High Moon High School

Chapter 34

Loose both

I walk outside, not stupid enough to leave the safety of the grounds after last time and not cruel enough to run from Ajax for Aries mistake. I have learned to treat them as separate people not one, let’s face it Aries fucks up alot more often than Ajax and it wouldn’t be fair if Ajax was held at arms length by us both each time we had a dispute, this though.. This pushed it one step further.

I’m aware of Ajax and Titan walking slowly a little behind me giving me space, I block them out because I really need to think, which is hard enough to do whilst Ersa is nagging at me about threatening to reject one of our mates. I wasn’t lying in that very moment, feeling the sickness and disrespect of seeing Aries taunting me with another woman I never wanted to set eyes on him again.

I walk the whole perimeter of the pack house so I’ve been walking for around forty-five minutes. Ajax jogs up to my side and takes my hand in his, “Is it OK for me to walk with you now baby?” He asks.

“Of course my Alpha.” I reply leaving a kiss on his lips.

“Did you really threaten to reject Aries?” He asks quieter now.

“Yes, I have. He clearly didn’t want me to do it in public so I’ll do it when we head back and see him.” I say confidently, Ersa growls at me and Ajax looks saddened.

“As much as I would love you all to myself, it would break my brother’s heart... maybe even kill him if you rejected him. He was reckless Cierra but that doesn’t mean he loves you any less, he would do anything for you. You know as well as anyone what his mood swings are like, please give him a chance to explain first. You are both marked and in love, you may not die because you have me but Aries could, and he is an arse hole but I wouldn’t want to live without him.” He says. He stops me from my walk tugging on my arm and pulls me in to him, his arms wrapping around my middle, I hold him back and we stay like that for a few minutes in comfortable silence using each other’s touch to calm our emotions.

“I don’t want him in our room, I don’t want to see him if I don’t need to.” I say, Ajax nods to me and I know he’s linking Aries.

“He will give you your space, but not for long and for what it’s worth, he’s sorry.” He replies.

We head back in through the main entrance, Meg stands there looking as gorgeous as ever. I roll my eyes and there’s no way she missed it. “Luna, Alpha Ajax, could I possibly have a word please?”

She asks politely, her voice letting her nerves slip through.

“Sure.” I reply in a bored tome, nothing good can come of this.

“Luna, I’m sorry. I saw Alpha Aries this morning heading down and I looked away as he passed but he said hi to me so I replied and we got to talking. Only about school though, nothing about the past. I didn’t know he was angry and looking to annoy you, when I figured out that he wasn’t just being friendly I was pissed too. I thought we were two friends having a conversation but no, I was being used. But what I’m trying to say is... he wasn’t trying anything on, he loves you so much Luna, he just makes bad decisions sometimes.” She says genuinely.

So he thought he would just have an animated friendly talk with an ex, with the intention of it making me jealous, to get back at me for this morning with no actual intention of making a move on her at all. Well at least I know he wasn’t trying anything with her it just looked that way but still he purposely tried to hurt my feelings.

Ajax and I head to our floor. I have studying to do my meeting with the council is coming up fast and tomorrow we head back to school and we will have to throw ourselves into completing every task to make sure we graduate on time.

Jas is so looking forward to Joseph retiring, she can’t wait to have him all to herself until the grandkids arrive so she says. I’m not too keen on the idea of having kids though, especially not right now.

I head to my office kissing Ajax as I enter and he continues to his.

I hear high heels clacking the floor echoing around the corridor as they get closer. “Cierra darling, what did he do? Why are you rejecting Aries?” Jas says as she rushes to my desk to sit in the chair facing me. She takes my hands in hers, I explain everything from me wearing my pyjamas to threatening to reject Aries. “Cierra I know they are possessive and needy and stubborn but they love you. I can’t imagine how overwhelmed you must always feel it’s hard enough keeping up with one mate never mind two and I love you even more because you can handle my boys but please don’t let his utter childishness ruin you all.” She pleads. “He is a typical male, doesn’t think before he takes action, but Cierra please, please don’t break his heart.” A tear leaves her eye and I feel myself becoming angered. “Luna, Jas, he broke my heart, he broke my trust, he made me doubt myself because as soon as a misunderstanding happened he ran to someone he has already hooked up with, someone that disrespected me the first day in this pack house and he didn’t communicate with me.” I yell at her, how dare she ask me not to break his heart when he practically shattered mine.

“Cierra, I know he hurt you but I have never known twins that share a mate, for one of them to be rejected could lead to the bond being broken for all of you. They are one soul Cierra.” She pleads with me. Her new found guilt trip leaves a lump in my throat, if I reject one I could lose both.

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