His Soft Fur

Chapter ● XXI ●

Channing was sitting alone at a table in the school library. It’s definitely not my place to ever sit next to him, but I do it anyway. I didn’t want to ask any questions about what was going on. What I did want to ask is if he’s okay.

Just like his brothers, he’s going through a few things and it’s worse for him since he’s the oldest and has to take care of them.

When I sat down at the table, however, he looked up towards me then glanced right back to his book, like I wasn’t even there. I know he’s not much for words.

Or being polite.

So I wasn’t offended that he didn’t want to say anything to me yet.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized to him.

He looked up again, now interested in what I had to say.

I meant it when I apologized. “I can’t help but feel like I have a part in why you’re so stressed.” I explained.

Ty’s harder to control nowadays and it’s because he wants to stay with me. Channing hasn’t come to me about the issue, and I know he wasn’t going to. I can’t fix this though I would like to.

“What Ty feels for you is his business.” Channing said, though it didn’t seem like he believed it. “It’s not his fault.” He didn’t believe that either.

Channing is the type to believe actions over words. I already know what he thinks about us together. It’s less of “he could hurt me” and more “he can’t be told what to do”. Everyone was so worried about what could happen to me, and now it’s the fact that Ty and Channing might really go at it.

That’s not all of it either.

“How’s...Brendan?” I asked when Channing didn’t speak again.

“Awake.” He looked at his book again.

I get that he doesn’t want to talk to me about it. I saw what happened, well what started to happen. I saw that Brendan was down, that Animal Control tried to get him, but Channing wouldn’t let them. His brothers had surrounded him and one of the twins to make sure they were okay. No one could get passed them.

Channing tried so hard to protect all of them that day. He didn’t trust Animal Control to help out any further after they poisoned Brendan.

It’s been two days since Brendan has been home. He’s still a little out of it, but he’s getting there.

“I don’t...know if you’ve talked to anyone else...but...” I started slowly, not sure how to word it. I didn’t want to offend him.

I want him to know that I believe in him.

All of this isn’t his fault.

He’s trying his hardest, and he’s doing what he thinks is right to protect what’s his, even if another consciousness told him to do it.

“I know you’re trying, and you’re doing your best to lead them. Sometimes, things don’t go as planned.” I wanted him to know that I understood the frustration.

I’m not in his position, and I never will be. I don’t know what it’s like. But life doesn’t always line up. We can only control so much.

Channing sat up straighter and closed his book on the table. He didn’t seem upset. It was like he was thinking. His expression was...sad. I’ve never seen Channing look like that. He was hopeless.

“I just needed one more year.” He said to me.

He would’ve been gone and it would’ve been his younger brothers’ problem. All he needed was a year.

I don’t know what’s going to happen next. I wasn’t going to ask because it would upset him. I just had that feeling like he might be vengeful of what happened before.

“I’m sorry...” I said to him again.

I didn’t know what else to say.

I sat behind Ty in our last period today. I kicked the back of his chair gently throughout the class, more focused on spending the afternoon with him than the exam that’s happening tomorrow.

He wasn’t distracted by me kicking his chair.

There were other things that I do that bother him.

My hair is long enough for me to tie up sometimes. I keep it like that in the winter and get a hair cut during spring. I don’t usually tie my hair up because I want my ears to be warm, but Ty stares at me more when I tie my hair up.

When I lean closer to him, he tenses up. I can see when he gets goosebumps. He usually tells me he can smell when I’m nearby, and when I’m really close it’s hard to breathe. I make his heart race, too, when I’m too close to him.

I didn’t want to exert my power over him today, though I’m always hoping for a chance to...get close.

So I just kicked the back of his chair to annoy him until the bell rang. If I’m lucky, he gets to come home with me. If not, then we can try this again tomorrow.

“Everyone’s talking about the protest yesterday.” I said to him as he lifted up his backpack. “The famous wolves didn’t show.”

I heard about it this morning. Some people were actually hoping the wolves would show up yesterday. The protest has been fueled by the fact that there’s a family of wolves lingering around town. Others are still frightened. They think the wolves are bad news and are a sign that something terrible will happen.

“We’re definitely the face of ‘The Movement’.” He air quoted the phrase since he didn’t think it was that serious. “So we lose a few trees.” He shrugged.

“That doesn’t sound like you.” I said, though I noticed he was tense as we walked out of class.

“Yeah, well, things aren’t going well.” He’s over it. I get it.

His family is really going through some tough stuff right now. I can’t imagine what it’s like at home. He was stressed out, and it just seems like he would rather leave everything alone. It’s just that other side of him won’t let him.

“Do you want to come over tonight?” I asked.

I offered it so he can have a night away from the tension, but there will definitely be tension if he comes over tonight. He looked at me for moment, just a blank stare that he always has.

