His Soft Fur

Chapter ● XIX ●

The twins had their arm slings again the next day. I watched them walk together down the hall with the others that were trying to get to their first period class. They don't hang out with other people much. I barely ever see them anywhere else except for school. They don't go out much either.

I almost wanted to tell them they can't act like that, but it's none of my business.

Next thing I know, Jackie is walking towards me. The first thing I do is quickly close my locker so I can go to class.

But he was right there before I could walk away. I should've ran.

"What do you want, Jackie?" I asked him, more scared than mean. I wanted him to be as far away from me as possible.

I was back against the lockers though that's not a good position in case something happens. Apparently, he got taller than me and that made me more worried.

"I want to...apologize."

It seemed like that was the statement. There was no more to that. I stared at him and he looked at me like there was nothing else he wanted to say to that.

"For almost killing me." I wanted to be clear that's what he was apologizing about because he's said some shitty things to me before but that's not what I was concerned about.

He just rolled his eyes and took a breath. He's acting like I'm crazy when I'm not. He almost killed me! I cried!

"Look, you're lucky it was almost. Let's just say I don't know what was going to happen if Channing wasn't there."

My eyes widened. "You would've killed me." We both knew what would've happened! There's no guessing.

"You're so dramatic." he rolled his eyes again as he turned away to leave.

Was that it? Was that his apology? He almost killed me and that's all he can do? I don't know how I feel but happy or forgiving wasn't it. I watched him walk away, tempted to call him out and tell him to try again, but I didn't.

I can't do this.

I get that Jackie is on edge all the time, and he has severe insomnia, but he can't go around snapping at people. He can't want to kill me! I don't care how sleep deprived he was. I was almost shocked that he thought a simple apology was going to fix that.

I was going to mind my own business. I don't want to deal with anyone right now, especially after that little experience.

But the twins were more than just excited to hear Jackie's attempt at an apology.

They sat on either side of me today.

This gave me a chance to pick out who was who. Lowe was the more talkative one. He always talks first.

"Jackie got ripped a new one by Channing everyday he didn't apologize." He laughed and so did his brother.

"You let Channing raise all of you?" I asked them. "No wonder he's stressed all the time. It's like he has kids of his own." I said.

Not only does he have to worry about his own life, he has his brothers to take care of. Imagine adding that kind of stress on top of everything else he's going through.

"That's what he gets for being the alpha male." The other twin, Lowell, said.

He's always on the right side. Lowe is always on the left. Or...is it flipped? No, Lowell is always on the right.

They don't part their hair different, sometimes they don't part their hair at all. They always get their hair cut at the same time, so today it was shorter and the curls were tighter. They don't always dress the same.

I was staring at Lowell's blue plaid long sleeve he was wearing over his grey shirt. Lowe was wearing red plaid.

"I'm Lowell." he said because I was staring.

Then I started to smile because I was right. I wasn't going to admit that, but I think they could tell. The thing was though, they didn't look distraught or like the world is ending.

"I don't know why everyone thinks we're scared to be told apart." Lowe said when I looked at him. I was about to brag but after what he just said, I didn't need to. "What we are scared of is getting separated." he admitted.

"Why is that frightening?" I asked them.

"Think of losing the only person that understands you." Lowell said.

"Or the only person you can talk to." Lowe said.

"Or the only person who doesn't judge you." Lowell said.

I know they're dependent on each other. I don't have siblings so I have no idea what it's like to have someone there all the time. They have more than just each other, they have a whole house of brothers, and they have three more that's out of the house. They have a whole family that won't judge them.

They're shape shifters for goodness sake. Being judged is going to happen anyway. They might as well get over it.

"Y'all need friends. That's why you're like this." I told them. "You'll never be able to live your life if you can't be yourselves."

"Great advice." They both said.

"I know you're not going to take it." I wasn't going to play their game, I knew they were just messing with me now. "But by the way, I wouldn't judge you. I already know the two of you are weird." I wanted to put that out there.

"We can't understand what Ty sees in you." They said, and didn't sound hostile like yesterday.

They were questioning why Ty was with me.

"You talk a lot." Lowell said.

"And you're nosy." Lowe added.

"You're always in his personal space which he doesn't like anyone to do." Lowell continued.

"And you can be a little bossy." Lowe finished.

That...stung a bit. They can just go off about anyone. I don't appreciate that. I found it to be a threat.

"How are you afraid of people judging you if you're doing that to everyone else?" I asked them quickly, getting defensive. I don't need to be called out about my behavior.

And I'm not bossy.

