High Moon High School

Chapter 33

Revenge is best served rejected

I wake in my bed at the pack house, alone. The twins are back to their training regime early in the morning now and I miss waking up tangled in them and cosy. I am thankfully healthy and happy again though and looking forward to getting back to school with the heightened security in place. I’m a little disappointed to be changing some classes to fit with me not being away from my mates but they have also made some sacrifices for my safety and I can always retake the classes if I want to in the future.

Argon hasn’t been seen or heard from for a couple of weeks now and for that I am scared but so grateful, though the worry that he will most likely try again is still there and the disturbing images of that day have stayed with me popping up every now and again in the form of nightmares.

We only have a few months of our last year of High school left and honestly, the whole experience has been hectic and somewhat traumatic.

Titan has been assigned as my guard when the twins are away so I know he will be waiting dutifully right outside my door until they return. The rest of the group have gone back to school so they don’t fall behind, we’re all working really hard to keep up so we can graduate on time and take over the pack in our respective positions. My meeting with the council is creeping closer but I’m pretty sure I’ve got this. With the help of Jas, Rach and Joseph I have aced Luna training and combat training, now that the Alpha’s and I are completely bonded I’m stronger and faster than most she wolves, although I still have to work for it I can beat Rach’s arse and sometimes even Tiny! The first time I took him down I was so shocked, I screamed out in excitement I could take down most threats if I can take down Tiny. Aries and Ajax still refuse to Spar with me unless it’s in bed... naked, saying they don’t want to hurt me even if it is just training. One day I’ll get them to do it and I’ll try my best to kick their arses too and prove I’m not still a fragile little human they still can’t stand to watch me spar with the others.

I get up, open the door and head to the kitchen with Titan on my heels.

“Morning Titan.” I greet him, “Let’s go to the kitchen and get some coffee.”

“Oh yeah let’s, I’m so tired!” He replies.

“What time did they leave this morning?” I ask

“Uh well I came up at 4.30 so probably around 5am.” He tells me

“Huh, they’ll be back soon enough then, I’ll have my coffee here with you then go get ready they should be back then.” I say more to myself than directly to Titan.

The coffee machine has made a pot right on time, well I do actually set the timer so it’s not entirely surprising. I make two mugs and hand one to Titan. We take our seats at the little table. It’s really warm today so I didn’t bother putting on my house coat, my silk shorts ride up as I sit down and I welcome the cold plastic feel on my skin.

“I can’t believe how hot it is already” I say out loud

Titan takes a sip of his coffee and grumbles in response.

“Oh Titan, man of many words.” I say and burst into laughter, the guy is really not a conversationalist. He starts to laugh himself and we both end up in a full belly laugh, the twins choose that time to walk into the kitchen. Titan stops laughing in a split second though his face still shows slight amusement at my sarcastic comment. Ajax walks to me as Aries shouts good morning to us both, Titan and I reply with our own chorus of good morning as Ajax gets to my side, his smile slips as he takes in my silk strappy pyjama tank and little shorts.

I’m not even going to speak because Aries is going to blow a gasket when he sees what you have on, in front of Titan an unmated male and you have no bra on! He chastises through mind link. He kisses me on the cheek and heads over to the coffee machine to get his own mug.

Aries walks over to the table, face in his phone no doubt catching up on emails. He leans down and plants a kiss on my cheek as he sits down still not taking a proper look at me. He slides his hand under the table and places his hand on top of my shorts, he looks up from his phone and straight into my eyes as he feels my shorts and realises I have my skimpy, silk pyjamas on. A low warning growl leaves him and Titan stands bowing his head in submission at his future Alpha.

“Titan, take your leave man, all is good here.” Ajax tells Titan as he stands leaning against the counter one foot crossed over the other a slightly annoyed look on his face. He does look sexy though his workout shorts, no tee covered in beads of sweat. The Alpha’s always come to get a coffee after training and then head for the shower before we go our separate ways again for our different training.

Aries hasn’t looked away from me since his growl, I know why he’s annoyed though I still don’t see a problem. Titan is a friend and I’m in my own kitchen not like I’ve headed to the pack kitchen dressed like this.

He looks back to his phone, not a word spoken between us as we finish our coffee.

Baby, did you break him? Ajax snickers in my head. I giggle a little, Aries eyes snap up at me, his glare fixed on me giving me goosebumps all over my body. He looks back to his phone once again. I look at Ajax in question and he just shrugs a little smile on his face.

I get up from the table and make my way over to Ajax standing in front of him, I pout and give him my best puppy dog eyes. He places his cup on the marble worktop and pulls me into him my head resting against his chest.