“I’ll see.”

We’ll see how things go. There’s supposed to be a storm tonight, but there weren’t any clouds in the sky yet. The temperature did drop, and Ty does have a fever, but he hasn’t passed out once today yet. If the weather does get bad, let’s just hope my parents stay where they are.

I can stay home myself.

I leaned closer to him. “I love you.” I whispered quietly to him and smiled.

He continued to stare at me blankly. There was a faint blush on his cheeks and he began to look at me like he would risk it all. I like it when he looks at me like that.

Before he could say anything, the twins walked over to us.

“Ty, can you take us to the library?” They asked him.

He didn’t know what to say. He was still flustered because of what I just did.

“Channing’s taking everyone else out and we want to go to the library.” One twin said.

“Where are they going?” I asked.

The twins looked over to me slowly. It seemed like they wanted to ignore me but didn’t get the chance to when I spoke. I was still polite because they haven’t done anything to me yet. They can’t push me away since Ty’s here so they might as well answer me.

“If you must know-”

“-they’re going to cause a little destruction.”

That seems like a risky idea. “Brendan was was literally tranquilized.” I said.


“He was.”

They stared at me. There was this silence between the four of us. I’ve told Ty before that I want to get them friends. I can’t believe they regularly act like this.

“Tell Channing to be careful.” I said. “It’s going to hail tonight.”

They kept quiet, then one of them broke the silence by sighing. “We wanted to go to the library before our rampage.” The other twin said as they looked to Ty again.

“Okay.” He gave up but he didn’t put up much of a fight.

I just wanted him to be safe.

I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. The twins were quick to push Ty with them so they could leave. Ty didn’t even tell me if he was going to join them or not. I was hoping he would come over tonight but we’ll see what happens.

I was preparing for bad weather. It was five in the afternoon and my parents weren’t here yet. The clouds that weren’t there earlier finally were in the sky. It was much darker now, and the wind was howling against the house.

The power was already flickering so I started lighting candles in my room. If I stay in one place, it seems less scary in the house. And I’m not usually scared, but one wrong creak or sound against the window and it’s over for me, so I wasn’t playing that game tonight.

Mom was right on cue to call me to let me know she wasn’t going to make it and that she was going to stay at work.

Dad was a little late.

At first I thought he might show up, but he called an hour later, complaining about how he was so close to leaving and then the weather alert came out. He warned me about staying away from the windows, and to light candles so I can see if the power goes out.

Things I know to do.

I already ate, and had snacks in my room to eat if I get bored. I might take a nap if it gets darker and do my homework in the morning.

If I’m super lucky, there won’t be school tomorrow. It just looked like hail now, but it would be great if there was a snow storm.

So when Ty came over, it became the perfect night. I was excited because I wasn’t going to be alone. He was excited for other reasons that we didn’t really have to talk about anymore.

He’s still stunned that I told him I love him. Twice now. He asked me to say it again and I did.

He seemed to like it because he asked me to say it again.

I did.

“You could say it, too, you know.” I said as I looked at him. My head was resting on my pillow, and he had his arm around me.

It was dark in my room except for the candles that I lit. The weather had gotten worse. It was hailing and extremely windy so I could hear it against the house.

Ty looked a little flustered, like he didn’t know what to say. I mean, I would assume that he loved me too but I was going to wait to find out if that’s true.

“If I...if I say it, I feel like it would make everything real.” He explained cautiously. I wasn’t going to yell at him or anything. “I can’t...go anywhere without you. If I say it...”

“You know we can figure all this out, right?” I told him. “We still have time to get it together. I would like to think things won’t be the same.” I said.

“I’m scared that it might be,” he admitted. “If you leave...”

“We’ll figure it out when we get there.” I didn’t want him to worry about that right now.

He might think things won’t change, but I believe they will. Ty’s not going to be trapped here for long. He has to do what he’s supposed to and that’s it. Once he’s done, then he’s free. That’s how I see it.

“I’d actually not prefer to think about the future.” I sighed quietly. “I still haven’t taken the S.A.T. yet and my dad is yelling at me.”

“It’s overrated.”

“Says the person who did really well on it.” I rolled my eyes.

“It’s not going to mean anything if I can’t leave.” He wanted to say something else but he stopped.

His arm moved from around me and he lifted himself up a bit. It seemed like what he wanted to tell me was serious. I wasn’t sure what it was, and I couldn’t think of anything else that’s on his mind.

“I feel clingy.” He told me. “And not in the regular kind of way,” he said, worried. “I don’t want you to run away.”

“I like the attention.” I said truthfully. “What I don’t want is for you to completely drop everything for me, and that includes your family.”

By the way he didn’t answer, I knew he couldn’t help that part either. He would leave them for me.

