Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter 25.

Kelton had taken to his new training and had even been involved in field missions with his new master Thalaba, one in which involved exploring as emissaries into Shellbacks kingdom. It was not as dangerous as seemed as Thalaba held incredible powers and travelled with a team of top wizards, also he had placed location spells on himself and those under his care which could be activate instantly, returning them into a pocket dimension and then back to their kingdom.

Only Thalaba had wanted to test Shellbacks reactions and to see just how approachable she was to representation from the Fay Royal Courts. Her hatred of the Demoni for using her and having tried to murder her had thrown the balance of power and now that she had taken full possession of her powers it was not safe for any Demoni to risk a frontal open attack.

Thalaba had sent delegates in advance to see if his kingdom could trade with Shellbacks, this was something his spies had told him was desired, and they had been cautiously received but not harmed. So Thalaba had acquired the most trusted and respected trades people from his kingdom and arranged for a delegation of such dignitaries to formulate trade agreements.

It also gave him the opportunity of accessing the level of hostility and layout of terrain as well as the type pf people he would be dealing with. What surprised him was the extent of the billions of Fay who were still primitive and tribal, as they had been thousands of years ago.

And were also tribal by nature and practicing their primitive religions, while those in direct service and coming under the collective household of Shellback, which included a huge and highly trained army, were civilised, and treated with considerable care and respect, in fact he would go as far as to say their service was valued.

This had been the opposite of the former evil Witch who had once controlled this land, but Shellback showed wisdom and consideration for those under her care, and allowed them to openly trade and talk freely, as long as they remained loyal.

Shellback herself purchased jewellery and fine linen and allowed her household staff to update their medical and culinary needs and tastes, her attention to detail was noted and she called for an audience with Shellback.

On his arrival to her quarters he was introduced to Captain Willham and some of the court wizards.

“So, the famous Thalaba himself honours my court, did you find what you were looking for?” enquired Shellback.

Thalaba smiled, “In many more ways than one, but the biggest surprise was in seeing your beauty and finding you the opposite of your mother, this has pleased me and if you permit I feel our kingdoms can unite in trade.”

Shellback grinned. “Was it only trade, or were you wondering my intentions and the size of my armies, and to see what weaknesses could be exploited?” she calmly and openly asked.

Thalaba looked at her directly, “If you honestly know of my reputation, then you will also know of my honour, and I give you my word my primary action was to see if trade could be developed, and then to see of the rumours which had reached me that you were not as evil as your mother and that your hatred of the Demoni could be utilised to form an alliance should they declare war.”

Shellback had considerable powers, but she also knew all too well of Thalaba’s reputation and that he was himself thousands of years in age and that it was reputed he had been created by Angels as a means of killing evil wizards and Witches who had broken the Angelic accord. As such to face down such an opponent was foolish and provoking danger in which for now she was not prepared to face.

However, to accept a hand of extended friendship and trade, and then to develop that to one’s advantage gave opportunities of acquiring much needed knowledge on one future adversaries and this pleased Shellback.

“Trade would be most welcome it has been far too long since my people had such opportunities, although the tribal sections could present difficulties but that would be nothing unsurpassable.”

She smiled watching Thalaba absorb all that she had just so openly told him.

“Thank you, Queen Shellback, for so graciously receiving my delegation,” said Thalaba.

“No, it is I who must thank you king Thalaba, you are indeed a man of honour and you have so graciously been the first to open trade with my people, and I hope this will in time encourage others to venture to my kingdom in search of such opportunities. Merlin is one in whom I am most keen to send my apologies too, as while under the influence and control of my mother I attacked him and caused harm to some of his students, for this I am truly sorry.”

Thalaba used his skills to probe Shellbacks mind, and found she was telling the truth, yet he could also see there was something, he was uncertain as to what it was, but something in the Queens mind remained unresolved and undecided, and this in part concerned him.

“At some point, soon I am due in the Royal Courts and there I will leave word for Merlin to contact me, where I can then relay your message, would that please you your Highness?”

Shellback laughed, “Most certainly but I have a feeling you will be talking with him even sooner than that, yet as a gift and showing of good will, I have arranged with my courtiers for the return of several hundred human children who my mother had abducted into slavery.’

This stunned Thalaba, but Queen Shellback continued talking. “Amazingly some have asked if they could stay and you are welcome to interview them, you will see for yourself they were not chorused in anyway, and since been in my care have been treated with dignity, and respect, and my staff have cared for their medical and physical needs. The others miss family and simply wish to return home.”

Thalaba was genuinely taken aback and had not known of the slaves, Shellback saw this and took advantage.

“My mother was behind the slavery of human children and financed the Tebard’s, and by backing them and encouraging their greed for power. I do not agree with such slavery and have ordered my officials to trace all such slaves, and compile a list of all names and whereabouts of those involved.”

Queen Shellback paused and handed Thalaba personally the documents in her hand,

“I cannot vouch that they are still residing at these address, but those in whom my mother could keep track of, are also included, some are now living abroad believing themselves safe, I will if you so desire dispatch my own military to arrest them, or if you prefer you can have that honour, as far as I am concerned they are despicable and deserve no mercy.”

At that Thalaba accepted the documents and bowed showing respect, and it was then he caught the briefest of glimpses of some small movement and knew instantly that Queen Shellback had somehow possibly acquired a Dryad, and that she had at least one if not more attached to her body.

Thalaba had himself six Dryads on him always, and these were from a strain he had trained thousands of years ago, they were warriors and any new born Dryads would instantly have recognised the power not only within him, but that which attached itself to him as invisible guards ready to act at a moment’s notice.

Queen Shellback momentarily shuddered as she brought her mind under her full control, something had warned her she would certainly lose and all present would be killed if she did anything to warrant such a hostile response.

“I congratulate you King Thalaba, my guards warn me that your power far exceeds mine and of those in my Court, and yet you act with civility and without fear. I respect such bravery and honour, you truly are a good person,” responded the Queen.

Thalaba had realised the danger that he was in and Kelton who had been unseen shadowing his master, remained vigilant and attentive to every interaction taking place, in the knowledge he was safe and that not even the Dryads could harm him.

Ethpadmin kept him continuously informed as she explained the interactions and of the unseen magical creatures cloaked from within the room.

Yet, always Thalaba was in full control and aware of his environment, and using Angelic sight to be aware of all possible dangers, and Queen Shellback knew this, which meant she also had inherited incredible powers gifted to her mother by the Demoni, and which were now hers to use for good or evil.

So far as Thalaba could ascertain Shellback had so far only used her gifts for good and benefiting others, and Thalaba knew that there was still time to bring the queen onto the side of good and to fight such evil.

As his delegation was leaving Thalaba was already communicating his finding to the Royal Fay Council of Wizards. The Queen of all Fays was in turn informed and accepted Thalaba recommendations for further observation and trade. Only there was great concern as to how and from where Shellback had acquired a Dryad.

As he left Queen Shellbacks kingdom the various tribes of Crow warriors followed in the distance, millions of the construct birds observed every passing from various vantage points and relayed everything back to Captain Willham.

Gently the captain rested a hand on a Behemoth as it transformed itself back from been what appeared to have been a Dryad, “Soon my little beauty, soon this will be all ours”, the beast rubbed its head understanding all its master was saying.

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