I know I like to talk a lot, but Ty tells me that's better because he doesn't like talking. I hold up the conversation and he prefers that more than no conversation. Honestly, I see what Ty sees in me. I'm cute and I'm great to be around. The twins were just trying to piss me off.

"And you know what?" I was about to really ruin their world. "Wait till one of you finds that special person and the other doesn't, see what happens then." I grabbed my book from my backpack and dropped it on my desk, being dramatic to show them I didn't want to talk anymore.

I saw the horror in their eyes before I turned my attention back to my book. I should move to a different seat but class was starting. They might really hate me now.

I guess what they're afraid of is knowing the truth.

They can't be together forever.

"Have you seen The Parent Trap?" They asked me quietly.

The movie about the twins switching places?...

I looked up slowly, my eyes on the board, but my attention was elsewhere as I realized what they did.

They tricked me today.

Lowell is Lowe, and Lowe is Lowell. They're just keeping everyone on their toes by switching places.

They would go that far just so no one knows who's who.

This conversation could've kept going but class was the only thing that kept me from talking. I might as well pay attention because there's a test coming up.

When class was over though, that's when the tension rose again. The twins were up and so was I. They stared at me when they got together and I stared at them.

Then they smiled.

"We like you, Gabriel." They both said.

"Doesn't feel like it." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"That's not our problem." Lowell said...Lowe said... One of them said. I don't know anymore.

"You're just fun to mess with."

"You're just like your brother-"

"Which one? Cina? or Brendan? Cause they mess with people differently." The twin on the left said.

"We're definitely not like Jackie." The other laughed.

"Yeah, Jackie doesn't mess with people, he's just an asshole." They both agreed.

"And we're not like Leo."

"He doesn't mess with people, he's just way too friendly with everyone..."

They efficiently cut me out of the conversation. I don't know if they meant to do that or not, but they did it. They were walking out of class like I wasn't even there.

They are never going to separate from each other.

I don't know why I tried, but now I can't feel bad for not trying. The twins are in their own little world, and it's best to let them stay there. They don't bother anyone unless people bother them. I got a taste of that earlier.

I walked out of class and went to my locker to get my other textbook for my next class. I took off my jacket, too, since it was getting hot. That's when I smelled cologne. It wasn't mine. It was a distinct smell, and it made me tense up because I knew who it was.

I was about to shut my locker but someone shut it for me. I turned around and sighed.

"What now, Cina?"

"Why so jumpy?" he asked me, stepping closer which pressed me up against the lockers. "I just wanted to let you know your joy and sunshine is okay." he smiled at me.

"Where did Ty go?"

"Actually, he didn't go too far. Now he's in bed, just resting."

Here I thought he would be gone for days. Maybe he just needed to shift once to release all that tension.

"Take care of him."

"Uh, no, that's definitely not my job." he wasn't going to do anything even if I asked politely. "However, I could take care of you if you're interested." he put his arm on the locker to keep me cornered.

"Are you dense?" I asked him. "I'm with your brother but you're still trying to get in my pants-"

"I can tell you're trying to get in his."

My face turned red immediately. I felt the heat on my skin, and it was from embarrassment. I hate that he and his brothers just know things. They always say I smell like Ty. And they always say when they can smell something different. They know when something is off.

Ty's off and it's my fault.

Now Cina wants to mess with me.

"We all know he wants you." Cina said quietly. "To think the second alpha male can't keep his hormones in check."

"Wait." I put my hand on Cina's chest to push him back. I was more interested in what he said. "Ty's like Channing?" I asked.

"Yeah, from what we can tell at least."

"No wonder they fight so much." Now this makes so much more sense. "It's not me! It's them!" I'm not the reason why Ty and Channing continue to go at it. "They both want to be in charge, and that's definitely not going to happen."

Cina was staring at me. Oh, I completely lost interest in him flirting with me. I was more concerned with the fact that Ty and Channing are fighting and it's not because of me. I didn't do anything. Well I might have been the gas that made the fire worse, but that's not the point.

"You think Ty wants to be in charge?" Cina didn't actually believe that.

"Well he thinks it's a better idea to keep quiet and not do anything. That's not what Channing wants to do, right?" I asked.

Ty seems more concerned with quietly taking out the situation. Channing wants to make things worse on Conrod and everyone involved. When Ty said he was going to talk to Channing, I bet they got into a fight about it.

Cina continued to stare at me, and it was like he had something to say but he shouldn't.

Something is going to happen today.

"Cina?" I know he was hold on to something.

"I should get going." he said quickly.

I wanted to know what was going on, and I was going to ask him about it, too, but someone grabbed my hand before I could latch on to Cina.

