High Moon High School

Chapter 7

Let me hold you, please

I begin to stir from my slumber and think back to the very strange dream I had.

Rach turning into a big coppery ginger wolf, yeah right I need to stop watching these werewolf and vampire films they’re amazing but clearly I’m losing my marbles. It felt so real. I sit up and look to the bedside table for a bottle of water, “sh*t” I curse and jump as I notice the two handsome guys sitting at my bedside asleep in chairs they have pulled over from the lounge area. What the hell are they doing here, wait, no, no this cannot, the dream, wolf, Rach. My brain is trying to figure out what on earth has happened, what’s real? What isn’t?

Surely it was just a dream.

Ajax begins to stir, he looks over to me and sits up smacking Aries to wake him, never taking his eyes off me as if I might run.

“What the fuck man?” Aries berates his brother as he comes round from his slumber. His eyes follow Ajax line of vision to me

“Oh, Hi baby... err Cierra.” He says in a soft sleepy voice.

I begin to back away as everything comes flooding back and I realise the events of my dream were my reality.

I start to back off the bed to the other side putting the bed between myself and the twins.

“Please, hear us out? Please? This will all make sense if you just let us tell you what is happening.” Aries says as though he’s talking to a scared child.

“Stay there, anything you need to explain can be done from there.”

I say still backing away putting as much distance between us as possible.

“Firstly, you need to know that we will not hurt you, yes we are werewolves but we’re not feral beasts. Forget everything you have seen and heard about our kind, that is not real.” He starts, I nod letting him know I want him to continue.

“Wolves have a hierarchy, the same goes for werewolves, we are the Alpha’s sons. Think of it as a king and queen of a werewolf family. The title of Alpha will be passed to us when it’s time. The Alpha and their..... wife let’s say who is called a pack Luna, look after the whole pack. So when we take over that will be our job. Following?” He questions, I nod my head again for him to continue. “Werewolves also have things called a ‘Mate’ it’s a person that is made especially for them and paired to them by the moon goddess herself.

Werewolves have a pull to their ‘Mate’ and know as soon as they are of age their mates scent, appearance, everything about them is like an addiction you just have to have it.” He looks at me and waits for me to nod for him to continue, I take a minute to take that all in saving up my questions until he’s finished explaining everything.

I nod for him to continue. But it’s Ajax that speaks next.

“That’s where you come in Cierra, you are our mate. Now we know that, we cannot stay away from you, everything about you draws us to you. We will protect you with our lives, if you just give us a chance? We can go as slow or fast as you want to. Just take a leap of faith and let us show you our world and what it would be like to have two mates. You are a very special human to be paired to not one but two Alpha’s. Which is normal for werewolves by the way. were identical twins it’s very rare for twins to have a mate each.” He finishes.

We’re all quiet for a minute while I process what they have both told me. Two soul mates?

" Wait, are you telling me that I would have two boyfriends?” I ask hoping I don’t sound foolish.

“Yes” Ajax replies. “That’s exactly what it’s like but if you accept us, which we really hope you will, we will be mated for life. Not just a boyfriend girlfriend thing, it’s much more and as you spend time with us the more the mate bond will draw you to us.

“Mated?” I cock my head and look at them blankly.

“Yes love,” Aries says, “Like humans have sex, we do too but we also mark you, and in time when you trust us we will talk more about that, for now can you just get to know us? We want to make you happy.” I nod in response. “And before you ask, no we don’t turn on a full moon. We are just stronger on a full moon. We can turn at will, no it doesn’t hurt only your first time hurts, yes we can make you a werewolf when the time is right and only if that is what you want. We do still have a lot to tell you but take time to process what we have told you for now. Do you notice you don’t feel scared knowing all this? Do you notice how your touch calmed us earlier?” I nod Yes, “That’s the mate bond pulling you to us. Your scent and presence calms us. You are also like a drug to us, now we have you in our lives nothing will ever compare

“Wait, will I have sex with both of you if I accept? You both kissed me?” I say now feeling anxious.

“Yes, you will baby, separate and at the same time.” My eyes go wide at that confession.

Ajax lets out a chuckle. ” Don’t worry baby, you’ll be fine, you are made for both of us.” He says in explanation.

