High Moon High School

Chapter 8

Information overload

We arrived at Mrs. Matthews office after lunch. I am feeling a little nervous, I wonder if she knows. Oh! I wonder if she is one of them, surely she must know she is running a school of wolves?

Ajax knocks on the head teacher’s door and within seconds it is being opened.

“Better late than never. I’m assuming that the three of you here is good news and I’m in the company of the future Luna and her Alpha’s?” Mrs Matthews asks, her eyebrow raised awaiting an answer.

“Actually we have only explained the basics but Cierra has agreed to let us show her what it would be like to live in our world and give us a chance before she makes any decisions.” Ajax says back almost immediately.

" Okay, well then. I have just called your parents back and they’re in the staff room having lunch. They will be here any minute.” As she finishes speaking the door opens and a tall man very similar looking to the twins and just as handsome comes striding in holding open the door for a beautiful woman with thick blonde flowing hair and a kind face, who’s grey eyes light up as her gaze settles on me.

Oh my boys, she is divine. My my Joseph, our grand babies will be beautiful.” She hurries over to me scooping me up in a hug, and then letting go to take in my whole appearance. ” You my darling are stunning what lucky boys I have. I am so excited to welcome you to our pack and introduce you to their future Luna. You will do nicely for my boys, I can tell.” She says excitedly.

I stiffen at her words, grandbabies, Luna, pack introduction what?

She’s a lovely lady and I’m glad she approves though I’m not quite sure why her approval seems to matter to me but my word she is a whirlwind. The twins father stands watching and smiles lovingly at his wife. The look in his eyes is one full of love and adoration. The twins come back to my side. “Mother.” Aries says a hint of warning in his tone.

“Mother, please we have only just told her about us, don’t scare her off before we’ve had a chance to show her what life with us will be like” Ajax adds.

“Come on dear, let’s sit.” Her husband says.

We sit around the head teachers desk and introductions are made, I cannot believe I’m meeting their parents so soon. This seems a little much.

I leave the guys and their parents to talk and listen as some of my unasked questions are answered. I answer where I need to and nod and smile but this is all a bit rushed and I feel like I need to lie down at the end of the meeting.

“You look tired love” Ajax states

“I am, maybe it’s information overload” I joke to him.

“Baby, let’s take you up to bed so you can rest a little. I know today has been alot for you. We can talk when you’re rested.” Aries says

We walk back to my room, a twin on either side, Ajax holding my hand on one side and Aries on the other guiding me with his hand on the small of my back.

We arrive back at my room and I feel a pang of disappointment in my chest when the twins kiss my head and tell me they will be back in an hour. They have some things to discuss with their parents. A part of me was hoping they would come and hold me while I take some time to chill but I shake that away, I have no idea why I’m feeling so clingy.

The rational side of me pulls me back to reality and I make my way to the bathroom I need a hot relaxing bath and a little power nap.


I feel thoroughly relaxed after my refreshing bath and nap, I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I get dressed in a cream cycling short and cropped sweater Co Ord set and add my beige chunky trainers that I brought from home. I pull my finger through my hair and pull it up into a neat high ponytail.

As I finish there’s a knock on my door. I go over to answer it and Rach is standing there. “Hey Ci, were going swimming get ready”

She says and walks past me into my room. And sits herself on the bed.

“I’m tired Rach but I’ll come and watch.” I reply, I just don’t feel like swimming right now after the events of last time i’ll sit this one out.

" Fine let’s go, you look great by the way.” She adds.

“Thanks you too.” I reply She does look cute today.

I grab my phone and make my way to the indoor pool with Rach.

When we arrive everyone is there apart from the twins, then I see them come walking through the doors they make a bee line for me.

“What are you wearing” Aries asks

“He means you look amazing.” Ajax interjects.

Aries stands staring at me then shakes his head as though shaking off a thought. “You always look great, I just don’t like people ogling what’s mine.” He says.

“Yours?” I get a little angry that he doesn’t agree with my choice of clothing, I’m quite body confident but this outfit doesn’t show much skin anyway, my legs and a thin line of my midriff if my top raises up. Yes my shorts are tight but they’re cycling shorts they’re bound to be.

“Yes, mine. Are you not mine?” He asks, cocking his head to the side in question.

I square my shoulders and just simply say “No”.

He lets out a barely audible growl and Ajax is starting to look nervous.

Aries takes my face in his hands and kisses me. “If you were not mine, why would you let me do that?” He asks his voice low.

" I kissed Titan, does that make me his as well?” I snipe at him.

Now both of them growl eyes turning dark.

“I don’t want to hear those words again, you are ours, we explained this to you, how it works, that we’re Alpha’s that makes us even more possessive. You are not property No but you are mine to look at, kiss, touch.” Aries says and walks away.

Ajax come to me and pecks me on the lips, “please don’t wind him up, were both feeling very insecure right now, you don’t feel the full effects of the mate bond so there is a chance you could spend this time with us and then reject us like we discussed, he’s just on edge as am I but I really would appreciate it if you didn’t put images of you and other guys in our heads.” He says softly holding my hand.

I breathe out a steady breath and lean up to him for a kiss. He leans down to meet my lips and kisses me softly. Then he pulls away winks and me and goes to jump in the pool while I take a seat at the side of the pool.

I flit between watching the guys play around in the pool and reading my book.

They’re in there for two hours when they all start to get out and head to the locker rooms to get changed. I start getting myself ready to go when Titan plonks himself down next to me.