Brendan stopped me from touching him.

"You need something?" he asked as he let go of my hand. "And it can't be about what's going on." he made sure that's not what I was going to say.

"Are you going to cause trouble?-"

"What we do isn't your concern." Brendan said and pushed Cina forward. "Come on, we've got to go." he said to him.

I could've asked so many questions, but Brendan would've shut me down immediately. I don't know what's happening, and it should be for my own good. The worst thing about me is how curious I can get, but I can't help it. I want to know what's happening.

I wanted to ask Ty, but I know he's sick and he should rest.

The best way to show the Martin brothers that I'm on their side is to let them do what they're supposed to. Channing knows what he wants to do, and I already know he isn't going to listen to me so I shouldn't get in their way. I stayed in school and minded my own business. By third period, the twins were gone. I didn't see Leo walking in the hallway on the way to fifth period, and Jackie was gone before seventh.

I was going to go home and do my homework. I was going to pretend like I didn't know something bad was going to happen.

I wasn't involved in this.

I have to worry about keeping myself safe.

But I have to drive by Conrod's construction site to get home, and I saw what I didn't want to see. There were other people watching, too.

Animal Control was out there with the workers, and they had a pale wolf surrounded. He was laying on the ground, and I saw how many tranquilizers they had to use to get him there. The hunters were pointing their guns at the other six wolves that guarded the pale one.

No one was allowed to get close, and I don't think anyone wanted to. Even as I thought about getting out of my car, I couldn't. The pain to my side reminded me that I shouldn't do anything. I definitely didn't want to feel that pain at it's worst again.

So I stayed in my car and watched.

The wolves weren't hesitant. They were waiting for that one person to get intimated and put their weapon down. Once that happened, all hell broke loose.

I heard all the gun shots that erupted. I saw the workers that went down, three wolves standing over a few of them. Animal Control had brought down one of the sand colored wolves, and the other was quick to guard him.

I hadn't realized how hard my heart was beating in my chest. More people had backed away from the situation, running to protect themselves because of the use of firearms. The wolves were surrounding the two that were tranquilized. The black one had to scare off Animal Control or they would be brought down as well.

Channing had to protect his brothers.

And Animal Control seemed more concerned about the injured workers at this point. It was either save them or get the animals. Another death on Conrod's construction site and he'll really buy everything out from under everyone.

The only wolf that wasn't there was the white one.

I figured Ty was still sick.

Instead of going home, I went to see him. I didn't want to talk about what I saw, but I didn't want to be alone. I left before I saw anything else. All I know is that Brendan and one of the twins have enough drugs in their system to be out for a while.

I don't know how they're going to fix this.

I didn't want to think about that.

I think I was more relieved knowing that Ty was safe.

"Hey..." I said when he opened the door for me.

"Hey..." he said quietly.

He looked a mess.

His clothes were ruffled, his curly hair was undone an untidy. His eyes were tired. And it looked like he barely ate today.

He almost stepped out in the cold. He seemed to like it more outside than inside. I pushed him back gently so he would go back inside his house. He was barely wearing anything, just a t-shirt and shorts. Yet he thought it was pleasant to be in the cold.

"Let's get you back to bed." I said quietly and helped him stay up.

We went to his room and I let him get into bed, moving the blankets over him so he can keep warm. He still has a fever, but it's not as bad as last night. I got into bed with him, and finally thought about getting sleep.

Yet, all I could think about was what happened earlier. I was worried about them.

Someone has to help Channing. I realized that he can't expect to do everything himself.

"Ty..." I didn't know how to tell him.

"Mm." he was already drifting to sleep.

"Your brothers...why didn't you tell me what Channing was going to do today?" I asked him quietly.

He took a breath. "We're doing something everyday." he said.

Just like the protesters.

We'll fight with them. That's what Channing is using as motivation. If other people are trying to get Conrod to stop, then so should he. It's not like he and his brothers can abandon this place.

"Animal Control tranquilized Brendan and one of the twins." I told him.

"Oh..." he breathed heavily. "I told Channing that would happen..." he didn't seem that worried about them.

"Is it mean of me to say that I'm relieved you weren't there?"

"If I wasn't tired I would've been there." he said. "I have no strength to keep fighting Channing anymore."

I sat up in bed. "I found out that it's not my fault." I was excited to tell him. "Two alpha males fighting for the same role..."

He stared at me blankly because he didn't get it. I don't know how he can't.

"Gabriel, I don't want to be in charge of anything." he said to me after a minute. "That's the last thing I want. You think I need all that responsibility. You already cause me stress, I don't need to deal with more." I stressed him out already and I didn't mean to.

