His Hybrid Pixie

Chapter Fourteen -With friends like that…

Jax looked at Rafe and said “I know you want to go in all guns blazing and pulling some John Wayne shit out of your ass and all, but we have to, at least, appear to be trying a diplomatic approach “ Rafe snaps “Fuck diplomacy! They want her back to do all that again! Or to sell her! I’m trying to wrap my head around it but it’s a struggle..Yes! I do want to run up on them with guns blazing!”

Jax smiled and slapped his shoulder. He says “You got a good one, man! I’m hoping a little of her rubs off on Madilyn.. not her foul mouth.. or the way she mumbles such disrespectful shit.. but her confidence, maybe? Her sass? I don’t know. I just know she makes every day brighter and she’s always so upbeat and…well..just happy, I guess” Rafe grins and says “it’s not boring anymore…that’s for sure “

Just as they sit back down, Andrea and Gavin walk back in and everyone digs in. Rafe thanks her and tells her it’s delicious. Gavin wants her to cook for him from now on. Rafe says No! Gavin begs just until he gets a mate.. and Rafe still refuses. Gavin links him she didn’t speak at all while they were out. Rafe says she’s processing. She’ll be back soon.

Once everyone had eaten and Gavin was back from taking the dishes downstairs to the kitchen, they all decided to try and sleep awhile. Andrea and Rafe head to their room. She grabs some clothes and saunters toward the bathroom and says “Care to save water, Alpha?” And Rafe jumps up dropping his pants on the way, almost falling into the bathroom and she giggles out “are we in a hurry” Rafe just nods and moves to turn the water on. Once it’s reached warm enough, he lifts her in, following after. He grabs the shampoo and starts massaging it into her hair.. she lets out a low moan and says it feels so good! He rinses her hair and spins her around to kiss her..long, wet and deep.

She starts kissing down his chest..pausing to take a nipple in her mouth nipping it lightly with her teeth. He sucks in a rapid breath. She runs her nails down his abdomin while she shares her attention for his other nipple. Her hand drifts further down his stomach until she reaches the Vee.. and then her hand wraps around him. He groans whispering Goddess baby, you’re killing me. Her hand moves up and down.. squeezing and loosening.. she tightens toward the head and rubs her thumb over his slit…slick with precum and she has to taste him.

She kneels down and takes the tip slowly in her mouth..sucking gently and swirling her tongue around the head..then her tongue flicks hard against the ridge beneath the tip and Rafe’s legs almost give out. She takes him deep into her throat…relaxing her throat muscles until she can fit over half his length down her throat..her hand pumping in time to her head moving and Rafe grabs her hair..twisting it around his fist as he starts moving in rhythm with her hand.

Her other hand comes up and grips his balls.. rolling them between her fingers, tugging on them, then squeezing gently.. She increases her speed and he follows suit.. All of a sudden he roars out her name and thick solid ropes of cum slide down her throat. She stands to kiss him and whispers “I think I might try this blowjob thing again” and he roars with laughter. Says oh you’re going to try that again! But if it gets any better, I worry the top of my head will blow off.

They rush through the rest of their shower and towel dry. Andrea reaches for her sleep shorts and Rafe stays her hand. He lifts her and her legs wrap around his waist. He says “I’m not done with you yet. He tosses her on the bed and follows after her.

Rafe had gotten a solid two hours sleep before he heard a knock at the door. He opened it to see Gavin standing there “I’m sorry to wake you, Rafe but Damon is on his way in with Cassandra “ He said “give me 5.” And turned to the closet to get dressed. He grabbed a pair of black jeans and a hoodie.. grabbing socks and cowboy boots, he stepped into the hall and said Stay with Luna.

He walked past Jax’s door and knocked linking him to meet at the cells…and continued downstairs. He stepped outside and realized it had turned chilly. Montana in September could have some chilly nights. Snow was heading in soon. Rafe loves the snow and everything winter. He sat warming the truck, waiting on Jax instead. It would, most likely, be colder on the way home. The truck will be appreciated.

Lost in thought, he jumped when Jax yanked the door open and hopped inside. Jax chuckled at him and said “Bro! Where’d your thoughts take you?” He muttered snow..winter..my first Christmas with the love of my life! Jax said “ahhhh…young love… Goddess help us all” and laughed. Rafe punched him.

They reached the cells and hopped out. Meeting Damon and two of his team. They carried Cassandra down the stair and laid her on a cot in a cell and chained her wrist to the wall. Rafe turned to Damon and told him to turn in. Then he walked over to the guard’s station to get a cup of coffee. He leaned back in his chair, wondering what Jax was doing when he heard “ Oh dude! Gross as fuck! Did you piss your pants?” And Rafe couldn’t stop the laugh!

Jax storms towards the guard’s station and grabs a solo cup filling it with ice water from the cooler. He says “ fuck this! I’m tired, hungry and cranky. I’m sick of these people and their twisted games. Time for answers.” He looks at Rafe and says “you coming?” Rafe gets up and stretches out his back saying “Lead the way, brother “ and they walked back to Cassandra’s cell.

Jax walks in and throws the cold water in her face saying “Wake up, Bitch…you got a job to do”. She gasps awake and says “how did I get back here?” Jax said “Oh..we’re sorry. We thought we were rescuing you from the bad guys. Quite frankly, you don’t look as well put together as you usually are? Have you done something new with your hair?” She looked at him blankly..”What?” Rafe steps in and says “he said you look like shit, you moron” And Jax fell off the chair laughing.

Cassandra broke down in tears. She said “it was awful. They pretended to be my friends..but the women made fun of me and the men would hit me. My mate forced me to have sex every few days whenever he showed up. I thought they were my friends “ whispering the last part. Jax said..”well with friends like that…..”

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