High Moon High School

Chapter 30


Rach and I pull up in front of the pack house in my little Fifi.

Titan stands waiting for us at the front door with a stern look on his face. We climb out of the car and hand our bags over to the two Omegas that hurry over to meet us. I’m not sure what’s eating his arse but damn I’ve never seen him look so grumpy and that is saying something considering his face is usually blank.

He casually strolls over to meet us,

“Beta, you are to go to the conference room, Luna the Alpha’s will meet you in Alpha Ajax office when they have finished the meeting.” He says

“Uh, am I not supposed to be present at the meeting? It is about the rogues, isn’t it? And lead on Argon so I should be present.” I reply, pissed now to be getting left out of important business.

“That is Alpha Aries’ request and the other Alpha’s agree with him. You are to head straight up to Ajax office from here.” He snaps.

“Woah Titan, what the hell is with the formalities and the attitude? Head straight there, am I a child? Sounds like your trying to ground me, tell Alpha Ajax and Alpha Aries I said fuck off, I will not be kept in the dark when it concerns my safety. I understand we need to talk about what happened today but if they want to let that get in the way of other more pressing issues they can shove it.” I say as I climb back into my car and slam the door. Titan reaches for the car door but I lock it and start up the engine wheels spinning as I take off fast. I’m not sure where I’m headed but back to that pack house is not an option, I know there’s a lunatic Alpha after me and right now I don’t particularly care. What I do care about is being treated as though mine and the pack’s safety is not my concern. I know I’ll have to answer to Alpha Joseph and his Luna Jas but I can’t even think about that right now, I didn’t kiss anyone Brad kissed me therefore I did nothing wrong. What they have done is managed to push me away once more and I do wonder sometimes how my life went from 0-60 in a matter of months. Ersa is screaming at me to forgive them and go back and fall into their arms, but give in I absolutely will not.

After driving for a few hours I find myself pulling up at the school, as I enter through the front entrance the wind blows in behind me bringing an awful smell with it like rotten bins. My eyes widen at the realisation of what that smell belongs to and I hurry into the main entrance. Students bustle about bringing back their belongings from their long trips home, the lobby is pretty busy. The smell seems to have faded telling me the Rogue has not entered the school but is on the grounds, and very aware that I am here. I run towards the lift to head to my room, it is occupied and the doors are still open so I jump straight in. I can tell these guys here are wolves and they will know I am their future Luna. I feel a little more protected now. I should never have left the safety of the pack house, especially not alone. (Nope you shouldn’t be an idiot!) Ersa scolds I can feel her pacing in my mind. The elevator doors ping open on my floor and I jump out running to my room, card ready in my hand I let myself in and immediately lock the door behind me I quickly sniff around the room to make sure I am in fact alone. I lock the door in the bathroom that links mine and the twins room and pick up a very faint scent, one I’m not familiar with. I look around the room and realise it has been cleaned, it doesn’t smell Rogue like so no doubt it was a housekeeper cleaning while I’ve been away. I throw myself on my huge comfy bed suddenly feeling very alone and guilty, pile slightly scared on top of that, a dash of anxiety and there we have a cocktail of emotions big enough to make me start sobbing into my pillow.

I sob until my eyes dry out, the roller coaster of emotions racking through my body everything from the moment I met the twins playing through my mind. I wonder to myself if we will ever have any luck, I remind myself that I am strong and I can handle all of this, showing the pack and council what I am made of, becoming Luna, dealing with Argon I can do it all. Ersa perks up at my pep talk and spurs me on in my head

Yes we can do all of that and more Cierra us and our mates, the six of us together can be unstoppable, unmatched but first we need to bring them back to us.

A loud knock on my door brings me back to reality, I freeze on the spot so much that Ersa takes over, we shift and I’m thankful that my suite is so big or the place would be trashed. We wait quietly in anticipation, I’m still getting used to taking a back seat to Ersa. It’s like watching something unfold and my actions not having any effect but I can see and feel it all.

A few minutes goes by and the loud knock sounds again, no voices, surely if it were the twins they would have shouted me to let me know they’re here. I hear someone shuffling around outside the room and the door handle being tried to mine and Ersa’s relief I had locked all the doors when we came in so that the twins or anyone else could get to us without our say so.

I hear pacing in the corridor then someone talking Ersa silently steps closer to the door.

“She must be in there, the kid said this is her room.”

“I heard the kid dumb arse but just because the Rogue saw her come in here doesn’t mean she came to her room.”

“Listen we have TODAY to do this Toby while all the stupid parents and shit are about any other day we will look out of place.”

“I know that stupid, I dont know why the rogues didn’t just follow her.”

“Because no one would have spoken to him, he’s a Rogue! They wouldn’t give up their Luna to a Rogue.”

“Yeh true, let’s go and check around the place.”

Oh shit, it is people after me. As Ersa and I listen to the footprints get further away from the door she gives me back control and I let out a breath. I pull myself together, grab my phone and run to the bathroom, locking the door behind me, I take out the twins’ deodorants and spray them in the bathroom a little, unlocking their bedroom door I go in making sure I’m alone. Once I’m sure I’m alone I pull out my phone and send off a text to the group

Me: SOS rogues and others at school looking for me, tried room doors and went to check the rest of school.

Aries: where are you?

Me: school, your room

Rach: we’re on the way, stay hidden, mask your scent best you can.

Ajax: stay put baby we’re on the way.

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