"Yeah, but I'm sure that other half of you wants nothing more than to lead his own pack."

"That's definitely not it." Ty didn't believe me. "What I actually want is to not be told what to do." he said.

I guess I thought I knew why Channing and Ty were fighting too much. To be honest, I still believe my theory but I wasn't going to try to explain it to him.

I smiled at him as I touched his face. He looked so tired and drained. "I feel so bad when you're on bed rest."

"I feel like everything will be easier during the summer." He said.

When it gets hotter, things should settle down. Until then, he's going to suffer. My hand pushed his hair back from his face and I let my hand rest against his cheek.

I was a little devious when I moved my leg over his under the blanket. He kept this blank expression on his face as he looked at me. It's like he knew what I was about to do. I kept smiling and I think that's what made him give up.

I saw when he decided to go for it.

He lifted himself up a bit and came closer to kiss me. I don't know if I want to admit to him how much I enjoy it when he kisses me. I also really like it when he makes the first move, and he's been doing that a lot lately.

When I moved my leg up, my knee was pressing on his crotch. I can't be surprised that he was...riled up again. I just have to see if he'll act on it today. He kept me down on his bed, so maybe he was thinking we could go for it.

He pulled away, his hand moving in my shirt. I was so surprised, I didn't know what to think.

"No sex." he warned me.

"Not with the way your hand is in my shirt." I said to him, pulling him back to me. There's no way he's not going to have sex with me.

He even let me push down his shorts.

I had a lot to think about when his cock popped out. I mean, I say I'm ready but am I? I didn't notice him kissing my neck. My hand had moved to touch his cock, my fingers wrapping around his skin and feeling it pulse against my palm.

"Ty..." My head was swirling as he kissed me.

I heard him moan while I stroked him slowly.

I fantasized about what it would be like if we actually did it, if he actually said yes.

He kissed my lips again, taking my breath away like before. His hand moved from under my shirt, tugging on my pants, and I thought he wanted them off me. My hips moved up more as he unbuttoned my pants.

My heart was racing. I know what he said before, and I wasn't going to beg him to change his mind. It seems like this was all I could handle anyway. I don't know if I was excited, or nervous. But now Ty was between my legs, even knowing that we weren't going to go so far, I couldn't help but feel horny and like I wasn't ready.

I hadn't realized I was getting ahead of myself until now.

He moved up on his knees and pulled off his shirt. I watched him toss it to the side and shake his hair out of his face. I was staring at him, his body, the way his cock pulsed with eagerness.

I swallowed thickly as he came closer to me again. I couldn't hide how I feel now. It was kind of hard to with Ty touching me, but he let me touch him, too. I know how he was feeling.

I pushed him down on his bed and moved over him, straddling over his lap with his cock touching mine. My hand pressed down on his chest, and I could feel his heart beating. I wanted to say he was nervous, but with the look in his eyes, I thought he was more ready than he has been.

My hands held both our cocks together, stroking slowly so we would both feel good. I moved my hips slowly and so did he. His eyes were on me, and I've only seen him look at me the way that he does a few times. It's like he wanted me, like he really wanted me. Now I could only imagine what it would be like if we we're having sex right now. I wasn't sure if I'd be embarrassed since he could see all of me.

Or maybe it would make things better.

His hands held my waist as I lifted my arms to take my shirt off. I would've gone back to what we were doing before but he pulled me down on his bed again, and he kept me close to him.

We fooled around for a bit. I touched him, and he touched me. This was the second time that I realized Ty has the energy to go for a while. Even then, I didn't want to stop and we didn't. He kissed me and had his arms around me and everything.

My head was swooning, my heart swelling with this feeling I've never had before, I was so lost in thought that I didn't know what to do.

I could stay in his bed all day.

I could kiss him all day.

"Ty, I have to get going." I said quietly as he kissed my neck. Every time he does that, I get shivers going down my spine.

He makes me want to stay with him.

This would be easier at my place.

My hand ran through his hair as he continued to kiss me. He was tugging at my shirt again. I licked my lips as I tried to find the strength to stop him but I was enjoying this more.

I just...have to get home.

My hands tugged his hair and I pulled him up towards me. He kissed my lips again, and he held me at my waist, making me buck my hips under him.

"...Ty." I took a deep breath but Ty had me. My heart was speeding up again. Now he was the one making me nervous.

Just as I licked my lips he kissed me.

He wasn't going to let me go and I was considering risking my freedom for this. If I'm not home in time, I'll be in so much trouble. With the way Ty was kissing me, I would risk it all. It's not like I need to go anywhere.

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