High Moon High School

Chapter 35

I win

Ajax comes running in clearly hearing the conversation between his mum and I from his office down the hall.

“Cierra please, I’m begging you. I cannot lose you and neither can Aries. Please Cierra let us love you and make you happy, I know things have been a lot since you found out about us but they’re going to get better baby.” Ajax pleads

“Ajax babe, I wouldn’t take that risk. I don’t even think I have it in me to reject Aries though I have every damn right might I add.”

Aries came rushing in right at that time, he was stealthy. I hadn’t heard him make his way to my office.

“My love, I’m so glad to hear that. I am so so very sorry beautiful, I would die if you rejected me, of that I am certain. I love you wholeheartedly. I will spend the rest of my life making up for this mistake if you’ll let me” Aries grovels.

I study Aries face, he seems sincere but how often is this shit going to happen throughout my life with him?

“Aries, I need some space away from you right now. I can hardly look at you. You purposely hurt my feelings, made me feel replaceable. Regardless of what I have done I don’t deserve that, scrap that regardless of what I ever do I deserve nothing but respect, love and adoration from you two because I changed my whole fuking life for you. It may not have been great, but I had never been threatened, scared for my life or had to compete for someone. Now, I have a lot of work to do to become Luna of YOUR PACK, something else I AM DOING for US to be together! So get out of my office.” I yell.

I’m pretty sure if I were anyone else speaking to Luna and two future Alpha’s like that I’d have had my tongue ripped out but I’m also pretty certain Jas understands and now the twins do too.

I hear them walking away from my office and let out a quiet sob. I can’t take this, I’m exhausted. I sit thinking for a while about nothing in particular. Finally I decide I need some sleep, I try to stand but I’ve been sitting in one position too long I can’t feel my legs, I laugh a little to myself and call out, “Aries.” Before I even think, damn why did I just shout him?

“Yes my love? Are you OK?” He says running in at wolf speed looking me over concerned.

“I’m fine, I’ve been sitting on my legs for too long... they’re numb and I want to go to bed, please.” I say a little embarrassed that I’m asking my mate that I have kicked out of my bed, to take me to my bed. Why was his name the first that came out? Why is it Aries I call if I need something macho or something fixing and Ajax for comfort?

“Want me to carry you my love?” He asks unsure.

“Yes, please.” I reply, those horrible tinglings shooting through my feet, pins and needles, exactly like the description.

Aries carries me to the bed and puts me down but doesn’t let go. Instead he curls up around me and spoons me. I feel his sadness through the bond and feel him shake slightly, he’s crying and Ersa is whimpering at me to comfort him but I leave him to cuddle me knowing that he is taking comfort from holding me. I can’t forgive him right now, what he did was take things too far and I’m not about to forgive and forget because he’s upset.

I slow my breathing and let my head clear while he holds me the sparks from the mate bond bringing me comfort despite feeling indifferent towards him right now.

I’m slightly shaken awake and as I open my eyes Ajax is standing over me. “Hey baby, you have training soon.” He says softly.

He leans down and pecks my nose. I realise Aroes hands aren’t around me and look around for him instinctively.

“He’s gone out.” Ajax says knowing quite well who I’m looking for. I shrug and wipe the sleep out of my eyes. I brush my teeth and change into my training clothes, I choose a slate grey crop and cycling shorts and tie my long curls up on top of my head after my fall out with Aries. I’m ready to take out my frustrations. I look forward to sparring for a change.

As I exit our room Titan is waiting for me to escort me to training ugh I forgot about the baby sitting. Once we enter the elevator Titan turns to me, ” I’m sorry if I caused you any trouble with the twins Cici.” He says sadly.

“No Titan it wasn’t anything to do with you it’s my pig headed mates and their issues not you.” I reply I don’t want him thinking he has caused anything, I value Titans friendship.

Titan leaves me at the doors to the gym and I walk in, I stop in my tracks, the gym is empty just one person standing there looking at me raking in my training outfit, devouring me with his sad yet lust filled eyes.

“Where is my training group?” I ask

“I’m right here love.” Aries replies.

“I need to train Aries not talk.” I snort

“We are going to train beautiful, I’m your sparring partner today.” Aries says in a calm voice.

“You want to spar with me? Great, I was going to take out my frustrations from your dickish behaviour on my sparring partner even better that it’s you.” I growl

Aries smirks at me as he stalks towards the mat, he makes a come on motion with his hands but I know better than to just lunge at an expecting opponent.

I circle Aries, he looks at me impressed he was obviously thinking I’d lunge straight into him, he makes a step towards me and I duck and swipe my legs round mid step. My leg takes his with it knocking them from underneath him, he falls to the mat with a thud but quickly recovers, he looks proud, surprised, but proud.

He steps towards me again and taps my arm, I block it but immediately feel infuriated. “Don’t go easy on me! I am a future Luna, I am strong I don’t need you to be easy on me or this training is pointless we can stop now and you can tell my usual sparring team to come in here.” I say pissed that he’s cleared out the hall to what? Play tag? I turn quickly, swinging my leg around and kicking him in the gut knocking the wind from him. “OK princess, let’s go if that’s what you need.” He says playfully. We go back and forth for around an hour, I never best him even though he isn’t sending full blown hits my way and he never once touches my face, instead he manages to catch most of my blows and restrain me Planting a kiss on my mark each time fuelling my anger towards him and arousing me at the same time. This time I throw a punch at his face anticipating him catching it and pulling me in to face him, I wrap my leg behind his and push him as I pull his legs out from under him and jump on top of him grabbing his hands and holding them above his head. I lean painfully close to his lips and dart my tongue out licking his swiftly teasing him the same way he has done to me. I feel him harden instantly from the contact. “Don’t start something you can’t finish little Luna.” He growls suggestively.

I look at him, my core moistened of its own accord, my traitorous body and wolf giving in to him so easily. I let go of his hands and jumped up. “I already finished it my crazy Alpha, I won and you’re hot and bothered... go take a cold shower i’ll see you tomorrow maybe.” I reply and saunter off. I hear his frustrated growl as I leave and meet Titan outside the training building to escort me back to the pack house.

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