“Hey Cici, I just want to make sure we’re OK? I don’t want things to be awkward in the group. I’m sorry I made it that way.” He says.

I look in his eyes and give him a smile, “Yes we’re good, don’t worry about it.” I reply hoping we can put a line under this and move on as friends.

Aries comes walking out and his expression hardens when he sees me talking with Titan, he stalks his way over to us and I can tell he is trying to suppress his anger. He’s clearly feeling jealous because of this wolf thing although he has told Titan he is forgiven. As he reaches us Ajax jogs over with a smile on his face and stops in front of me putting out his hand for me to take, I blush and take it as he pulls me up out of the chair and places a kiss on my head, “Mine.” He says as he grins at his brother and pulls me away. I glance back at Aries and Titan who are now giving each other one of those bro hug things. I can tell the others respect the twins and from what I can gather they’re the groups, and the rest of the werewolf students King’s or Alpha’s or whatever.

Ajax and I get to the canteen before the others, he lets me go first to get my meal I’m looking over the options when I hear a sweet voice say “Hey Alpha, I’ve missed you where have you been?”

I look out of the corner of my eye and see a pretty slender brunette leaning into Ajax and feel a pang of jealousy run through me. I try to pretend I haven’t noticed her and start to fill my tray as Ajax steps away from the girl and says “Me and Alpha Aries had some business to take care of with our father this weekend so we took some leave.” I see the girl pout, “I was hoping to chill with you this weekend, watch some films and... stuff you know?” She replies to him sweetly, “Alana, that’s enough. That won’t happen again.” Ajax replies and my heart aches a little at him spending time with other girls before me even though I’m not even sure if I’m going to accept him. “I’m sure it won’t take long to change your mind. ″ I hear her say and she turns on her heel and walks away, her hips swaying from side to side.

Ajax turns back to me and leans down to kiss my cheek. Nicole and Tasha arrive next to us, fill their trays and we head over to our usual table. The girl Ajax called Alana is sitting in my regular seat so I sit a few over, Ajax sits next to me placing a hand on my knee. “Jaxy, come sit next to me” She pats the seat beside her pouting to him. He looks at her and back to me she is clearly annoying him and hitting on my boyfriend well sort of.

“Alana, shoo, he’s sat with his and Alpha Aries mate, you know they found their mate! There isn’t a female that doesn’t.” Nicole hisses at her.

" That’s okay Nicole, if she wants to provide evening entertainment by embarrassing herself that’s fine, me and Ajax have great seats to the show.” I say almost too sweetly. Ajax turns to me and gives me a quick peck on the lips. I feel someone sit on my other side and know instantly Aries has joined us. I’m thinking she should probably behave now, I haven’t seen it but I feel he’s not one to deal with any level of disrespect. It helps the fact that these guys need me not me, I’m happy alone so I won’t fall into a full bitch drama that just isn’t my thing I’d rather walk away and let her have them than get caught up in that crap. I can stand up for myself, wolf or not.

“I think you’ve got your wires crossed hun,” I hear Alana say. “He wants me, it’s only the mate bond keeping him by your side, he picked me without it and mate bonds can be broken.” She probes, her voice dripping with poison.

I look at her and smile sweetly, now swivelling around on my seat for a full view of her. I feel Aries hands come around my waist and Ajax is looking at me wondering what my next move will be. I smile at Ajax and say “Ajax do you want this girl? If you do you can go to her that’s fine.” He smiles at me and kisses me again, “No baby, I want you no one else.” He replies.

A quick look of shock crosses her features before she pulls herself back together. “There we have it, now we can either eat and pretend you don’t look like a desperate whore, or you can carry on entertaining us and prove that’s exactly what you are.” I speak directly to her. I can hear the girls at the table snickering and the guys are trying really hard to suppress their laughter. Seriously every high school has an Alana, their faces are always pretty but their personalities are disgusting. She goes to move towards me but the whole group let out low warning growls, oh wow they’re all sticking up for me, they all seem ready to protect me. Aries pulls me into his lap and rests his face in the crook of my neck breathing in deeply, I let him, I know he is trying to calm himself because this is what he did in my room last time he was angry. Ajax looks at me with his eyes full of, huh? What’s that? Love? No of course not Cierra you idiot it’s been like 2 days. I smile at him and go back to my meal as Alana stands and stomps away from the table.

“Shit small fry you’ve got balls.” Tiny says, “I agree that was awesome.” Cain says. The rest of the table nod and go back to their meals and start going over the classes they have tomorrow. I ate my food still sat in Aries lap as he made no effort to let go of me while he ate once he had calmed, it was nice to feel this wanted by not one but two gorgeous guys but Aries mood and outburst earlier was still nagging in the back of my mind I’m 17 in a week and don’t want to be stuck in a relationship this complicated with someone that freaks out about an outfit, I wear what I want when I want. I understand what Rach, the twins and their parents have told me about Alpha’s being protective of their mates and everything else but what if that’s not what I want? I do want to get to know the guys, I have said I’ll give them a chance and I feel really close to them especially Ajax in such a short space of time and it doesn’t worry me that I feel that way apparently it’s natural and werewolves can find their mate as young a 16 although that’s rare but I don’t feel it as much as they do, maybe if I did I’d feel differently about his outburst maybe even understand it but I don’t.

“Baby you okay?” Aries asks.

I just simply nod at him and stand from his lap. “Come on, walk me back to my room, I’m feeling tired.” I say to them both they gladly oblige and stand with me walking at either side of me again my hand in Ajax’s and Aries hand on the small of my back

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