High Moon High School

Chapter 9

Are you rejecting me?

We get to my room and I explain to the guys that I’d like to turn in early to be bright and ready for tomorrow’s classes. They don’t seem too pleased about leaving me but they don’t protest either. Instead they both give me a quick kiss and head off.

I arrange my books for tomorrow and change into some light pink flannel pyjamas, braid my hair down my back and crawl into bed. I look at the time, 8pm it’s still early so I grab my phone and decide to text Aries.

Me: Hey, are you still awake?

Dots appear at the corner of my screen right away telling me he is writing out a reply.

Aries: yes my love, you okay?

Me: yeh I was just thinking about earlier....

Aries: when?

Me: When you commented on my outfit, then when you looked angry that I was talking with Titan

Aries: OK love, what about it?

Me: I don’t think this can work if that’s the way you’re going to act just over an outfit and me talking with another guy, your friend no less I thought you had dropped that?

Aries: Cierra, I’m sorry I know I acted wrong. You did look hot and some guys were staring. I just got a little jealous. I didn’t see what happened between you and Titan, you don’t feel the bond so I worried you might have preferred him over me. Are you saying you want to reject me because of my behaviour?

Me : It’s not that Aries, it’s just that I know I will end up wanting to if that is the way things are going to be. I don’t want to be controlled by someone....

Me: The attention from you and Ajax makes me feel things I’ve never felt before and while that doesn’t scare me I don’t want to get too deep into this and then regret it. I feel something for you both, I know I do. I’m drawn to both of you but that’s not something that’s going to make me ignore how you act.

Aries: I’m sorry love I’ll try better, honestly I will, please give me another chance don’t reject me now at least give me time to show you how much I need and want you. Please.

Me: The bathroom door is unlocked, will you come to me?

Now I’ve aired what I feel, I feel as though a weight has been lifted and I really want to see him. Seconds later Aries comes walking into my room from the bathroom. “Ajax is sulking.” He says in his gruff bored tone.

“Tell him to give us 5 minutes and he can come join us, I just want you to hold me for a minute OK?” He nods and carries on over to me, “Are you going to tell him?” I ask. “I just did.” He smirks at me.

“You haven’t you’re standing in front of me.” He grins at me and climbs into bed beside me pulls me on top of him so I lay on him on my front looking up at him, he kisses my nose and starts to explain this thing called mind linking.

“Woah so you guys can just have conversations with your brains?” I am amazed at this new information, the amazement seeping out in my tone and im sure facial expressions too. I feel like someone just told me Santa is real.

“Yes, and our wolves.” Ajax says as he walks through the bathroom door into my room to join us.

He comes over and Aries rolls me so I’m now sitting between them all of us sat with our backs to the headboard.

“Your wolves?” I question. The boys mesmerising grey and blue eyes sparkle with excitement that I’m asking questions about their world and they begin to explain how each person’s wolf emerges when they turn 13 how they are a separate being but one soul, how their wolves advise and them and pine for there mate, and even influence their own moods. They tell me all about the pack and packhouse and the way they live and so much more. By the time they finished answering all my questions I let out a little yawn, they both smile at me like one would a newborn baby. I lie down and face Aries putting my arms around his waist and before I know it I’m fast asleep.


My alarm goes off at 7.45 and as I wake I can hear Aries and Ajax light snores, they start to stir awake as I move “Morning beautiful” “Morning gorgeous” they both say and kiss my head at the same time, I let out a little giggle they glare at each other and I start to get up.

“Where are you going?” Ajax asks

“For a shower and then to math, you both should do the same.” I reply, Their eyes light up. “Oh no no no, i meant go to maths not follow me to the shower, you can shower when I’m done.” I say to them both with a laugh. They pout but I know they’re only doing it in jest.


I was ready to leave and the twins asked me to wait for them while they finished up so we could all walk to class together.

We got to maths and Aries sat next to me, Ajax behind me. I had left my hair down after quickly blowing it out after my shower it was just above my bum. I really do love my long blonde locks and my hair colour makes my blue eyes seem brighter. Ajax is playing with the ends of my hair over his desk when in walks Alana, her eyes brighten as she notices the seat next to Ajax is empty and she walks over to sit herself next to him. My phone pings class hasn’t started yet so I pull it out and look at it.

Kay: You want me to move her?

Me: No I’m good thankyou

I don’t care that she’s sat next to him. He made it pretty clear yesterday who he wants, she can keep making a fool of herself, Aries looks at me and smiles and then he faces back to the front as the teacher enters the room. “Psst, baby?” I turn around to Ajax, ” I get you in geography” He says, Alana huffs from next to him, I roll my eyes at him jokingly and face back to the front. We got through lessons without a hiccup. I was only made to stand up in front of everyone once in geography to introduce myself. The twins stared at me with a look of pride on their faces the whole time I was standing at the front of the class. Considering I was in school I was having a good day. The rest of the week went by without a hitch. Alana seems to have got the memo and hasn’t been back for any more attempts at my twins. They slept in their own rooms the rest of the week but still spent a few hours in the evening with me watching movies and getting to know each other. Although I have enjoyed my classes I am so glad the weekend is here. Rach, Cain and Tiny protested for another sleepover this weekend so everyone is staying in my room tonight then tomorrow the twins are taking me on an official date and then to the packhouse to stay for the weekend. I have managed to keep my birthday quiet, I do like birthdays but they always end in my mum and dad getting drunk and arguing so for the last few years I’ve not brought it up and they’ve not either it has been much better that way although my grandparents always call and pop down to take me out for food.

