High Moon High School

Chapter 36

I love you Alphas

I wake to a knock on the door and the door slowly opens bringing with it a waft of coffee and bacon. I look to my side and see Ajax naked wrapped around me tightly sleeping, it brings a smile to my face. I look towards the door and see Aries placing a tray down on it with bacon on toast and coffee for 3. I motion for him to be quiet and slide carefully out of Ajax hold.

I walk to the table naked and take a seat not bothering to cover up. The twins seldom sleep naked because they’re both in bed with me. They usually just wear loose fitting shorts or boxer shorts but Ajax opted to sleep naked last night with it just being him and me. Aries takes in my naked body and licks his lips.

Goddess I have never been jealous of my brother but right now I am. You look perfect love. He says over the mind link so as not to disturb Ajax from his sleep.

Thankyou for the breakfast, are we still headed back to school today as planned? I reply skipping over his advances even though I’d love to jump his bones right now.

Yes my love, do you think you can forgive me for being a jerk? I was stupid and reckless and I’m so sorry my actions hurt you so much. He pleads.

My Alpha, I could never not forgive you but I can’t promise to forget. You hurt me deeply, you were there when she disrespected and insulted me yet she is the one you run to as soon as you feel the need to get back at me. So in time I will forgive I’m sure, just not right now. I replied.

Can I have a kiss please? He asks, lips pouted, staring at me with puppy dog eyes.

Ersa screams at me to take our mate back and I get up and straddle his lap, he grins as I lean forward and plant a chaste kiss on his lips. He pushes his hands into my hair at the back of my head and pulls it back, I open my mouth to him and we’re locked in a passionate kiss the scent of my arousal filling the room. I hear Ajax groan as he wakes.

“Bring her here.” He demands and Aries picks me up never breaking contact until he turns me around and lays me on top of Ajax. In a second Aries has removed his clothes and is behind me as I lay flush with Ajax as our tongues massage each other, Aries slides a finger in from behind and rubs my juices around, he adds another finger and starts to pump stroking me in just the right place, Ajax reaches down one hand on my hip and one on my clit circling both of them building up the pressure in my core, building up the dam willing it to burst. They speed up their pace and I come undone the pleasure bursting through my body as I moan into Ajax mouth. Ajax lifts me, readying himself to enter me as Aries rubs my juices around the entrance to my tight back side. He moves for a moment and returns rubbing cold jelly on my behind and inserting a finger pushing in slowly, Ajax starts his slow rhythm in and out pulling me up and down his long hard shaft as Aries readies me for him. He slides in slowly once I’m ready and they both still for a minute, I let out a playful growl letting them know i’m ready for them to move. I feel so full, the pleasure radiating through my body as they move in turn, as Aries pulls out Ajax pushes in leaving me constantly full Ajax continues to kiss me passionately as Aries nips and licks my back sending little sparks through me only adding to the intensity, my moans encourage them to move faster and I’m building fast just ready to fall over the edge and reach my climax. A hand comes down on my arse hard and I unravel screaming their names, the twins continue to thrust racing to find their own release whilst drawing out my own orgasm. As I tighten around them milking them I feel them start to slow down emptying themselves inside of me. Aries pulls out and Ajax turns still inside me to lay me between them. He slowly pulls out and we all lay catching our breaths.

“I love you Cierra.”

“I love you baby.”

They both speak at the same time. I giggle at how in sync they are considering they only have their appearance and me in common.

“I love you Alpha’s.” I reply


I walk in to my first class with the twins and immediately all eyes are on us, girls usually swoon over them but it’s never really been so bad they are batting their eye lashes and pouting at them, flicking their hair round ugh goddess how did I end up with these two when all of these she wolves are so perfect looking. Even the very few human girls in the school want them. My Alpha’s are other worldly hot though, so who can blame them.

Ajax pulls me to a desk with two seats and one behind us and motions for Aries to take the one behind us, instead he lifts me out of the seat, sits down and pulls me into his lap. “Aries, we can not sit like this in class.” I hiss at him feeling embarrassed as everyone oohs and ahhs over us, they all clearly think it’s cute, I think it’s embarrassing and impractical.

“My love, don’t squirm so much.” He says, I still as I realise his rod is hard and poking in to me, he lets out a throaty laugh and Ajax joins him. “You’d better be good baby and do as you’re told or we will end up back in our rooms and skipping class... all day.” Ajax adds.

“Stop messing around, I’ve got good grades and I won’t let you two ruin them with your antics, go take the seats behind me both of you now.” Ugh keeping two boyfriends, mates, Alphas in check is hard work! They both grumble and pout as they get out of the seats, Aries places me back in the chair I roll my eyes at him and they take the seats behind me. They’re both playing with my hair. They can’t leave me alone for a second, I secretly love it though and Ersa doesn’t hide it as she purrs away in my head at all of the attention.

The rest of the day day goes along with most of the same, the twins and I had some treaty proposals to go over at lunch so we took it in my room while we all talked strategies, Rapid waters pack have finally finished merging with high moon and we are slowly becoming the largest pack around, the smaller packs joining with us to save themselves from the Rogue attacks we have three other small packs requesting mergers and two requesting a new treaty deal so we have a lot of work to do. We decide the rest of the paperwork can be done tomorrow during lunch break and sent over to Joseph and Jas who are leaving duties to us all at the minute but double checking them before decisions are made to make sure we can deal with pack affairs on our own when they retire in a few months.

We head down for food in the canteen Ajax one side holding my hand and Aries on my other side guiding me with his hand on the small of my back, I had worn a grey hoodie this morning feeling a little chilly but as the afternoon has warmed I’ve taken it off and tied it around my waist. Leaving me in my blue skater skirt with a white cami top tucked in, my knee high white socks obvs and white pumps. The twins are looking hot today in the same worn dark jeans Ajax has on a tight white tee and Aries a grey one, both of them clinging to their muscles, their wavy dark brown hair flopping in their faces and tousled from running their hands through it excessively while we worked.

I’m met with stares, glares and gasps as we walk through the canteen to the serving bar. I hear Ersa in my head.

Ugh why is everyone so surprised at your marks they all knew we were mates.

Oh is that why they’re staring? I was wondering why girls looked so butt hurt today, they were off the market as soon as they met their fated not just because we’re marked now. I say back to her.

We both roll our eyes and go back to picking lunch.

We head over to our friends and ranked members and tuck in to our food, discussing how things at the pack house have been. I tell the girls all about Aries being a dick as you do with your girlfriends, he growls at me and puts me in his lap again growling in my ear. “Careful little Luna or you won’t be on my knee, you’ll be over it.” His words send a delicious shiver through my core and I have to fight not to become aroused around everyone. Aries smiles triumphantly and sets me back in my seat. Ajax smiles at me and leans in to give me a kiss.

“Cici you’ve got these big bad ruthless Alpha’s wrapped around your finger!” Cain says.

“Yeh who’d have thought they could ever be tamed?” Tasha chimed in.

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