.

"I'm here if you need me." I told Ty.

And his brothers can talk to me too. I know I'm nosy, but they can vent to me too...Jackie will need to keep a safe distance.

"If you weren't still grounded..." Ty started slowly.

If I wasn't grounded, I would be at the hospital with him.

Just as he said that, my dad came home. He parked his car next to mine, and got out with the groceries. I mashed my lips together so I wouldn't complain about still being grounded long after my little gun shot incident.

"I'm being the best I can be. Give me another week or so." I said. I've been a good kid, especially well since I'm trying to not be grounded. "I'll call you later." I told Ty quietly as I got off my car.

The weather let up a little more the past few days. The snow melted and I can see the grass, and the pavement and the sidewalk for once. There's more green than white.

I walked inside the house and went right over to my dad who was putting the groceries away. Mom was getting ready for work since she works an overnight shift tonight. So it's going to be just us tonight. My dad doesn't do much, he watches sports on TV and sometimes falls asleep on the couch when my mom's not home. When she is, she yells at him for that.

"Hey... Dad..." I was cautious.

He looked at me slowly, not sure what comment was going to come out of my mouth and he wasn't particularly excited to hear it either.

"So...there's a protest tomorrow, and I-" I saw the way he looked at me, like I was about to ask the dumbest question, "-Come on, I've been great and I haven't missed curfew-"

"You want to go protest with some stoner kids-"

"Not all of them do drugs, Dad. And I mean, no one's doing cocaine or anything. Mom used to smoke pot-"

"Hey. That's your mother." He stopped me.

"She doesn't think she's doing the devil's work." It's not like she keeps it secret. My mom loves telling me stories about her hippie, love the world, and nature days.

"Who's going to be there?" He asked me.

"Kids from my school. Some from the other school, and it's going to be on the news." I said to him, being serious.

He stared at me for a moment. Then mom walked in the kitchen in her uniform. "Anne, your kid wants to go protest." He turned to her.

"Sounds like fun." She said to me. "But, no."

"What?" I can't believe she said no.

"After what happened to you everyone will make you an example. Last thing I need is my kid being exploited for the greater good." She said calmly.


"Be there in spirit." She smiled at me as she held my face in her hands. "I can't have something happen to you again."

I didn't pout or get upset. I know things changed and my parents are concerned about me. I get it. I guess I can't help with everyone else.

"Okay." I said quietly, giving in.

I asked too early. I'm still grounded. I have to wait till I'm not so I can go out later in the day. I'll get my chance soon enough. When I turned to my dad, he was still staring at me. It's like he knows when I'm still plotting.

He says I look like Mom when I'm thinking.

He doesn't like that.

"And besides, the weather isn't going to be good tomorrow so I'm pretty sure it will be cancelled." She didn't seem too bothered by it.

"You used to protest all the time." I said to her.

"Oh God," she started to blush as she turned to Dad. "Remember in high school when you said you'd leave me if I tied myself to a tree for that one protest?"


"You didn't break up with me."

I have no idea how my mom got with my dad. She's such a happy go lucky, flower child, tree hugging person. She always tells me how dad was the quiet guy who loved math and staying inside. And I don't think he's wrong. My dad is all about doing what he's supposed to and staying inside the house. He doesn't like going anywhere.

"Dad, you can't leave me if I go to protests." I said to him.

"Don't tempt me." He warned me. "Stay in the house." He said.

"He loves you." Mom hugged me close. "As do I. So no protesting." She said. "Both of you behave, I'll see you tomorrow."

My dad is never excited to be home with me because I talk a lot and ask so many questions. It was worse when I was younger and would bring home animals and Mom wasn't there to keep me from crying. We don't do a lot of the same things, and he nags me about school. Obviously, I don't like that, but he's my dad.

Messing with him is fun.

We watched a movie while eating dinner. Mom doesn't let us do that a lot so that's something we agreed on. If I'm not careful Dad will fall asleep on the couch and Mom hates that.

Half way through the second one, the doorbell rang.

We looked at each other.

I didn't want to get up and neither did he. We both waited because one of us has to get it. It's not like we could pretend we weren't home especially when the light is on. Dad narrowed his eyes at me, and I knew he would say I was grounded for an extra month if I didn't get up.

"Fine." I got off the couch and went to go get the door. Who wants to bother us?

If it's Animal Control, I might have a fit.

But it wasn't. When I opened the door, Conrod was standing there. I was actually surprised that he was here. What could he possibly want today?

Am I being taken away?

“What are you doing here?” I asked him, looking around to see if he brought some of the construction workers.

He sure as hell isn't here to apologize.

“Your wolves caused quite a mess." he said, commenting on what happened a couple days ago.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about." I crossed my arms over my chest. As much as I wanted a pet, eight wolves are not it. Especially when Conrod is accusing me of causing something. "You can't blame me for what you're doing."

“I'm not stupid, boy. I know what I saw."

