Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter 26.

There was an air of excitement permeating the school especially with the First-year students, this was their first actual viewing of a live match of Rang and there was uncertain expectation among them.

They could feel the excitement and word had leaked as it always does in any school that certain students had bet heavily on the outcome of the match, also Estela and Philip were wondering if there was going to be a death.

They hoped not, as the game Rang truly scared them and they had not wanted to see any student harmed. There dad had talked of Rang often, but their mum did not like the idea of the game and had refused to allow the children to learn how to play until they were older.

As the teams assembled, Merlin and the staff prepared the school giving warning of a possible attempt on a deception attack. Also, the teachers were warned to look out for unusual behaviour. Mr Claws had retorted. ‘They are students their entire behaviour can be classed as unusual.’ At which Miss Tianna, Miss Catherine and Merlin laughed.

Merlin’s new wand warned him of the type of spell cast by Lansopale, yet strangely enough she was uncertain in how Joshua intended to respond as he had created a myriad of spells to act in his defence, any of which would cause harm to no fellow students, but would certainly protect those under its shielding, and as such not one of these spells was unsporting, nor broke the school’s rules, the child had simply come prepared.

As the match started Lansopale strangely enough set himself in reserve and allowed his fellow students to take stage and open with first attack. It was utterly brutal with each Fifth-year student unaware of their team Captains plans. They opened with a barrage of well-planned Rang attacks and each strike attack was coordinated to constantly keep the defenders in action.

It was then the second reserve entered play and this increased the pressure only the defence was played differently to the rest of her team who constantly sent Rang’s forcing the defenders to concentrate on deflecting of simply avoiding been struck.

The second reserve however was like a nest of hornets introduced to a playground, and her skill was amazing and her Rang’s were aimed with almost deadly intent.

Joshua’s spells engaged and attacking students suddenly found there Rang’s were slightly off course in their returns, and this caused a disruption in their concentration. The crowds were jeering now and this angered Lansopale as he entered play, it was now a full team of experienced fifth-years, against a small group of Second-Year student.

For the next nine minutes the students were uncertain as to the outcome as after adjusting to the deflections, the fifth-year students played with remarkable coordinated skill. Lansopale’s entry had evened the play and then given his team the advantage. It was then he brought into play his ace, and released his spell.

Suddenly before the defenders eyes the Rang’s cast at them appeared to quadruple in quantity and it was almost impossible to distinguish which was the real Rang’s. It was an illusion but cast in such a way during a supposed fight for the death, that its intent was to cause confusion and expose the defenders to losing their concentration.

Only Joshua did something unexpected and it was obvious from then onwards his team was prepared, as it was like watching a video stream run in extra fast forward mode. Each student moved impossibly fast intercepting the real Rang’s and bringing them out of play, while dodging and avoiding the illusions.

Only to the spectators all the Rang’s were real and when some were sent on incredibly long return flights, they came precariously close to the spectators causing them fear for harm of themselves or others.

Merlin immediately cast a protective barrier over the audience but as none had been hurt he allowed the match to continue. Suddenly the attacking team found they were on the point of losing as they had no further Rang’s in play and they were as confused as the others as to what was happening, only Lansopale appeared to have an almost unending supply of Rang’s at his disposal.

It was then another of Joshua’s spells came into play and Lansopale suddenly found himself covered in hundreds of tiny spiders, and he hated spiders, it momentary broke his concentration until he thought it was a simple illusion, and tried brushing the spiders away.

It was then they bit him, and he screamed in pain realising they were real.

“Ah get them off me he shouted while frantically brushing at his clothing, only no one else could see the tiny spiders as they quietly vanished and returned to their mother.

By then Lansopale had humiliated himself and two Rang’s intercepted him bringing him instantly out of play. His team were forced to surrender and concede the match to the Defenders.

The audience was stunned and roared in pleasure, A Second-year group of students had for the first time ever in the school’s history won the much-prized years Rang Tournament and honours were duly given.

Lansopale found himself however summoned to Merlin’s office along with those who had accepted his wager and placed bets. Joshua was there also as were Lansopale’s parents.

“Mr McCarthy welcome to my office,” said Merlin as the startled student saw who was there and realised that he had been caught out.

“Up to now you have shown remarkable talent, wisdom and have also been a good student, and with high grades. So, this incident causes me to suspect you are either unwell or under duress to meet another’s over high standards.”

Merlin spoke those words but his eyes fixed firmly on Lansopale’s father.

“You sir I suspect played a role in your son’s behaviour and brought about this disgraceful action, fortunately for you no actual students were harmed, as your son very carefully ensured all the real Rang’s cast were within game play boundaries, However, the illusions were as much real to the spectator’s eyes as the genuine article, and they Sir came precariously close to causing mental harm in fear of actual harm; and that Sir is intolerable.”

Mr McCarthy senior was incensed that Merlin had discovered his involvement, as he had coveted his son winning the honour and bet heavily on the outcome which endangered his home and family. He had been for over a year influencing his son and spelling him enforcing the desire and drive to win at any cost.

Only his son Lansopale was a good student at heart, and steadfast in his beliefs in the school’s motto, and this brought about a conflict in his mind, not wanting to expose his father’s folly in gambling and bring shame on his family.

So, in Lansopale’s mind he resolved that no actual spectator would be harmed by a real Rang, but in his confusion and stress he had overlooked that realistic illusions could do the same thing.

Merlin was aware of the student’s dilemma and cast a spell to bring his mind at peace,

“Son what your father did was stupidly unwise at the best, it also endangered others and brought shame to his family, and it endangered you his son the most precious gift a person could have in its care, a life form to guide by example and set on course to build a life of their own. As such I refuse to allow this incident to blot your record.”

Merlin paused only for a moment as he looked at Lansopale’s mother.

“You, mam I can see are shocked and bewildered by what has happened and played no part in this deception, in my eyes you are a good mother and innocent of any such crime. Your husband however has broken many laws and must atone for his crimes. His action has also placed you in a difficult situation which I am certain he does not fully understand been human and you being Fay.”

Merlin inhaled and paused and then breathed out slowly and continued.

“Sir in Fay society it is not only illegal to endanger others under the Queens Royal protection, it is illegal to gamble and a great sin in placing your ancestral home at such risk. As such those who accepted and encouraged this behaviour and wager have themselves been intercepted and the debt is void, annulled from any legal holding on yourself or family.

Mr McCarthy’s eyes widened in surprise “You however Sir are still responsible for your actions and behaviour and must face up to the consequences of your actions, do you understand?” asked Merlin.

Mr McCarthy was still in shock, Miss Tianna and Mr Claws dealt with any students involved in illegal betting and brought all under control from that side of events.

Mrs McCarthy was crying and ashamed of the dishonour brought on her name and family, and in how her husband had risked their ancestral home and quality of life over a stupid bet, regardless if there was a chance it could have won and increased his wealth.

This infuriated his wife even more, as he had used her son, dishonoured the family name and reputation and endangered others, and she knew even if he had won, then he would have only lost it later during another illegal wager.

Merlin once more took control; he had allowed the family time enough to reflect over their actions.

“Unknown to you Mr McCarthy you are not entirely to blame, as stupid as your actions have been, our investigations reveal that there is an external link, an influence far beyond your understanding and in which had been manipulating and controlling your mind.”

Mr McCarthy looked confused, as he had no idea that he was under the control of others who had deliberately set out to use him to infiltrate Highfield Academy and in doing so endangering the students as well as his family. It was at that moment Royal Fay Wizard warriors appeared and led Mr and Mrs McCarthy away into custodial protection.

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