Maybe that’s why Ty argues with his brothers so much. Does he want to leave? He doesn’t want to be a part of them anymore.

A lone wolf.

I’ve known that Ty has preferred me to his brothers because of how attached he is. I wondered what would’ve happened if it wasn’t like this. If he felt...normal about me. Would we be this close? We’re always together as much as we can be. Would things change if Ty wasn’t the way he was now?

“We should take this one day at a time.” I said quietly. “We don’t know what’s going to happen in the next day or week or month. And I would rather you not be stressed out.”

“You stress me out.” He said but he always says that. I smiled as I moved closer to him under the blanket.

“I love you, too.” I said when his arm tightened around me.

I can't help but feel like he gets excited when I tell him I love him. He kissed my cheek and my neck as his hand moved in my shirt. I started to laugh because he was overzealous with the way he kissed me.

He even got me to move my arms up to take my shirt off.

That's the fastest he got me to take anything off.

"Ty...you better take me today." I wasn't kidding either.

He had his hand at the front of my jeans, and that's why I was serious. He can't do that within five minutes and not do anything to me.

I got his shirt off him and kissed him just as eagerly as he kissed me. He was moving over me more until he had to hold himself up so I wouldn't feel his weight.

I was so focused on how he kissed me.

I was thinking about his lips pressing between mine, the way he pulled on my bottom lip when he got excited, him playfully biting me. Sometimes he licks me, and when he did it this time, my heart fluttered. I breathed with him when I could, but he mostly took my breath away.

I didn't notice his hand in my pants.

I didn't realize I was touching him too. We've been doing things like this all week. Now we're used to being so close to each other.

We fooled around like usual, going as far as we did the other day. He got the hang of fingering me, but I was learning with him, too.

If that's all we're going to do, I'm going to go the rest of the night absolutely miserable.

"Please?" I asked him quietly when he let me breathe. "I want you."

I don't know what changed in him, but I felt it. His mood completely changed when I said I wanted him. It looked like he might give it to me.

"Okay." He said.

I almost didn't realize that he was fine with it. I didn't hear him at first, but then it registered. He was fine with us...

"Seriously?" I had to be sure.

"...Yeah." he didn't understand why I was like this.

Well I was prepared for this.

I reached back to my nightstand, going in the first drawer to pull out the condom that I had stashed away. I’ve been ready for this for a whole week, Ty is lucky I’m prepared.


“You can’t say it wasn’t going to happen.” I said as I ripped the condom package open. “I bought a whole thing cause I know you weren’t going to.”

“I...had some...”

“Oh, so you were really just holding out on me.” I said.

He sighed as he took the torn wrapper from my fingers. I laughed because I made him flustered. He seemed frustrated, but if I had known he’s been ready for the past few days I would’ve done something. He might feel a little better and be more distracted from everything else he’s dealing with.

He put the condom on before he moved over me, his arms holding me. It seemed like he was nervous, but so was I.

I knew when he was about to move me. His hands pressed down on the bed, and I felt him press up against me. My heart raced as he touched me with the tip of his cock. I know I have to relax but its a bit difficult when I'm nervous.

My arms moved around him, and I kept him close, hoping that would make me feel better.

He moved further and I really started to feel him inside me.

It didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would, but I did shift to get more comfortable. He kept moving until he was all the way inside me. I let out the breath I was holding when he held me again.

“Okay?” He asked quietly.

I nodded against his shoulder.

He was slow when he moved, but he had this rhythm like he’s been waiting a while to be inside me. We’ve spent so many nights fooling around just for this, so I wasn’t surprised that he was already into it.

I reminded myself to breathe, since I hold my breath when I’m nervous. My hands pressed into him more, my legs tightening around his waist as he moved his hips into me.

It was getting much hotter under the blanket, and when I rode into it, there was this dull burning through my body that actually felt good. I didn’t want it to stop.

He had his face pressed into my neck, and I felt his ragged breathing on me as he thrusted into me. I could hear his voice, too, and this is the first time he wasn’t so quiet. If he can let me know he feels good, then I can do the same for him. I moaned because I felt good, he made me feel good.

I was so happy that we got to be together this way. We fooled around way too much this week for this to not happen.

Ty was getting into it. I wasn’t sure if it was him or his instincts but it made him hot. He was being a little rougher with me but I could handle it. If he feels good, then I’ll feel good.

He moved up, his hands holding my waist. He pulled me towards him more, and I felt when his cock reached deeper. It was much easier for him to move, and he liked it more.

My face was hot as I looked up at him. I was so close but I couldn’t find my words. All I could do was moan louder as I reached my climax.

Ty hadn’t stopped.