"Which was?"

I know what he saw, too. But just like people won't believe me, they won't believe him. He might've saw Channing lose his temper, but that's all it was.

“Mr. Conrod, I can't help you. I don't know what your deal is but now you're just paranoid.” I said, hoping he would leave me alone but he didn't.

He knows I know. If I didn't, I really would've made him look stupid. He didn't even have to say anything to get to me. Just looking at me was enough. He's going to do something he shouldn't and I have to stop him.

“What is it that you want?” I asked, getting to the point.

“Stop those animals-"

"I said I don't control them." I wasn't going to be held responsible. Next thing I know, Conrod is ruining my family. "You want them to stop, then you stop all of that construction you're doing." I gave him the way out.

It just wasn't good enough.

"You're only coming to me because you don't want to face Channing." I said discreetly to him. "What? Think he'll rip your throat out? He will." I said quietly.

"My hunters were right to believe in that stupid children's book." He shook his head in disbelief. He already knows the truth.

"No one will believe you." I warned him if he really tried to expose the Martin brothers. The hunters might've believed the book but that was just a long shot.

Conrod didn't seem that concerned.

"They don't have to." he began to smile. "I can handle this problem myself."

He had his own idea. Did I tip him off? I might've. But the Martin brothers have been good at stalling and destroying everything.

I can expect Animal control to be out with tranquilizers from now on. It might've taken a lot to get one of the wolves down, but it worked.

Just another one of those and Brendan could've died from an overdose.

This is bad.

“Mr. Conrod," My dad came up behind me, opening the door wider. "What are you doing here?” he asked.

I didn't say anything as I looked away.

“Just asking your son about some of the vandalism.” he lied smoothly. "I don't think he did it, but maybe he knows the person who did." he said.

The vandalism is a good cover. He's trying to find out who's damaging his property but no one has claimed it yet.

It's not like I know.

My dad looked at me, not really concerned, then again I bet he thinks I know someone that did it. "I don't know anything." I said.

“Well," Dad took that answer. "I hope you find out whoever did it.” Dad tugged on the sleeve of my shirt to pull me back inside the house so he could shut the door without saying anything else to Mr. Conrod.

He grumbled under his breath as he walked away, and I followed quickly, hoping that he wasn't mad at me. I didn't do anything and I really did hope he believed me. I had nothing to do with the vandalism.

“You believe me, right?" I asked him. "You know I didn't do it."

“It definitely wasn't you." he didn't seem concerned. "I saw the graffiti, and you can't draw to save your life." he said as he sat down on the couch, unpausing the movie.

“So...what'd you think of it?" I was curious.

“Whoever did it is pretty talented." he said plainly.

My dad likes the graffiti. That's something I will never hear again. That means I have to see the rest of it if he likes it.

"I'm pretty talented. I can draw a solid stick figure." I said to him. And when he looked at me, I smiled.

"You get your sense of humor from your mom."

"She's funny, isn't she?" I laughed.

I was just glad that my dad wasn't too wrapped up in the fact that Mr. Conrod came by. It's a good thing my dad doesn't like him. It's makes being mean easier.

I stayed on the phone with Ty throughout the night. Brendan got to go home but he can't leave for a while. He's up and moving, but he's not like that for long. After a few hours, he knocks out again. He's getting the stuff out of his system so it might be some time.

It's not easy to say that he needs the antidote to tranquilizers that Animal Control uses.

Ty was tired, no surprise there. He had a whole lot going on with his family, and he has this tendency to keep to himself though he can talk to me if he needs me.

"Conrod came by today." I said to him quietly as I pulled on my blankets. "He might be serious about taking you guys out now." I warned him.

"I have other things to worry about." Ty groaned. "I wouldn't be in this mess if he left everything alone." He sounded upset.

I'd be upset too if my family was falling apart.

I wanted to be there for him but he should stay with his family. They need him and I'm not going anywhere.

"I love you." I said quietly.

He had gone silent. I don't know if he dropped his phone or if something happened but he was silent. Did I say it too early? Is saying it too fast still a thing? I hope I didn't break him.

I was worried. "Ty-"

"Can I come over?" He asked quickly.

"Yeah but-" I didn't get the chance to tell him my dad is home when he hung up.

I think I broke him and I didn't mean to. I shouldn't have said anything. What I should've done was wait till he said it first. At least then he probably wouldn't have gone into shock.

He came over like he asked to.

I was at the front door, ready to let him inside. He got out of his car without turning off the ignition. The headlights were bright and giving me enough light for me to see him come over to me.

I have no idea what he was going to say.

But he didn't say anything.

His arm moved around my waist and he pulled me forward to him, keeping me close to his body. His other hand held my face up under my chin, and he kissed me.

My breath was taken away in just one swift movement.

He kissed me like he was going to stay, like he wanted me to bring him up to my room.

It must've been what I said over the phone. I wanted to take this as meaning he loved me, too.

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