Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter 27.

Joshua’s team was excited they had won such a prestigious honour and Merlin and the staff had congratulated them on such cleverly manipulated team play, and not once endangering the audience during such a stressful time. There had however, been objections placed by other Fifth year students on the actions taken in what appeared to be increasing the Defenders reflex and speed reaction times.

Only this was rejected as believed to be perfectly acceptable in defence of one’s life and as it had not broken schools Rules nor endangered others it was deemed an acceptable defence action. There had been the occasional counter claim and appeal against the decision, yet the appeals were overruled and the students had to accept the results. The Second-year students had defeated a class of highly experienced fifth-year students, which was something not only unimaginable but unheard of in the school’s history.

Celebrations went long into the night with Mr Claws allowing the party to continue as it was a weekend and Saturday morning lessons were terminated in recognition of the glorious victory.

Lansopale was taken before the school’s disciplinary committee who considering the facts looked on the student’s actions with leniency, however, his actions could not go unpunished yet clemency of a sort was offered considering all the student had endured, and the stress placed on him by third parties.

Mr Claws had the student assist in all the school’s janitorial duties which were extensive, and included unblocking toilets, cleaning and all aspects of hygiene requirements within the school’s medical ward, like tending to bed pans etc. Incredibly as humiliating as this was Lansopale found this pleasing and put his heart into redeeming himself and even took on extra duties in aiding those in need.

His action had not gone unnoticed and Merlin made a mental as well as written note to ensure the student was given a merit of commendation in his final term report, this went a long way in exonerating the students name, and an otherwise one single bad mark against him. It also showed to the staff and Merlin his true character was one of compassion, and that he was genuinely empathic to other’s needs, and prepared at work through what some others might view as humiliation to himself in his actions.

It also indicated he possibly faced a promising career in caring for others and if his studies were maintained and he kept the otherwise excellent examine results, there was possibly an opening to be found as a junior teacher at Highfield Academy which was a great honour and something many coveted but very few were offered.

However, Captain Willham learnt of Mr McCarthy’s failure and of the imprisonment of those the captain had used to bring his plan into play. This angered him and only went to drive him forward and make him more determined to overcome any resistance before him, yet he knew he had to tread carefully and to avoid his actions coming to the notice of his Queen. So, he had carefully laid the blame on the long-term planning of Guayangarea in her effort to infiltrate the school and gain access to Merlin.

In time Queen Shellback came to learn of the incident as interrogation of those involved had revealed orders had come from her kingdom and the Royal Courts. Captain Willham had been clever as he genuinely had previously under the old Witches rule been ordered into infiltrating the school, and by any means and using all at his disposal for this purpose. As such the blame for this action could not be traced back directly to him now that he was under Shellbacks protection and rule.

However, he was now aware of Shellback been conscious of this action and this reduced vastly any further manipulations unless he could somehow acquire the help from his queen under the guise of intelligence gathering, and it was this course which he decided to follow.

“My Queen as evil as your mother was, in part her power was also derived from knowledge of her opponents and potential enemies of which you in the past were used as bait.”

He hesitated almost praying he had not crossed the line of her tolerance, yet on seeing her interest Captain Willham continued.

“It was your mother’s knowledge of her opponents and enabling her to understand and surmise a probable action, thus like in the magical creature incident she set a trap and gained these beautiful creatures and was able to learn in who had sided with the Royal Courts.”

His words were manipulative and presented in drawing Queen Shellback into considering his next words, having laid the foundation to get her attention.

Queen Shellback remembered all too well the incident and the agony of the pain inflicted upon her by her mother. So, Captain Willham used this to his advantage.

“To enable your kingdom to grow, even in times of peaceful trade, one needs to acquire intelligence and as distasteful as your mother was, her intelligence networks were virtually unmatched and still set up should you need to take advantage. It pays to know in advance who your enemies are, and to be prepared.”

Captain Willham was certain his Queen was unaware of his plans and confidently he used his skills to slowly mould her towards his way of thinking and knowing an opportunity would arise when he could step in and take her place.

Unknown to Queen Shellback her mother had originally accepted Captain Willham’s suggestions of engaging the Tebard’s in service to bring the humans into subjection.