I’m in the shower when the door opens and I look to see Rach walking in, she looks a little mad I let her know I’ll be out in a minute, jeez there’s no privacy in this place I think to myself. Rach had packed a little overnight bag at lunch and came straight to my room after classes. I open my eyes from rinsing my hair and she’s still standing there tapping her foot. I shut off the water and she hands me a towel.

“Is something wrong?” I ask her

“Not at all, just the fact you didn’t tell me it was your birthday tomorrow and the twins are in your room about ready to go find out who Brad is and tear his head off.”

My eyes widened at the sound of my ex-boyfriend’s name, how would they know about Brad? I walk out of the bathroom clad in just my towel in too much of a rush to find out what’s going on and the twins are sitting on the chairs facing each other with a bouquet of roses in between them and a small pile of presents.

I start to walk over and a set of dark grey eyes and a set of dark blue eyes land on me.

“Hey Aries, shall we have a word in your room?” He cocks his head looking angry but I stand my ground keeping my tone confident I continue, “Actually both of you now!”

They look at each other as though having a silent conversation and looking a little Confused. I see them stand and I walk away heading through my bathroom into their room. Their room is the same size as mine but the gang could never have sleepovers together as girls aren’t allowed in the boys dorms, now they can because they’re coming up to my room, apparently some girls do sneak in but if they’re caught the school contacts their parents and they face punishment.

I hear the twins enter the room behind me and close the door. I turn around to face them and look at them angrily. They still look murderous but also confused. Eyes still dark.

“So tell me, what did you do wrong Aries?” I half shout at him.

He looks at me like I have two heads. “What did I do? You’re the one getting flowers sent to you by other men!” He shouts back.

“Hmmm, what about you Ajax?” I move on to my other twin. “Uh, I’m siding with Aries this time who the fuck is Brad? Care to explain?” He almost growls out at me.

“OK no, I don’t owe either of you an explanation as to why another man has sent me flowers but if you had kept your cool and actually asked me what was going on before flying into a rage LIKE WE HAVE TALKED ABOUT ARIES!” I shout now staring directly at him, “I would have gladly explained, now you both can sit here and stew in your own f*king jealousy and think up whatever the fuck scenarios you want to.

Don’t come back into my room or near me until you both calm your shit down and understand why it is me that is angry at both of you. Ass hats!” And as I storm past them both and cut back through the bathroom back into my room, I walk over to the flowers and smell them, they’re beautiful. I pick them up and put them on one of my bedside tables.


Happy Birthday babe

Wish you were coming home to celebrate with me

I miss waking up to you

Love Brad


I throw the card in the bin, I’ll keep the flowers, they’re pretty. Brad is a guy I used to fool around with, we never went all the way but we scratched each others itches a few times. He lives near my grandparents house so I stay at his house often when I’m visiting Galena, Illinois it’s a very small American town and everyone knows everyone. My grandparents have lived there all my life so me and Brad have been friends for a long time. I knew a relationship wouldn’t work between us so when I noticed we were catching feelings for each other I called off the benefit side to our friendship. Brad had been hurt but understood although like the card, sometimes he asks for me back in his life wholly. If the twins had kept their tempers in check I’d have told them that!

I take the presents over to my bed and a pissed off Rach comes over and helps me unwrap.

“Rach if you don’t fix your face you can go and stew with the other morons in the next room, I don’t celebrate my birthdays it’s not a big deal. I’ve had 17 birthdays each one as bad as the next so no I didn’t tell you.” I snarl at her, she fixes her face giving me an apologetic smile. I opened a hot pink flowery binder. It’s cute and will come in handy. My grandparents have sent me a couple of gifts, as well as a binder I opened some new ugg slippers, a moschino hoodie in nude which I instantly love, a new Samsung Z fold, and some little gold hooped earrings and matching necklace. I really do love my grandparents. As Rach is putting the rubbish in the bin the twins pop their heads through the door, a scowl crosses Aries face at the sight of the roses but it quickly disappears.

“Can we come in beautiful?” Ajax asks

“Have you both stopped jumping to your own conclusions and brooding over them?” I ask back.

He nods at me and starts to walk over. I put out my arms for him to come to me, he stands me up and moves me forward as Aries comes up behind me getting as close as possible again I find myself in a Reign twin sandwich. They both seem better after holding me for a few minutes. “So baby, who’s Brad?” Ajax asks calmly.

I just look at him, I think i’ll let them stew a little longer they know I can’t stand when they get like that, don’t get me wrong sometimes the jealousy is cute but they haven’t met Brad, know nothing about him and just instantly get angry because a boy has sent me flowers.

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