His Hybrid Pixie

Chapter Thirteen-Time for some answers

The D guy jumped first punching Gavin in the throat. Gavin rebounded, kicking him in the chest. He delivered a kick to the side of his head and the guy was out. Gavin quickly cuffed him with silver cuffs and threw him in the truck bed. The other two guards were hot on the heels of the two men that remained. Gavin linked the guards to call for extraction when they were successful.. He hopped in the truck and headed to the cells!

In the office, the trio watched the entire takedown in realtime and they celebrated. Jax yelled “Boom! That’s the way it’s done!” Then he starts singing “This is how we do it” and Andrea offered to pay him to stop!

Rafe wanted to be in the cells but he didn’t want Andrea alone. She saw the look on his face and said “No. Nope. I’m going to be there! I want to hear what my father thinks he’s doing. I will not be sidelined!” He sighed and said “Well, let’s go then” and grabbed her hand.

They all arrived at the cells as Gavin pulls up. He jumps out and says to Jax “ Help a brother out. This fucker’s heavy” and together they maneuvered him into a cell and got his handcuffs secured to the ceiling. Jax walked over to the slop sink, grabbing a mop bucket. After filling it about halfway, he walks over and tosses the water all over D guy’s head saying “Wakey Wakey TwatWaffle” The man roared “Let me go! You will regret this!”

And Jax backed up waving his hand in front of his face saying “ I already do! Damn dude! You need a breathmint” and stepped further back. Rafe steps from the shadows.

He said “Let’s start out nice and slow.. What’s your name?” The prisoner spat “Fuck you” Rafe comes back with “Nah man..not even with your sister’s pussy. Now, again, what’s your name? I know it starts with a D. So let’s guess, shall we? I’m gonna go with Dickhead. Jax?” “Thinking DoucheBag” “ Awww nooo.. that’s a good one!” They both laugh. Rafe says we’re waiting…and the guy says.. “ It’s Donald. Not that it makes a difference. You’re all dead men!”

Rafe nods and says “uh huh…said every wanna be thug ever! Now, why are you in our territory? And what does Hellier want here 3000 miles from his home?” Donald said he knows no one named Hellier. And Rafe punches him square in the face, breaking his nose. Jax leans over to Andrea and says “here comes the smidgeon” she says “what?” He says “never mind.”

Rafe gives him a few minutes to bleed before he speaks again “We know you are with Hellier. We know you beat and tortured a 16 year old child..for what? Shits and giggles? What?? What kind of man beats a Defenseless Child!!? Was she chained up? Was she sick? Starved? I’m sure she hadn’t reached her full height of 5’1 and a half! Did it make you feel powerful? Did you feel more like a man? Did you jackoff at night remembering her whimpers…her screams..her sobs? DID IT TURN YOU ON, YOU SICK FUCK?”

Andrea stretches up and whispers “he sure has a way with words” Jax chuckles and says “yeah.. he’s the best of us at psychological warfare.” Donald screams “He made me! I couldn’t go against Alpha’s Command!” Rafe yells “you could have walked away. Moved to a different pack. He ordered you to beat and torture his own daughter and you enjoyed it!”

Donald gasps and goes white as a sheet.. he mutters “No. His daughter died at birth. She was stillborn and her mother died of complications. She was a witch…that girl… a no good double crossing witch. His daughter is dead.” Rafe said..”come here, baby” and she stepped into the light. She stepped to the front of the cell and Donald started twisting his chains to get to her. Rafe punched him again saying settle down. “Have a seat, moonbeam”

She sat in a chair outside the cell. “We are going to have a little tutoring session… I ask a question and you answer. Okay?” She says okay. He asks “Do you know this man?” She says “yes then she mumbles but I don’t remember his name being Donald..I called him dogdick..but that’s just me” Rafe says “Baby, please.. just answer. Now how do you know him?” “ He used to come to my cage every other night for two weeks. He would drag me out and over to a wooden slab like table thing and tie me down. Then he would dip a three tailed whip in silver and beat me. Sometimes, he made me count each lash. And sometimes, he would use his fists with brass knuckles and beat me all over.

Those times he hung me from the ceiling. That’s how I know him” Rafe swooped in and dragged her into his arms burying his face in her neck for several minutes just breathing her in. Jax looked at Donald and said “Lucky she’s his mate, my man or he’d be letting you bleed all over him about now. But see? We have a problem.. She’s not my mate. She’s my Luna! And I love her like a sister..so trust me when I say…. You are going to hurt real good before you die. And you will die! It’s a guarantee!” He turns to Rafe and says let’s go check on the others and they leave the cells together.

Back in the office, Gavin walks in saying the elites lost scent just before North River again. And Rafe asked if any of Damon’s team had been heard from and received negatives from both Jax and Gavin. Rafe reached out to Damon and he came right back. “Alpha, we found a camp. There’s maybe 15 rogues holed up and Rafe… Cassandra is here and she’s pretty roughed up.” Rafe says “Any sign of Edward or Duncan?” “Not so far? Please advise” Damon asks. Rafe answers “Hang back and watch.

If you can get Cassandra alone, snatch her ass us and bring her back here. Maybe she will be more inclined to talk after her taste of the real world” “Yes Alpha! Hanging tight!” was the last message. Andrea looks over at them and says “ it’s late and we missed dinner. I’m going to cook something and grab us some beers.. Rafe said “Gavin… go with her”

Andrea walked into the kitchen and started searching for something quick to fix.. she got out some chicken breast cutlets and sliced them into strips. Then she chopped peppers onions tomatoes and mushrooms tossing it all into a skillet of hot olive oil. Then she took 8 soft tortilla shells and buttered one side of each. Pulling cheese, sour cream and picante’ sauce from the fridge she began assembling quesadillas on a baking sheet.

Once they were done and she’d sliced them with a pizza cutter and side dishes of picante’ and sour cream were all put on a tray. Handed Gavin a cooler with a 12 pack of beer in it, picked up the tray and headed back to the office.

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