Guayangarea had placed the Captain in overall control of the Tebard’s and of their subjecting the human children into slavery, However, in his recording of events he ensured his name was never once entered on record in having anything other than following Guayangarea’s orders. However, the Captain had been unaware of the Observers and of their constant recording of History.

Queen Shellback accepted his logic in intelligence gathering, and authorised him to set into place such action as to keep her informed of possible dangers arising to her rule and kingdom.

Thalaba quietly observed the interactions from an adult Dyad which he had left in the Queens Royal chambers along with over a hundred of her children, tiny spider-lings so small that they would go unnoticed and could magically blend into any background. They in turn reported all their findings to their mothers who in turn reported directly back to Thalaba.

However, he was acutely aware the Queen either had a Dryad of her own or a magical beast which had shifted to appear as a Dryad. Such was the fear the other magical creatures held for the Dryads, that even the mightiest of Behemoths avoided direct confrontations, it was for this reason that they were such a precious gift, as trained Dryads were rarer than hen’s teeth and more valuable than a kingdom of Gold.

Incredibly Thalaba had gifted Kelton his apprentice with his very own Dyad’s, two siblings which had bounded to him and he carried them like Merlin and Thalaba unseen by others always.

Kelton’s training consisted of much in line as he had when at Highfield Academy, only there was the addition of fieldwork and extra live combat skills, and these were far from gentle and had placed him into the care of medics twice already.

However, Thalaba had a simple philosophy, which was learn of die, and when applied in a situation of combat a student quickly learnt and utilised any additional assistance that was available. His wand was a vast resource and on acquiring the two Dryads, it was like been given a small army of spies and warriors to aid you in your battles.

As they could see magical attacks and danger as it approached unseen by Kelton and pre-warn him in advance giving him time to prepare, the Dryads were also able to report to their mother who was always nearby, as was their other siblings if needed in an emergency, it was in part for this reason that Thalaba had lived so long and acquired considerable skills utilising them to the fullest of his advantage in attacking Wizards and Witches.

He was known as ‘Thalaba The Destroyer’ for a reason, and it was not because he ignored his responsibility and failed to be aware of all that was happening around him. Constantly his mind received data like input from his multitude of magical servants which operated in harmony, and his mind collated the information into immediate importance to that which could be used for a later time.

Merlin knew of his training methods and although he could not use such within the school, he approved, knowing it hardened a student to the dangers of life quickly and once learnt, then such skills could be very quickly applied in battle. And it was one such situation that almost cost Kelton his life and if had not been for his training it is certain his life would have been lost.

Thalaba had traced five Tebard’s to Romania, and had set a trap to intercept them, only they were powerful warriors full of pride and saw Thalaba and his apprentice as no more than a single adult Fay warrior and a child, against five highly skilled warriors. And unknown to Thalaba the Tebard’s had an encampment nearby with another twenty warriors to call upon.

Thalaba had planned the interception and had immediately taken out the leader of the group and two of his guards, leaving Kelton to take care of the remaining two Thalaba warriors.

Incredibly Kelton’s past Rang training served him well and as he avoided spell upon spell, he took down one of the adults quickly, only the remaining Tebard somehow alerted the others and soon Kelton was under attack by almost twenty warriors.

His Dryads had alerted him and using the training from both the school and that which Thalaba had shown him, he bravely fought holding off the warriors until Thalaba came to his aid, and this instantly improved the odds of his survival.

The battle lasted twenty-three minutes and some seconds, yet as it was ending, a previously unseen group of five extra warriors entered the battle.

If it had not been for Kelton’s Dryads he simply would not have seen in time the spells cast in his direction. Yet warning was given and Kelton reacted unbelievably fast and intercepted the first volley and killed two of the Tebard’s and leaving Thalaba to take care of the remaining three.

Thalaba was suitably pleased by his apprentice’s reactions and ensured he was rewarded for his bravery, especially when it was considered his age. Yet that was why he was firm and refuge to budge in his training methods, as the very style of life that any such apprentice to Thalaba entered, would in time involve fighting powerful Fay Magicians or Witches, and it was imperative they had confidence to face such battles.

And yet learn of the extent of their limitations, and work constantly to improve their reaction times, and not only defend themselves but also others, and learn also when to attack.

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