“Now please come here and let me hold you for a while while you let all that sink in. I need you. Now and always, just please go with it, let us show you.” He practically pleads with me. I stay still for a minute and think about it. I nod my head once again but I don’t move, Ajax stands, comes around the bed to me and places a kiss on top of my head and inhales deeply. He puts his arms around my waist and lifts me carrying me back over to the chair he was sat in and position’s me on his lap straddling him. No sooner am I settled in his lap a pair of arms come around me and lift me, ajax let’s out a low growl and I find myself giggling at him. “I want to hold our mate too brother.” Aries says as he lays me on the bed and climbs in next to me and pulls me close my face buried in his chest. I feel Ajax come behind me and settle himself behind me also holding me close. They both seem to relax and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

We lay there silent and still for around an hour until my phone alerts me that I have a text. I wriggle free as the twins groan protest to my leaving them and sit up. I climb over Ajax and grab my phone and he sits himself on the side of the bed next to me.

Rach: everything OK in there?

Me : yes I think so, the twins have explained alot but apparently not everything, I have questions but just want to take in everything I have heard so far before I ask them.

Rach: how do you feel?

Me : honestly, confused I mean two boyfriends? And they’re that hot! Surely not. Not me.

Rach: we’re in the group chat Cici, and they’re reading your message!

Ajax: I’m not complaining

Aries : hot huh?

Me : shit! Why didn’t you lead with that!

Manda: better its out in the open once they mark you they will know how you feel anyway

Ajax: We haven’t discussed that far yet Manda!

Me: I’m not even going to ask, I would love the ground to swallow me up right now. I’m so embarrassed Ajax is sitting next to me and Aries is in my bed.

Ajax : see you all at lunch leave us alone with our mate

Aries: Titan all is forgiven man, we’re sorry. Now leave our mate alone, all of you.

Kay: Typical possessive Alpha’s lol see you all this afternoon.

With that I put my phone down and the twins do the same.

“So, hot huh?” Aries says as we walks round and stands in front of me, Oh yes hot is the bare minimum to describe these guys I think to myself. “Baby, close your mouth before you start drooling.” Ajax says with a small laugh.

I feel my face flush and I’m betting I’m about as red as a tomato right now.

“Can I kiss you?” Aries asks.

“Um, yes?” I reply

“You don’t so sure?” Aries says cooking his head at me

“I’m sure, yes you can.” I say more sure of myself this time

Aries leans down and picks me up my legs wrapping instinctively around his waist as he grips my thighs holding me up, I put my arms around his neck and he leans in to me Planting a soft kiss on my lips, he pulls away and studies my face, then leans back in and takes my mouth in the most sweet soft kiss I’ve ever felt, his tongue pokes at my mouth asking for entrance, I oblige happily and as he tastes every part of my mouth I lean in to him and a small contented moan leaves me. When he pulls away he places me back on the bed and steps away, his place is filled instantly with Ajax, he does the same but his kiss is a little rougher and I’m out of breath when he pulls away.


I walk down to the canteen with the twins either side of me, they tell me to go and sit with the group and it will be over soon.

Every female in the canteen is scowling at me as I walk by and as I get to the table I clearly look confused because Tiny, Ryan and Nic are trying their best to hold in their giggles. “Staking their claim I see.” Kay says looking happy.

" Hey Cici” Tiny says, “You OK now?”

“Yes, thankyou.” I reply then turn my attention to Kay, “what do you mean? Staking their claim?” I ask

" Well you walked over here alone and their scent is all over you, if they’d have walked with you we wouldn’t know it was on you because we would be able to smell all of you anyway but they’re over there and their scent is pretty damn strong on you.” She smiled.

Ryan clears his throat and looks at me “Cici, most of this school male population is wolves, they now know you belong to the twins without anyone having to actually point that out.” He offers in explanation.

The twins come up either side of me, one places a tray with a plate of sandwiches in front of me and they both take their seats at the same time they lean in and kiss me on the cheek and start eating their lunch.

How are they so cute right now and I’m annoyed that they’ve purposely claimed me for themselves and not even explained that to me.

But their simultaneous cheek kisses were just adorable, this is all alot and soon but I like the attention they give me. I have no idea how this will all work with three of us, I have a hard time keeping up with one boyfriend never mind two clingy Alpha’s.

But I’m willing to see how this goes

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