“I’m annoyed with you baby.” He starts, “You know why right?” I nod my head slightly “I’m sorry Alpha I didn’t think, I just got out of bed and came for coffee. It’s hot so I didn’t need my house coat.” I reply

“Don’t do it again or I’ll have to pull Titans eyes out, he’s lucky he kept his tongue when we first met.” Ajax says, his voice taking on a little rougher tone now.

I can feel his and Arie’s anger start to bubble up as they both recall the first time we met, Titan had kissed me and we had cuddled and shared a bed. Titan had no idea I was the twins fated and I didn’t even know werewolves and soul mates existed so it was no fault of our own.

I look up at Ajax’s face, he looks back at me and his features soften. I tiptoe as he leans down to meet me to plant a kiss on my lips, we fall into a deep passionate kiss, he grabs my thighs picking me up as my legs instinctively wrap around his waist, my arms locked around his neck as I melt into him. I pull away from the kiss, take a breath filling my lungs with air and plant another little kiss to his lips. Ajax places me back on the floor as Aries walks past us out of the kitchen, he still doesn’t speak. We carry out our usual routine jumping in the shower and washing ourselves, Ajax hands roam my smooth naked body but Aries keeps his hands to himself washing quickly and jumping back out of the shower leaving Ajax and I alone. I feel a hint of annoyance at Aries but continue to enjoy my shower getting hotter and steamier as it goes on, Ajax hands exploring me, and I doing the same to him.

When we’re finished what ends up to be a very happy, hot, slippery shower Ajax helps me clean up washing between my legs.

I had forgotten about Aries’ shitty mood until I saw him sitting on the bed waiting for us with a scowl still on his face. I walk towards him in my towel but he stands and walks to the door. “I’ll wait in the canteen, we can go show our faces at breakfast today.” He says and leaves.

I look at Ajax, he shrugs his shoulders at me. “He’s such a grumpy arse, you’ve pissed him off without even trying this time baby.” Ajax laughs as he finishes his sentence. I take off my towel, roll it into a ball and throw it at him. He throws himself on the bed dramatically and laughs.

We head down to the canteen hand in hand to meet Aries, the sight before me makes my stomach turn. There in my seat next to my mate sits his little slut.. Meg, the girl from the party who I had made scurry away as a mere human. I am a future Luna and mated to two Alpha’s, silly girl does not want to fuck with me now.

I drop Ajax’s hand and walk over to the table. Aries doesn’t even look up at me, he continues his conversation with Meg. Uh, rude! Ersa growls in my head, no I get it he thinks he’s getting back at me, me wearing my own pyjamas in my own kitchen is the same as him cosying up to an ex fling in his mind clearly. I sit at the opposite side of the table in Cains usual seat as Ajax looks at me and back at Aries, Ajax is so laid back he doesn’t even get what’s going on. He shrugs his shoulders and takes a seat next to me, I place a kiss on his cheek. I see Meg sneaking a worried look at me, she knows I’m far too quiet to not be pissed, the girl at least has some brain cells, she stands to leave but Aries puts a hand on hers keeping her seated. I feel a growl emanating from my chest but I refuse to let me or Ersa show the jealousy threatening to spill out right now. I know for sure Ajax will be trying to link Aries to tell him to stop being so stupid, if he thinks playing with our bond and feelings is acceptable, leave him be.

So, should I reject you now or in private? She obviously did make a good impression. I say to Aries over the mind link once I have finished eating my egg muffin. He turns his full attention to me and growls ferociously.

Cierra, don’t you dare! He says back silently.

No, Aries, if you want her don’t let me stop you, she must have been on your mind, you wanting to get back to her as soon as I do the smallest thing wrong. Like uh.. WEARING MY PYJAMAS IN MY KITCHEN! Not chatting up an ex, not stripping for someone, sitting with a FRIEND drinking coffee. His face drops as he realises how far wrong he has gone with his revenge but he’s a stubborn ass.

Cierra, you must have known I wouldn’t be happy.

No Aries, because I didn’t wake up and think today I’ll flirt with Titan and make Aries jealous, I thought you know what, I’ll get up and have a coffee with our friend because he’s probably been standing there for hours. I retort

So again, I’ll give you the choice... would you like me to reject you now or in private?

He growls again and our silent argument has a lot of the pack watching us wearily.

Ajax has his arm around my waist, I focus on the tingles to keep me from crumbling. His touch gives me strength. I won’t live my life tit for tat, I won’t be made a fool of by someone that claims to love me and I will not stand for the disrespect right under the watchful eyes of my future pack members.

“You are mine for life Cierra, you wear my mark on your neck!” He says, firmly but his sadness and regretful feelings flood through my body, the mate bond giving away his real feelings, allowing me to feel the truth.

Don’t worry Aries, I will still have Ajax. I say and turn and walk away needing to get out, away from him, the sight of him and Meg. I cannot believe he thought that was OK, that flaunting the fact women fall all over him was acceptable

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