High Moon High School

Chapter 31

Come out little Luna

An hour passes, I have locked myself in the wardrobe in the twins room. The hour has felt like so much longer. I can hear my heart beating through my chest as fear grips me, Argon clearly has a plan for me if he would go through these lengths for a wolf with two future Alpha mates. So many scenarios run through my head. I have been linking Ajax and Aries the whole time but it does nothing to rid me of the fear of the ‘what if’ thoughts floating around my mind. Ersa has been whimpering in the back of my mind the whole time pining for our mates. They’re running here in wolf form while the others take the cars and bring warriors for back up. The twins should be reaching me shortly; they have finally reached the border of the forest surrounding the school.

As I start to calm myself knowing the Alpha’s have reached me I start to hear muffled voices, they are coming from my room. How have they made it into my room? I start to panic again, bile rising in my throat.

She’s been here.

I know I can smell her, follow it and find the bitch.

The Alpha will be pleased to pup her before she’s marked.

They don’t know we’re marked, he’s hoping for a virgin bride to pup, why me?

Ersa is growling in my head fighting to take control, she wants to kill them, the thought of another man touching us makes her more and more intent on making the kill.

“The scent disappears at this door it’s a shared bathroom.”

“Try the lock dumb ass.”

Their voices continue to bicker as they try desperately to find me. I link my Alpha’s, they’re just reaching the front of the school telling me to stay put and stay quiet, I hear the bathroom door fly open with a bang.

We know your here little Luna, no big bad Alpha’s to protect you now

You might as well show yourself pretty Luna, the Alpha can’t wait to get his hands on you.

The voices grow clearer as they get closer to discovering my hiding place. My body shakes with fear as I try to control my emotions and Ersa so as to stay hidden long enough for my mates to find me.

The wardrobe doors swing open so fast I nearly missed it, and a tall, easily six foot muscular form with black greasy hair comes strolling into the closet.

“Oh hello little Luna, the boss was right you are a pretty one. Richie, she is in here” he says to his accomplice

Another man around the same height wearing a black vest and joggers appeared in the doorway, he has a nasty aura about him. Covered in tribal looking tattoos. I shrink as far as I can in the corner as they walk slowly towards me. A sob escapes my lips and as I close my eyes I finally give in to Ersa and allow her to take over. In an instant my wolf, the other half of my soul is standing at full height teeth bared as the men take in my wolf form Ersa’s light grey hackles up along her back warning the men to back off. In the blink of an eye Ersa jumps to the first man and tears right in to his throat a deep pained groan escaping his lips. As the man he referred to as Richie shifts a huge familiar wolf appears jumping on his back aiming right for his neck latching on and swinging his head snapping the wolfs neck and taking with him a chunk of skin and fur, blood covers the walls I can smell the first man’s blood dripping from Ersa’s face and pouring from his neck. Arcane, Ersa links as the bodies lay now in a pool of their own blood on the floor, lifeless. She runs to Arcane rubbing her bloodied face along his as we both start to shift back. I’m pulled in to a bone crushing hug as both of the twins embrace me. Though they’re here my body still shakes as I start to uncontrollably sob in to Aries shoulder. I feel Aries grip loosen and I hold him tighter not allowing him to let me go, needing the closeness from both of them their scents drowning out the smell of the blood. Aries lifts me in to his arms and carries me through their room, the bathroom and places me down softly on the bed. Ajax and Aries placing themselves either side of me wrapping their bodies around me. The sobs continue until I’m pulled in to an exhausted slumber.

I wake from my slumber to the heated voices of my mates. I keep my eyes closed and my breathing slow so as not to alert them that I’m awake and concentrate on their voices.

Aries: she tore out his throat, she is capable of protecting herself in the moment.

Ajax: I will not put her in front of the council in this state, I will have Argons head on a slate for this, cowardly bastard.

Aries: Men have been sent to detain him, council warriors and none of his pack can tell us where he has fled to.

Ajax: She does not leave our side until this situation is dealt with. I don’t care how much she fights us on this.

Aries: I agree brother.

Ajax: Well at least we agree on something.

They both huff. I slowly open my eyes and sit up. Ersa is not answering me, I feel lonely in my body as if she has left me. Her attack on Argons goon must have exhausted her as much as it did me. The twins are at my side in an instant, as soon as I meet their eyes the sobs start again. I cry for the stupidity of leaving the pack house, I cry for what could have happened had my mates not arrived on time, I cry for the scene that unfolded before my eyes, the image of the motionless bodies bloodied on the floor. Ajax and Aries try everything to calm me but I can’t find the words to say to them.

We sit cuddled up until night time falls, my eyes raw from crying never ending tears.

The twins drift off holding me but sleep doesn’t take me again.

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