When I came, I could still feel him moving inside me. My cum spilled over my stomach, my cock continuing to leak as Ty moved in me. I felt like my body was melting.

I didn’t want him to stop.

He was close too.

His hands gripped my hips harder, his fingers digging into my skin. I didn’t notice that it was beginning to hurt. He held me so tightly. I watched his face, the way he moaned, the way he breathed, his chest rising and falling. He was even shaking. I think I got turned on again.

He stopped moving abruptly when he came. He breathed hard and shallow as his cock pulsed inside me. My legs pressed against him again and he didn’t move as he released. He leaned his head back and moaned out loud.

My heart jumped in my chest as I watched him.

He pulled out slowly and he took the condom off, his cock still pulsing and leaking cum. I felt a few drops on my thigh. We both know he has the stamina to go much longer, I wasn’t surprised when he reached over to get another condom wrapper from the top drawer of my night stand.

He stayed close this time.

My arms moved around his neck as he shuffled around to put the condom on. And when I felt him inside me again, my legs pressed up against him.

The amount of bliss I felt was unreal. I was so happy that it was hard to hide.

I held him close to me and we moved together. We both enjoyed being close to each other.

He was getting hot, sweat forming on his skin. I moved his hair from his face as he pressed closer to me, his forehead on mine.

I told him I loved him.

And he said the words to me, too.

It was still dark outside when I woke up. There were clouds in the sky and a layer of snow on the ground. I wasn't cold under the blanket. Ty had his arm around me and he was close.

There wasn't going to be school today.

I moved around in bed, slowly getting up. I noticed a sharp pain to my hip and I knew why immediately. My hand pressed to my side as I walked to my bathroom, avoiding the used condoms on the floor.

There was something else I had to see for myself.

I had this dull pain near my shoulder. My fingers ran over it but I couldn't see what the rough healing area was.

So I had to look in the mirror.

At some point last night while things were still hot and Ty was still...we were still going at it, he bit my shoulder. It wasn't gentle either, not a little nip. He bit me. For some reason, I didn't...care. I don't think I realized it with everything that was happening.

But now I was looking at it and I saw the marks and punctures on my skin that scabbed over.

I smiled.

I couldn't be mad. Ty finally got with me last night, and I know it took a lot for him to suppress everything that he felt. I can't imagine what it was like for him, but I enjoyed every single second of last night.

Ty was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him. I cleaned my room and took a shower. When I was done, I went downstairs to make breakfast. It wasn't early but the weather wasn't the greatest. It was going to be a while longer until people could go home.

I was waiting to hear from my parents. I made breakfast, enough for me and Ty. He's got to wake up at some point.

It was an hour later but he finally came down.

"I made breakfast." I said as he sat next to me at the counter. He rubbed his face, but he didn't talk as he stared at the granite counter. "Are you hungry?" I asked when he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"No." He answered, but I know he wanted something. His stomach growled.

I don't know if I want to talk about yesterday. He might ask what is there to talk about, but I would love to know if it would happen again.

"You bit my shoulder." I reminded him.

"I know. And I'm so sorry." He sounded like he meant it. "I got..."

"Carried away?" I finished for him.

He took a breath, more to calm himself down. Was he thinking about last night? Because that's all I could think about. That's all I wanted to think about.

"Can we just..." He didn't want to talk about it. "I don't know what to tell you. I feel out of it." That worried him. The way he sounded, he was scared.

And he hadn't sounded like that in a while.

He moved his head off my shoulder and we looked at each other. I wanted to tell him that everything was fine, that I enjoyed myself last night, and that I would support whatever he thinks he needs to do to keep himself together. But I saw he really didn't want to talk about this so I planned to change the subject.

"Why did the twins need to go to the library so badly?"

"They wanted to check out a book on spray painting." That's a little... different. "You know the vandalism on the bulldozers and stuff? Sarah Griffin and Monique Shaw did it."

"That's not surprising. They're really good at art." I said.

"Well, the twins have a crush on Monique, so they want to impress her by also vandalizing the equipment."

I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face. There were so many issues with this. "Do they know they can't both date her?"

"We'll find out."

I worry about the twins sometimes.

Even they're going to vandalize the stuff on Conrod's project site. I haven't really paid attention to what the art was over there, but now I might have to check out what Lowe and Lowell put up there. If they're doing it, I hope it's good.

Ty and I stayed together as much as we could for the morning. It took him less than ten minutes to get a little touchy again, but I was so wrapped up in my feelings for him that none of it bothered me. I wanted to be with him. And I'm so glad that he wanted to be with me. Having all this time with him made me realize how much he really did like me, and I don't think it was because he couldn't keep his hands off me.

He had to leave before my parents got home.

All I could say was that I had the most eventful night and morning of my life. I hadn't stopped smiling throughout the day because I was so happy.

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